Secrets of history 2024, October

The First Woman Lilith: Why The Bible Is Silent About The Predecessor Of Eve - Alternative View

The First Woman Lilith: Why The Bible Is Silent About The Predecessor Of Eve - Alternative View

You can ask any person about the name of the first woman and how she appeared, and you will surely hear the story about Adam and Eve, as well as about the notorious rib. But few people know that in pre-Christian times the answer to this question was ambiguous, since the sacred texts of that era spoke of another first woman, named Lilith

From What Bone Of Adam Did God Actually Create Eve - Alternative View

From What Bone Of Adam Did God Actually Create Eve - Alternative View

The creation of Eve from the rib of Adam is a well-known biblical myth, which claims that a man was created from the dust of the earth in the image and likeness of God, and a woman is only a part of his side. However, modern historians, studying the original texts of the Old Testament, provide evidence that a certain linguistic error crept into this interpretation

The Main Loss Of The Bible: Where The Ark Of The Covenant Is Kept - Alternative View

The Main Loss Of The Bible: Where The Ark Of The Covenant Is Kept - Alternative View

Archaeologists have discovered in the Israeli village of Bet Shemesh the ruins of a temple where the ark with the ten commandments of Moses was kept before it was transferred to Jerusalem in the 10th century BC. They have been trying to find the relic itself for more than 2

In Saudi Arabia, They Found "evidence" Of Events From The Bible - Alternative View

In Saudi Arabia, They Found "evidence" Of Events From The Bible - Alternative View

According to Bible scholars, the real Mount of Moses is in Saudi Arabia, not Egypt.Bible scholars report the discovery of Hebrew writing on a mountain in Saudi Arabia. In their opinion, stones with inscriptions in ancient Hebrew are located exactly in the place where God met Moses

The Phenomenon Of The Biblical "manna From Heaven" - Alternative View

The Phenomenon Of The Biblical "manna From Heaven" - Alternative View

"Manna is from the Hebrew word for surprise: man-lu" what is this? " Bible Encyclopedia. According to the biblical legend, the ancient Jews, who had been wandering in the desert for many years, began to call the food that fell for them from the sky with manna

Mystery Of Mount Sinai - Alternative View

Mystery Of Mount Sinai - Alternative View

In the photo: This is how a modern artist imagined Moses on Mount Sinai. Biblical Mount Sinai is shrouded in a mass of legends. According to Scripture, it was here that the prophet Moses talked to God

Petroglyphs Prophesy About The Catastrophe - Alternative View

Petroglyphs Prophesy About The Catastrophe - Alternative View

The biblical tradition of the Tower of Babel tells how human pride led to the fact that people forgot a single language, and each nation had its own dialect

Cain's Son Flew To An Alien Space Station? - Alternative View

Cain's Son Flew To An Alien Space Station? - Alternative View

About Enoch, the seventh descendant of Adam, the Bible knows the following: Enoch lived sixty-five years and begat Methuselah. And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters

Who Really Was Nostradamus - Alternative View

Who Really Was Nostradamus - Alternative View

On December 14, 1503, the first-born was born in the family of a notary in the Provencal town of Saint-Remy. The son was baptized by Michel, and the surname was recorded as a noble - de Notrdam. In the Russian translation, it turns out that a certain Mikhail Bogoroditsky was born

It Turns Out That Count Dracula's Castle Looks Completely Different From What We Are Shown In The Films - Alternative View

It Turns Out That Count Dracula's Castle Looks Completely Different From What We Are Shown In The Films - Alternative View

Cinema and literature have a strange ability to turn the most delusional inventions into undeniable truths, and places and landscapes that never existed into absolute reality. This happened with the famous Bran castle in Romania, the alleged abode of the mythical Romanian prince Vlad III Drukula, or Vlad Tepes, also known as Vlad the Impaler (due to the custom of impaling Ottoman Turkish prisoners on a stake)

Arias - Who Are They And Where Did They Come From? - Alternative View

Arias - Who Are They And Where Did They Come From? - Alternative View

When it comes to the Aryans and Aryans, most of us involuntarily remember Adolf Hitler with his myth of "purity of blood", which formed the basis of the ideology of the Third Reich. But the problem is that the National Socialists relied on a completely false idea

Encroached On Sacred Things! Why Did The Russian Peasants Hold A Grudge Against Peter The Great? - Alternative View

Encroached On Sacred Things! Why Did The Russian Peasants Hold A Grudge Against Peter The Great? - Alternative View

