SS Cossacks - Alternative View

SS Cossacks - Alternative View
SS Cossacks - Alternative View

Video: SS Cossacks - Alternative View

Video: SS Cossacks - Alternative View
Video: XV SS Cossack Cavalry Corps 2024, October

Betrayal, serving the Nazis during the war years is a sensitive topic. The government speculated and is speculating with it in the most vile way, for their vile political purposes. When in the eighties the Crimean Tatars began to demand rehabilitation and return to the Crimean land, TASS immediately circulated through all channels and newspapers an article that the Crimean Tatars fought on Hitler's side, our children were burned in ovens; as soon as the Ukrainian question escalated, they immediately recalled the SS Galicia division, and so on. And only about the Cossacks who served Hitler - not a word! Moreover, with the advent of glasnost, Hitler's Cossacks began to be portrayed as fighters against Bolshevism and victims of the Red Terror.

In 2002, I was amazed by the interview of the Izvestia correspondent with the Chilean general Miguel Krasnov, who was convicted in Chile for mass crimes during the Pinochet era. (Miguel Krasnov is the son of General Semyon Krasnov and the grand-nephew of Ataman Pyotr Krasnov). The correspondent asked:

- General, you know the events of 1945 in Lienz, when Great Britain extradited officers of the White Guard Cossack troops to the NKVD. What is your attitude towards those tragic days?

Miguel Krasnov replied:

- I think this is the most heinous crime … Collusion between allies is a real tragedy. Hundreds of thousands who had once fled from the Red Terror were turned over by the British to Stalin. Among the tortured were my second cousin Ataman Pyotr Nikolaevich Krasnov, my father General Semyon Nikolaevich Krasnov, as well as all members of the top Cossack leadership.

Tell me, gentlemen, journalists, how many people can you deceive ?! This fairy tale about the extradition by the West of the Cossacks who “fled from the Red Terror” has been circulating in the press for a year now. Great Britain "extradited to the NKVD" not the officers of the White Guard Cossack army, but the Hitlerite Cossack army. Many of them greeted the fascists as their own when the Don and Kuban occupied the German armies and fought at Stalingrad on Hitler's side, and then left the Soviet Union with the Nazis, and Hitler settled them in southern Austria - northern Italy …

The Krasnovs and others were not “tortured,” but shot and hanged as Hitler's accomplices. Yes, the UK acted legally dubious. Probably, she should have done with the fascist Cossacks in the same way as with other Nazi prisoners of war. But it is even more outrageous to deceive readers, to pass off Nazi minions as White Guards, “victims of the Red Terror”. For some reason, none of the journalists says or writes that from the beginning of the attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union, the leadership of the Cossack troops abroad fully supported fascism and went into the service of Hitler. The Main Directorate of the Wehrmacht Cossack Troops was created under the leadership of Krasnov and Shkuro.

The trust between the fascists and the Cossacks was so great that the Cossacks were excluded from the "racial theory", they were recognized not as Slavs, and even more so not as Russians, but as distant descendants of some ancient Germanic tribe. And therefore the Cossacks were accepted into the SS (Russians were not accepted into the SS, and the Ukrainians - from 1944, when the SS Galicia division was created). Moreover, Hitler's Cossacks as “descendants of the Aryans” were allowed to create their own state and land was allocated for it in the occupied territory of Belarus.

Promotional video:

At first I thought that Izvestia simply did not know about this. But at the end of the interview, Izvestia's Reference was quoted, that is, something that claims to be almost completely objective. And there it is written in black and white about Semyon Krasnov: "Since 1944 - Chief of Staff of the Main Directorate of the Cossack troops who fought on the side of Germany … Still not rehabilitated."

What does it mean? Is it time to rehabilitate Hitler's generals in Russia?

Then I wrote a few lines and sent it to Izvestia. The newspaper had a section called "Feedback", where readers' responses to Izvestinskie materials were printed. I called a week later. I was told that my letter was published (I don’t know in what form), but in a regional edition. That is, away from Moscow, from the capital scandal and the capital's public opinion? So they understand what they have done? And cowardly hiding?

Then I took the article to the Literaturnaya Gazeta. They did not refuse to refuse, but they did not publish it either. No sooner had I survived the news from Izvestia and the affront of Litgazeta, when the phrase flashed in Novaya Gazeta: “After the war, the British government gave out more than twenty thousand Cossacks who fought against Stalin (emphasis mine - SB)” during the Great Patriotic War, my father and millions of the living and the dead fought for Stalin? Is it so? Logically?

