Secrets of history 2024, October

The Mystery Of The British Empire - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The British Empire - Alternative View

Now even the Americans themselves are beginning to call their country an "evil empire", as the American director Oliver Stone did quite recently in one of his interviews. Indeed, the impudent US intervention in the sovereign affairs of other states around the world only arouses the hatred of peoples whose countries, as a result of the export of "American democracy", turned out to be robbed by transnational corporations or plunged into the chaos of war and devastation as a resul

Why The Wehrmacht Was Afraid Of The Power Of The Soviet Armored Train - Alternative View

Why The Wehrmacht Was Afraid Of The Power Of The Soviet Armored Train - Alternative View

The battles for Sevastopol were one of the most difficult and dramatic in the history of the Great Patriotic War. Both sides suffered colossal losses, and none of them thought to retreat. However, among other things, the Red Army had a force that the Wehrmacht feared like fire

Prologue Of World War II - Alternative View

Prologue Of World War II - Alternative View

In 1919, when a peace treaty was signed in Versailles, summing up the results of the First World War, the French Field Marshal Ferdinand Foch predicted: “This is not peace yet. This is a 20 year respite. "

So Who Are The Barbarians And Savages Here? - Alternative View

So Who Are The Barbarians And Savages Here? - Alternative View

All of us have already gotten sore with the familiar phrase - "enlightened Europe." You and I have been convinced for centuries that we are barbarians, savages, and so on, but Europe … … Is it really so? Can we see which of us are barbarians? Whe

Seven-fold Thebes. Greek City-mystery, Shrouded In Legends - Alternative View

Seven-fold Thebes. Greek City-mystery, Shrouded In Legends - Alternative View

Thebes is a city in central Greece that has been continuously inhabited for five millennia. It was an important Mycenaean center in the middle and late Bronze Age and was a powerful city-state during the classical period, participating in both the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars, reaching its peak of influence in the early 4th century BC, when it was at its most powerful city in Greece

On The Benefits Of An Agent Network, Or What Technologies Appeared In The USSR Thanks To Intelligence Officers - Alternative View

On The Benefits Of An Agent Network, Or What Technologies Appeared In The USSR Thanks To Intelligence Officers - Alternative View

Back in the early 1920s, the young state of the USSR was in dire need of technology upgrades, especially in the context of unfolding industrialization. However, exhausted by the First World War and the Civil War, the power simply could not provide itself with such developments on its own

How Did Most Modern Finns Fall Under The Influence Of Pro-Western History Textbooks - Alternative View

How Did Most Modern Finns Fall Under The Influence Of Pro-Western History Textbooks - Alternative View

Veikko Korhonen is a blogger from the city of Oulu (Finland), like most modern Finns, periodically fell under the pernicious influence of pro-Western history textbooks.Everything in them that belonged to the Russian, as a rule, was watered with total mud, the joint Russian - Finnish history was presented as a continuous nightmare, and the pernicious influence of the present was constantly supported by stories about the aggressiveness and military enmity of the closest neighbor

SS Cossacks - Alternative View

SS Cossacks - Alternative View

Betrayal, serving the Nazis during the war years is a sensitive topic. The government speculated and is speculating with it in the most vile way, for their vile political purposes. When in the eighties the Crimean Tatars began to demand rehabilitation and return to the Crimean land, TASS immediately circulated through all channels and newspapers an article that the Crimean Tatars fought on Hitler's side, our children were burned in ovens; as soon as the Ukrainian question escal

The Curse Of The Aztec Priest - Alternative View

The Curse Of The Aztec Priest - Alternative View

The destroyer of the Aztec empire, Cortez, was cursed repeatedly during his lifetime. However, he died in fame and fortune. The curse overtook him after death.- Salik.bizA curseThe Spaniards set fire to brushwood and stepped aside. Hernan Cortez, accompanied by his retinue, silently watched the flames flare up under the feet of the High Priest of the Aztec god Huitzilopochtli, the god of war and the sun

An Ancient Sarcophagus Was Found In Spain, Which They Are Afraid To Open - Alternative View

An Ancient Sarcophagus Was Found In Spain, Which They Are Afraid To Open - Alternative View

Spanish archaeologists, while conducting prospecting work on the site of the restoration of a building in Granada, unexpectedly discovered a lead Roman sarcophagus, 1800-1900 years old.According to El Pais, archaeologists were extremely surprised to find such a Roman coffin during restoration work in Andalusia

Biography, Discoveries Of Hernan Cortez - Alternative View

Biography, Discoveries Of Hernan Cortez - Alternative View

Hernan (Hernando, Fernando) Cortes de Monroy (born 1485 - death 2 December 1547) Spanish conquistador, that is, the conqueror. In his youth, he served in the Spanish troops in Cuba

