The Novgorod Magi Quote The Bible: 6 Oddities Of The Veles Book - Alternative View

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The Novgorod Magi Quote The Bible: 6 Oddities Of The Veles Book - Alternative View
The Novgorod Magi Quote The Bible: 6 Oddities Of The Veles Book - Alternative View

Video: The Novgorod Magi Quote The Bible: 6 Oddities Of The Veles Book - Alternative View

Video: The Novgorod Magi Quote The Bible: 6 Oddities Of The Veles Book - Alternative View
Video: Велес (Veles) - Заревая (Zarevaya) 2024, October

Let us analyze today very briefly the oddities of the B (e) forest book (for short - VK), which has many fans, although the official science is not taken seriously.

I'll start from afar, with The Lay of Igor's Host. This text, on the contrary, attracted close attention of scientists. For two hundred years there was a heated discussion - a fake or an original.

Note that even doubters unconditionally admitted the following: if it is a fake, then it is a genius.

Because the author, whoever he was, thoroughly, in the smallest details, knew the ancient Russian language of the 12th century. Better than Stirlitz - German.

(For reference: Academician AA Zaliznyak studied dozens of grammatical features of the Lay and admitted that the text is an unconditional original.)

But with VK everything is completely different. So, only the most basic "eccentricities" of this text.

Strangeness # 1

Promotional video:

VK is written in a non-existent language. Complete linguistic anarchy reigns in him. Here's what one of the experts writes:

On this, in fact, you can already put an end.

But no, supporters of the VK authenticity claim that it was some kind of special "secret language".

Well, let's say.

Although, even if this is an invented language, a cipher, it did not cope with its task: enthusiasts translate or rearrange the VK text without much difficulty, experiencing difficulties only with verb forms and cases of nouns, among which, as already mentioned, "confusion and vacillation."

Strangeness # 2

The appearance of the document, such as strange letters.

Pay attention, the letters "H" and "C" are written on the mysterious tablets in a modern way. Although in the ancient version of the Cyrillic alphabet these letters look like N and Ch.

Modernized letters * Velesovitsy *
Modernized letters * Velesovitsy *

Modernized letters * Velesovitsy *.

Alphabet on a birch bark letter of the XI century. The letters H and C looked different in ancient times
Alphabet on a birch bark letter of the XI century. The letters H and C looked different in ancient times

Alphabet on a birch bark letter of the XI century. The letters H and C looked different in ancient times.

Although this is also not an argument for supporters of VK: after all, the priests not only invented the language, but also a special alphabet, "Velesovitsa". By the way, the letters are "screwed" to the horizontal element. Why?.. Obviously, the association with the Indian script Devanagari was born.

Novgorod priests clearly want to show us a wealth of imagination, an extraordinary breadth of horizons and the ability to see the future …

Oddity # 3

Quotes from the Bible. Which, by the way, has not yet been translated.

The image of the earth flowing with milk and honey is taken from the Old Testament (in our folklore there is only a milk river with jelly banks!). Christian liturgical formulas are also parodied.

Jokes aside: here is not even a question of the hypothetical erudition of the Novgorod Magi, who could, if desired, study Latin or Greek and read the Bible, but it just somehow does not suit pagan religious leaders to weave Christian quotations into their sacred texts.

Strangeness # 4

An abundance of anachronistic words: "tsar", "cattle breeders", "steppe" will appear in the Russian language only many centuries later.

The Novgorod priests are amazingly vang! One thing is strange: prophets usually predict catastrophes and cataclysms, and the author (s) of VK - the future lexical composition of the language …

Strangeness # 5

A huge number of quotes from "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" (which will be written in a few centuries, right?). "Age of Troyans", "komoni", the name "Gorislav", the deities Karna and Zhlya and even the river Kayala (and this is despite the general scarcity of geographical names) …

Well, obviously, supporters of VK will say: the author of the Lay read the “sacred text” and quoted it in his work.

Thus, another polymath loomed on our horizon, having got hold of a copy of VK somewhere and copying whole pieces from there into the Lay, easily wading through the jungle of a nonexistent language …

Oddity # 6

The author (s) of VK are persistently trying to convince us that the Slavs had absolutely, completely and absolutely no human sacrifices.

As you can see, not only letters have been modernized in VK, but also morality. No comment.


Well, after all, what is VK about?

Honestly, you can't answer that easily. Some kind of a very complex tangle of facts, confusing and chaotic. War, communication with gods, scraps of myths are described.

Here are some examples of exactly what information about our past can be gleaned from the VK text.

The most laconic biography of a politician:

Steep turns of logic:

Wise remarks in the style of "captain obvious":

Alternative to Darwinism:

Based on materials: Collection of articles "What scientists think about the Veles book"