Secrets of history 2024, October

Nero Used Burning Christians As Garden Lights - Alternative View

Nero Used Burning Christians As Garden Lights - Alternative View

The first ever persecutor of Christians was very cruel. The infamous fifth emperor of Rome, who ruled from AD 54 to 86. eh

Facts From The Life Of Lucius Cornelius Sulla - Alternative View

Facts From The Life Of Lucius Cornelius Sulla - Alternative View

Lucius Cornelius Sulla - Roman general, dictator. Born - 138 BC e., died - 78 BC e. (59 years old) For those who are not very familiar with the history of Ancient Rome, but have read the famous novel P

God's Punishment? The Mystery Of The Death Of Tsarevich Peter Petrovich, The Youngest Son Of Emperor Peter I - Alternative View

God's Punishment? The Mystery Of The Death Of Tsarevich Peter Petrovich, The Youngest Son Of Emperor Peter I - Alternative View

Whatever it was, but the sudden death of the Tsarevich was unexpected for everyone.On April 26 (May 7), 1718, at 15 o'clock, a funeral ceremony of farewell to the ashes of the heir to the Russian throne, Grand Duke Peter Petrovich Romanov, who died under mysterious circumstances at the age of three and a half, began in St

Biography Of Emperor Vespasian - Alternative View

Biography Of Emperor Vespasian - Alternative View

Vespasian, Titus Flavius (born November 17, 9 - death June 24, 79) Roman emperor in 69-79. The founder of the Flavian dynasty. The origin of Vespasian came from an ignorant family of Flavians

Emperor Tiberius Caesar Augustus - Alternative View

Emperor Tiberius Caesar Augustus - Alternative View

Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus - born on November 16, 42 BC B.C., died March 16, A.D. 37 e. (77 years old) - the second emperor of Rome (since 14) from the Julius-Claudian family. The rule - A.D. 14 e. to death (he was in power for 23 years)

Emperor Nero - Slum Python - Alternative View

Emperor Nero - Slum Python - Alternative View

The largest fire in the nearly three thousand year history of Rome began on the night of July 18-19, 64. The fire broke out in shops located on the southeastern side of the Circus Maximus, and spread so quickly that by morning most of the city was on fire

Psychic Uri Geller Deceived The Whole World? - Alternative View

Psychic Uri Geller Deceived The Whole World? - Alternative View

Impressed by the performances of Uri Geller in the early 1970s, a general fashion for psychokinesis appeared in Europe and the USA, that is, a person's ability to remotely affect material objects

Scientists Have Deciphered The Ancient Records Of The Coming Apocalypse - Alternative View

Scientists Have Deciphered The Ancient Records Of The Coming Apocalypse - Alternative View

A possible Apocalypse frightens humanity, but there is evidence that humanity has had to deal with global catastrophes more than once before, but managed to survive and again take the path of development

Who Was The Father Of Paul I - Peter Fedorovich Or Sergei Saltykov? - Alternative View

Who Was The Father Of Paul I - Peter Fedorovich Or Sergei Saltykov? - Alternative View

They say that in 1754 the courtiers of the Russian imperial court whispered, which patronymic would be more suitable for newborn Paul, the son of Grand Duchess Catherine - Petrovich or Sergeevich?

Dolphin LaLori - Bloody Monster - Alternative View

Dolphin LaLori - Bloody Monster - Alternative View

Dolphin - bloody Madame LaLaurie 1834, April 10 - fire broke out in LaLaurie mansion (there was a ball that evening)

The Most Interesting Myths Of Ancient Greece - Alternative View

The Most Interesting Myths Of Ancient Greece - Alternative View

In the general religious understanding of the ancient Hellenes, there was a variety of cult ideas. All this is confirmed by numerous archaeological excavations and artifacts. It is proven in what area the gods were extolled

5 Most Mysterious Shipwrecks Of All Time - Alternative View

5 Most Mysterious Shipwrecks Of All Time - Alternative View

Even our enlightened age does not diminish the dangers awaiting the navigator in the open ocean

The True Story Of Cardinal Richelieu - Alternative View

The True Story Of Cardinal Richelieu - Alternative View

The famous trilogy by Alexandre Dumas about the Musketeers once and for all changed the way people think about France in the 17th century. Cardinal Richelieu occupies a special place among the historical figures "suffered" from Dumas

The Real Story Of The Great Combinator - Alternative View

The Real Story Of The Great Combinator - Alternative View

As a prototype of Ostap Bender, he built the legendary tractor plant in Chelyabinsk Chelyabinsk became famous as Tankograd thanks to its tank plant

