Mystery Of Mount Sinai - Alternative View

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Mystery Of Mount Sinai - Alternative View
Mystery Of Mount Sinai - Alternative View

Video: Mystery Of Mount Sinai - Alternative View

Video: Mystery Of Mount Sinai - Alternative View
Video: The Secrets of Sinai... Has This Mountain Been Kept Hidden For a Reason? 2024, July

Photo: This is how a modern artist imagined Moses on Mount Sinai

The biblical Mount Sinai is shrouded in a mass of legends. According to Scripture, this is where the prophet Moses spoke to God. Before their death, the Egyptian pharaohs climbed to the top of the mountain to gain "eternal life." And aliens from outer space have also been here …

First of all, the question of the location of Mount Moses remains controversial. Officially, it is considered the Jebel Musa peak (2285 m) in the south of the Sinai Peninsula. Thousands of pilgrims daily make the difficult journey to the very top of the sacred mountain. According to legend, if you see the sunrise there, then all sins will be forgiven.

Here is the story of Maya P., who was there during a tourist trip to Sharm El Sheikh:

“They usually leave in the evening in order to be in time before dawn. Take a bus for a few hours. Then go uphill for seven kilometers. Each tourist is given a flashlight to shine at his feet. You look at the mountain during the ascent - and there is a whole path of lanterns, everything sparkles with lights.

Some climb on camels, but I walked. It was up for four hours. When it rose, the top was shrouded in fog. All around is bare, rocky ground. Dry, dusty. At the top there is a Christian chapel - an arch with a bell. But they don't hold services there. The place is very deserted and abandoned."

Something does not agree … As you know, Moses led his people in the desert for 40 years. It is unlikely that people, among whom were children and the elderly, who were carrying livestock with them, could survive in such conditions. After all, there are practically no water sources near these places. In addition, the Bible says that Moses climbed the highest peak in the area, but there are even higher peaks in the vicinity than Jebel Musa. At least the peak of St. Catherine. So maybe the pilgrims are taking the wrong route?

In the 70s. of the last century, foreign media published photographs taken from a helicopter by the famous American writer of Russian origin Zakharia Sitchin. He, flying over Sinai, photographed from a helicopter a white disc-shaped object on top of a mountain, next to a cave.

Promotional video:

According to Sitchin, there could be a cosmodrome where space alien ships landed. The Egyptians, like many other peoples, have legends about people who descended from heaven on fiery chariots. Perhaps it was with them that Moses talked on the mountain? But on what mountain? Sitchin tried to find her, but for a number of reasons he was never able to explore the peninsula.

In April 2006, the expedition of the research association "Cosmopoisk" visited Sinai. Its participants, having arrived in Sharm El Sheikh, interviewed local Bedouin residents, and in one of the tribes a woman elder told them the legend about a star that once descended from the sky to the top of Mount El Brook. This star seems to be inside the mountain even now.

Alas, it was not so easy to get close to the indicated place. At first, the jeeps were blocked by barbed wire, then a cliff … Finally, the researchers noticed something resembling the entrance to a cave. He was overwhelmed. Nearby, on the surface, were visible whitish concentric circles of a fairly regular shape. They decided that this was the result of weathering of the rock. Could it be that Sitchin took them for a landing UFO? Or was it a trace of a natural "plate"?

They tried to dig the hole leading into the cave in order to lower the camera there. A cloud of dust escaped from there. Apparently, it contained some kind of toxins, since later four members of the "Cosmopoisk" who were near the hole received serious poisoning. Nothing clearly indicating the presence of Moses or aliens here was found on El Brook. This means that the search will continue.