The Super Miracle Of The World Or The Mysteries Of Alexander The Great - Alternative View

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The Super Miracle Of The World Or The Mysteries Of Alexander The Great - Alternative View
The Super Miracle Of The World Or The Mysteries Of Alexander The Great - Alternative View

Video: The Super Miracle Of The World Or The Mysteries Of Alexander The Great - Alternative View

Video: The Super Miracle Of The World Or The Mysteries Of Alexander The Great - Alternative View
Video: Mystery Files - Alexander the Great 2024, September

In historical usage, “initiates” are those outstanding, genius people of the planet Hermes Trismegistus, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Pythagoras, Plato, Paracelsus. Newton and others who owned hidden areas of knowledge. Alexander the Great is known as a unique figure mainly due to his genius as a general. Less well known are his esoteric deeds associated with initiation into ancient secret cults, the carefully hidden science of the Egyptian priests

… In Pella, spiritual life was seething: famous writers such as, for example, Euripides, Agathon, Demosthenes and others, lived there … Also the sage and philosopher Aristotle spent many years in the Macedonian capital, being the educator of Alexander the Great, and instilled love in the soul of the famous commander to science and art; at the same time he prepared him for the execution of the great civilizing work …

When you get to know this corner of Northern Greece, admire the fragments of the architecture of the once majestic castle, the mosaic floor depicting the hunting of Alexander the Great, you come into contact with the spiritual aura of Pella that surrounded the future conqueror of the ancient world. Was it not she that aroused Alexander's passionate enthusiasm for science and "secret knowledge" of the wisest men of Antika, their ancient teachers? Is this not the source of many secrets in the biography of the great commander?


Many of those who sail past the holy Mount Athos, southeast of Thessaloniki, know that since the time of early Christianity a unique in Europe “monastic republic” settled here, which included the monastery of Russian monks …

But few people know that a different fate was destined for Athos in the grandiose plans of Alexander the Great …

The figure of Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), ruler of Macedonia and Ancient Greece, and then the world empire, has attracted attention at all times. However, about this legendary personality, despite the seemingly detailed biography set forth by Plutarch, we, in fact, know little. In fact, Alexander the Great was not only a brilliant commander, but also a great politician, strategist, builder, orator, traveler and, finally, a scientist-researcher. Even specialists know little about these aspects of his activity. He set such huge tasks that descendants will only solve after millennia …

The project of a grandiose and still unsurpassed sculpture was proposed by the idea of Alexander the Great by his architect Dinocrates. It was supposed to turn into a sculpture of a seated Greek warrior … the famous Mount Athos 2033 meters high, hewn it from all sides as a sculptor does with a block of marble. According to the commander's vision, the warrior had to hold in his left hand … a whole city (!) With a population of 10 thousand people, and in his right hand a colossal man-made mountain lake in its size, into which the waters of the rivers flowing from this mountain would be collected. Another city with the same population was supposed to be located under the right hand of the giant warrior. The Austrian architect and architectural historian Fischer von Erlach (1656-1723) points out, referring to ancient sources,that only such an architectural and sculptural design Alexander considered "worthy of his greatness."

The project did not take place. According to the same Austrian author, the commander himself did not allow it for a completely rational reason: "Such a city would not have enough fields to provide food for the population."

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Perhaps this project can only be compared with the famous "Martian Sphinx" and the pyramids discovered in 1976 by NASA as a result of the flight of the Viking-1 spacecraft on the surface of Mars. The dimensions of this "face", presumably also hewn out of the whole mountain, are: the length of the face from the chin to the hair is -1.5 km, the width is 1.3 km, the height is 0.5 km (just something!). This object on Mars, nevertheless, in all respects loses to the plan of Alexander and Dinocrates.

The height of the sculpture carved from Mount Athos, if the plan was realized, would have become 4 times the face on Mars, not to mention the fact that the Martian face is a primitive image that still cannot be accurately identified: is it really artificial origin, or is it just a natural mountain that resembles a face. The primitive "Martian Sphinx" cannot be compared with the sculpture of Dinocrates.

But the Greeks were going to carry out this project without any risk, if Alexander himself had not canceled it.

No, positively the ancient commander was a man of a chosen fate, whose life path was marked by such deeds, a number of which have not yet been explained …


In historical usage, “initiates” are those outstanding, genius people of the planet Hermes Trismegistus, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Pythagoras, Plato, Paracelsus. Newton and others who owned hidden areas of knowledge.

