About Valentine's Day - Alternative View

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About Valentine's Day - Alternative View
About Valentine's Day - Alternative View

Video: About Valentine's Day - Alternative View

Video: About Valentine's Day - Alternative View
Video: 7 Things You Didn't Know About Valentine's Day | History Countdown 2024, September

Strange things are happening in the world, progress is growing stronger. For centuries people lived, loved each other, and loved much more strongly than now. And they didn't know any “Valentine's Day” as Valentine's Day. And now they have forgotten how to love, only 10% of the families created remain, but they have learned to celebrate “Valentine's Day” en masse. Oh, how cute he is in the pictures, this "Valentine's Day" - "Valentine's Day", he is all so plush-floral, heart-chocolate! Just a little girl's bedroom, not a holiday …

The outwardly innocent holiday hides the propaganda of homosexuality, debauchery and the beating of women. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at the history of the origin of this dubious celebration.

What is this wonderful holiday, Valentine's Day, who invented it and why?

I will try to briefly (as possible) and at the same time clearly convey the following points to the public:


Valentine's Day - Named for an early Christian martyr. St. Valentine lived in the Italian city of Terni in the 3rd century and was executed on February 14, 270. It is believed that he was canonized by Pope Gelasius I in 494.

This holiday is named after at least two early Christian martyrs named Valentine. Valentine's Day begins with the legendary Lupercalia, the erotic festivals celebrated on 14 February. You can learn more about the scope of orgies, violence against women, and the encouragement of homosexuality that certainly accompanied the celebration in more detail in special literature or gleaned from other open sources.

Promotional video:

Who was that person with the name associated with the tradition of celebrating "Valentine's Day"? In numerous publications appearing on the eve of February 14, you can read the following beautiful legend.

At first glance, everything seems very plausible and historically verified. But in fact it is completely untenable. Firstly, because the sacrament of wedding was formed in the Church only in the Middle Ages, in the third century there was simply no such rite. This means that Valentine did not marry anyone.

Secondly, one does not need to be a great connoisseur of church law to understand that a priest cannot marry. We find such an establishment even in the New Testament. A priest, if he did not marry before his ordination, loses the canonical ability to marry. Otherwise, he commits a great sin, for which he is punished by defrocking. Thus, for Valentine, if he were a priest, the appearance of a new lover would mean the fact of betrayal either to his wife or his faith. Under such circumstances, such a person simply could not be glorified as a saint. We have to admit that this beautiful legend is simply an illiterate FANCTION of the Christian Church.

Another version about the origin of this celebration was proposed by the priest of the Greek Orthodox Church Georgios Metallinos. According to him, the tradition of celebrating this day was established by the American actor Rudolph Valentino, who died in 1926. The latter considered himself the ideal of all lovers, and on this day he organized lecherous parties in his house, which he called "Valentine's Day".

In any case, there is no need to talk about the ancient traditions of celebrating this date. Yes, the Church knows several ancient saints named Valentine, among them both the presbyter and the bishop who suffered in the III century. There are their ancient lives, in which, of course, there is nothing of what modern "chroniclers" offer. It is obvious that initially the idea and the commercial premise of celebrating Valentine's Day arose, and only after that they began to add a historical component to it.

Thus, the February holiday in Rome has ancient roots. In any of its variants, love and fear, death and pain went side by side. The same can be said for the medieval and modern interpretation of it. And people celebrate that?!?!


(who benefits from the popularization of the celebration of Valentine's Day)

When did it appear, and the new day of the calendar began to be celebrated? In fact, quite recently. This is a native child of the era of capital. The holiday began its victorious march, of course, from America in the 19th century. And it owes much of its success to the commercial component: the sale of gifts and postcards-hearts, actively promoted by the engine of trade - advertising.

One has only to wonder how a modern "Russian" person is capable of trustingly, without analysis and reasoning, to accept all the cultural waste that the media offer him and manifestations of Western or American consumer culture. They will say - “Vanya, today we have“Halloween”, and Vanya obediently celebrates the holiday, when, according to Celtic ideas, all evil spirits come to earth. Or: "Vanya, today is World Valentine's Day!" - and our "Vanya" is hitting all the hard … What can you say, - a cultural sewage system has burst in Europe, and here everything comes up …

As per Alain Dulles' plan:

sex education, generously sponsored by various "soros", has gone through the youth like a hard skating rink. Those who publish youth magazines, pharmacies, etc. have made very good money on this. And if we start to remember when the "Valentine's Day" unknown to us before began to take root on our soil, we will see that it began to creep into us through the media right after the first attack on sex education of our children we repulsed.

Various chocolates, cookies, sweets, hearts, cupids (cupids), virtual postcards in social networks, paper-cardboard and other "special means" for drawing young people into the celebration of "Valentine's Day" - in fact, the same as bait with complementary foods, for tackle when fishing.



More than a hundred years ago, having gone through the "Americanization", the holiday gradually acquired its modern look.

Valentine's Day burst into our lives like a whirlwind in the mid-90s of the XX century. And many of our fellow countrymen, tired of the endless upheavals and the elementary lack of positive emotions, welcomed the new holiday with a bang, as it seemed then - the holiday of love.

But such are the features of modern mass culture, when the meaning of the holiday is gradually emasculated, like candy melted in your mouth, and everything is wrapped in a beautiful wrapper, but not traditional human values, on which the life of many generations of our ancestors was based.

