Sponsors Of The October Revolution Of 1917 - Alternative View

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Sponsors Of The October Revolution Of 1917 - Alternative View
Sponsors Of The October Revolution Of 1917 - Alternative View

Video: Sponsors Of The October Revolution Of 1917 - Alternative View

Video: Sponsors Of The October Revolution Of 1917 - Alternative View
Video: The October Revolution in Russia 2024, September

In addition to the German General Staff, the real sponsors of the Great Russian Revolution were … US bankers.

Two attempts to revolt against the Provisional Government in 1917 were undertaken by the Bolshevik conspirators, before the third attempt, later called the Socialist Revolution, succeeded. All this cost Russia very dearly and was paid not only with human lives, but also … with enemy gold.

No matter how today's historians break their spears, the fact is obvious: a hundred years ago, two main competitors of the United States and England in the world economy - Tsarist Russia and Germany - were destroyed by an internal political explosion.

Today it has already been proven that in addition to the German General Staff, which dreamed of bringing Russia out of the war by means of the disintegration of the army and society, the real sponsors of the Great Russian Revolution were … US bankers. And not just bankers, but those who created the world's main money bag - the Federal Reserve System. This is Rothschild, Morgan, Schiff …

The Germans gave tens of millions of gold marks to Lenin for the Bolshevik coup. But the main organizer of the revolution was Leon Trotsky. And American bankers gave him money.


… The officer of the Canadian Coast Guard leaned his elbows on the rail of the steamer "Christianafjord" and leafed through a suspicious Russian passport. A man in pince-nez with a goatee was standing in front of him, smiling impudently.

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"You will be handcuffed now, Mr. Trotsky," said the officer harshly. - A very large amount of US dollars was found in your luggage, and in the hold we found dozens of boxes with weapons, which according to the papers also belong to you. Can you explain the origin of all this?

The arrested man was stubbornly silent. Soon he was sitting under guard in a special cabin. Canada, as a colony of England, an ally of Russia in the war, upon hearing about a suspicious transport, arrested a steamer in Halifax. Leon Trotsky was detained along with his wife, two children, five secretaries and all 267 volunteer mercenaries, whom he was taking to rebellious Russia to launch a new round of the revolution.

However, a day or two passed, and … the steamer sailed further to Stockholm. The order of the First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill, who came to the rescue here in time, played its role, which read: release everyone, allow them to continue sailing. As historians later established, the order was issued under pressure from the millionaire banker Jacob Schiff and US President Woodrow Wilson.

Thus, the future ardent enemy of Soviet power Churchill, with his own hands, contributed to the transfer to Russia on April 29, 1917, of one of the leaders of the future October coup. By the way, this was a direct betrayal of an ally in the war.

But Leon Trotsky, having arrived with weapons and millions of dollars in Russia, came to the fore. And it is no coincidence that only in July 1917, who joined the Bolshevik Party, Trotsky suddenly turns out to be an influential member of the Central Committee, chairman of the Petrograd Soviet and chairman of the Military Revolutionary Committee of the Bolshevik Party.


But why did the ruling elite of the United States and the largest bankers give him money for the turmoil in Russia? The fact is that the brightest rebel orator Trotsky came to the attention of the Americans during the years of the first Russian revolution of 1905 - after all, even then Lev Davidovich headed the Petrograd Soviet, staged an armed rebellion. After sitting in prisons and fleeing abroad, on January 13, 1917, Trotsky arrives in New York. Officially, he is listed in the Russian-language newspaper Novy Mir.

In fact, he secretly met with major bankers and worked out a scheme to launder money for the revolution. And the scheme was ingenious. Trotsky starred in the film at the film studio of Emmanuel Cohen and Saul Wartzel. Cinema was then primitive, so the scammers quickly slapped a script about the mighty "red revolutionaries" and called it … "My official wife." The role of the hero's wife (Trotsky) was played by the then movie star Clara Kimball Young.

There is a completely reliable version that Trotsky was allocated 20 million of the then dollars for this role - a fantastic fee! Today it is, consider, a billion green - there was something for revolutionaries in Russia to turn around … The founder of the revolutionary terror and the Red Army in Russia went down in history as the first and, perhaps, the only terrorist-movie star of his kind.


In Russia, the Provisional Government is already working, Kerensky is nominated, but in the United States, Trotsky receives the Christianfjord steamer at his personal disposal, which the billionaire banker Jacob Schiff loads with revolvers and maxims. Trotsky himself did not even board the ship. Eyewitnesses said that admirers carried it on their shoulders, and he, "smiling radiantly, sent his comrades farewell."

It is worth emphasizing that along with Trotsky, money and weapons from America, a huge number of revolutionaries arrived in Russia. The most famous streets and enterprises are named after today - Uritsky, Volodarsky, Larin …

I wonder who kept them in the United States if revolution was their only profession? Apparently, all the same business tycoons of the USA and Europe, interested in the collapse of the power of Russia as a competitor.

Historians of our time write today that it is the people from Trotsky's American team who take the revolutionary initiative by the fall of 1917: Antonov-Ovseenko arrests the Provisional Government, Uritsky heads the St. Petersburg Cheka …

One gets the impression that there were no real Bolsheviks and leaders in the party before them, and the revolution would not have happened without them. These extremists were settled by Trotsky in the captured Smolny Palace and fed on the money of Jacob Schiff, which Trotsky calmly received in the St. Petersburg branch of Shiff's Nia Bank. And so it happened: the money was American, but Russian blood was pouring …


Of course, the American bankers did not forget about Trotsky when he seized power with Lenin and his associates. There is information that the director of the Federal Reserve Bank in New York, William Thompson, in 1919 personally contributed a million dollars to the Bolshevik treasury - a huge amount of money at that time!

But then Trotsky, within the framework of the NEP, gave American companies the right to unlimited exploitation of raw materials deposits in the Caucasus. The result is known: the Americans exported up to 90% of all extracted minerals annually, receiving billions of dollars in revenues. American billionaires took out the most valuable works of art from the USSR.

But what about Trotsky! The main gold for instigating the revolution and the Civil War in Russia was supplied by Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin), who worked for the direct enemy of belligerent Russia - Germany.

Author: Evgeny Malyakin