Petroglyphs Prophesy About The Catastrophe - Alternative View

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Petroglyphs Prophesy About The Catastrophe - Alternative View
Petroglyphs Prophesy About The Catastrophe - Alternative View

Video: Petroglyphs Prophesy About The Catastrophe - Alternative View

Video: Petroglyphs Prophesy About The Catastrophe - Alternative View
Video: Mysterious Pictographs of the Southwest 2024, July

The biblical legend about the Tower of Babel tells how human pride led to the fact that people forgot a single language, and each nationality had its own dialect. This story has long attracted the attention of historians and linguists, since new evidence of the existence of a universal proto-language was constantly found in the world

Every year in the world on all five continents there is a huge number of rock signs. All of them refer to approximately the same time period. These include strange writings found in the Negev Desert in Israel, dating from around 1700 BC.

These signs were deciphered several years ago by the English linguist Dr. James Harris. According to the researcher himself, it was not difficult for him, since the discovered text is built on the Proto-Canaanite alphabet and includes words from the Hebrew language well known to scientists.

Shortly before Harris published the results of his work, American NASA engineer William McGlone discovered similar petroglyphs on rocks in Colorado. McGlone, an amateur archeologist for many years, regularly hiked the rocky terrain near the town of La Junta in search of the remains of ancient settlements and camps.

These writings were strikingly similar to those found in Israel and date from the same time period.

Harris photographed his find and posted the pictures on the Internet. Over the following years, they began to send him photographs of similar objects from all over the world. Professional archaeologists and historians were involved in cataloging and studying the materials.

Using the technique developed by Dr. Harris, it was possible to practically decipher individual phrases from Colorado and some other similar drawings. First of all, a message from the past calls to pray to a certain single god, followed by information about some kind of catastrophe associated with the Sun.

Further, the experts' opinion diverges. Some say that we are talking about an event that has already taken place, while their opponents argue that the petroglyphs contain a warning of an impending cataclysm. We can say for sure that the decrypted data contains information about the significant impact on the development of civilization, which had or will have this incident.

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If we take into account the first version, then we can talk about some astronomical event - for example, about a total solar eclipse. However, scientists do not deny that a more rare observation is described: the release of a huge dose of gamma radiation from the surface of the Sun or an extremely large number of "sunspots".

For a reliable and more complete reproduction of this ancient message, archaeologists and linguists have to decipher a number of inscriptions from Australia, North and South America.

Such findings have posed questions for science, the answers to which it is not yet able to give. How could it be that in different parts of the world the same story was described in the same language in petroglyphs? Is it possible that our ancestors were able to make long journeys, or do we see examples of the existence of a single proto-language, which was owned by the inhabitants of the Earth in different parts of it?

Until now, scientists have rejected both assumptions. The lack of navigation devices that could be used by sailors far from the coast speaks against the version of long-distance travel. Archaeologists also pointed to the primitiveness of the designs of ships of that time.

The existence of a proto-language is also questionable. Especially with anthropologists. Indeed, according to the latest findings across the globe, humanity began to develop in parallel in different places. It should follow from this that the language in each region developed independently.

But the fact remains, and historians will still have to look for an explanation for the found petroglyphs. That is, either to refute one of the existing theoretical limitations, or to agree on some third version.

Pavel Urushev