So Who Are The Barbarians And Savages Here? - Alternative View

So Who Are The Barbarians And Savages Here? - Alternative View
So Who Are The Barbarians And Savages Here? - Alternative View

Video: So Who Are The Barbarians And Savages Here? - Alternative View

Video: So Who Are The Barbarians And Savages Here? - Alternative View
Video: Conan The Barbarian (2011) Film Explained in Hindi/Urdu | Conan Savage Destroyer Summarized हिन्दी 2024, July

All of us have already gotten sore with the familiar phrase - "enlightened Europe." You and I have been convinced for centuries that we are barbarians, savages, and so on, but Europe … … Is it really so? Can we see which of us are barbarians? Where do we start? Let's go from the Middle Ages? So, "enlightened" Europe and "barbaric", "dirty" Russia. (already funny after this phrase.)

Let's start with the fact that many monarchs of Europe considered it an honor to intermarry with the Russian princes. There are a lot of examples. For example:

Ingigerda is the Grand Duchess of Kiev, the wife of the Grand Duke of Kiev Yaroslav the Wise, the daughter of the first Christian king of Sweden, Olaf Shötkonung and Queen Estrid Obodritskaya.

Anna of Byzantine is a Byzantine princess from the Macedonian dynasty, the wife of the Kiev Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavich.

daughter of Prince Boleslav of Poland Piast - wife of Svyatopolk Vladimirovich.

Gertrude Polska - Polish princess, daughter of King of Poland Mieszko II and Ryksa of Lorraine, wife of Kiev prince Izyaslav Yaroslavich; as the author of the prayers in Latin recorded in her codex, the oldest Polish writer known by his name.

Anastasia Monomakhina is a representative of the Byzantine imperial dynasty of Monomakhs, married in 1046 to Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich of Kiev, mother of Vladimir Monomakh.

Elena is the daughter of Tugorkan. Polovtsian Khan, Bonyak's closest ally. Together with Bonyak, he united several Western Polovtsian hordes under his rule. The wife of Svyatopolk Izyaslavich.

Promotional video:

Geeta of Wessex is an English princess, the daughter of the last reigning Anglo-Saxon king Harold II and Edita Swan Neck, the first wife of Grand Duke Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh.

And the list is huge. It's just that if I start to give it all, then this list will take up the entire article, so we will limit ourselves to these names.

Doesn't sound like dirty barbarians? Would they give such princesses to the barbarians?

Have you heard about Anna Yaroslavna? The one that is the queen of France. It was she who taught the French court to read and write in the 11th century. It was she who introduced the French to the bath and made them use cutlery while eating. She corresponded with the Pope, who treated her with respect. This is how he spoke to her -

Anna of Kiev, Queen of France
Anna of Kiev, Queen of France

Anna of Kiev, Queen of France.

So this famous woman wrote to her father:

Here is a review of an enlightened Europe.

What about hygiene? Since ancient times, there has been a cult of purity in Russia; the Russian people were introduced to the bathhouse. This usually happened once a week. And more often if necessary. Archaeologists often during excavations in Russian cities find the remains of a water supply and sewerage system. They also find the remains of sidewalks, mostly wooden, but still sidewalks. And now let's touch on Europe again…. With water procedures, the Europeans were tough. Here, and Catholicism was noted, where washing was considered a sinful indulgence of the flesh, and maybe the mentality played a role. And European doctors also argued that hot water can get into the opened pores, and then remain forever in the human body. And along with it, infections can penetrate.