True Facts About The Conquistadors - Alternative View

True Facts About The Conquistadors - Alternative View

The arrival of the conquistadors in the New World is considered an outstanding event, however, it was not at all a noble mission. The appearance of the Spaniards in America really led to new research and discoveries, only their price was too high

How The Military Of The USSR Fought For Spain - Alternative View

How The Military Of The USSR Fought For Spain - Alternative View

In March 1939 (80 years ago), General Franco's army took Madrid, defeating the last Republican troops. Even earlier, the last Soviet specialists left the country. Their role in the war is still not fully explored

Archaeologists Have Removed The Blame From The Conquistadors For The Extinction Of The Indians - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Removed The Blame From The Conquistadors For The Extinction Of The Indians - Alternative View

Archaeologists studied the history of the disappearance of several Indian settlements in the southern United States and came to the conclusion that it was not the conquistadors who were to blame for the genocide of the Indians after the discovery of America, but, most likely, the missionaries who came to America a century later than the conqueror

The Origin Of The Runes - Alternative View

The Origin Of The Runes - Alternative View

Some historians claim that the runes originated in the Teutonic tribes of Northern Europe in the 5th century. BC e. Others are of the opinion that the Scandinavian Goths adapted the Greek script during their contact with Hellenic culture around the 2nd century

The Mysterious History Of The Oirat Shrine - Alternative View

The Mysterious History Of The Oirat Shrine - Alternative View

Without a doubt, the greatest person in Oirat history should be recognized Zai pandita Namkhai Gyatso (Ogtorguin Dalaya). His activities united the Oirat khanates of Dzungaria, Kukunor and Volga. We will write a separate article about this great man, in a series of articles dedicated to the outstanding Oirat monks, and now, for the attention of our readers, I offer the amazing history of one Oirat shrine

Psychics And Astrologers In The Service Of The First President Of Russia - Alternative View

Psychics And Astrologers In The Service Of The First President Of Russia - Alternative View

Boris Yeltsin went down in history not only as an ambiguous and unpredictable politician, but also as the patron saint of all kinds of magicians, astrologers, psychics and predictors.It was during the reign of Yeltsin that a variety of witchcraft flourished in the country

Precious Shrines Of The Vatican - Alternative View

Precious Shrines Of The Vatican - Alternative View

There are many legends and stories associated with precious stones. The church, whose gold reserves were legendary, did not escape a similar fate. For example, the mystical events associated with the Appian Way are of great interest.- Salik

From The History Of Sacrifices: Buried Secrets That Archaeologists Find In Old Castles - Alternative View

From The History Of Sacrifices: Buried Secrets That Archaeologists Find In Old Castles - Alternative View

In the folklore of many peoples, there are creepy stories about people walled up alive. Why did such a terrible death befell them? It was believed that some were punished for crimes, explicit or fictitious. Others were to remain forever the watchmen and guardians of the place where they found their death

A Story That Never Happened. Do History Textbooks Correspond To Historical Truth? - Alternative View

A Story That Never Happened. Do History Textbooks Correspond To Historical Truth? - Alternative View

UNIFIED HISTORY TEXTBOOKIn January 2014, the discussion of a new educational and methodological complex of Russian history ended in Russia, and the director of the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Alexander Chubaryan, received instructions from V

The Lost Tomb Of Jesus: An Interesting Find That Could Change The History Of Christianity - Alternative View

The Lost Tomb Of Jesus: An Interesting Find That Could Change The History Of Christianity - Alternative View

The Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem has been a place of pilgrimage for believers from all over the world for many centuries. But it is possible that this is not at all the place where Jesus Christ is buried. Five kilometers from the shrine, there is an interesting tomb, which is of value to archaeologists …-

Black Spots Of British History - Alternative View

Black Spots Of British History - Alternative View

FencingThe British elite carried out the genocide of their people, eliminating most of the English peasantry as a class, a process called "fencing".- Salik.bizIn the XV-XVI centuries. against vagabonds and beggars, the Tudors enacted a series of laws that they called the "Bloody Legislation

The Voynich Manuscript. One Page Of Our History - Alternative View

The Voynich Manuscript. One Page Of Our History - Alternative View

In general, the Voynich manuscript (hereinafter referred to as RV) is a set of drawings of plants, diagrams and other unknown images with textual explanations [2]

What Was Shown On Television In The Third Reich - Alternative View

What Was Shown On Television In The Third Reich - Alternative View

Television, first tested in 1925, became widespread only in the second half of the 20th century. However, TV channels began to appear back in the 1930s-40s

How Did The True History Of The Slavic People Disappear - Alternative View

How Did The True History Of The Slavic People Disappear - Alternative View

Russia has always been a cultural donor. We have always poured our blood into European nations

