King Arthur - Cimmerians And Scythians - Alternative View

King Arthur - Cimmerians And Scythians - Alternative View
King Arthur - Cimmerians And Scythians - Alternative View

Video: King Arthur - Cimmerians And Scythians - Alternative View

Video: King Arthur - Cimmerians And Scythians - Alternative View
Video: The Cimmerians and Scythians (p1) 2024, October

The early history of Wales was created by the Celts - Welsh, who arrived in this area as early as the 1st century BC. From the name of the ancient inhabitants of Wales, the Celts-Welsh, the name of the country is derived - Wales, but the self-name of the Welsh - Kimry - Cymru - "compatriots".

It is generally accepted that King Arthur was Welsh, that is, Cymru.

The motto of modern Cymru (Welsh) Wales: "Cymru - to be" = "Cymru - byth" = "Wales - forever." Welsh, like other Celtic languages, belongs to the Indo-European language group.


In ancient history, the Cimmerians, akin to the Scythians and Thracians, are known, but these Proto-Slavic tribes often fought among themselves. Herodotus wrote about the Thracians: "They would have been the most powerful people on earth if they had not fought among themselves." The Cimmerians won victory after victory, in 705 BC. e. defeated the army of the Assyrian king Sargon II, in 692 BC. e. fought in Lydia and Assyria. The Thracian Cimmerians, who were part of the Scythian alliance of tribes, founded on the Balkan Peninsula and attacked Greek cities in Asia Minor. Part of the Cimmerians went further along the Danube river valley to Western Europe and settled in foggy Albion. Apparently, from the warlike Cimmerians, the Cymru Celts - Cymru - "compatriots" originate.


The Scythians called themselves kings. In Vedic Sanskrit, from which all Indo-European languages originate, the words - Sara, sarratya - sarru, sari, sirratu, sarathya - army, military, companion, (sa - together, ratha - chariot, warrior, hero). In the Rig Veda, the word "Sarathi" - Sarathi - chariot driver - "Sarathnik". The original meaning of the Vedic Sanskrit word "sarru" is sarru-saratnik ", a warrior, hence the word" king "in Slavic languages, and in Germanic - Caesar and Kaiser, from here comes the word" knight "- companion, warrior.

The self-name of the Scythians is SKOLOT (skolot, or skolt), possibly from here the derivative word CELT (Latin Celtae, Breton Kelted, Wall y Celtiaid, Irish na Ceiltigh, Shot (Greek). Ceilteach, Mann.ny Celtiee, root Kelt). Caesar and Pausanias argued that Kelt was the self-name of the Celts.

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Ancient authors used various names to designate the Celts. At the beginning of the III century BC. e. in the Greek texts, a new name for the Celts appeared - Galatians. The Romans called the continental Celts Galli. Ancient writers called the Celts of the British Isles the British, Britons, using various forms of this name: Brittani, Brittones.

The ancient Celtic (Welsh) society in Wales was ruled by a king, the whole society was divided into classes: druid priests, warriors and tillers. The property of the Welsh king was public property.


Herodotus wrote down legends about the Scythian kings in his History: a golden plow, which fell to the Scythian farmers, a golden yoke to the chariot warriors, a golden ax, a symbol of royal power, and a golden bowl, a symbol of priestly power, fell from the sky onto the Scythian land. So the Scythian society was divided into classes: a warrior and a king-priest, a farmer, an ordinary community member - a warrior.


The Celts never built temples. The ceremonies were held in secret places, where large stone circles were built, stone idols were installed. King Arthur was a pagan druid. In Wales, there was one of the main centers of the Druids, more than 150 monuments of Celtic culture, sacred tombs and Welsh religious buildings have been preserved.

The Scythians never built temples. Rituals were held in secret places, stone idols were worshiped.


Herodotus describes the custom of the Scythian warriors, to worship the short Scythian sword Akinak, stuck into the ground, a mountain of brushwood or into a stone.

According to the earliest legends about the legendary king Arthur (Yar-Tura) found in the poems of the Welsh bards and Latin chronicles of the 6th century, only Arthur managed to prove his right of dominion over Britain after he was twice able to pull out the sacred sword Kali-bur from under the stone. later called Excalibur (English Excálibur,), invested there by the magician Merlin. Etymology of the words Kali-bur: Indo-Hebrew. - Kali is a symbol of destruction, many-sided, terrifying mother of all things; Indo-Hebrew - * bher 'storm, rage' Russian storm'. In British legends, Merlin is a sage and wizard of Celtic myths, mentor and advisor to King Arthur. Welsh name for Merlin (Myrddin - comes from the British * Mori-dunon - Mori-dunon - "sea fortress").


In the Welsh legend "The Vision of Ronabwe", two snakes were seen on the golden hilt of King Arthur's sword, and when the king drew his blade, a flame erupted from the snake's mouth, which was terrible to look at.

The Scythian sword Akinak was considered the god of war and victory; it was decorated with an ornament in the form of intertwined concentric circles, symbolizing snakes, and the serpentine Scythian goddess, the foremother of the Scythians.


The origin of the Welsh name "Arthur" remains a matter of debate. The legendary King Arthur's name appears in early texts as Arthur, or Arturus, but is never used as the Latin Artōrius. British patronymic "Arto-rīg-ios", in which the root "arto-rīg" is "bear-king" from the old Irish personal name "Art-ri". Many linguists believe that this connection of the name Arthur with the star Arcturus is artificial and not real in reality. In Welsh, "bear" is "arth", "bull" is "tarw" - tarw, in Scythia - "taurus".