Why are explanations about the background of all these "Valentine's days" ineffective so far?

Because it is very difficult and often impossible to rationally deal with what is in the emotional sphere.

Why don't young people want to hear about what is really hidden behind these "days"?

Most likely, because they are attracted by the word "love" in our hard world, in which "love is depleted." Torn away from their parents early and going through the "nursery-kindergarten" system, not being fond of parental love, not protected by it, but growing thorns and thorns, they are looking for love for the rest of their lives like air and fall into just such substitutions. For them, love is no longer warmth, comfort, a lot of common household chores and conversations. Parents who devote all their time and energy to making money build purely functional relationships with their children: to feed, dress, put on shoes, and provide entertainment. Mentally and spiritually undeveloped children also cannot give to anyone what they themselves did not receive. It is much easier to buy a paper or chocolate heart, give it to someone and forget about it. Now this is called love.

Love-look, love-mystery, love-state - disappear. Actions of love appear. Love becomes a function. It used to be experiences. Now everything is moving into objective activity. The subtlety of emotional experiences disappears.

Fortunately, not everyone falls into "trap days" invented by unprincipled businessmen. Not everyone is on these "fake holidays". If at first the youth threw themselves into all grave trouble, then the healthy part of society, especially the Orthodox of the pagan persuasion, for the most part, still treats these “days” soberly and calmly.

This is due to the fact that sober people (there are not many of them yet, but the number is growing) - have learned (even superficially, but the first step has already been taken!) The heritage of their ancestors, have reconstructed their native Slavic holidays. They managed to survive and feel all the sacredness of real holidays, the joy of their approach and everything connected with all this, including gifts, preparation, festive feasts. Naturally, such people feel in their hearts the artificiality, the surrogate nature of such pseudo-holidays as Valentine's Day.

For a pagan (Rodnover), each ritual is a holiday of love, allowing one to feel genuine love, pure joy, light. No "days of lovers" and "women's days" give such fullness of love.

The restoration of strong families, professing Rodnoverie, in our society also demonstrates to us that true family love is immeasurably higher than those crafty "days".

Genuine spiritual and moral values are returning to our lives.

After all, our youth is quietly, slowly but surely awakening. Becomes sober and attentive to the signs of the times. Not everyone is destined to be spiritual degenerates. Therefore, there is hope that we will survive this attack and get rid of it. May the Native Gods help us.

ALTERNATIVE to Valentine's Day

(an identical holiday for the Slavs and just normal people)

1. In Russia, where they constantly see aggression against the empire in any influence of the West, the church offered an alternative to Valentine's Day. Namely, the celebration of the Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia. Here's the legend:

But again 25!

And Valentine's Day, and the day of Saints Peter and Fevronia - THESE DAYS OF DEATH. How right is it to celebrate such a dark event as death?

And the very scarcity and spiritual poverty - accompanied by monasticism - can be a reason for a holiday? Anyway, Christianity is a very dark and self-contradictory religion. Therefore, it is not even worth trying to bind such bright holidays as the Day of Love, Loyalty, etc. to it.

2. In my opinion, the most suitable holiday that can be an alternative to Valentine's Day is KUPALA.

In the evening before the Kupala night, the girls guess at the betrothed - they throw their wreaths into the water, and the guys must get them. A wreath is a symbol of happiness and marriage (marriage). Whose wreath the guy gets, the girl should kiss and be paired with him on this holiday. A beautiful ceremony, which is then accompanied by jumping over the fire, round dances, songs, dances, searching for a fern flower. And most importantly, it is naturally tied to the solar cycle. Warm, cozy and comfortable! You go barefoot, swim naked. Summer, Beauty! This isn't going to the supermarket for a postcard and a box of chocolates in winter, followed by drinking and promiscuous sex on Valentine's Day.

It will not be difficult for everyone who wants to learn more about the Kupala holiday! Instead of visiting the idiotic pages of the VKontakte site, I recommend studying a little the customs and traditions of your ancestors.

3. For married (married) people, the alternative could be their Wedding Day. For those who are trying their relationship and are in the status of the so-called "meeting" - the Day of the beginning of their relationship. Day of the first kiss, Day of the first intimacy.

Love - after all, it is intimate, so celebrate the day of love with your soul mate, and not in public.

Valentine's Day is an immoral holiday aimed at transforming intimate feelings into a universal and public action, and also exploits base feelings and perverts the very concept of love.

Do not forget that any holiday is a vivid reminder of something very important in our life. On such days, we check our "clocks" with our close people and our ancestors (honoring them and paying tribute). This means that the work on feelings and relationships must go on constantly!

A holiday is a special day when a person remembers what is dear and sacred to him.

It is not for nothing that the word "Holiday" in the Ukrainian language is translated as "Svyato".

It is quite possible to paraphrase a well-known proverb - "tell me what holidays you celebrate, and I will tell you who you are." But now in Ukraine and Russia a strange situation is developing - in a short time there appeared "holidays" alien and even hostile to Slavic culture.

I wish everyone to get rid of self-deception and not let others deceive themselves. Be honest with yourself and the other person. Look for true love. I wish those readers who have not yet experienced true love - by all means find this feeling. And those who have already found love - to keep it for life, sharing their warmth and joy with others.

Kirill Smirnov