Secrets of history 2024, October

Famine In Tsarist Russia - Alternative View

Famine In Tsarist Russia - Alternative View

A huge number of sources have come down to us about the situation in the Russian countryside before the Revolution - both documentary reports and statistical data, and personal impressions. Contemporaries assessed the reality around them not only without enthusiasm, but also simply found it desperate, if not scary

The "lost Fleet Of Hitler" Was Found Off The Coast Of Turkey - Alternative View

The "lost Fleet Of Hitler" Was Found Off The Coast Of Turkey - Alternative View

Selcuk Kolay, a Turkish naval engineer and diver, discovered three German submarines from the Second World War at the bottom of the Black Sea. This is reported by TRT Haber, which made a documentary about the search for submarines

The Best Manager Of The XX Century. Lavrenty Beria - The Creator Of The Victory In The Great Patriotic War? - Alternative View

The Best Manager Of The XX Century. Lavrenty Beria - The Creator Of The Victory In The Great Patriotic War? - Alternative View

Why did Beria become Stalin's right hand? Were there not enough people in the Kremlin? Because he licked the Master's hands the hottest of all and rushed at the enemies the most furiously of all?

Who Was Not Taken Prisoner In The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

Who Was Not Taken Prisoner In The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

Many types of troops took part in the Great Patriotic War on the side of the USSR and Germany. From simple infantry to special forces, pilots, sailors and paratroopers. Everything happened in the war, and sometimes the soldiers were captured

False Myths About The Great Patriotic War, From Which Historians Have Left No Stone Unturned - Alternative View

False Myths About The Great Patriotic War, From Which Historians Have Left No Stone Unturned - Alternative View

From time to time in some media and social networks popular misconceptions about that period emerge.But the respected historians, whom we turned to for explanations, dispelled these myths, leaving no stone unturned.- Salik.bizWell, for example:nAll sensible generals were shot, and those who remained filled Germany with the corpses of our soldiers“In the nineties, the General Staff commission headed by General Krivosheev worked, which calculated our losses according to th

The Heroism Of The Soviet Soldier Is A Guarantee Of Victory In The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

The Heroism Of The Soviet Soldier Is A Guarantee Of Victory In The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

The theme of the Great Patriotic War continues to excite people despite the fact that next year we will celebrate the 75th anniversary of Victory.Often we are sure that the German troops were victoriously moving to Moscow, almost without receiving resistance, and only near Moscow they were stopped by the cadets of military schools

Little-known Facts Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

Little-known Facts Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

It would seem that all the data about the past war is freely available, but, unfortunately, we do not know about it and half of the events that took place. Here are just a small part of the facts that are little known to a wide circle:During the negotiations, the main topic of which was the unconditional surrender of Czechoslovakia, its head Emil Hakha suffered a heart attack

Soviet Power Prevented The Turkish Slavery Of The Caucasus And Central Asia - Alternative View

Soviet Power Prevented The Turkish Slavery Of The Caucasus And Central Asia - Alternative View

The main reason for the outbreak of the First World War is the desire of the leading powers, primarily Germany, England, France and Austria-Hungary, to redistribute the world. The leading European countries, which for years prospered through the exploitation of colonies, now could not get resources just like that, taking them away from the Indians, Africans and South Americans

The Mysterious Story Of A Giant Mummy - Alternative View

The Mysterious Story Of A Giant Mummy - Alternative View

This story dates back to the end of the 19th century - in 1895, when a mysterious cave was discovered near San Diego. But it is not the cave that is more interesting to us, but what was found in it - a creepy Indian mummy, which was as much as 2 meters and 54 centimeters tall

Eleusinian Mysteries. From The History Of The Antique Rave - Alternative View

Eleusinian Mysteries. From The History Of The Antique Rave - Alternative View

For two thousand years, the most prestigious parties of antiquity took place in Eleusis. Closed - but we have passages.Any ancient Greek who wanted to be modern was necessarily initiated into some mysteries - regular services of certain cults