It remains only to call the Cossacks-Hitlerites fighters against the totalitarian Stalinist regime.

And now, finally, the almighty television has said its word. In the year of the 60th anniversary of the Victory, a five-minute (!) Reportage “Cossacks remember the Lienz tragedy” appeared in the news program “Vesti” of the Russian state television. It begins like this: “The little-known pages of the victorious 1945 are the victims that were silent both in the USSR and in the West … The British promised not to hand over the Cossacks to the NKVD, but they did not keep their promises. Few managed to survive. A prayer service was held in Lienz today.”

In the huge report - not a single word that these Cossacks fought on Hitler's side. But there is a lot of prayer, the words “emigrants”, “white officers”, “issued by the NKVD”, etc. are repeated all the time. It ends like this: “In total, 50 thousand Cossacks were detained by the allied forces on the territory of Austria and transferred to the Soviet zone of occupation. Among them were the white generals Krasnov and Shkuro."

Once again I will repeat: in this particular case Krasnov and Shkuro are not “white generals”, but “Hitler’s generals”. There is a difference. For example, Anton Ivanovich Denikin, for example, was and remains a white general, who categorically refused any cooperation with Hitler.

And I can't figure out what's going on. They say: one case is just a case, two cases are a coincidence, but three are already a pattern. But these are three cases that only I noticed. And surely there were others …

What does the press want? To silence the fact that these Cossacks fought on Hitler's side? But then you have to be silent. Absolutely. Because the slightest mention will cause a response from people who know something. And if the press is not silent, then I have only one conclusion - the press wants to rehabilitate the Nazis …

Moreover, resorting to the most vile forgery and fraud, calling the Nazis White Guards.

I repeat: I cannot understand this. But fact is fact.

As I already said, this article of mine was not published by any newspaper in Russia. It was published in Los Angeles, in the Russian weekly Panorama, titled “Don't Forget the Swastika”. Retired Colonel Yuri Ukraintsev from California responded to it with an article “Time and Chaos” (“Panorama”, No. 31, 2005), which puzzled me.

To begin with, I will quote from Ukraintsev's speech: “In it, he (that is, in my note - SB) writes about the fate of the Cossacks in Nazi Germany … I think that the role of the Cossacks in World War II is a continuation of that tragic fate which they got as a result of the revolution in Russia”.

But I didn’t write “about the fate of the Cossacks in Nazi Germany” or “about the role of the Cossacks in World War II”!

I wrote that the Russian press presents the Nazi Cossacks as White Guards Cossacks, “victims of the Red Terror”. About all the others who fought on Hitler's side, one way or another they say: about Vlasov's Russian liberation army, and about the Ukrainian division “Galicia”, about Caucasians, Crimean Tatars …, so a shadow is immediately brought to the fence: “red terror”, “white generals Krasnov and Shkuro”, etc.

That is, I wrote about FORGERY in the Russian press.

Voluntarily or involuntarily, Ukraintsev does the same. He devoted a significant part of his article to the tragedy of the White movement and concluded the article with the phrase: “So we must understand and forgive both white generals and ordinary Cossacks!”


Firstly, here, too, the replacement of the Nazis by the White Guards. And secondly, after reading this, a person who is not familiar with my note might think that I was calling for revenge on the white generals and ordinary White Cossacks. I hope that it happened by Y. Ukraintsev by accident …

The following passage is noteworthy, in which Yu. Ukraintsev describes the retreat of the traitorous Cossacks-Hitlerites after the defeat of the Wehrmacht troops at Stalingrad in the spring of 1943: “Thousands of columns of Cossacks with their families reached the Crimea. and astrakhan hats. Frost was replaced by thaw, mud. People suffered unbearable hardships."

I feel sorry for the Nazis … Maybe my father, in the name of humanism, should not have been at war with them, but given them Moscow, Stalingrad and the whole country, then they would not have “suffered unbearable hardships” ?!

