Secrets Of The Centuries: The Most Mysterious Events In History. Part Two - Alternative View

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Secrets Of The Centuries: The Most Mysterious Events In History. Part Two - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Centuries: The Most Mysterious Events In History. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Centuries: The Most Mysterious Events In History. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Centuries: The Most Mysterious Events In History. Part Two - Alternative View
Video: The Strangest Historical Events, Megalithic Structures and Archeological Discoveries 2024, October

Disappearance of Frederic Valentich

1978, the coast of Australia, excellent weather, bright sun, ocean - in general, beauty and excellent conditions for flying. 19-year-old pilot Frederik Valentich thought so too, so without any doubt he went 235 kilometers from home in a small Cessna 182L aircraft. As the official purpose of the flight, Valentich indicated the need to pick up passengers on King Island, although he told everyone close to him that he would actually take the cargo of lobsters. Frederick took off from Marrabine airport on the most ordinary flight.

After some time Valentich contacted the dispatcher and asked him if there was any traffic below 5000 feet. The controller replied in the negative, to which the pilot said that he was observing at this altitude some large plane, which he could not identify - only four bright points, similar to landing lights, and no more leads.

Dispatcher: We are not aware of any aircraft within sight.

Valentich: Melbourne, now he is approaching me from the east side.

Valentich: I think he is playing some kind of game with me, he flew over me two … three times at speeds that I cannot determine.

Valentich's side at that time was 4500 feet. He still could not determine the type of aircraft.

Valentich: When it flies by, it seems long … I can't say more, it is at this speed … It is in front of me right now. Melbourne?

Promotional video:

Dispatcher: Understood, and how big is this object?

Valentich: Melbourne, it looks like he's following me. What I am doing now is moving in a circle, and this object is also circling above me. It has a green light and something like a metal surface, it's all shiny.


After a few seconds, Frederick reported that the object had disappeared, but a moment later it appeared again, but now it was approaching from the southwest.

Dispatcher: Do you understand what your intentions are?

Valentich: My intentions? (Cough.) Fly to King. (Cough.) Melbourne? This strange plane hovers over me again. It hangs, and … it's not an airplane.

Valentich's microphone remains on for another 17 seconds, after which the connection is cut off forever.

The entire conversation with the dispatcher, from the moment the strange object was discovered to the loss of communication, lasted about six minutes. A little more than a minute after Valentich announced that he was flying in a circle, his plane started having problems with the engine, and after another minute the connection was cut off.

So far, no evidence of a plane crash has been found. Researchers and ufologists who found out the reasons for what happened have established several interesting facts. For example, there are more than 20 eyewitness accounts who observed chaotic green lights in the sky during Valentich's flight. Three people saw a small plane and a large object above it.

The photograph taken by Roy Manifold on the coast 20 minutes before the incident with Valentich deserves special attention. After developing the images, they captured a strange object over the sea, surrounded by steam. The experts conducted several examinations and found that the photographs were genuine, and the object in them was moving at a speed of 200 m / h. But this did not lead to the solution of the mystery.

Over the years, many versions of what happened have been expressed: suicide, disorientation, inexperience of a young pilot, or simply an escape to another country. And, paradoxically, the UFO version seems to be the most plausible. By the way, there were no passengers and lobsters on King Island.


Ricky McCormick's Notes

"It's all because of the spice" - this is how the story that happened to Ricky McCormick could be described, if not for … but about everything in order.

So, Ricky McCormick is an ordinary American loser, so mediocre that there isn't even much to say about him. 41 years old, did not finish school, lived on unemployment and disability benefits, was not married, although he produced four children, moreover, he was repeatedly convicted. But our Ricky happened to die.

McCormick's body was found in a cornfield on June 30, 1999. His body was located 15 miles from Ricky's place of permanent residence, while he did not have a car and not a single bus even went to areas close to the corn field.

The police could not establish the cause of death, but since no motive was found, they decided that it was not a murder. The most interesting thing in this whole story began only 12 years later. The FBI finally decided that McCormick had been killed because they found something interesting in his trousers.

Two notes of an incomprehensible code - that's what made the FBI experts think about a different interpretation of the case. They were written, as it was established, three days before the murder and may hide information about what happened. All attempts by cryptanalysts to decipher the message were unsuccessful, and in 2011 the FBI appealed to the public, publishing pictures of the notes and asking everyone to help them in the investigation. By the way, McCormick's relatives claim that he used this encryption method since childhood, but no one knew the key to it. Well, maybe you can do it?


Maria Celeste

If the captain of the ship dies during the first voyage, then nothing good can be expected from the ship in the future. All this happened with the brigantine "Maria Celeste", but she entered the annals of history forever as a ghost ship.

Under the leadership of another captain Benjamin Briggs, "Maria Celeste" on November 5, 1872 left the port of Staten Island, New York, USA to the port of Genoa, Italy. There were seven crew members on board, the captain, his wife and daughter.

However, on December 4, the ship was discovered 400 miles from Gibraltar. Not a single person was on it. In the hold there was sea water at the level of 1 meter, the hatch covers were removed, otherwise the "Maria Celeste" looked intact. Only the compass was destroyed, the sextant and chronometer were missing, in the captain's cabin there was a jewelry box and two wads of money. There were no papers other than the ship's log. By the state of affairs, it became clear that the ship did not fall into a storm.