It is unlikely that modern smokers have claims to Peter, who in 1697 allowed the free trade in makhorka. Rather, on the contrary - those who like to smoke, they also thank the emperor. Let me remind you that before Peter the Great for smoking in Russia, they could be flogged, deprived of the nose and sent to Siberia

The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of The Crimean Goths - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of The Crimean Goths - Alternative View

Few people have had such a significant impact on the formation of European history as Goths. It was with their invasion of Europe in II - III centuries AD actually began the Great Migration

"Am I My Brother's Keeper?" - Alternative View

"Am I My Brother's Keeper?" - Alternative View

Part 1: Amazing discoveries regarding the creation of the world, paradise, the flood and the Tower of Babel.Part 2: Truth and Legend about the Patriarchs.- Salik.bizPart 3: Folk tradition or truth?Part 4: Moses in a halo of mythsnPart 5: The Age of Struggle and HeroismPart 6: Truth and Legend about the Creators of the Kingdom of IsraelThe split of the Davidic state into Israel and Judea turned out to be one of the greatest tragedies of the Jewish people

Igor Dyatlov's Group Was Killed By Bandits! - Alternative View

Igor Dyatlov's Group Was Killed By Bandits! - Alternative View

It took a very long time to come to this version of the death of tourists in 1959. I went through everything and finally, I can firmly say that I may have solved this riddle completely.Public photographs that can still be found on the Internet will help me with this

The Loss Of The Train And Its Passengers - Alternative View

The Loss Of The Train And Its Passengers - Alternative View

In 1911, a strange event happened, an explanation for which has not yet been found. It all started as usual - a group of wealthy tourists went on a tour of Italy. Their trip was organized by the company "Sanetti"

Secrets And Mysteries Of Jacob Peters - Alternative View

Secrets And Mysteries Of Jacob Peters - Alternative View

On an October evening in 1942, a special flight from the front-line landed at an airfield near Moscow. He delivered the body of a man whose head was wrapped in a leather jacket.The two officers of the military counterintelligence who accompanied the mournful "cargo" took the murdered man to a certain institution, where the pathologist and the commissioner of state security were already waiting

About Attila - "Scourge Of God" - Alternative View

About Attila - "Scourge Of God" - Alternative View

At the end of the 4th century, the Roman Empire, which by that time had disintegrated into Western and Eastern, had a new terrible enemy: the Huns - nomads who came from Central Asia.Back in 377, the Huns captured Pannonia (modern Hungary), but they behaved relatively calmly and did not pose a serious danger to Rome

Attila Against Rome. Battle Of The Catalaunian Fields - Alternative View

Attila Against Rome. Battle Of The Catalaunian Fields - Alternative View

The battle on the Catalaunian fields, took place at the beginning of the era of the Great Migration of Nations, after June 20, 451, between the army of the leader of the Huns conqueror Attila and the Roman army

Scourge Of God - Alternative View

Scourge Of God - Alternative View

The name of the leader of the Huns Attila is on a par with the names of the great conquerors of the past - Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane

The Goths Were Feared And Killed. Their Life - Eternal Mourning - Alternative View

The Goths Were Feared And Killed. Their Life - Eternal Mourning - Alternative View

Each subculture has a base around which it builds. Bikers and cafe racers - this is a motorcycle, for surfers and skaters - board, for rastamans - religion, teddy boys - clothes, while punks have - music

Why Did The USSR And The United States Fight For Control Over Czechosovakia, Sparing No Effort? - Alternative View

Why Did The USSR And The United States Fight For Control Over Czechosovakia, Sparing No Effort? - Alternative View

Czechoslovakia, located in the center of Europe, was a kind of corridor between East and West. Because of this, it has become a kind of bone of contention for the two superpowers - USA and USSR

"Dark Ages" Or Great Nations Migration. Part Two - Alternative View

"Dark Ages" Or Great Nations Migration. Part Two - Alternative View

Part One - The Goths first came to the attention of historians during the reign of Caracalla (AD 215). By that time, they were already a very powerful force that had lived for generations on the plains of Poland and Russia

"Dark Ages" Or Great Nations Migration. Part One - Alternative View

"Dark Ages" Or Great Nations Migration. Part One - Alternative View

Part Two - In the first four hundred years of the Christian era, the migration of peoples and the wars they waged formed the basis on which the entire social, political and military structure of medieval Europe was subsequently built, and nevertheless

Barge Haulers: The Strongest Facts - Alternative View

Barge Haulers: The Strongest Facts - Alternative View

From the 16th century to the era of steam engines, the movement of river vessels up the river was carried out with the help of barge haulers. The Volga was the main transport artery of Russia. Tens of thousands of barge haulers pulled thousands of ships up the river

