Prophets In The Service Of Intelligence Services - Alternative View

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Prophets In The Service Of Intelligence Services - Alternative View
Prophets In The Service Of Intelligence Services - Alternative View

Video: Prophets In The Service Of Intelligence Services - Alternative View

Video: Prophets In The Service Of Intelligence Services - Alternative View
Video: Dealing with The Demonic Intelligence~Prophet Shepherd Bushiri 2024, June

How intelligence agencies use oracles, mediums and other people with supernormal abilities

Magicians, mediums and predictors of the future. Interest in them either fades or flares up with renewed vigor. Some consider them to be charlatans and fraudsters, while others are unique people with supernormal abilities. Who is right in this dispute? Let's turn to specialists.

The AN observer recently met with retired Lieutenant Colonel Igor Vasilyevich Terentyev, a former employee of one of the Russian special services who has been dealing with agents with superpowers for a long time.

What is the coming day for us?

In the journalistic habit of questioning everything, the AN columnist began the conversation without hiding his skepticism:

- I do not believe in the existence of agents with superpowers. How can you find out, say, about the plans of the enemy, without opening a safe with secret documents or hacking into his computer network?

Terentyev chuckled:

Promotional video:

- There are much more subtle methods. Have you heard about parapsychology and psychotronics?

In response to my ironic smile, Igor Vasilievich gave a short lecture on this science. It turns out that for the first time the term "psychotronics" was proposed to be used by the French engineer Fernand Clerk to describe parapsychological phenomena in conjunction with modern technologies and phenomena. It was popularized by the Czech scientist Zdenek Reidak, who defined it as "an interdisciplinary area of scientific knowledge that studies distant interactions between living organisms and the environment mediated by consciousness and perception processes." In essence, it was all the same parapsychology, but the new term was supposed to rid this area of occult knowledge from negative perception. Its tasks have not changed - they remain the study of telepathy, farsightedness and other psychic abilities.

- I recommend reading the book of the famous Russian physiologist Igor Vinokurov and professor of biophysics Georgy Gurtovy “Psychotronic war. From myths to realities”. In it, they talk about a secret plan of the special services of different countries and a certain "mafia" who use "psychotronic weapons" capable of subduing the will of "psi-operators" of various people. With the help of psychotronics, specialists read thoughts, inspire them with the experimental and produce other effects on the victim, thus turning it into a zombie.

“You can turn a person into a zombie in different ways,” the journalist continued to doubt. - For example, using drugs, hypnosis. But how to reveal his superpowers and make him an oracle? Have you seen at least one real predictor of the future, not a charlatan and a crook?

- Not only saw, but also worked with them for many years, - the lieutenant colonel shrugged his shoulders.

But the columnist for "AN" still could not contain the malice:

- Have their predictions ever come true? Or everything, as in that joke: "That in 2017 nothing special will happen, I realized back in 2004, when the Russian-Japanese war did not take place."

“Historical comparisons are not the main method for a predictor of the future,” Terentyev answered. - Otherwise it will be, as in another joke: “Something the 16th year did not work out, the 17th should definitely be better,” people thought naively exactly one hundred years ago.

- How can you know for sure what the coming day is preparing for us? - the journalist did not hide his doubts. - This is what the journalist of the Swiss newspaper LeTemps Marie-Helene Mioton writes about this.

“The least that can be said is that 2017 is challenging all forecasts. Because of his unpredictability, the threats he harbors become even more dire. To prevent them, the first step is to simply name them and acknowledge their nature. What are they?"

“This is what the fortune tellers in the intelligence service do,” said Lieutenant Colonel Terentyev. - But, of course, most of their forecasts are classified as "Secret".

From under the veil of secrecy

Lieutenant Colonel Terentyev also said that parapsychological research was classified in our country and in the West. And only in rare cases did they become available to the general public.

For example, according to the American press, on June 11, 1977 in Moscow, the KGB officers arrested the American correspondent Robert Toth at the time of receiving secret materials from the Soviet parapsychologist Valery Petukhov about the newest equipment recording the flows of psi particles. But then he was released. After all, parapsychology was not officially recognized in the USSR. Valery Petukhov was declared a charlatan and a swindler who tried to fool a naive Yankee.

