Secrets Of The Centuries: The Most Mysterious Events In History - Alternative View

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Secrets Of The Centuries: The Most Mysterious Events In History - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Centuries: The Most Mysterious Events In History - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Centuries: The Most Mysterious Events In History - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Centuries: The Most Mysterious Events In History - Alternative View
Video: 100 Unsolved Mysteries That Cannot Be Explained | Compilation 2024, October

In terms of paranormal phenomena and urban legends, Kuzbass is not exactly ahead of the rest of the planet, but certainly not an outsider. We have been looking for the Yeti all over the region for several years and, the Almighty sees, sooner or later we will find something like that - public interest needs to be fueled.

However, not all unexplained phenomena and incidents are a way to attract attention and lure tourists. So many strange and incomprehensible things have happened in the world only in the last couple of centuries that many enthusiasts are still struggling to solve these terrible secrets.

The correspondents of Gazeta Kemerova have compiled for you a small list of mysterious and frightening incidents, which no one has been able to explain until now. In the first part of our material, we talk about the most famous of them.

Tunguska meteorite

The Tunguska meteorite is the most common, but not entirely correct definition of what happened. It would even be more correct to simply ask the question: is it a meteorite? Or rather: what was it all about?

In the history of the Tunguska phenomenon, there are still more assumptions than truths. Some hypothetical body, probably of a cometary origin, which may have fallen in the area of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River and, most likely, caused an explosion in the air that demolished everything in its path.


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The explosion was really powerful - about 40-50 megatons, which led to the fall of trees on the territory of 2000 kilometers. And great luck that something fell when it fell. Had a fall happened four to five hours later, Vyborg and part of St. Petersburg would have completely disappeared from the map of the planet.

Interestingly, the crater from the body's fall was never found, which further exacerbates attempts to establish the details of what happened. Hundreds of scientists and researchers put forward their hypotheses about the origin of the Tunguska phenomenon - from religious to cometary, but none of them fully explains what happened.

The last attempt to find fragments of a meteorite was made by Italian scientists in 2012, they even drilled a lake, which they considered a crater, but in the end they did not achieve anything, and their hypothesis was refuted.

Taman Shud case

The most mysterious story of the XX century, associated with the death of a person. This status is given to it by the fact that nothing is known about the found deceased, except for the date of death, although the corpse is well preserved, and the case received a wide public response.


So, on December 1, 1948, at Somerton Beach in Adelaide, Australia, the corpse of an unknown man of 40–45 years old was found. He was well dressed: suit, tie and white shirt. All labels on his clothes were cut off and no signs of physical abuse were found on his body.

The man had an unused train ticket, a used bus ticket to a stop located a kilometer from the location of the corpse, gum, matches, and a pack of Army Club cigarettes, which, however, contained Kensitas cigarettes.

The pathologist who performed the autopsy did not find any strange substances in the body of the deceased, but expressed the belief that he died an unnatural death and, most likely, he was poisoned. Police circulated photos and fingerprints of the deceased around the world, but to no avail.

However, in 1949, the case took a new turn when a suspicious suitcase was found at the Adelaide railway station, which was turned over to the locker on November 30, 1948 - the day before the body was found. The suitcase contained clothes with cut tags, some things, as well as threads that were not sold in Australia. But neither this information nor the dry-cleaning marks on the clothes led to anything either. It was only established that the deceased for some reason missed the train, then handed the suitcase to the storage room and went by bus to the place where he died soon after.

A more careful examination of the body of the deceased led to the fact that in a secret pocket of his trousers they found a piece of paper with the inscription "Tamam Shud" (mistaken for "Taman" and received publicity as such). The analysis found that the phrase was translated as “finished,” and a piece of paper was torn from the last page of Omar Khayyam’s collection “Rubayat”. The police sent a snapshot of the snippet to different countries and were able to find the person who owned a copy of a very rare edition of the book. The last page was torn out in it, and examination showed that the scrap was taken from this book or from the book of the same batch.

Interestingly, its owner said that he found the book in the back seat of his unlocked car on the night of November 30, 1948, not far from Somerton Beach, and did not hear anything about the mysterious deceased. On the back of the book was found a strange code and phone number of a certain woman who lives 400 meters from the place where the body was found.


The woman, under the assumed name of Justine, said that the book had previously belonged to her, but she gave it to Lieutenant Alfred Boxall. The woman could not identify the deceased.

The police decided that the deceased was Alfred, but soon Boxall was found alive, and the donated book was with him. There was no damage on the last page.

Justine passed away in 2007. It is still believed that her real name was the key to solving the code, and the police officers working on the case note that she lied to the investigation, evaded answers and clearly knew the deceased. The secret services are also considered to be involved in the death of the unknown man, but it will hardly be possible to unravel this very strange story after a few decades.