The Authenticity Of The "gold Of Troy" And Schliemann's Discoveries Has Been Proven, The Expert Believes - Alternative View

The Authenticity Of The "gold Of Troy" And Schliemann's Discoveries Has Been Proven, The Expert Believes - Alternative View

Part of the "gold of Troy" stored in Berlin proves the authenticity of the discovery of the German entrepreneur and archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, made during the excavation of the Hisarlik hill in the territory of modern Turkey on May 31, 1873, the scientific curator of the Museum of Primitive and Ancient History, as well as the New Museum, told RIA Novosti Berlin Bernhard Heb

And Troy Was Not There - Alternative View

And Troy Was Not There - Alternative View

At the end of the 19th century, in 1870-1890, Heinrich Schliemann unearthed Homeric Troy on the western ledge of Asia Minor, shaming the guild scientists who assured that she was not there. Everyone knows that. The doubts of the skeptics, these bookworms, are laughed at in dozens of popular biographies

Trojan Horse: What Was This Horse Like, And Was It Even? - Alternative View

Trojan Horse: What Was This Horse Like, And Was It Even? - Alternative View

Everyone knows the story of the Trojan Horse. Someone even, not knowing this amazing story, understands the figurative meaning of this phrase. But among historians there is a dispute about whether the horse really was or is it just fiction

Solving The Riddle Of Ulfbert: A Sword Ahead Of Its Time - Alternative View

Solving The Riddle Of Ulfbert: A Sword Ahead Of Its Time - Alternative View

Did the Vikings have superior ancient technology long before its widespread use?Will archaeologists be able to solve the mystery of this ancient Scandinavian technology?- Salik.bizWhose name is inscribed in this mysterious ancient sword?We may think we know a lot about the Vikings

Continued Investigation Of The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass. Epilogue - Alternative View

Continued Investigation Of The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass. Epilogue - Alternative View

And so we will continue. Today I will try to tell you what actually happened at the Dyatlov Pass at the end of January 1959. Oddly enough, the personality of the only surviving participant in the campaign, Yuri Yudin, comes up again. I found in his testimony very serious reservations, and perhaps even a deliberate lie

The Curse Of The Altai Mummy - Alternative View

The Curse Of The Altai Mummy - Alternative View

A detachment of archaeologists in 1993, led by the scientist Natalya Polosmak, took up excavations on the Ukok plateau, practically no one, of course, except Natalya herself, had any hope of finding anything worthwhile and interesting. This lonely mound on the border was completely turned over and dug up

"Revenge Of Princess Ukok". A Series Of Disasters Swept Across Altai After Excavations At The Burial Ground - Alternative View

"Revenge Of Princess Ukok". A Series Of Disasters Swept Across Altai After Excavations At The Burial Ground - Alternative View

In the place where the borders of 4 countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China) cross, on the territory of Altai there is a unique Ukok plateau. It is famous for the fact that there are several ancient burial mounds. When studying one of them in 1993, a girl's mummy was discovered, in which the local residents immediately recognized the Princess of Altai

The Mystery Of The Red-haired Giants From The Cave In Nevada - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Red-haired Giants From The Cave In Nevada - Alternative View

In 1924, in Lovelock Cave, Nevada, the remains of two very large red-haired people were discovered.According to the stories, these were the bodies of the so-called say-te-ka (siteka) - giants from the legends of the Indian tribe Payut.- Salik

Cosmonaut Leonov Named The Culprit For The Death Of Gagarin - Alternative View

Cosmonaut Leonov Named The Culprit For The Death Of Gagarin - Alternative View

Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov told the Zvezda television channel his version of the death of Yuri Gagarin. This is reported on the channel website

Order Of Sorcerers And Alchemists. How Did The Templars Go From Beggarly Knights To The Richest Organization In Europe? - Alternative View

