John F. Kennedy Assassination Solved? He Was Killed By CIA Agent Roy Kellerman. Murder Video - Alternative View

John F. Kennedy Assassination Solved? He Was Killed By CIA Agent Roy Kellerman. Murder Video - Alternative View
John F. Kennedy Assassination Solved? He Was Killed By CIA Agent Roy Kellerman. Murder Video - Alternative View

Video: John F. Kennedy Assassination Solved? He Was Killed By CIA Agent Roy Kellerman. Murder Video - Alternative View

Video: John F. Kennedy Assassination Solved? He Was Killed By CIA Agent Roy Kellerman. Murder Video - Alternative View
Video: JFK's murder and the persistence of conspiracy theories 2024, July

The assassination of 35 US President John F. Kennedy took place on Friday 22 November 1963. The President Was Shot After the limousine drove past the book depository at the corner of Houston and Elm Streets, Dallas. The shots began at exactly 12:30. Now a few words about who was in the president's limousine. In the back seat of the car, to the right was the President of the United States John F. Kennedy, to his left was his wife, Jacqueline Kennedy. In the middle seat of the limousine were Texas Gov. John Connally with his wife, Nelly (on two additional middle passenger). Front CIA agents Ulya Greer (at the wheel) and Roy Kellerman (in the passenger seat next to the driver). At the bottom, I secured a video where everything is clearly visible. And there are screenshots.

Vice President Lyndon Johnson drove behind the president's car. By the way, this is an important detail. Why I will explain later.

At exactly 12:30, the ill-fated Lee Harvey Oswald began to fire from the Carcano M91 / 38 carbine of 6.5 mm caliber. He was a bad shooter, so the first bullets only wounded Kennedy. And this very moment, by some miracle, got on the film. This footage was accidentally taken by an eyewitness Abraham Zapruder. His 26-second shoot became known as the Zapruder Film. The film was, almost immediately, purchased by Life magazine, and about thirty frames were published in the issue of November 29. The film was first shown on television in 1975. By the way, it was Zapruder's film that was used during the criminal case and the court hearing. In fact, this was the only document and evidence in this whole complicated case. It is believed that in the frames of this film there is no moment of the assassination of the president. Although (even then) there were serious doubts about this whole story. On the Internet, I found the following quote: The President's wound with the first shot was assessed by Dallas doctors (experienced specialists who constantly deal with gunshot wounds) as a wound to the throat with an exit in the back. This is indirectly confirmed by the absence of bullet particles in the throat and their presence on clothing in the back area. In addition, it is difficult to explain the wound channel, where the wound in the back is below the wound in the throat, if the shot was fired from behind from a great height. On this basis, the Soviet émigré, writer Igor Efimov put forward a theory that not only the third, but also the first shot was fired from the front, and the wound in the throat was the entrance. Oswald fired only one shot from the book depository - the one that wounded Governor Connally. All injuries to the governor correspond to a top-rear shot. Testing this theory is complicated by the fact thatthat the president's injury by the first bullet was not recorded in the Zapruder film and other film materials (the president's car was behind a road sign), and when Kennedy tried to resuscitate, an incision for a tracheotomy was made right along the wound in the throat, and the wound channel turned out to be impossible to examine. Well, is it really so?

There is a real bomb in the frames of the film. An impartial movie camera recorded not only the moment of Kennedy's assassination, but also the one who killed him. So let's start our analysis. At the moment of the first two shots of Oswald (apparently in the back), Kennedy is wounded but not killed. As he leans forward, the frightened Governor of Texas, John Connally, turns toward him. And at this moment, Roy Kellerman, sitting in the front passenger seat, pulls out a pistol and shoots at Kennedy. I have a slow motion screenshot in the video. The moment of the shot and even traces of powder smoke from the barrel are there. Then he twists the bolt, sending the cartridge into the chamber. I think that there was a sticking of the cartridge and the agent simply "threw out" the cartridge case. Apparently there were a few more shots. The final footage shows President Kennedy, the governor and his wife. Then the whole world was told a fairy talehow one bullet ricocheted seven wounds to these three people. But this is all a lie. The CIA agent shot his president, the governor and his wife. But for some reason he did not shoot Kennedy's wife. I think only because she was also involved in this conspiracy.

It seems to me that it was a typical palace coup. The Kennedy assassination was necessary for Lyndon Johnson to come to power. Well, what happened after that you all already know. The video quality is poor. But this video is already 54 years old. So, there is nothing to complain about.


A CIA agent pulls out a weapon after being shot by a sniper.

Promotional video:


The moment a CIA agent fires.


Again he twists the bolt of his weapon.


After the shots.


Jacqueline Kennedy climbs into the trunk of the limousine in horror.


So the passengers sat in President Kennedy's limousine.


Bullets flew along this trajectory at passengers (official version).


Magic bullet? The trajectory of a bullet that struck several people.


President Kennedy's last trip.

Author: Valentin Degterev