How Is Orthodoxy Related To Paganism? - Alternative View

How Is Orthodoxy Related To Paganism? - Alternative View
How Is Orthodoxy Related To Paganism? - Alternative View

Video: How Is Orthodoxy Related To Paganism? - Alternative View

Video: How Is Orthodoxy Related To Paganism? - Alternative View
Video: (11) Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future: The Rise of Paganism and Witchcraft 2024, October

Take a look around? How many people kick themselves in the chest with their heels and proudly call themselves Orthodox?

According to polls of Russian scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences, 75 - 80 percent of Russians consider themselves Orthodox.

But where are these numbers from?

How can a person call himself an Orthodox Christian if he has not even read the Bible?

And how can he call himself Orthodox without knowing the meaning of this word.

Moreover, the majority do not even realize that Orthodoxy does not connect anything with Christianity.

The word Orthodoxy itself stands for RIGHT TO GLORATE, that is, the Orthodox is the one who praises the Rule.

And what is Rule?

Promotional video:

In the ancient Vedic culture of the Slavs, the world around us was divided into three parts:

JAV is the visible physical world, remember how we say "I saw in Java."

NAV - worlds where souls dwell.

RIGHT - worlds where beings live above our understanding, that is, Gods.

Therefore, the Orthodox is the one who glorifies the Gods.

Well, how many of your friends are Orthodox?

I think a little!


Now let's touch on the ROC.

According to the data of the same Russian Academy of Sciences, only slightly less than 3% of the population go to church on holidays, which does not agree with even those who do not understand 80%.

Most people equate themselves with Orthodox only because they associate Russians with Orthodoxy.

But at the same time, they continue to lead an immoral lifestyle, which is extremely outrageous even according to Christian church canons.

So in fact, almost everyone who claims that they are Orthodox do not adhere to the Christian tradition, much less the native veneration of the Gods and Ancestors.

And one more important fact: 20% of these people, according to polls, do not believe in God, it is easier to say atheists.

A paradox, but a fact.

Recently, it has become popular to classify oneself as religious.

Maybe you have seen these phyto-babes who take selfies in church, I think it is clear why they go there.


The Russian Orthodox Church today is a business: Priests ride yachts, girls fill up Instagram, and parishioners pay tribute like a flock of sheep.

For this, the next Pop sprinkles you with a censer and stretches out his hand so that you kiss her, which reminds the mafia.

A different picture is observed in modern Slavic traditional societies.

Recently, I have increasingly seen an increase in the number of Vedic religious communities.

Unlike the church, people there do not pay money to anyone, but gather for the sake of communication of like-minded people and discussing various traditions and the worldview of the Slavs.


Everyone is trying to make their little contribution to the common cause and on a voluntary basis.

There the real Orthodox Russians gather who glorify the Gods and ancestors.

And at the moment there are more and more such societies, because people are tired of constant lies and extortions from the clergy.

The people want their present, not something brought from overseas by Jewish preachers.