The historian Yegor Klassen in the book “The Ancient History of the Slavs” (1854) writes: “As for the very origin of the knights of the“Slavic Prince”- the knights of King Arthur, the laws of the language say that this is true, that it could be - there could be a king Arthur is a Russian knight. The clue lies in the very name Arthur and the application of the laws of Russian syllabic writing. According to the second law, there must be a consonant in front of 'A' (most often Ya, Xa or Bba, Gba). YYAR-TUR, that is, Yar-tur - this was the name of the "Slavic prince" Arthur, that is, the common Slavic princely name YAR-TUR, or BUY-TUR (ardent tur, bull), wonderful Slavic names. Let us remember the Russian chronicles: Yar-Tur Vsevolod, Bui-Tur Yaroslav and so on.


It is known that the ancient Greeks, and later the Romans, hired Scythian soldiers during the war or as guards, police and police in the cities. The Scythians and Cimmerians were fearless horsemen, good warrior archers, perfectly wielding weapons - sword and arrows. At the beginning of the 2nd century A. D. Scythian tribes went to the Danube and met with the Roman legionaries.

The standard of Western European chivalry, the legendary King Arthur was a Russian knight, he arrived with his military squad for imperial service in England under a treaty with the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (121 - 180).

By the early 3rd century, the Romans conquered the British Isles and ruled Wales until the early 5th century. Rome itself was threatened by hordes of Goths, and the Romans left their British colony. The age of the legendary knight Arthur began at a time when the true Britons, retreating before the onslaught of the Saxon tribes, stood with their backs to the waves of the West Sea, when nothing separated them from death and oblivion, and the weakened Rome left its province of Britain to defend itself on its own.

Against this background of historical events of the 5th-6th centuries from the birth of Christ, the legendary leader of the Welsh, the knight Arthur, with his military squad, numbering about 6 thousand soldiers, went down in history. By 600, the Welsh army of Knight Arthur defeated the conquerors of the Anglo-Saxons. In English, in the word "warrior" - warrior - "thief", one can guess the old Russian word "thief" - a robber, a robber. The same connection in the word war - "thief" - "war", which is always accompanied by murder, robbery, robbery.


The military squad of King Arthur was a well-armed detachment, famous not only for victories over the Saxons, but his army fought three times with the Scots and Picts, who found refuge on the islands of "Lake Lumond" - Loch Lomond, a kind of fabulous Lukomorye. In his "History" Galfried of Monmouth about him: "This lake, on which sixty islands lie, receives six rivers, but not a single one flows out of it into the sea. It is also known that on these islands there are sixty rocks with eagles' nests on each and that eagles fly here every year, with a piercing scream announcing the events that will take place in the state.

From life, King Arthur left for the mythical island of Avalon, which arose, as if from the legend of Hyperborea, a country of eternal youth, health and happiness, where everyone lives "without sorrow, without sorrow, without death, without disease, without decrepitude …"

The island of Avalon is the promised land, well known to the ancient Celts under the names Avalon, Ubhal-Lon, Abal-Lon, The name Avalon (Obolon, Bologne, Bologna) comes from the Old Russian word "bologne, bologna", which means "flood meadow", "low river bank flooded with water", means the coast of the river, riverside meadows flooded with spring floods.

Avalon (Obolon) is an island of eternal youth and grace, where the Holy Grail (Chalice of Rebirth), the magic sword of King Arthur, is kept.


In 1833, Lord Tennyson sketched the poem "The Death of Arthur" and thus outlined "the island of the Avilion valleys", where King Arthur found his last refuge:

I'm going …

To the valleys of the island of Avilion, That they know neither snow nor thunderstorms,

Not even the roar of the wind; wonderful land

Shady bushes and flooded meadows, Where the spring garden is crowned with the summer sea.


Knight Arthur, like his father, was called Pendragon - "the first" or "main Dragon", meaning "the highest leader". The history of the deification of the power of the dragon, as well as the mythical defender of the Scythians, the winged griffin guarding the gold of the Scythians, also refers us to the legends of ancient Scythia of the Northern Black Sea region, and the Bosporus kingdom with its capital in Panticopeia, in Tavria (Crimea).


The Scythians had a unique material culture, traces of its influence are found in Russian culture, as well as in the culture of most of the modern peoples of Europe.


The Scythian animal style is present with the material culture of the Celts, Britons, Anglo-Saxons, Scandinavians.

Clasp-fibula-Kerch-4-5 century BC
Clasp-fibula-Kerch-4-5 century BC

Clasp-fibula-Kerch-4-5 century BC

Englishman Duncan MacPherson in the book "Antiquities of Kerch, and research in the Cimmerian Bosphorus, with remarks on the ethnological and physical history of the Crimea" - "Antiquities of Kertch", published in London in 1857, in the chapter "Anglo - Saxon fastener and ancient fibula" writes: “Scientists believe that there is an analogy between the ancient inhabitants of the Scythian tombs and the distant ancestors of the Anglo-Saxons. In general, the Kerch (fasteners 4-3 centuries BC !!!) Varangian finds should be attributed to the relatives and cousins of the ancestors of the Varangians, who appeared fourteen to fifteen generations later.

500-550 biennium, clasp-brooch-Anglo-Saxons
500-550 biennium, clasp-brooch-Anglo-Saxons

500-550 biennium, clasp-brooch-Anglo-Saxons

The Camelot Exploration Committee, where King Arthur's Palace was held and the Knights of the Round Table gathered for a council of the Knights of the Round Table, was chaired by Professor Radford, and archaeological excavations began on Cadbaricle Hill (Cadbury Castle).

Celtic Druids. Book by Françoise Leroux