Order Of Sorcerers And Alchemists. How Did The Templars Go From Beggarly Knights To The Richest Organization In Europe? - Alternative View

The military-monastic knightly order of the Poor Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon is known in history under several names: the Order of the Poor Brothers of the Jerusalem Temple, the Order of the Templars, the Order of the Templars

Alexander The First And The Secret Of His Death - Alternative View

Alexander The First And The Secret Of His Death - Alternative View

Chronology of the death of Alexander IThe early gloomy morning of December 1, 1825 (according to the new style) at Cape Taganiy Rog turned out to be cold and cloudy. A piercing wind blew from the bay. His icy breath was either weakening or gaining strength, unceremoniously invading the narrow streets of a small town huddled on this earth

A New History Of The Ancient Islanders - Alternative View

A New History Of The Ancient Islanders - Alternative View

Scientists are going to rewrite the history of Easter Island civilization. Easter Island is famous for two things. First, with its giant stone sculptures

7 Facts About Isabella Of Castile - The Founder Of The Spanish Inquisition - Alternative View

7 Facts About Isabella Of Castile - The Founder Of The Spanish Inquisition - Alternative View

Isabella of Castile is one of the most influential rulers in history. Its era was marked by the unification of Spain, the emergence of European colonialism. Her life story is interesting. She ruled along with her husband, King Ferdinand II of Aragon, and did it so successfully that she remained in the memory of the people as the “mother of Spain”

I Want Honor, Strength And Lust: As The Priest Urbain Grandier, Who Has Concluded An Agreement With Satan, Finished - Alternative View

I Want Honor, Strength And Lust: As The Priest Urbain Grandier, Who Has Concluded An Agreement With Satan, Finished - Alternative View

In 1634, the French Inquisition burned the priest Urbain Grandier at the stake. They accused the clergyman of signing a treaty with Satan himself, who promised him power over the rich and women. However, not all so simple. It turns out that friends, offended by the priest, a woman whose love Grandier rejected and even Cardinal Richelieu himself were involved in the case

Salem: Where The Witches Were Executed - Alternative View

Salem: Where The Witches Were Executed - Alternative View

HistorySalem is one of the oldest cities in New England and the United States. The first British colonists settled at the mouth of the Naumkeag River as early as 1626. Before the arrival of the British, there was an Indian village on the site of Salem

Stronghold Of Rome - Alternative View

Stronghold Of Rome - Alternative View

Military monastic orders and holy scriptureThe combination of monastic and military in the way of life of members of the spiritual-knightly orders concealed a dangerous contradiction that could sooner or later undermine the prestige of such organizations

Why Did The Ancient Romans Have 57 Days In February? - Alternative View

Why Did The Ancient Romans Have 57 Days In February? - Alternative View

As you know, we inherited the calendar from ancient Rome. Can you count to ten in Latin? Now we will teach: unus, duo, tras, quattuor, quinque, seks, septem, octo, novem, decem. Don't you notice anything interesting?Add the ending -ber to the last four digits - what happens?

10 Little-known Mysteries Of Ancient Rome - Alternative View

10 Little-known Mysteries Of Ancient Rome - Alternative View

Many people interested in history are amazed by the secrets of the Roman Empire, which conquered many countries, leaving behind grandiose structures that have survived literally millennia. Alternative history adepts believe that the famous aqueducts, the Colosseum, St

Ancient Roman Cuisine: What Gladiators And Emperors Ate - Alternative View

Ancient Roman Cuisine: What Gladiators And Emperors Ate - Alternative View

Bread and circuses Simple and austere way of life of the tsarist period, the heyday of the times of the Republic, peak - and then the sunset - Empires Everything changed: from the territory to the fashion for clothes. Roman cuisine also changed. For example bread

For Which They Were Imprisoned In The Soviet Union: Five Absurd Reasons - Alternative View