The Legend Of The Gouska Castle - Alternative View

The Legend Of The Gouska Castle - Alternative View

Legend has it that the Houska Castle was built on a rock, under which the entrance to hell is located. Under the castle itself, there are supposedly many underground passages that will lead you to hell

The Lowest Deeds Of Passengers Of The Titanic - Alternative View

The Lowest Deeds Of Passengers Of The Titanic - Alternative View

The wreck of the Titanic - an event that shocked the whole world. The catastrophe claimed thousands of lives, and left only a load of memories to the survivors. Some of the passengers stayed on the ship, helping others to escape, and some - went to meanness, saving themselves

The Last Secret Of The Empire. Or The Real Reason For The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group - Alternative View

The Last Secret Of The Empire. Or The Real Reason For The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group - Alternative View

The tragedy of 1959 has already, pretty much, overgrown with various fables. However, we will try to finally find the answer to all questions. 1 part. Secret There were two criminal cases. What is widely known today, in fact, has never been a criminal case

The Romans Used Metallic Ink For Writing - Alternative View

The Romans Used Metallic Ink For Writing - Alternative View

Modern man uses many benefits that he does not even pay attention to, at the same time, our ancestors could not even dream of many of them. Take, for example, such an ordinary thing for all of us as a ballpoint pen

Giant Ships Of Caligula - Alternative View

Giant Ships Of Caligula - Alternative View

Once upon a time there was Caligula, who ruled the Roman Empire from 37 to 41 AD. During this short period of time, he became famous as a cruel leader, known for his eccentric behavior and incredible orgies

Ancient Persians Attacked The Romans With Poison Gas - Alternative View

Ancient Persians Attacked The Romans With Poison Gas - Alternative View

Photo: The remains of a Roman soldier who fell in the Battle of Dura Europos (Yale University). Chemical weapons were first used not in World War I, but in the III century, according to archaeologist Simon James of the University of Leicester

Better Than Caligula: The Shocking Entertainment Of The Roman Emperor Lucius Commodus - Alternative View

Better Than Caligula: The Shocking Entertainment Of The Roman Emperor Lucius Commodus - Alternative View

The name Caligula became synonymous with the debauchery and violence that reigned at the court of the emperor. However, in the Roman Empire there were other, no less merciless, cruel and vicious rulers who, in terms of the number of their "exploits", could compete with Caligula

10 Little-known Facts About The Family Life Of The Ancient Romans - Alternative View

10 Little-known Facts About The Family Life Of The Ancient Romans - Alternative View

Families from the times of Ancient Rome can be compared with modern families, although there are radical differences. So, in the 21st century, strict social class rules and legalized violations of rights just look wild

15 Facts About Ancient Rome: What We Did Not Go Through In School - Alternative View

15 Facts About Ancient Rome: What We Did Not Go Through In School - Alternative View

The history of Ancient Rome is relatively well known, thanks to the huge number of chronicles and archaeological finds (and the film "Gladiator"). However, there are interesting facts from the life of the ancient Romans that are unfamiliar to most of us

New Year: A Holiday From Two Great Rulers Of The Russian Land - Alternative View

New Year: A Holiday From Two Great Rulers Of The Russian Land - Alternative View

The most, perhaps, our favorite holiday - New Year, we, the people of today's generations, are accustomed to consider it something not just familiar, but eternal and unshakable. Fortunately, there are no disagreements and frictions with political or any other overtones regarding this date, a magical night with chimes, splashes of champagne, the scent of a Christmas tree and a tangerine unites all of us, regardless of gender, age, nationality or religion

March 8 And Feminism Disease - Alternative View

March 8 And Feminism Disease - Alternative View

The disease of feminism is more deadly than any coronavirus, as it entails one hundred percent mortality. The lure of freedom, unbalanced by fear for life, can teach us one of the most dire lessons. This is hardly what humanity wants.The trail of radical feminism, understood as the struggle for the legalization of LGBT people and the right to free abortion, has long and densely hangs over the international day of women's struggle for their social rights and equality

How Is Orthodoxy Related To Paganism? - Alternative View

How Is Orthodoxy Related To Paganism? - Alternative View

Take a look around? How many people kick themselves in the chest with their heels and proudly call themselves Orthodox?According to polls of Russian scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences, 75 - 80 percent of Russians consider themselves Orthodox

The Queen Of The Amazons And The Clisson Lioness - Alternative View

The Queen Of The Amazons And The Clisson Lioness - Alternative View

Women have long since given up being solely housewives. They are actively mastering professions that, at first glance, are only male. Many probably know women astronauts, miners, tractor drivers, builders. Even among the top officials of the state, you can increasingly see the fair sex