Even more characteristic is Ukraintsev's seemingly impeccable call to repentance and forgiveness: “Understanding, reconciliation and mutual apologies - these are the conditions that will help“time”to form stability out of modern world“chaos”. This is called for by convincing examples of Germany's repentance before the peoples suffered from Hitlerism; the appeal of the bishop of Poland to the Catholics of Germany with the words: “We forgive you and we ourselves ask for forgiveness”; Spain's official apology for the terror, the Inquisition, for the expulsion of the Jews in the 15th century”.

And again here everything is accidentally or not accidentally mixed into one heap. To whom is an “example”? And what does “mutual apology” mean? They burned people at bonfires and poisoned people in gas chambers, while we were on the other side. And here we can only talk about our forgiveness or unforgiveness.

Today's Germans, today's descendants of those who fought on Hitler's side, are not to blame for the atrocities of their fathers and grandfathers. But those who fought THEN in the fascist ranks, those who THEN ruined millions of human souls - I cannot forgive, I will not forgive and have no right.

Nobody invited them here. They came to our land. It was they who considered us subhuman. It was their Hitler who told them: "Moscow is not a city, and its inhabitants are not people!"

So let them keep the answer and ask for forgiveness from the One who is more merciful than us.

Maybe He will forgive.


Monument to the SS men in Moscow.


Attempts in one way or another to honor the memory of the Bandera OUN members in Western Ukraine, the Forest Brothers or the SS in the Baltics cause an explosion of indignation in Russia. Both with the official authorities and among the general population. Which is accordingly reflected on the screens of the collective informant, propagandist and agitator - television.

But for some reason, television does not widely report on the monument to the SS men in Moscow, and the people, accordingly, are not outraged. But many people know about the monument, from various newspapers. First of all, he knows the authorities. She was contacted directly, directly. Passions have been boiling around him for ten years!

However, in order. As you know, generals Krasnov and Shkuro during the Great Patriotic War headed the Main Directorate of the Cossack troops of the Hitlerite Wehrmacht. General Helmut Wilhelm von Panwitz, a career Wehrmacht officer who was born and raised in Germany, who fought against Russia in the First World War, was also involved in them. Since 1941, he commanded the shock detachment of the 45th German Infantry Division, and in April 1943, on the personal instructions of SS Reichsfuehrer Himmler, he formed the 15th SS Cossack Corps and commanded it in punitive operations against the Yugoslav partisans.

Here is his testimony, given to Soviet investigators and the court:

On January 15-16, 1947, Krasnov, Shkuro, von Panwitz and others were declared war criminals and sentenced to death by hanging by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR.

And in 1994 in Moscow, on the territory of the Church of All Saints (near the Sokol metro station), an Orthodox memorial was created "Reconciliation of the peoples of Russia, Germany and other countries that fought in 2 World Wars and the Civil War." On one of the memorial monuments there are the names of Krasnov, Shkuro, von Panwitz, Kononov and other generals and chieftains who collaborated with Hitler and fought on Hitler's side. The 15th SS Cossack Corps has not been forgotten either. True, the inscription "SS" was removed, and it looks like this: "… to the Cossacks of the 15th cavalry corps who fell for their faith and fatherland."

So it was they, the SS Cossacks, who fought "for the faith and the fatherland"? And my father then for what? And the whole country, young and old, for what?

Since then, some members of the public have protested, appealing to all instances, including the prosecutor's office. Another such appeal took place in August 2005. In September, the Savelovskaya interdistrict prosecutor's office replied: the law does not provide for restrictions on the installation of a monument to criminals.

So, any public (religious) organization can, on its territory, open for free access, erect a monument to the bloody maniac, rapist and murderer Chikatilo? Or Hitler? And the reaction of the prosecutor's office will be the same: the law does not provide for restrictions on the installation of a monument to criminals …

And here is the reaction of the church. The representative of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, commented on the situation as follows: “Everyone has the right to a Christian memory. I am not making excuses for those who fought against their homeland. Although the dissidents in the USSR also acted against their country. It's just a place of Christian remembrance."

I do not presume to argue with Father Vsevolod on the subtlest issues of the right to Christian memory. But on some facts - I dare. Wehrmacht General Helmut von Panwitz never “fought against his homeland” - Germany, the Third Reich. He fought, Father Vsevolod, against our Motherland.

First against the Russian Empire, then against the Soviet Union. And dissidents have never "acted against their country." The main, fundamental appeal of the dissidents to power was this: "Observe the Constitution of the USSR!" That is, the right to freedom of speech, assembly, press. Including the right to freedom of religion …