Secrets of history 2024, October

How Rasputin "delivered" Women From Sins, And Who Was Among His Admirers - Alternative View

How Rasputin "delivered" Women From Sins, And Who Was Among His Admirers - Alternative View

Grigory Efimovich Rasputin is a simple peasant from the village of Pokrovskoe, Tobolsk province, with a very difficult fate. Disputes about his personality do not subside today. "God's man" or a libertine and charlatan? A good friend and faithful helper of the royal family or its main problem?

Why Did They Move The Large Golden Coffin Of King Tutankhamun? - Alternative View

Why Did They Move The Large Golden Coffin Of King Tutankhamun? - Alternative View

The tomb of King Tut of Egypt was opened in 1922. And now, almost 100 years later, the largest gilded coffin of King Tutankhamun was moved from the tomb on the West Bank of Luxor to the new Great Egyptian Museum (Gem). The reason was the restoration of the coffin

Where Was Tmutarakan? - Alternative View

Where Was Tmutarakan? - Alternative View

Let us analyze excerpts from the book of M.N. Tikhomirov "List of Russian cities far and near" OCR by M.N. Tikhomirov. Russian chronicle writing. M., "Science", 1979, pp. 83 - 137, 357 - 361.It contains a list of cities and the following comment from the creator:- Salik

Kalash: How Did The "white People" End Up In Pakistan - Alternative View

Kalash: How Did The "white People" End Up In Pakistan - Alternative View

Everything in the life of Kalash people living in the north of Pakistan in the Hindu Kush mountains is different from that of their neighbors: their faith, their way of life, and even the color of their eyes and hair. These people are a mystery. They themselves consider themselves descendants of Alexander the Great. Who are your ancestors?

In Alexandria, They Found A Giant Mysterious Coffin - Alternative View

In Alexandria, They Found A Giant Mysterious Coffin - Alternative View

Egyptian archaeologists find a huge black granite sarcophagus in Alexandria

The Secret Of The Power Of Alexander The Great - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Power Of Alexander The Great - Alternative View

The greatest military genius, with a high intelligence, capable of commanding a single glance and arousing unwavering loyalty, he had immense presence and fortitude

Black Sarcophagus And Its Inhabitants: Egyptian Scientists Reported The First Results Of Research - Alternative View

Black Sarcophagus And Its Inhabitants: Egyptian Scientists Reported The First Results Of Research - Alternative View

In July this year in Alexandria discovered a giant black sarcophagus and the head of a huge statue of white alabaster

In Egypt, The "giant Sarcophagus" Was Finally Opened - Alternative View

In Egypt, The "giant Sarcophagus" Was Finally Opened - Alternative View

Archaeologists were shocked to look inside a huge coffin made of black granite found three weeks ago

How Did The Amu Darya Treasure Not Get To Alexander The Great? - Alternative View

How Did The Amu Darya Treasure Not Get To Alexander The Great? - Alternative View

Amudarya treasure - one of the most mysterious treasures in world archeology, with a detective and not fully unraveled fate

Passionarity - Alternative View

Passionarity - Alternative View

In our many-sided world, at first glance, all events occur chaotically and are not subject to any laws and rules

Fleet Of Alexander The Great - A Trip To The New World? - Alternative View

Fleet Of Alexander The Great - A Trip To The New World? - Alternative View

American archaeologists put forward their very bold version, which contradicts the established views on the history of geographical discoveries

What Was Alexander The Great Really Like - Alternative View

What Was Alexander The Great Really Like - Alternative View

The life of Alexander the Great - the story of how one man with a small army conquered almost the entire world then known. His soldiers saw in him a military genius, the enemies called him cursed. He considered himself a god

Biography Of Alexander The Great - Alternative View

Biography Of Alexander The Great - Alternative View

Alexander the Great (Alexander the Great) Dr. b. July 20 (21) 356 BC e. - etc. with. June 10 (13) 323 BC e. King of Macedonia since 336, the most famous commander of all times and peoples, who created the largest monarchy of antiquity by force of arms

Personal Magician Of Alexander The Great - Alternative View

Personal Magician Of Alexander The Great - Alternative View

The Macedonian king, the greatest military leader in history, the creator of the world power, Alexander the Great (356 -323 BC) sincerely believed in magic and trusted only one person - personal magician and oracle named Aristander (Aristandr of Telmes)

The Super Miracle Of The World Or The Mysteries Of Alexander The Great - Alternative View

The Super Miracle Of The World Or The Mysteries Of Alexander The Great - Alternative View