Dagda Is A Good Ancient God-protector, Demonized With The Advent Of Christianity - Alternative View

Dagda Is A Good Ancient God-protector, Demonized With The Advent Of Christianity - Alternative View

Today Celtic mythology remains one of the most mysterious areas of European folklore. Celtic legends, magical myths and creative fables certainly deserve our closest attention.For example, the legend about one of the most important deities of Irish mythology, Dagda, can be very interesting for lovers of folklore and history

One Step Away From War. The Story Of One Victory Of Alexander III The Peacemaker - Alternative View

One Step Away From War. The Story Of One Victory Of Alexander III The Peacemaker - Alternative View

In 1881, the new emperor Alexander III ascended the Russian throne. This king stood out among his predecessors. The tragic event preceding his accession to the throne, namely the assassination of his father Alexander II, plunged the entire country into shock

Why Did The Royal Musketeers Go Without Muskets, And How D ' Artagnan Changed This Service - Alternative View

Why Did The Royal Musketeers Go Without Muskets, And How D ' Artagnan Changed This Service - Alternative View

Watching a movie with d'Artagnan, it was hard not to wonder - who are these Musketeers of the King, that they walk without muskets and roam freely around the city all day, and why is it so important for the main character to become one of them?

The Mysterious Eastern Kingdom Of John The Presbyter - Alternative View

The Mysterious Eastern Kingdom Of John The Presbyter - Alternative View

In the Middle Ages, legends about a powerful Christian state in the East, full of all the blessings of peace and Christian harmony, gained great popularity, headed by a no less legendary ruler - the Tsar-priest Presbyter John (English Prester John, in Russian literature - Priest Ivan)

Stone Guardians Of Eternity - Alternative View

Stone Guardians Of Eternity - Alternative View

Our correspondent went on an expedition to see the monuments, about which more myths and legends are known than scientific facts, - stone crosses

Halloween In The USA And Europe. Key Differences Of The Holiday - Alternative View

Halloween In The USA And Europe. Key Differences Of The Holiday - Alternative View

On the night of October 31 to November 1, Halloween is celebrated around the world, but few people know that Europe has its own traditions and names of this ancient pagan event

Where Did The Tradition Of Dressing Up In The Attributes Of Evil Spirits For Halloween Come From? - Alternative View

Where Did The Tradition Of Dressing Up In The Attributes Of Evil Spirits For Halloween Come From? - Alternative View

A small excursion into the history of where the tradition of dressing up as evil spirits for Halloween came from and what is the reason behind it Some Christians are extremely negative about the celebration of Halloween and consider it wrong to participate in all this action

Halloween Or All Saints Day: Where Did This Holiday Come From - Alternative View

Halloween Or All Saints Day: Where Did This Holiday Come From - Alternative View

On the night of November 1, All Saints' Eve is celebrated - Halloween (Halloween). This holiday has its roots in the depths of centuries, and we celebrate it thanks to the traditions laid down by the ancient Celts

Are You Sure You Know Everything About Halloween? 12 Interesting Facts You Might Be Interested In - Alternative View

Are You Sure You Know Everything About Halloween? 12 Interesting Facts You Might Be Interested In - Alternative View

Today is Halloween - it is a light-hearted and fun holiday, but did you know that religion, history and ancient rituals are intricately combined in it? We've put together some fun Halloween facts that you will be curious to know. 1

The Philadelphia Experiment. Facts, Myths, Reflections - Alternative View

The Philadelphia Experiment. Facts, Myths, Reflections - Alternative View

Beginning: "The Philadelphia Experiment. Background". Part two: "The Philadelphia Experiment. Magnetrons On". So what was that? To begin with, it is worth giving the official version of the US Navy. Everything is very simple here - there was nothing, period

Roman Headstone With A Celtic Name Found In England - Alternative View

Roman Headstone With A Celtic Name Found In England - Alternative View

An ancient gravestone preserves the memory of a young woman who was probably the wife of a Roman or Gaul and lived in the second largest city in Roman Britain

Historical Myths About Tsarist Russia - Alternative View

Historical Myths About Tsarist Russia - Alternative View

A large number of myths, including historical ones, are constantly living in the mass consciousness. In fact, the historical national myth plays a big role, because without it society is doomed to disintegration

A Brief History Of Sanskrit - Alternative View

A Brief History Of Sanskrit - Alternative View

So Sanskrit:By 1773, the British finally conquered India, removing all competitors from the road. India received the official status of a colony and the British prepared for this event as it should - ten years later, in 1783, a grandiose discovery of ancient and mysterious Indian culture took place, Sanskrit was discovered and all the main literary works of the Indians were first published