For Which They Were Imprisoned In The Soviet Union: Five Absurd Reasons - Alternative View

The Soviet court is the fairest and most humane in the world. This is what was constantly instilled in the population of the USSR. He was the guarantor of the safety and protection of those who built communism, a bright future from those harmful elements that could well have caused the fall of utopia

"Boats Of Love" By The Mad Emperor - Alternative View

"Boats Of Love" By The Mad Emperor - Alternative View

The capricious emperor Caligula, who is said to have made his beloved horse, Incitatus, first a citizen of Rome, then a senator, and after that put him on the list of candidates for consul, used to sail his exciting ships on Lake Nemi, not far from where he stood his statue, indulging his sensual inclinations …From the first days of his reign, Caligula was attracted by Lake Nemi with the sacred temple of Diana. T

About The Roman Dodecahedron - Alternative View

About The Roman Dodecahedron - Alternative View

The Roman dodecahedron is a small hollow object made of bronze or (less commonly) stone, the geometric shape of which is made up of twelve flat faces. Each of these faces is a pentagon.Roman dodecahedrons also have a "knob" decoration on each of the pentagon vertices, and the pentagonal faces in most cases have round holes

The Mystery Of The Roman Dodecahedron - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Roman Dodecahedron - Alternative View

Ancient civilizations left us many mysteries, over which archaeologists and historians are still unsuccessfully racking their brains

Yakov Baklanov - The Legend Of The Caucasus - Alternative View

Yakov Baklanov - The Legend Of The Caucasus - Alternative View

Yakov Petrovich Baklanov, a Cossack hero-general under two meters, a war hero in the Caucasus, an ardent opponent of democracy and political correctness, won the glory of Russia in numerous battles

What Human Vices Are Hidden In The Details Of The Painting By Hieronymus Bosch "The Magician" - Alternative View

What Human Vices Are Hidden In The Details Of The Painting By Hieronymus Bosch "The Magician" - Alternative View

An owl is a companion of darkness, a monkey is cunning, frogs are attributes of devils. He hid these and other allegorical symbols in his mysterious painting, ridiculing the clergy. This is the "Magician" by Hieronymus Bosch, one of the most extraordinary artists of the 15th century

Septimius Severus In Rome - Alternative View

Septimius Severus In Rome - Alternative View

This huge antique building was built by the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus. It is noteworthy that originally Septisonium had seven floors - much higher than the famous two-story library in Ephesus.- Salik.bizIt was located on the Appian Way, and travelers who arrived in the Eternal City were amazed at the greatness of Septisonius

Battle Of Karakh: Parthian Trap. The Recklessness Of Marcus Crassus Destroyed The Roman Army - Alternative View

Battle Of Karakh: Parthian Trap. The Recklessness Of Marcus Crassus Destroyed The Roman Army - Alternative View

By the middle of the 1st century BC, the Roman power had already defeated its strongest enemy in the Mediterranean Sea - Carthage. Subdued all the lands of Western Europe (with the exception of Scandinavia) and invaded Asia Minor

Roman Army In The Land Of The Pharaohs - Alternative View

Roman Army In The Land Of The Pharaohs - Alternative View

The theme of the Roman army in Egypt has two sides. The first element characteristic of the province of Egypt, as was the case also in every province of the Empire, was the composition of the garrison, and in particular the units stationed there and their military formations

Justification Of Nero - Alternative View

Justification Of Nero - Alternative View

He dealt with two wives, did not even spare his own mother. He may have planned Rome's greatest fire. But, contrary to the statements of his enemies, he would never play the cithara, watching from a safe refuge as his city burns

Gladiators Of Ancient Rome - Alternative View

Gladiators Of Ancient Rome - Alternative View

It is generally accepted that only slaves participated in the bloody gladiatorial battles of ancient Rome. But this is not the case. The most famous names brought to us by history belonged to ordinary volunteers, for whom the arena became a good way to make money