Often in families, water procedures were taken in turn, washing their bodies in water already used by other family members. And some washed even less often. For example - the Spanish queen Isabella of Castile claimed that she only bathed twice. The first time, when she was born, and the second, when she got married. Louis XIV also took a bath twice, and then only on the advice of doctors. But the water procedures terrified him so much that he vowed never to resort to such methods of treatment again. Russian ambassadors at the court of Louis XIV wrote that their majesty "stinks like a wild beast." The Russians themselves were considered perverts throughout Europe for the fact that they went to the bathhouse ugly often. The daughter of one of the French kings dies of lice. Pope Clement V dies from dysentery, and Pope Clement 7 dies painfully from scabies,he was accompanied in this by King Philip 2. In the 15th - 16th centuries, wealthy citizens bathed at least once every six months, in the 17th - 18th centuries they stopped taking a bath altogether. True, sometimes I had to use it for medicinal purposes. They thoroughly prepared for the procedure and gave an enema the day before. Dirt and lice were considered special signs of holiness. Lice were called "pearls of God." The French king Louis 15 in one of his edicts pointed out that when visiting the court, one should not spare strong spirits so that their aroma drowns out the stench from bodies and clothes. And what about the invention of the flea trap? That's where the European genius is ……. Do you know where the fashion for small dogs came from for the ladies? Everything is simple - the dog's body temperature is higher than that of the owner, which means that fleas will jump on her first of all. In the 15th - 16th centuries, wealthy townspeople bathed at least once every six months, in the 17th - 18th centuries they stopped taking a bath altogether. True, sometimes I had to use it for medicinal purposes. They thoroughly prepared for the procedure and gave an enema the day before. Dirt and lice were considered special signs of holiness. Lice were called "pearls of God." The French king Louis 15 in one of his edicts pointed out that when visiting the court, one should not spare strong spirits so that their aroma drowns out the stench from bodies and clothes. And what about the invention of the flea trap? That's where the European genius is ……. Do you know where the fashion for small dogs came from for the ladies? Everything is simple - the dog's body temperature is higher than that of the owner, which means that fleas will jump on her first of all. In the 15th - 16th centuries, wealthy townspeople bathed at least once every six months, in the 17th - 18th centuries they stopped taking a bath altogether. True, sometimes I had to use it for medicinal purposes. They thoroughly prepared for the procedure and gave an enema the day before. Dirt and lice were considered special signs of holiness. Lice were called "pearls of God." The French king Louis 15 in one of his edicts pointed out that when visiting the court, one should not spare strong spirits so that their aroma drowns out the stench from bodies and clothes. And what about the invention of the flea trap? That's where the European genius is ……. Do you know where the fashion for small dogs came from for the ladies? Everything is simple - the dog's body temperature is higher than that of the owner, which means that fleas will jump on her first of all.sometimes I had to use it for medicinal purposes. They thoroughly prepared for the procedure and gave an enema the day before. Dirt and lice were considered special signs of holiness. Lice were called "pearls of God." The French king Louis 15 in one of his edicts pointed out that when visiting the court, one should not spare strong spirits so that their aroma drowns out the stench from bodies and clothes. And what about the invention of the flea trap? That's where the European genius is ……. Do you know where the fashion for small dogs came from for the ladies? Everything is simple - the dog's body temperature is higher than that of the owner, which means that fleas will jump on her first of all.sometimes I had to use it for medicinal purposes. They thoroughly prepared for the procedure and gave an enema the day before. Dirt and lice were considered special signs of holiness. Lice were called "pearls of God." The French king Louis 15 in one of his edicts pointed out that when visiting the court, one should not spare strong spirits so that their aroma drowns out the stench from bodies and clothes. And what about the invention of the flea trap? That's where the European genius is ……. Do you know where the fashion for small dogs came from for the ladies? Everything is simple - the dog's body temperature is higher than that of the owner, which means that fleas will jump on her first of all. The French king Louis 15 in one of his edicts pointed out that when visiting the court, one should not spare strong spirits so that their aroma drowns out the stench from bodies and clothes. And what about the invention of the flea trap? That's where the European genius is ……. Do you know where the fashion for small dogs came from for the ladies? Everything is simple - the dog's body temperature is higher than that of the owner, which means that fleas will jump on her first of all. The French king Louis 15 in one of his edicts pointed out that when visiting the court, one should not spare strong spirits so that their aroma drowns out the stench from bodies and clothes. And what about the invention of the flea trap? That's where the European genius is ……. Do you know where the fashion for small dogs came from for the ladies? Everything is simple - the dog's body temperature is higher than that of the owner, which means that fleas will jump on her first of all.