Robert Toth was expelled from the USSR as an employee of the Moscow residency of the RUMO - American military intelligence, but in a different case - about espionage. Since the equipment for detecting psi particles has not since been declared existing, it seems that the Soviet counterintelligence thus received confirmation of the interest of the RUMO and the CIA in Soviet research in the field of psychotronics and, along the way, expelled a foreign intelligence officer from the country.

In March 1981, US President Reagan signed a directive to establish an Intelligence and Security Command (ISC) within the Pentagon, headed by Major General Albert Stubblebine, nicknamed "The Warlock." The general was interested in the possibilities of the operational use of oracles, magicians and psychics. With their help, "Koldun" even hoped to stop Soviet nuclear missiles on takeoff. Then there would be no need for the insanely expensive Reagan Star Wars program and the current US missile defense. But it is easier for a Russian woman to stop a horse at a gallop than to an American "Koldun" missile "Bulava" or "Topol".

However, in any intelligence, there is one immutable rule. Until studies of some problem have yielded a positive result, attention to it is being heated in every possible way among the general public. This helps to attract enthusiastic specialists at the initial stage. But when the teams of authors have already been created and are achieving concrete results, the topic of the research begins to be publicly ridiculed and declared a "dead end". Followed by statements about the futility of the topic and the termination of research. In reality, after this trick, the problem is covered with a counterintelligence cap and a thick veil of secrecy. The topic becomes secret.

Expert opinion

Major General Boris Ratnikov in the Federal Security Service used to oversee a special unit that dealt with the secrets of the subconscious:

- In our country, almost all people with supernatural abilities were controlled by the KGB. In the USSR, they realized in time the importance of this problem, as well as the danger posed by the possibility of invading and manipulating someone else's consciousness. The possibilities of remote influence on the psyche in our country have been studied by about fifty institutions. The appropriations for these purposes were in the hundreds of millions of rubles. Subsequently, we have successfully used these developments.

The oracles warn

That is why little is known about the results of our research in the field of psychotronics. Most often, famous oracles, magicians, clairvoyants appear on the eve of any shocks. As if someone is sending them to warn humanity about the upcoming disasters. They predict both the time of impending crises and the consequences of these events.

So it was before the First World War, when Papus, Guido von List, Heiro, Grigory Rasputin, and Hieromonk Innokenty acted as heralds of trouble. On the eve of the revolution in Russia and during the Civil War, Sebottendorf, the Tibetan Dalai Lama Khutukhtu, spoke about disasters. In Soviet Russia, clairvoyants from the group of Gleb Bokiy tried to put these mechanisms at the service of the revolution. Before World War II, the most famous oracles were: Americans Edgar and Hugh Casey, Hubert Pierce, J. B. Rhine, German Eric Hanussen, Swede Karl-Ernst Kraft, Wolf Messing and Sergei Vronsky, as well as Himmler's astrologer Wolf and a number of predictors …

During the Cold War, this function was quite successfully performed by Wanga, Gerard Croisier, V. Tenkhaev from Utrecht, the philosopher of the Indian University Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh, and the Pentagon's special group Albert Stubblebine.

Clairvoyants have at all times been revered as having psychic foresight and prophetic abilities. However, the authorities have always tried to monopolize the information of the oracles and prevented any opportunity for opponents to use it. So, in Germany, Hitler gave astrology the status of an imperial science, but he also ordered the prohibition of all forms of fortune telling. Immediately after this, confiscation of occult literature took place throughout Germany.

Intelligence, by virtue of its functionality, is obliged to catch the trends along which the world is developing. For this purpose, in the United States, the CIA has created a National Intelligence Council, which is called upon to make forecasts for the coming years. Working on such a project, this council does not limit itself to its own efforts, but involves various non-governmental experts. Extensive consultations are held with scientists and futurists from other countries.

Of course, the oracles' predictions have to be carefully checked. Therefore, analysts from the US intelligence community are bringing together disparate data obtained by undercover sources, by means of operational technology, as well as information obtained through legal intelligence (processing of open sources). According to some reports, the same structure exists in the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. They say that modern American and Russian clairvoyants have warned that 2017 will be the year when humanity will come close to the beginning of the third world war. At least in the West, most of the surveyed citizens believe in this.

Predictors fear that the continuation of the permanent war in the Middle East will lead to a global military crisis if Russia and the United States do not jointly put an end to the protracted conflict.