None of those who were on the ship were never found, although later several impostors tried to impersonate the crew of the Maria Celeste.

None of the hypotheses could reliably explain why the crew and passengers had to leave the vessel suitable for further navigation. The most adequate version was expressed by a certain Cobb, who was a distant relative of the captain. He suggested that the reason for the flight was the vapors of the alcohol that the ship was transporting, ignited in the holds. After several small explosions, the crew left the ship in a rowboat to wait out other possible explosions, but the fumes escaped through the open hatches. When the crew began to return to the "Maria Celeste", the wind picked up, and the ship simply left the overloaded boat, and the storm killed everyone who was in it.

Link 19

If in the case of Frederic Valentich only one plane disappeared, then here we will talk about the whole link.

As always, a standard training flight on December 5, 1945 did not bode well for anything unusual. Four pilots, who were undergoing a retraining program on the Avenger torpedo bombers, and an instructor on the same plane had to complete a simple task - to fly to a certain place over the Atlantic Ocean, make a training bombing and return to base. Weather conditions were favorable, and the route was standard - it was used throughout the Second World War.


Flight 19 took off for a training assignment at 14:10, but already at 15:40 the first problems appeared. From the radio communications, it became clear that the link got lost. This became known at the base in Fort Lauderdale, from where the planes took off, as well as the rescue unit at the Port Everglades base, which managed to contact the pilots.

Also, from the radio communications, it became clear that the instructor Taylor, who accompanied the flight, changed the flight course several times, but he could not find the correct one - wherever the pilots sent their planes, they could not see the land.

At 19:04, the controllers heard the last talks between the group members - one of the pilots called Taylor. Nothing else is known about the fate of the link. At about 20:00, the planes should have run out of fuel.

The pilot, who took off in search of the missing on the rescue seaplane "Mariner", said that he reached the place of direction finding of the "Avengers", but after some time he also disappeared without a trace.

Despite the testimony of the captain of one of the tankers that he saw the plane explode in the sky, no debris or oil stains were found, the search did not lead to anything. All pilots are still missing.

According to the official version, the human factor and the inexperience of the pilots, including the instructor, who could not determine the location of the flight, are to blame for the disappearance of the aircraft.

Nevertheless, there were also versions with aliens, as well as anomalies of the Bermuda Triangle, which disabled the Avengers' devices. Also, some researchers believed that the military was hiding a test of a new type of weapon behind a "training flight", and the real flight route was hidden, so no debris could be found at the search site.

The Hill spouse kidnapping

One of the most famous cases of possible alien abduction. It all happened in September 1961 in the US state of New Hampshire. Barney and Betty Hill were driving home on a long-distance highway and noticed a light in the sky, and then a disc-shaped object hanging above the ground.

A sensible idea came to the Hill's head - to get away from this strange place, but the object suddenly began to emit signals and chase the car. When the couple came to their senses, the events of the last two hours were erased from their memory. After that, Barney and Betty began to have nightmares, and they decided to go to a psychiatric clinic.

During regressive hypnosis, they said that that night they were abducted by little men with large heads, who experimented on them in their aircraft: they applied objects to the genitals and stuck needles in the stomach. In addition, Betty said that she was shown a certain "star map" and asked if she knew where the sun was. She was later able to draw this map. A humanoid allegedly told Betty that the solid lines are their trade routes and the dotted lines are places they rarely visit.


The world, as always, was divided into skeptics and fanatics. The former argued that the Hills invented everything and regressive hypnosis is a very dubious method, while the latter saw throughout history a confirmation of the hypothesis of the existence of extraterrestrial life. Either way, the Hill incident still has no explanation.

The YOGTZE case

German paranoid Gunther Stoll is the author of one of the greatest mysteries in postwar German history. Many Germans, and not only them, are still wondering what really happened to him.

The story, which has given rise to many theories, began like this: 34-year-old Stoll worked as a food engineer and periodically scared his wife with paranoia - he claimed that some people were watching him who wanted to kill him.

At about 23:00 on October 25, 1984, he again told his wife about these strange people, then suddenly shouted: "Now everything is clear to me!" - wrote the letters YOGTZE on a piece of paper and immediately crossed them out.

Immediately after that, Stoll drove to a bar, ordered a beer, suddenly passed out and smashed his face on the floor without being drunk. Recovering himself, Stoll got into his Volkswagen Golf and drove to Haiger, where at about one in the morning he began to break into the house of his old friend Erna Hellfritz. The woman was not happy about such a late visit and asked Stoll to go home, to which Gunter said that something terrible was going to happen that night and left.


At 3:00 am, two truck drivers, independently of each other, reported to the police that they had seen a crashed Golf and an injured man standing 100 kilometers from Haiger. When the police arrived at the scene, they found Stoll completely naked inside the car. He said that he was beaten by four men who were with him in the car. He was not familiar with them. The police took Gunther to the hospital, but he died on the way.

The story already looks strange, but the case took on a new turn after the withdrawal of experts: Stoll died not as a result of beatings, but was hit by another car in another place, after which he was put on the passenger seat of his car.

More than 1,200 suspects were prosecuted in the case, but they could not open it, as well as find witnesses of what happened to Stoll that night. Another mystery is what this mysterious YOGTZE meant. This was attributed to Gunther's mental illness, but some enthusiasts still believe that the cipher is some kind of clue to the events of that night. However, it was not possible to understand him.