Source Of Images For Slavic Amulets: Revived History - Alternative View

Source Of Images For Slavic Amulets: Revived History - Alternative View

We often hear that modern Slavic amulets - "Remake". Say, there were no such images and patterns in the old days

Forbidden Letter From Mikhail Lomonosov - Alternative View

Forbidden Letter From Mikhail Lomonosov - Alternative View

In 1986, the Mosfilm film studio completed the two-year filming of Mikhailo Lomonosov, one of the most successful multi-part films about the history of Russia. The film consists of three sections: "From the depths of their own", "The Gates of Learning" and "To the Glory of the Fatherland", each of which has three episodes

The "dark" Secret Of The "Titanic" Has Been Revealed - Alternative View

The "dark" Secret Of The "Titanic" Has Been Revealed - Alternative View

Scientists have tried to find out who is to blame for the tragedy for more than a decade, but they could not come to unambiguous conclusions

Why Did Nicholas II Allocate Funds For The Creation Of The US Federal Reserve - Alternative View

Why Did Nicholas II Allocate Funds For The Creation Of The US Federal Reserve - Alternative View

In any country in the world, its national currency is one of the main guarantors of independence. At the same time, its emission is carried out by a central bank owned by the state. Only the USA is different

10 "dark" Secrets Of The Ottoman Empire, Which The Turks Do Not Like To Remember - Alternative View

10 "dark" Secrets Of The Ottoman Empire, Which The Turks Do Not Like To Remember - Alternative View

For almost 400 years, the Ottoman Empire ruled over what is now Turkey, southeastern Europe and the Middle East

The Most Brutal Emperor In Human History: 15 Dark Secrets About Genghis Khan - Alternative View

The Most Brutal Emperor In Human History: 15 Dark Secrets About Genghis Khan - Alternative View

Genghis Khan is the founder and first great khan of the Mongol Empire. The conqueror was incredibly cruel and merciless, so that even Hitler seems like an amateur in comparison with him. At the beginning of the XIII century

New Chronology: Was There A Global Empire Russia-Horde? - Alternative View

New Chronology: Was There A Global Empire Russia-Horde? - Alternative View

CRITICISM OF THE GLOBAL EMPIRE HYPOTHESIS To the 2nd half. 20 century in the traditional version of history, a large number of systemic contradictions have accumulated

Golden Woman Of The Slavs - Alternative View

Golden Woman Of The Slavs - Alternative View

For the second century now, adventurers, scientists and adventurers have been searching for the traces of the legendary Golden Woman. Stories about her make hearts beat faster and beckon to unknown lands. They are looking for the Golden Woman in the far North and in Siberia, in the Urals and in Altai

Lake Arey - Myths And Legends - Alternative View

Lake Arey - Myths And Legends - Alternative View

In his life, a person sometimes comes across some kind of mythology that helps to find answers to questions that sometimes arise. For example, the history of Lake Arey, whose water is very clean, is characterized by low mineralization and high oxygen content

Mary Magdalene: The Repentant Harlot Or The Main Follower Of Christ? - Alternative View

Mary Magdalene: The Repentant Harlot Or The Main Follower Of Christ? - Alternative View

Mary Magdalene. For Catholics, she is a repentant harlot, for Orthodox Christians she is one of the most important followers of Christ. Where is the truth in this story? Let's try to figure out who the first of the people who saw the miracle of resurrection really was

Amazons On The Russian Plain - Alternative View

Amazons On The Russian Plain - Alternative View

Amazons, women warriors, in the old days could be found on almost all continents. So, the Spanish conquistadors encountered them in South America, and the deepest river in the world got its name precisely in memory of that meeting

Berserk Code - Alternative View

Berserk Code - Alternative View

The Vikings firmly established themselves as one of the most ferocious tribes of their time. They were hated, feared, cursed, frightened by the invasions of children

Berserkers Overeat Henbane Before The Fight - Alternative View

Berserkers Overeat Henbane Before The Fight - Alternative View

The aggressive behavior of berserkers during the battle may have been caused by the intake of black henbane (Hyoscyamus niger), and not broths from fly agarics, as previously thought. An ethnobotanist from Slovenia came to this conclusion, who compared the known symptoms of the action of psychoactive substances contained in amanita with the action of alkaloids of black henbane and other nightshades

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Collusion Or Necessity? - Alternative View

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Collusion Or Necessity? - Alternative View

Continuation of the cycle of articles on WWII / WWII, previous materials: 1) "They filled up the Germans with corpses," they say? They lie, with … dogs! 2) Allies, damn With such "friends" and enemies are not needed! 3) Black myths of war. Detachments