Alexander the Great is known as a unique figure mainly due to his genius as a general. Less well known are his esoteric deeds associated with initiation into ancient secret cults, the carefully hidden science of the Egyptian priests.

His very birth is shrouded in mystery. The son of Tsar Philip II, according to legend, had a supernatural origin. According to the priest of the Temple of Ammon, Alexander's father Philip was "not one of the mortals." It is reported that not only the father, but also the mother Olympias was initiated into the ancient sacraments. “On the eve of that night, when the bride and groom were closed in the bridal chamber, Olympias dreamed that there was a thunderclap, lightning struck her belly, and a strong fire flared up from this blow; flames fled in all directions and then died out "(Plutarch." Biographies "). This is the fate of Alexander the conqueror of the half-world, who flashed and quickly faded away. We also saw a snake lying along the body of Olympias. Philip decided that "she is associated with a supreme being," and no longer shared the royal bed with her. These are the circumstances of the amazing birth of the future commander. Alexander the Great joined the secrets of Ancient Egypt, which was then considered the center of ancient wisdom. The priests kept the unique knowledge that they inherited from the times before the Flood, when, as it is assumed, human civilization was at a much higher level than in ancient times. The educator and teacher of Alexander was Aristotle (384-322 BC), who himself possessed intimate (esoteric) knowledge. When the student learned that Aristotle had written a book that expounded this secret knowledge, he reproached him for their disclosure. “You did the wrong thing by promulgating a teaching that was intended only for oral teaching,” he wrote (Plutarch. Biographies). Aristotle was, in turn, a disciple of Plato, who learned wisdom directly from the priests of Ancient Egypt. Diogenes Laertius arguedthat the priests kept records of knowledge dating back 49 thousand years to Alexander the Great. Initiates from the land of Osiris said to Solon, one of the seven ancient Greek sages: “You Greeks remain children forever, and there is no elder among the Hellenes …” The difference between highly educated Egyptian priests and the wisest and most knowledgeable of the Greeks seemed so enormous. It was with this baggage of secret teaching that Alexander the Great set out to conquer the world. It was with this baggage of secret teaching that Alexander the Great set out to conquer the world. It was with this baggage of secret teaching that Alexander the Great set out to conquer the world.

With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that he did this, deciding to check what Aristotle taught him, or, in other words, the secret priestly science. The owner of secret knowledge becomes subject to the earth, the water element and the heavens. And not figuratively, but literally. Hence the passionate desire of the commander to try himself in this.


Alexander conquered the land, triumphantly conquering Persia, Arabia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, India, that is, the whole world, at least in the part that was known to the Greeks. Alexander believed that in the east there was the Great Eastern Sea, which from India would lead him back to Egypt. But, alas, the conqueror did not manage to pass this path. But this would be the road to the discovery of America only from the west coast, and not from the east, as Columbus did. In any case, secret knowledge indicated to him the presence of a sea road through which one can get to the “antipodes” (Aristotle’s expression), that is, people who walk “upside down” towards Europeans (in antiquity they knew that the Earth was round).

Alexander's stubborn aspiration to India is characteristic. Legends kept legends about the amazing wisdom of the local ascetics who grasped the essence of the world. The commander met with them, but in an emergency, military situation, and had a conversation that was included in all the anthology books. Gymnosophists, as the Greeks called the Indian sages, disappointed the conqueror.

And then Alexander decides to investigate the next element - water. He sailed on ships on the great rivers, went out to the Great Eastern Sea. But this was not enough for him. He decided to go underwater in a bathyscaphe! Where could an ancient commander have had a bathyscaphe? It is known that this apparatus was invented by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). Invented and not made public along with a rapid-fire cannon, a tank, a parachute, flying devices that could be used by people for evil. The great mathematician, astronomer, astrologer and alchemist Newton (1643-1727), himself the bearer of esoteric teachings, wrote about this knowledge: “There are other great secrets besides the transformation of metals, which the great initiates do not boast about … If what Hermes writes about is true, they cannot be comprehended without the world being in great danger "(L. Povel, J. Bergier." Morning of the Magicians ").