The Strongest Facts About The War In Afghanistan - Alternative View

The Strongest Facts About The War In Afghanistan - Alternative View

The war in Afghanistan left many unhealed wounds in our memory. The stories of the "Afghans" reveal to us a lot of shocking details of that terrible decade, which not everyone wants to remember

Black Sea Fleet: The Most Unexpected Facts - Alternative View

Black Sea Fleet: The Most Unexpected Facts - Alternative View

Black Sea Fleet - one of the oldest divisions of the Russian Navy. It was created in the 18th century, and since then it has been guarding our southern borders

Prophetic Oleg: The Most Powerful Facts - Alternative View

Prophetic Oleg: The Most Powerful Facts - Alternative View

Prophetic Oleg - one of the most mysterious figures in Russian history. Who was he to Rurik, did he go to Constantinople and, finally, what kind of his death "overseas" is mentioned by the Russian chronicles - all these questions have yet to be answered

One For All: The Most Shocking Facts About Polyandry - Alternative View

One For All: The Most Shocking Facts About Polyandry - Alternative View

Polygamy is widespread across the Earth in many cultures. Much less prevalence is polyandry - when one woman has several husbands at once

Yaroslav The Wise - Russian Prince - Alternative View

Yaroslav The Wise - Russian Prince - Alternative View

This Yaroslav, as we said, loved books and, having copied many of them, put them in the Church of St. Sophia, which he himself created. (Tale of Bygone Years

Prince Rus: Was He The First Russian - Alternative View

Prince Rus: Was He The First Russian - Alternative View

The name of Prince Rus will say nothing to most Russians today. Although, probably, we owe our name to him. We certainly associate the birth of Rus with the name of Prince Rurik, summoned by the Novgorodians in 862

Why Did The Indian Chief Curse American Presidents? - Alternative View

Why Did The Indian Chief Curse American Presidents? - Alternative View

World history knows many legends and stories about the curses of kings and the highest nobility. It is interesting that in the history of the United States there is also a presidential one. It is called the Tekumseh curse after the person who cursed American presidents

The Moldavian Prince And The Turkish Sultan Also Wrote In Russian! - Alternative View

The Moldavian Prince And The Turkish Sultan Also Wrote In Russian! - Alternative View

Russian, aka "Slovenian" language, was spoken over a vast territory from the Adriatic to the Urals and from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean.Any revolution is always a disaster for those whose world it destroys. (In this context, the revolution should be understood in a broad sense - as a set of events that dramatically change the state of society

Three Coffins Of Attila - Alternative View

Three Coffins Of Attila - Alternative View

This great warrior, formidable conqueror of lands was never wounded in battles. The Huns thought that the guardian angel was protecting their leader with a vengeance. But no It turned out that the Almighty only prepared another death for him. Not on the battlefield

Great Migration Of Peoples: The Main Mysteries - Alternative View

Great Migration Of Peoples: The Main Mysteries - Alternative View

The Great Migration destroyed the ancient world, building the Middle Ages on its ruins. Despite many versions, it is still not clear what became the main reason for the movement of the barbarians, where the Huns came from, and who the Pre-Slovens were

The First Great Migration Of Peoples - Alternative View

The First Great Migration Of Peoples - Alternative View

The history of mankind of the last millennia knows numerous evidences of the Great migrations of peoples from one region of the Earth to another due to a sharp deterioration in natural and climatic conditions. As a result, many peoples left the territories of the beautiful lands where their ancestors had settled for many centuries and millennia

Great Nations Migration: The Most Shocking Facts - Alternative View

Great Nations Migration: The Most Shocking Facts - Alternative View

The period of grandiose ethnic migrations at the turn of antiquity and the Middle Ages is called the Great Migration of Peoples. Its climax is considered to be the fall of the Western Roman Empire at the end of the 5th century

Disappeared Celebrities - Alternative View

Disappeared Celebrities - Alternative View

It would seem that a famous person - not a needle in a haystack. Nevertheless, the fate of many famous people today remains a mystery, which gives room for numerous versions

Mysteries Of Russian History - Alternative View

Mysteries Of Russian History - Alternative View

Much in Russian history is mysterious. And the more attentively and deeper we try to delve into it, the more surprising the secrets that open before us

Mysteries Of History: What Is Contained In The DNA Of A Russian Person - Alternative View

Mysteries Of History: What Is Contained In The DNA Of A Russian Person - Alternative View

Scientists have refuted the saying "scratch a Russian - you will find a Tatar." The Mongol invasion left almost no trace in the Russian genomes, and the Scythians were not our direct ancestors. From whom did the Russians originate and what can be learned about them by DNA