The death of the tour group Dyatlov

The most popular riddle among Russian fans to tickle their nerves. Now on the events of the tour of the Dyatlov group, many films have already been shot and more than one research work has been written, but there is still no exact answer to the question of what happened to the tourists.

At the end of January 1959, a group of 10 tourists (Dyatlov, Slobodin, Kolmogorova, Krivonischenko, Doroshenko, Zolotorev, Dubinina, Thibault-Briol, Kolevatov and Yudin) went to conquer the mountains of the Northern Urals. Already on the march, Yudin was unhooked from them due to poor health. Further events could only be restored from the diaries of the group members.

On February 12, Dyatlov's group was supposed to be at the final point of the route, but this did not happen. After waiting a few days, the relatives of the tourists organized a search. Only on February 25 was it possible to find a tent of the Dyatlovites with a cut wall. It contained backpacks, a lot of warm clothes, axes, food, notebooks and a camera.


The next day, one and a half kilometers from the tent near the cedar, they found two corpses of tourists from the Dyatlov group - Doroshenko and Krivonischenko. Both bodies were stripped down to their underwear, there were broken branches around, some clothes with traces of fire. Dyatlov himself was found 300 meters up the slope - he was also strangely dressed and, based on the examination, before his death, he breathed face down into the snow. In the evening of the same day, Kolmogorova was found under a layer of snow - she was warmly dressed, but without shoes.

Already in March, the next body was found - Rustem Slobodin was 150 meters from Kolmogorova's body under a thick layer of snow. Assessing the location of the bodies, experts concluded that all the tourists died on the way from the cedar to the tent. The bodies of the remaining four people were found only in May, away from other bodies - they were partially dressed in the clothes of Krivonischenko and Doroshenko, which, judging by the cuts, were already removed from the corpses. The searches were curtailed, an investigation began.

Experts found that the slope of the tent was not cut from the outside, but from the inside. The examination showed that death occurred as a result of hypothermia, after which the version of the murder was rejected. On the clothes of some members of the group, radioactive radiation was found, but they did not attach importance to this. In addition, local indigenous people said that on the night of the alleged death of the tour group, they saw fireballs in the sky. Later, other people saw them in these places. However, the man-made cause of death of tourists was also rejected.


During the investigation, it was possible to establish that some sudden event forced the tourists to quickly leave the tent, while they left in one group and without panic, but they did not have the opportunity to put on shoes and dress. Traces of other people were also not found, and the investigation in its conclusion attributed everything to some "elemental force", which explained what happened a little more than nothing. And after a while, a re-examination of the bodies showed that some people from the group had serious injuries that could only be inflicted with the use of great force, for example, an air blast wave. All this was not taken into account by the investigation. In May 1959, the case was closed for lack of corpus delicti.

In the future, the researchers pointed to other gross errors of the investigation, which prevented the solution of this mysterious case. Versions of the death of Dyatlov's tour group are put forward to this day. Among the causes of death are called aliens, the military, special services, the connection of tourists with American intelligence and the transfer of certain radioactive elements, during which something went wrong, and even our beloved Yeti.

Roswell incident

Without doubt, the most famous case of an unidentified flying object possibly falling to Earth. It all happened in July 1947 near the city of Roswell in the state of New Mexico. Rancher Mark Brazel heard a crash and saw a bright flash during a thunderstorm at night. It seemed to be nothing unusual, but at the same time the whole house trembled. In the morning, Brazel discovered the missing sheep, and a little later - a wasteland, on which there were incomprehensible debris, consisting of very strange materials.

Deciding that something was wrong here, Mark threw what he found in the car and went to Roswell to the sheriff. In the meantime, the rancher managed to make a statement about the incident on the local radio, after which he was detained by the military.

Naturally, all this aroused little public interest, so that very soon the press service of the Roswell airbase issued a statement that the military had managed to take possession of the "flying disc", rumors about which were so widespread. The disk was taken to the airbase and examined. True, the very next day, General of the US Army Reimi issued a refutation, in which he stated that there were no "flying discs", it was just a weather balloon. From that moment on, the story began to acquire numerous rumors, new details, and increasingly excite the interest of ufologists and ordinary people.


So, in 1970, an interview was given by one of those who discovered the "flying disc" - Major Marcell. According to him, it was not a weather balloon at all, but all the information from the military - a lie invented by the general in order to unhook the reporters from himself.

What really happened in Roswell is a question that keeps thousands of fanatics from falling asleep around the world. There are several hypotheses. The most popular is that the US government and the military are hiding the presence of extraterrestrial technologies, UFOs and an alien who was pulled from a shattered plate. The skeptic's version is that one of the secret military developments, which was tested at a local air base, fell in Roswell. Well, the official version, put forward after an investigation initiated by the US Audit Office, says that it was just an aircraft from the secret "Project Mogul", which was developed to track nuclear tests in the USSR. Whom to believe is up to you.