There is an old image of Alexander the Great, descending under water in an apparatus resembling a glass barrel, transparent, hermetically sealed, with a hatch above and lighted lamps inside. The "barrel" is supported by cables. Tsar Alexander sits inside the apparatus with tucked legs and observes the picture of the life of the sea (river?) Unfolding in front of him. And this element was cognized and conquered by the initiates. The sky remained.


Flights to the sky and even to the stars in antiquity were written much more often than they think today. The dream of reaching heaven has never left people.

A wooden model of a glider made 25 thousand years ago was discovered in Egypt. The sacred books of India tell in detail about the "vimanas", fiery aircraft. Viking legends have preserved memories of "waffle" aircraft, which left behind a whirlwind of fiery sparks. The Babylonian king Etana (2, 5 thousand years BC) flew into the sky and saw from there the Earth as small as a basket. Well, he was in space? But how this could have come true in the era of Neolithic civilizations remains a mystery.

In the second century BC. e. a certain Alexandrian author told in his chronicles about the life of Alexander the Great. The manuscript was supplied with drawings. She became famous in ancient Rome, and then some of the drawings were repeated in the Middle Ages in a German manuscript book, equipped with miniatures of a medieval artist. The manuscript dates from ca. 1320 It has a wonderful miniature. It depicts the flight of Alexander the Great into space ("to the sky"). The Tsar sits on a throne in a kind of cabin, apparently sealed, which is pulled up by four teams of eagles, three eagles in each. Eagles, of course, cause a laugh today. However, let us imagine what will happen in 2, 5 thousand years with the memory of Yuri Gagarin and what will remain of it. Perhaps they will find a sculpture (the one that is now on the square named after him in Moscow) depicting the flight of an astronaut. Hands are outstretched at the seamsman is drawn upward by an unknown force. Levitation? For posterity, it will be a mystery. In fact, we understand something, this is just a symbol of flying upwards, overcoming gravity. The team of eagles can be interpreted in the same way. This is a symbol of a powerful force that carried the king beyond the earth's atmosphere. In this case, everything falls into place and the miniature does not seem fantastic.

When Tsar Alexander ascended high, a medieval manuscript tells, he saw neither land nor water. Then when he looked down again. The Earth presented itself to him as a small ball in an endless ocean … Now we know that this is exactly what our planet looks like from space.

So, Alexander the Great, fulfilling the outlines of the secret knowledge of the priests, explored the sea, sky and earth. He knew everything. At this time he was 32 years and 8 months old. He reigned for 12 years and 8 months. And the initiate into all the secrets of the world became bored. Having conquered all the lands up to the East Sea, he lost interest in everything. He became hot-tempered, irritable. Subjected to unmotivated anger: killed his best friend for a trifling word. He seems to be looking for death. And she comes …


Alexander, the most powerful of the kings of antiquity, who conquered half the world, falls ill with a fever. Numerous legends have sprung up about Alexander's death. According to one of them, he was poisoned by Aristotle himself, ferrying poison in the hoof of a mule from the icy and poisonous waters of a source in the mountains. According to another version, he contracted malaria. On the third, he was presented with a diadem, set with grenades, which burned his brain like a laser beam in the hot southern sun. On the fourth, Alexander caught the infection while swimming in the muddy and muddy waters of the Euphrates. One way or another, but he was looking for death himself. “Alexander, sensing the close end, left with the intention of throwing himself into the Euphrates: having thus disappeared from among people, he would have affirmed in his descendants the belief that, coming from God, he went to the gods. His wife, Roxanne, saw that he was leaving and held him back;Alexander, with a groan, said that she had robbed him of his lasting glory: to become a god (Arrian. Alexander's Campaign). The suicide did not take place. The agony of the great conqueror continued.

The Russian poet and prose writer Mikhail Kuzmin (1875-1936), a representative of the brilliant Silver Age of Russian literature, painted us a vivid picture of the death of Alexander the Great, his last hours: the sea, accompanied by an eagle, and the idols in the temple slowly swayed with a clink. Then the star again went on its way back from the sea and stood, burning, over the rest of the king. At the same instant Alexander died."

Was it a UFO? Did alien civilizations follow the great initiate? Did they wait for his soul to fly off to take it with him? And did they not help Alexander to win great victories over earthly spaces, over time, water elements and space?

At the time of the death of Alexander the Great, according to Arrian, “a voice emanating from God” was heard. Alexander died as if death was his best destiny.