Aggressive Brownie Broke The Glass Of The Balcony - Alternative View

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Aggressive Brownie Broke The Glass Of The Balcony - Alternative View
Aggressive Brownie Broke The Glass Of The Balcony - Alternative View

Video: Aggressive Brownie Broke The Glass Of The Balcony - Alternative View

Video: Aggressive Brownie Broke The Glass Of The Balcony - Alternative View
Video: Making Winter Veil Candy Cane Brownies! December 2019 Baking Stream VoD 2024, July

From the author: I met the main character of my story, Stanislav MOKIN, by chance, as it turned out, he lives in the yard next to me. He told me a story about a brownie who bothered him and his friends for a long time.

Stas, the owner of the apartment at 77 Volodarskogo Street (the city of Kurgan), often told his friends and acquaintances about the mysterious phenomena in his own house. According to the young man, as soon as he moved to a new apartment, he immediately realized that he was not living there alone.

Brownie pranks?


- In the mornings, someone makes a heavy jump from the closet and runs to the kitchen with small steps, and then there are frequent and sonorous blows, as if someone is clapping their hands, - Stanislav shares with me. He told the same to his friends, but they only made fun of him.

In the evenings, this incomprehensible creature frightened the newcomer with sounds from under the sink, in the kitchen cabinet, roaring there so that Stas froze in fear of an inexplicable phenomenon, turned off the TV and, afraid to do anything, sat silently and listened, trembling with fear. Although Stanislav himself is not a timid person and at the same time a complete skeptic. Friends, listening to his stories, laughed and said that he "went crazy" - apparently from loneliness, and advised to have a girlfriend or, in extreme cases, take a pet - a cat or a dog, so that all "nonsense does not go into my head."

But the opinion of Stanislav's friends changed dramatically this summer, when everyone gathered at his house to play cards, listen to music and generally while away the hot June evening. Time flew by quickly, buses had already stopped going and friends decided to spend the night visiting Stas.

My friend Anton woke up first, - Stas tells me the details of that terrible night. - The guy said that someone was looking at him from the balcony opening and making faces. Asleep, he thought it was our prank. But then the guy finally woke up and was horrified, beginning to understand that this face did not look like any of his acquaintances, and indeed little resembled a human one. Numb with fear, he temporarily lost the power of speech, only abruptly covered his head with a blanket and froze.

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It is not known how long he would have sat like this if it had not been for the owner of the apartment, who looked into the room. Only then did Anton return to speech and, widening his eyes with fright, he confusedly told Stas what he had just experienced. Then Anton quickly dressed and walked home in the middle of the night, vowing that he would never spend the night here again.

Pavel, another friend of Stanislav's, who did not really believe in this curiosity, lay down on the vacated sofa. And soon he woke up from a ringing crack. In fright, Pavel looked around the dark room and realized that there was no one in it, and his cheek was not burning from the blow.

As Pasha later said, he had a feeling of being pushed by something not material, but as if airy, but very strong, - Stanislav continues. - Pavel slowly and carefully walked to the door to the next room, then suddenly jumped inside and slammed it.

Having woken up Stas and told him about the attack of the brownie, Pavel did not go back to that room for the night - his heart was pounding like a hammer. The rest of the friends could not sleep either. They spoke in an undertone and listened to the sounds of the night. When at last they began to fall asleep again, the strings of the guitar in that very room tinkled barely audibly. Freezing and not moving, the guys lay silently until morning. Stas was the first to venture into the morning reconnaissance.

A piece of wool of unknown origin was wrapped in the strings of the guitar. There was nothing to discuss. There are more than enough facts, just in reality, supernatural things look much more terrible than in stories and in films,”Stanislav said with a completely serious face.


In the morning all the sleepy, frightened group of guys went home.

And about Stas's terrible apartment, rumors spread around the neighborhood, supported by eyewitness stories about the fierce brownie, and none of his friends went to visit Stas, especially with an overnight stay.

The owner himself, apparently, is accustomed to the home poltergeist and lives there quietly to this day.

Once my grandmother told me that the brownie accepts me as a tenant and therefore tolerates, but does not like noisy guests and is jealous of them, therefore she is naughty, ” Stas shared with me.

True, Stanislav's parents recently invited a priest to the house; and when he baptized all the corners and recited the prayers, the strangeness in the apartment stopped. And then the glass on the balcony mysteriously shattered: a few hours after the father's visit, a neat round hole with a diameter of a small melon appeared on the window, as if it had been cut out to a certain size of something extracted from the inside.

Specialist comments

According to the esotericist Anton Novikov, such holes in the windows of residential buildings, from a distance resembling an ordinary trail from a stone throw, serve as an outlet for otherworldly forces from "energetically spent places" where they did not take root. But more often the poltergeist leaves the shelter unnoticed by human eyes.

There is an opinion

The brownie cannot be kicked out, this is the guardian of the house, it is called that - the berezhin of the house, - says psychic Irina VAKHROMEEVA. - Even if he does dirty tricks, it means that he was offended. It is necessary, according to the old belief, to ask for forgiveness from him. The brownie cannot harm, he does not leave and does not leave, you need to know more precisely what exactly "lived" in this apartment. I can assume about the hole that the brownie in this way gave a sign that he was offended. By leaving signs, they indicate to the owners that something is wrong.

The brownie, usually in the form of a foggy pillar in the shape of a person, can appear, or a hairy little animal, it is cold, it is dark gray or black, it just stands there. He can knock on the door handle, or make a dull sound in the wall, usually in the late evening or at night. Brownie rarely hurts people, only if people are evil, selfish, insidious, opposed to everyone - and then they rarely show themselves.