Where did the fashion for wide-brimmed hats come from? The same thing is simple - it protected from sewage poured into the windows. By the way, this is where this waving of the removed hat in front of the lady started, the goal is to remove the stinking headdress from the lady. After the French king Louis 9 was doused with slop from the window, the inhabitants of Paris were allowed to remove household waste through the window, only three times previously shouting: "Beware!" How do you like it? Are you imbued with civilization?

European city
European city

European city.

European city
European city

European city.

Did you pay attention to the curtained walls in the palaces of kings? They often show in the movies. They existed so that those who wished could go behind the curtain and relieve themselves. The Louvre, the palace of the French kings, did not have a single toilet. According to the memoirs of the Duke de Saint Simon, the court ladies of the Palace of Versailles, right in the middle of the conversation, got up and casually, in a corner, relieved a small and not very need. Stinking streams of slop flowed through the city streets. The streets were buried in mud and slop so that in the muddy roads there was no way to walk along them. How did you get into it? Not yet? Let's continue. Do you know where the fashion for wigs came from in Europe? And here everything is simple. Because of syphilis, all kinds of hair on the head and face disappeared. And here are the gentlemen, in order to show the ladies, or the ladies in order to show the gentlemen,that they are completely safe and do not suffer from anything like that invented wigs. Women often rubbed their hair with garlic to prevent head lice. To look languidly pale, the ladies drank vinegar. Dogs, in addition to working as live flea traps, in one more way aided the ladies' beauty: in the Middle Ages, they bleached their hair with dog urine. Ladies of the European Middle Ages, knowing about the stimulating effect of the natural odor of the body, smeared with their juices, like perfume, the areas of the skin behind the ears and on the neck to attract attention. Cats were declared accomplices of the devil and were killed mercilessly. Which led to the rat invasion. All this in a complex led to the fact that the plague epidemic mowed down entire cities. By the way, do you want to laugh? Lice in Europe participated in elections. In the city of Gurdenburg (Sweden), only a person with a full beard could become mayor. The mayoral candidates sat around the table and laid their beards on it. Then a specially appointed person threw a louse into the middle of the table. The elected mayor was the one in whose beard the insect crawled. Enlightened and democratic Europe, what to do ……

Now about our bloodlust. We are told that our entire history is proof of our bloodthirstiness. They say we sleep and see how to shed blood. They offer to repent … They cite Ivan the Terrible as an example. Are we so bloodthirsty? Let's get a look.

For 35 years of his reign, Tsar John was executed, including for criminal offenses, about 4 thousand people (about 100 people a year!). For which he later repented, and announced the forgiveness of all those executed (rehabilitation), and also demanded that they be included in the lists of eternal remembrance in churches. Here is such a bloodthirsty tyrant. And what about Europe? And Europe, as always, is humane:

"Queen-virgin" Elizabeth 1 who executed 89 thousand people. Under her, up to 300 thousand people were expelled overseas.

Henry 8 - only for "vagrancy" were hanged 72 thousand forcibly driven from the land of the peasants.

In Germany, during the suppression of the peasant uprising in 1525, more than 100 thousand people were executed.

Oliver Cromwell - every seventh Irishman was killed - women, children and old people. Between 1641 and 1652, over 500,000 Irish were killed by the British, and another 300,000 were sold. During the 1650s alone, more than 100,000 Irish children between the ages of 10 and 14 were taken from their parents and sent as slaves to the West Indies, Virginia and New England.

Catherine de Medici and her son Karl 9 - St. Bartholomew's night. In one night from 24 to 25 August 1572, about 2 thousand people were killed in Paris alone. Then in France, about 30 thousand Protestants were killed in two weeks. By the way, Catherine de Medici killed up to 30 people personally. Poisoned. So intrigue, we savages do not understand. And her son Karl personally participated in the massacre on the night of St. Bartholomew. As a result, 4 Huguenot wars in France carried away up to 100 thousand people.

