The Mystery Of The Red-haired Giants From The Cave In Nevada - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Red-haired Giants From The Cave In Nevada - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Red-haired Giants From The Cave In Nevada - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Red-haired Giants From The Cave In Nevada - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Red-haired Giants From The Cave In Nevada - Alternative View
Video: Hidden Cave 2024, October

In 1924, in Lovelock Cave, Nevada, the remains of two very large red-haired people were discovered.

According to the stories, these were the bodies of the so-called say-te-ka (siteka) - giants from the legends of the Indian tribe Payut.

Lovelock Cave was discovered in 1913 and immediately became the site of the extraction of thick deposits of guano - bat droppings. From guano, saltpeter was mined for gunpowder.

When the workers dug 4 feet deep, they came across mummified human remains.

In 1924, a group of archaeologists arrived here to investigate them and they dug up two dried bodies. The first was quite tall, but not particularly gigantic - its height was just over 2 meters. The height of the second was much more and was equal to 2.5 meters (Paranormal news -

Numerous artifacts were found near the skeletons, including household items made of stone, wood and bone. And also the remains of leather sandals on a very large foot. The hair of both giants was distinctly red.

Some of these artifacts can still be seen in a small natural history museum in Winnemucca, Nevada, but the giant remains did not reach the museums, they were accidentally destroyed during archaeological work.

Duck decoys are one of the artifacts from Lovelock Cave
Duck decoys are one of the artifacts from Lovelock Cave

Duck decoys are one of the artifacts from Lovelock Cave.

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According to the pyute legends, their ancestors fought with these sideuk giants for thousands of years, and some researchers believe that the mysterious "giants from the north" described by the Aztecs and Mayans also belong to the Nevada giants.

The slain giant in the Aztec code
The slain giant in the Aztec code

The slain giant in the Aztec code.

The Payutes feared these giants not only because of their height, they were cannibals and regularly caught Indians for breakfast or dinner. They also loved to kidnap Indian women, making them their concubines. But in the end, the Payutes got tired of this and they raided the giants, driving them into a cave and setting up a big fire there. Some of the giants jumped out, but they were shot from bows, while the rest died inside the cave.

During this attack, part of the vault of the cave collapsed, after which bats began to fly in through the holes formed, and in the end everything was covered with their guano, which perfectly preserved the remains of some giants.


Now Lovelock Cave is known mainly only for its duck decoys and as the place where ancient people (the most ordinary) lived several thousand years ago, who hunted for birds and caught fish.

As for the stories about ancient giants, scientists are sure that these skeletons belonged to quite ordinary, albeit tall people, and their bright red hair is just the result of a chemical reaction, but initially they were dark like all Indians.

Anthropologists and historians in general do not have data that in ancient times people of very large stature could live on earth, with the exception of isolated cases of gigantism, which are still found today.

Could the found remains of people be precisely the remains of patients with gigantism? May be. However, in this case, it is unlikely that the legends of many peoples would have found a reflection of a whole race with such growth - gigantism does not particularly predispose to reproduction, rather the opposite - people with it often die at a young age without leaving offspring.