In historical usage, "initiates" are those outstanding, genius people of the planet Hermes Trismegistus, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Pythagoras, Plato, Paracelsus. Newton and others who owned hidden areas of knowledge

Alexander The Great Was Defeated Not In India, But In Siberia - Alternative View

Alexander The Great Was Defeated Not In India, But In Siberia - Alternative View

Tomsk scientists prove that Alexander the Great was defeated not in India, but in Siberia from the Russians How is this possible, the publication "Russian Planet" found out from the head of the researchers, geographer Nikolai Novgorodov

Found A Unique Object, 5600 Years Old - Alternative View

Found A Unique Object, 5600 Years Old - Alternative View

In Ireland, archaeologists from the IT Sligo research project have unearthed a strange megalithic object that is unlike any previously found monument in this country.According to, excavations were carried out in the heart of the megalithic site of Carrowmore near the town of Sligo

Has Alexander The Great Visited Siberia? - Alternative View

Has Alexander The Great Visited Siberia? - Alternative View

Where Alexander the Great fought during his campaign to the East

Countries That Disappeared In The 20th Century - Alternative View

Countries That Disappeared In The 20th Century - Alternative View

In the 20th century, the political map of the world was forever changed by two world wars and many local conflicts. Dozens of countries appeared and disappeared in the flames of war

15 Little-known Facts About Alexander The Great - The Commander Who Changed The World - Alternative View

15 Little-known Facts About Alexander The Great - The Commander Who Changed The World - Alternative View

Perhaps every person from school remembers who Alexander the Great is

Fortress Por-Bazhyn: The History Of The Gate To Shambhala - Alternative View

Fortress Por-Bazhyn: The History Of The Gate To Shambhala - Alternative View

There are very few places in Russia - cities, fortresses and buildings - dated to the 1st millennium AD. That is why each such find becomes a sensation and attracts great attention of scientists and researchers. One of such rare pearls is Por-Bazhyn

Star City: Neuf-Brisach - Alternative View

Star City: Neuf-Brisach - Alternative View

Despite the fact that Louis XIV was not a supporter of compliments, he said about the fortress on the Rhine that it is one of the most beautiful diamonds of the French crown. In order to understand why the Rhine River was destined to become the main strategic goal, you need to climb into the sky and admire the fortress from above

Fortress - Star Bourtange - Alternative View

Fortress - Star Bourtange - Alternative View

There are many examples that stars are not only in the sky, but also on earth. One such example is found in the beautiful country of the Netherlands, the province of Groningen. This amazing structure is Fort Bourtange. From a bird's eye view, a wonderful view opens up on it, and this is the only way to see all the charm of this extraordinary spectacle

The Russian Truth About The Etruscans Is Unprofitable And Dangerous For The West - Alternative View

The Russian Truth About The Etruscans Is Unprofitable And Dangerous For The West - Alternative View

All the centuries-old works of Europeans to expel the Slavs from ancient history can go down the drain.To admit the very idea that the Slavs (and, in particular, the Russians) are not only inhabitants of the Pripyat swamps of the early Middle Ages, but direct compatriots of the ancient Etruscan tribe who lived in Italy as far back as the II millennium BC

Seven Angels: An Unusual Cult - Alternative View

Seven Angels: An Unusual Cult - Alternative View

This story belongs to the category of those phenomena that occur in full view of everyone and attract thousands of people, but the essence of which still remains a mystery behind seven seals. Stories in which magic, church rituals and some absolutely outrageous phenomena are intertwined in the most mysterious way

Snakes In Myths And Snakes In Life. The Cult Of The Snake In India - Alternative View

Snakes In Myths And Snakes In Life. The Cult Of The Snake In India - Alternative View

Valery Kashin, Candidate of Historical Sciences. Photo by Valery Kashin and Lyudmila Sinitsina. India, or Bharat, - one of the largest states in the world, a country of ancient civilization

How America Arranged "chemical Chernobyl" In India - Alternative View

How America Arranged "chemical Chernobyl" In India - Alternative View

The Chernobyl disaster has firmly established itself as the worst man-made disaster in human history. Chernobyl is devoted to books, films, serials.For ordinary people, it is often a revelation that there was something more monstrous than the atomic accident in the USSR

Plague Riot: A Plague On Our Heads. The Black Death Epidemic Claimed The Lives Of 50 Thousand Muscovites - Alternative View

Plague Riot: A Plague On Our Heads. The Black Death Epidemic Claimed The Lives Of 50 Thousand Muscovites - Alternative View

During its 200-300-thousand-year history, Homo sapiens - reasonable person - more than once found himself on the verge of death. One of the greatest dangers was the plague, which kills millions of people in one go

The Secret Of The "black Death" In Europe Has Been Uncovered By Scientists - Alternative View

The Secret Of The "black Death" In Europe Has Been Uncovered By Scientists - Alternative View

14th century - the heyday of rapid trade activity between the peoples inhabiting the territories of Central Asia and Europe, which was carried out along the Silk Road

Smallpox Epidemic In Moscow In 1959 - Alternative View

Smallpox Epidemic In Moscow In 1959 - Alternative View

The coronavirus pandemic that has swept the world has once again reminded us how powerless humanity is in the face of the spread of previously unseen diseases. The more valuable is the experience of dealing with such global epidemics, passed down to us by our ancestors

Historians Have Identified The Real Danger Of The Black Death - Alternative View

Historians Have Identified The Real Danger Of The Black Death - Alternative View

Thanks to the thousands of shards dug by British enthusiasts, scientists were able to objectively assess the damage caused to the population of the country by the Black Death - catastrophic plague epidemic of the XIV century

Secrets Of The Life Of The Egyptian Queen Ankhesenamun - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Life Of The Egyptian Queen Ankhesenamun - Alternative View

What is known about Ankhesenamun Ankhesenamun - Queen of Egypt of the XVIII Dynasty, sister and main wife of Tutankhamun, third daughter of Pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti. The fate of Tutankhamun's young wife is shrouded in mystery

Dance Of St. Vitus In 1518 - Alternative View

Dance Of St. Vitus In 1518 - Alternative View

500 years ago, a strange madness swept the city of Strasbourg. Hundreds of townspeople began to dance uncontrollably, apparently for no reason, twitching, as if in a trance, for days on end, until they fell unconscious or sometimes even died

How New Year Was Celebrated In Old Russia - Alternative View

How New Year Was Celebrated In Old Russia - Alternative View

Masquerade balls, champagne and stuffed pigs: how the New Year was celebrated in tsarist Russia. Now no one can imagine winter without New Year's holidays

In Kaliningrad, Archaeologists Have Found A 16th Century Pocket Sundial - Alternative View

In Kaliningrad, Archaeologists Have Found A 16th Century Pocket Sundial - Alternative View

A pocket sundial made of bone at the end of the 16th century was found by archaeologists during excavations at the construction site of an apartment building in Kaliningrad, told reporters in the regional art and history museum.“The most valuable find for archaeologists is a pocket sundial made of bone. O

Goodbye Unwashed Europe! - Alternative View

Goodbye Unwashed Europe! - Alternative View

In the context of fictitious historical myths about the “savagery” of the Vedic Rus and Vedic Rus, a false idea is imposed on us that Europe has always been a kind of “center of the civilized world” that has made the rest of the world happy with the “blessings of civilization” and, in particular, helped the ancient Slavs and Russians to receive their own writing and statehood. However, th

John F. Kennedy Assassination Solved? He Was Killed By CIA Agent Roy Kellerman. Murder Video - Alternative View

John F. Kennedy Assassination Solved? He Was Killed By CIA Agent Roy Kellerman. Murder Video - Alternative View

The assassination of 35 US President John F. Kennedy took place on Friday 22 November 1963. The President Was Shot After the limousine drove past the book depository at the corner of Houston and Elm Streets, Dallas. The shots began at exactly 12:30

Ancient Man Used Super-acoustics To Alter States Of Consciousness - Alternative View

Ancient Man Used Super-acoustics To Alter States Of Consciousness - Alternative View

The prehistoric necropolis provides clues to how the ancestors used sound and its effect on human brain activity, phys.Researchers have discovered the presence of a strong double resonant frequency at 70 Hz and 114 Hz inside a 5,000-year-old burial temple on the Mediterranean island of Malta

About St. Bartholomew's Night - Alternative View

About St. Bartholomew's Night - Alternative View

St. Bartholomew's Night (French massacre de la Saint-Barthélemy - the massacre of St. Bartholomew) is a massive massacre of Huguenots (Protestants) in France, organized by Catholics on the night of August 24, 1572, on the eve of St. Bartholomew's Day

How Death Ships Have Spread Disease Over The Centuries - Alternative View

How Death Ships Have Spread Disease Over The Centuries - Alternative View

The role of ships in spreading viruses over great distancesHistory shows the destructive role ships can play in transmitting viruses across vast continents and over many centuries. Merchant ships carrying rats with infested fleas along with their payload were carriers of the Plague of Justinian (541-542 AD), which devastated the Byzantine Empire