Spanish kings Charles 5 and Philip 2 - from 1547 to 1584 (for 37 years) in the Netherlands in the Middle Ages, up to 100 thousand people were executed, of which “28 540 people were burnt alive.

Here is what Laurence Stone wrote about typical Europe at the time:

“It was a place full of hatred and anger, the only thing that binds its inhabitants was episodes of mass hysteria, which for a time united the majority in order to torture and burn the local witch. In England and the Continent, there were cities in which up to a third of the population was accused of witchcraft, and where 10 out of every one hundred townspeople were executed on this charge in just one year. At the end of the 16th and 17th centuries, more than 3300 people were executed for "Satanism" in one of the regions of peaceful Switzerland. In the tiny village of Wiesensteig, 63 "witches" were burned in one year. In Obermarchthal, with a population of 700, 54 people died at the stake in three years."

The Europeans, the British and the French, mercilessly destroyed the indigenous population of North America. In South America, Francisco Pizarro killed most of the Incas. In Mexico, Hernán Cortez destroyed the Aztecs. Naturally, after all, Protestant and Catholic priests declared that the Indians have no soul, and they are equal to animals.

Mayan book Chilam Balam:

American historian David Stannard:

What about the genocide of the Tasmanian population, where the local population was hunted like wild animals? The same was done in Australia and New Zealand. But if in Tasmania the entire population was destroyed, then in Australia "only" 95%.



What about the behavior of the British in India? It is estimated that British rule cost India approximately 40 million people.

Who do you think invented the concentration camps? Yes, you are right English. During the Boer War of 1899-1902, the British Lord Kitchener ordered the creation of "concentration camps". Mostly women and children were herded to the camps, since the men fought without exception against the British. From January 1901 to January 1902, about 17 thousand people died of hunger and disease in the "concentration camps": 2484 adults and 14284 children. The captured men were taken to similar camps in Ceylon.

And the German Nazis? How do you like industrial processing of people? Human fat soap. Prisoner's hair is a material for making felt and yarn. Ash and ash from cremation of people - fertilizer for the fields. Bones crushed by special machines also increase the fertility of the soil. Leather - lampshades, gloves. But this is also all Europe.

And also, the Europeans had such a nice tradition - human zoos. By the way, the last one was in 1958. Really cute?

Brussels 1958
Brussels 1958

Brussels 1958.

Do you remember the giraffe Marius? How was he butchered in front of his children? I understand this, culture….

And now I propose to take a break from the bloody and dirty details, and just look at the photos of monuments in Russia and Europe, and appreciate the height of European culture.

Monument to the plumber in Omsk
Monument to the plumber in Omsk

Monument to the plumber in Omsk.

Giving life. Rostov-on-Don
Giving life. Rostov-on-Don

Giving life. Rostov-on-Don.

Mum. Tyumen
Mum. Tyumen

Mum. Tyumen.

Mother and child. Rostov-on-Don
Mother and child. Rostov-on-Don

Mother and child. Rostov-on-Don.

The first teacher. Rostov-on-Don
The first teacher. Rostov-on-Don

The first teacher. Rostov-on-Don.

Monument to Oleg Popov. Rostov-on-Don
Monument to Oleg Popov. Rostov-on-Don

Monument to Oleg Popov. Rostov-on-Don.

And now Europe.

Burghausen Prostitute
Burghausen Prostitute

Burghausen Prostitute.

Koblenz toilet monument
Koblenz toilet monument

Koblenz toilet monument.

The shop of vice. Prague
The shop of vice. Prague

The shop of vice. Prague.

Mother is a virgin. London
Mother is a virgin. London

Mother is a virgin. London.

Peeing men. Prague
Peeing men. Prague

Peeing men. Prague.

Phallus. Amsterdam
Phallus. Amsterdam

Phallus. Amsterdam.

Fat woman. Berlin
Fat woman. Berlin

Fat woman. Berlin.

Here is such a "enlightened" Europe and "wild" Russia.
