How Rasputin "delivered" Women From Sins, And Who Was Among His Admirers - Alternative View

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How Rasputin "delivered" Women From Sins, And Who Was Among His Admirers - Alternative View
How Rasputin "delivered" Women From Sins, And Who Was Among His Admirers - Alternative View

Video: How Rasputin "delivered" Women From Sins, And Who Was Among His Admirers - Alternative View

Video: How Rasputin
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Grigory Efimovich Rasputin is a simple peasant from the village of Pokrovskoe, Tobolsk province, with a very difficult fate. Disputes about his personality do not subside today. "God's man" or a libertine and charlatan? A good friend and faithful helper of the royal family or its main problem? There is no lack of information about this person, rather, on the contrary, there are too many of them. Diverse impressions of his personality and conflicting memories of him are superimposed on each other.

How was the provincial "elder" able to win success among the VIP-ladies of St. Petersburg?

Grigory Rasputin married early. His wife Praskovya was a good woman, raised children, carried all the hardships of peasant life on her shoulders. Gregory himself was, as they say, a broad nature - he could not dance, fight and love half-heartedly. Never in my life had an attachment to money or convenience.

Rasputin Grigory Efimovich (1869-1916)
Rasputin Grigory Efimovich (1869-1916)

Rasputin Grigory Efimovich (1869-1916).

But he never became a support for his father and wife, as well as a strong business executive. Something happened to him. He suddenly changed a lot, was in a constant search for the meaning of life, trying to understand what needs to be done so that God is present in it. He left his family and wandered around holy places and not only in Russia - he visited both Jerusalem and Athos. He was a laborer at monasteries. No, he loved his family and took care of her when he periodically returned home. But he was driven by an irresistible desire to comprehend his purpose, he felt an acute dissatisfaction from everyday life. Apparently, he sincerely loved God, it was not out of nowhere that he had the gift of healing and predicting. But in him, as in a truly Russian person, everything was too much. That eternal pendulum swinging from plus to minus, which is inside each of us, had a large amplitude. In his sincere faith and love for man, in his bright moments, he experienced a feeling of God's closeness.

But when passions overcame him, he went into revelry, then this was followed by a state of God-forsakenness, an acute desire for deep repentance. He even later preached this order of things - without sin there is no repentance. Of course, Rasputin was an outstanding personality, but at the dawn of his quest he did not meet a spiritual mentor, a "driver." Therefore, he went as best he could, trying to comprehend the truth by trial and error.

"Elder" Grigory Rasputin and the Petersburg elite
"Elder" Grigory Rasputin and the Petersburg elite

"Elder" Grigory Rasputin and the Petersburg elite.

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Gradually, rumors about his ability to heal and predict important events in people's lives reached the secular society. Mysticism was then in vogue, especially among the exalted salon young ladies who could not pass by such a phenomenon. After all, someone was looking for spirituality, while someone needed miracles and the appearance of spiritual life or a game of it. So everyone got what he was looking for from Rasputin. He soon became famous and popular in the highest circles of St. Petersburg.

Favorite of the Empress: Did Rasputin have a love affair with Alexandra Feodorovna?

Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Emperor Nicholas II, was told about the "elder" Grigory by her maid of honor and the person closest to her - Anna Vyrubova. Alexandra Fyodorovna was by that time completely exhausted by the illness of her son Alexei and constant anxiety for him. He inherited a disease peculiar to her family - hemophilia. Medicine was powerless against this disease, there was a constant threat to the life of the heir. And then out of nowhere a person appears who solves the main problem of the family - helps their son, repeatedly saves him from death.

Alexandra Feodorovna herself also received help from him, who had a depletion of the nervous system.

Grigory Rasputin and the Royal Family
Grigory Rasputin and the Royal Family

Grigory Rasputin and the Royal Family.

Rasputin becomes an important person for the royal family. But apart from a deep feeling of gratitude and reverence, Alexandra Feodorovna felt nothing more for him. Emperor Nicholas and his wife loved each other all their lives until their death and were exemplary spouses. The attitude of the emperor himself to Rasputin can be characterized as benevolent. Here is his opinion about him in a conversation with the Chairman of the State Duma MV Rodzianko: “He is a good, simple Russian man. In moments of doubt and emotional anxiety, I like to talk with him, and after such a conversation, my soul is always easy and calm."

Despite this, the emperor did not consider it possible to interfere with the "elder" in politics, he stopped his wife when she tried to convey to him Rasputin's opinion about some important political decision or appointment to a high state office. Unfortunately, the emperor did not heed his really sensible advice not to start a war in 1914. The ambiguity of impressions of the personality of Grigory Rasputin, combined with wide popularity, was the reason that many believed the bad rumors about him and about his relationship with the royal family.

Rasputin's "zeal" and "holy of holies"

Of course, Rasputin was an outstanding person. Once in the capital, he quickly became popular. Vyrubova noted that various types of crooks took advantage of his credulity, made friends with him out of selfish motives. From communicating with them, he lost his spiritual mood, began to get drunk and morally sink, hitting into drunken carousing and brawls.

Rasputin received many at home, helped many, and not only with healing and predictions, but also financially. The money did not linger in his hands. Charismatic, decisive, direct - he attracted secular women, was exotic for them.

Grigory Rasputin and his admirers
Grigory Rasputin and his admirers

Grigory Rasputin and his admirers.

They talk about his method of "cleansing from sin" ladies in the bath. But there are other memories, like, for example, one of his great admirers - Lyubov Valerianovna Golovina. She believed that one should not pay attention to these conversations about his unacceptable treatment of women, it is more important to see and take from him his gifts - insight, the gift of consolation in difficult life situations. Moreover, in relation to her and her daughters, Grigory Rasputin behaved in a proper manner.

Rasputin was suspected of having links with the Khlyst sect. Given the experimental nature of his quest for spirituality, it may be that he tried to look behind the secret veil of this organization. But he definitely did not stay in it, because he loved Orthodoxy, although he understood much in it in his own way.

How the clergy tried to stop Rasputin and how their fate developed after that

Metropolitan Veniamin Fedchenkov very accurately explained why, in principle, Rasputin's rise and the huge demand for him became possible: “Somehow everything has become desalinated in our country, we (the clergy) have ceased to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. It didn’t surprise me at all, then or now, that we didn’t carry anyone along with us: how could we kindle souls when we weren’t burning ourselves ?! And suddenly, a burning torch appears. What kind of spirit, quality he was, we didn’t want, and we didn’t know how to figure it out.” In his opinion, the process of spiritual cooling began from the time of Peter I. After him, who separated the faith from the state, the relationship of the kings with the clergy remained torn, although they were not atheists. The Church has ceased to be a comforter and teacher for people. In the highest circles, they did not know religious inspiration (hence the throwing into mysticism, spiritualism, occultism).

Grigory Rasputin, Bishop Hermogenes (Dolganev), monk Iliodor (Trufanov)
Grigory Rasputin, Bishop Hermogenes (Dolganev), monk Iliodor (Trufanov)

Grigory Rasputin, Bishop Hermogenes (Dolganev), monk Iliodor (Trufanov).

At first, many of the hierarchs of the church, seeing such burning and zeal of Grigory Rasputin in spiritual life, treated him quite favorably. But as bad rumors spread about him and testimonies about his "personal life", many departed from him and tried to explain what was happening to the emperor and his wife. But the "elder" was stronger than them - the clergyman, declaring the inadmissibility of such closeness to the imperial family of Grigory Rasputin, were deprived of their jobs and exiled to dioceses farther from the capital.
