Marine Archaeological Finds - Alternative View

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Marine Archaeological Finds - Alternative View
Marine Archaeological Finds - Alternative View

Video: Marine Archaeological Finds - Alternative View

Video: Marine Archaeological Finds - Alternative View
Video: The Antikythera Mechanism: A Shocking Discovery from Ancient Greece. 2024, July

This information will be of interest primarily to those who are engaged in archeology and treasure hunting. It turns out that truly unique finds can be made where gas and oil pipelines will soon lay, and in a couple of decades these finds will be worth their weight in gold. After all, the pipes will bury under themselves those cultural layers in which all sorts of "trifles" are now found, and access to them will cease forever. So every bone crest found here will inevitably turn into a priceless rarity over time.

Thank you Russia, thank you Moscow

All this is well understood in Germany, where - from Lubmin to Dargun and Gustrow, from Schwerin and Boitzenburg to Reden - young guys in "NATO" camouflage and respectable guys in expensive uniforms of civil servants are looking for ancient treasures, artifacts, and settlements. Today, the length of such excavations is 910 kilometers in length and 10 thousand years in the depths of the centuries.

This massive, unprecedented in the history of Germany archaeological fever - be it "white" or "black" - is easy to explain. "Thank you Russia, thank you Moscow!" - say the local Indiana Jones. After all, the hour is not far off when two branches of the Russian Nord Stream gas pipeline - Opal (470 kilometers) and Nel (410 kilometers) - will forever change the underwater and surface landscapes of northern and eastern Germany, burying the historical rarities that the German land is rich. And it means that it is time to bring all the local treasures into the light of day for the benefit of present and future generations. Or, in extreme cases, for the good of oneself.

National characteristics of the German treasure hunt

As for the official research, everything is clear here. Hundreds of professional divers and "treasure hunters on a volunteer basis" (they are registered with the Department of Culture and Preservation of Historical Monuments of the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) received substantial funding from one of the "heroes of the occasion". The company Wingas (Cologne) has allocated several million (!) Euros for both the "opal" and the "awkward", as state people who are involved in excavations and in underwater searches for historical values along the "Opal" and "Nel" branches call themselves.

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But with "folk enthusiasts" who are greedy for a golden (silver, iron and even stone) calf, everything is not so simple. While amateur treasure hunters dig the ground where the pipes will be laid, law-abiding citizens are surprised at their “adventurous attempts”: “How can you do this without permission, without knowing the laws of a particular federal land? After all, even if they find something, then at least they will have to give everything! " However, the excitement of such "black pathfinders" as our former compatriot Anton D., "a search engine with a quarter-century of experience," is understandable. Now, at the moment when the reader is holding a fresh issue of "Secrets of the XX century", the "opalists" alone have made 35 thousand archaeological finds, about a third of which simply have no value.

“So far, of course, our sorrowful labors are incomparable with the success of official search engines,” Anton tells the “Tyne” correspondent. - We found some interesting coins of 300-400 years ago, several well-preserved ancient swords, including the hallmarks of a bladed master from Toledo. However, the work of "black archaeologists" in Germany is not as profitable as in Russia. Indeed, the trade in found rarities can be answered by law. Therefore, we interrupt by pushing the found antiquities at an electronic auction. However, on this path, the competition is so great, and the security services, both government and the "virtual trading platform", are so vigilant that we are walking on the edge of … this very ancient Toledo sword."

“I don’t understand such adventurers at all! - comments on Anton's revelations his German colleague Klaus Ostermann, who counts his search engine experience for three decades. - After all, it is much easier to buy a license to excavate a site in a promising place, already previously developed by professionals. For 30, 50,100 euros, where the treasures have been explored, you can even find a devil in a mortar! And break the law without danger. If you are legally savvy and do without handicraft, looking for treasures in Germany is like catching fish!"

Ancient temple of an unknown cult

Andreas Zelent, project manager at the aforementioned Office of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, has eyes shining when he talks about what has recently become “the property of the entire German people”:

“These are unique things! And we manage to save them! And yet there is still time to look …”.

However, one can argue about the "historical heritage of the German people". After all, the places where the pipes of Gazprom will soon be laid are primordially Russian, more precisely, Slavic land. Nowadays, in the ancient Slavic settlement of Sassen, a unique iron primer has been found, evidence of close contacts between the Germans and the Celts, who used such textbooks. And it is absolutely possible that the ancient iron primer dating back to the first century is purely ours, a domestic invention, and processed in such a high-tech way that even the notches of letters, apparently filled with enamel, have been well preserved to this day.

Well, let the experts argue about the primacy of the Slavs and Celts in the creation of the first textbooks of this kind. But here's another, even more sensational fact. In the same Sassena, a mysterious building was found the other day, about which even the seasoned Zelent says that he has never seen anything like it. A building with an unprecedented architecture and unclear purpose, which cannot be attributed to the wandering Celtic "guest workers".

It is probably worth noting such a phenomenon: nowadays, near the ruins of a mysterious structure, there is a real pandemonium … of modern German psychics, clairvoyants and magicians. What attracts them here? According to one of the occultists Eric Mench, who prefers to be called the Star Brother, “only an initiate can understand that on the site of the ancient Slavic settlement they found a temple of some mysterious and mysterious cult lost in the centuries. Moreover, the cult is unusually strong, because you still feel powerful energy flows here. True, this energy cannot be called "white"."

The first convertible "ruble" … over a thousand years

Right there, in Eastern Pomerania, in the town of Tsarnekov, 100 of the oldest furnaces for processing iron ore were dug. In the opinion of local historians, such a find certainly testifies to the fact that "ferrous metallurgy is the original occupation of the inhabitants of Western Pomerania." And what if not the Teutonic, but the Slavic hand was attached to the creation of these miraculous smelters?

One more argument in favor of the above. In the same primordially Slavic, and now German lands, modern Schliemann recently found an elegant silver bracelet made by Volga craftsmen who lived on the banks of the great river in the 800-900s. It is noteworthy that the bracelet can be considered … the first Russian convertible "ruble". Indeed, in ancient times in Pomerania, both coins and jewelry were used as a means of payment. And the Germans, who were famous for their iron logic at that time, simply established the "exchange rate": it did not matter what was in front of their eyes - tugrik, tenge, necklace or some kind of "great-great-great-mark" - only the true content of silver in the "currency" mattered.

Echoes of the past war

This concerns the finds made in the lands on which Gazprom's pipes will soon be laid. But there are also Baltic waters, where the pipeline will also stretch, - official treasure hunting is carried out in them using side-scan sonars (this technique, also called side-scan-sonar, reflects the seabed and transfers its image to monitors installed in scientific centers research vessels). Here, too, is full of evidence of the joint history of Germans and Russians.

Already the very first studies in the Baltic have proved that this sea is the richest in the world for shipwrecks. After all, just off the coast of the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, more than two thousand ships found their last berth. Of these, we will mention, for example, two victims of the famous Russian submariner, Alexander Marinesko, whom the Fuhrer himself considered "personal enemy No. 1". Now search teams are examining the wreckage of the German liner "Wilhelm Gustloff", sunk by our submarine ace at the very end of the war.

In addition, the search engines enter into the documents a description of the remains of the hospital ship "General Steuben", also torpedoed by the submarine Marinesko, who was convinced that in front of him was a battle cruiser, and not a passenger ship.

Be that as it may, but the images arriving on the screens of floating laboratories in real time, make you think about a lot. And about the ability of modern Germans to appreciate their own past. And about the frailty of life. And that Nord Stream symbolically closes the black page of our common history with Germany.

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №4