Secrets of history 2024, October

Tunguska Meteorite. The Mystery Of The Alien From Space - Alternative View

Tunguska Meteorite. The Mystery Of The Alien From Space - Alternative View

Meteorite? UFO crash? Exploding a giant flock of mosquitoes? Miscalculations of the Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla? These and other versions are collected in the educational book "The Tunguska Meteorite. The Secret of an Alien from Space". It was presented in Krasnoyarsk

The First Explorer Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

The First Explorer Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

There were reports that a group of Russian scientists denied the version of Italian colleagues about the origin of Lake Cheko in the Krasnoyarsk Territory as a result of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite in 1908. “Lake Cheko is older than the Tunguska meteorite. T

Mysteries Of The Tunguska Meteorite. Explosion Version, But Not Meteorite - Alternative View

Mysteries Of The Tunguska Meteorite. Explosion Version, But Not Meteorite - Alternative View

What happened on June 30, 1908 (June 17, old style) in the Siberian taiga just north of the village of Vanavara near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River - the scientific world has been breaking the minds for more than a decade. And for the last 30 years, ufology has also been involved in this topic, tk

The Mystery Of The Substitution Of Peter I - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Substitution Of Peter I - Alternative View

There are many facts that support the version about the substitution of Peter I during his travels across Europe. For example, D.S

How Did Jesus Christ Die? - Alternative View

How Did Jesus Christ Die? - Alternative View

What Happened on Good Friday The last day of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ went down in Church history as Good Friday

Exposing The Myth Of The "mirrors Of Archimedes" That Burned The Roman Fleet - Alternative View

Exposing The Myth Of The "mirrors Of Archimedes" That Burned The Roman Fleet - Alternative View

The ancient era gave history a huge number of smart and talented people who, with their genius, changed the lives of their contemporaries and descendants. One of them is the renowned Greek engineer and mathematician Archimedes of Syracuse. We still use many of his discoveries today

Mafioso Brusco: If Mother Teresa - Saint, Then I Am Jesus Christ! - Alternative View

Mafioso Brusco: If Mother Teresa - Saint, Then I Am Jesus Christ! - Alternative View

Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square in Rome in front of 120 thousand people, official delegations from 15 countries, as well as in front of specially invited 1,500 Italian homeless people, canonized Mother Teresa. Now she has become a saint of the Roman Catholic Church

How American Corporations Helped Hitler - Alternative View

How American Corporations Helped Hitler - Alternative View

During the Nuremberg Trials, former President of the Imperial Bank, Hjalmar Schacht, in an interview with an American lawyer, said: “If you want to indict the industrialists who helped rearm Germany, then you must indict yourself. You will be required to indict the Americans. T

"Popular Christianity" In The USSR 1940-50s - Alternative View

"Popular Christianity" In The USSR 1940-50s - Alternative View

In the 1930-50s, Orthodoxy among the people, left without the "vertical of power of the ROC", degenerated into Khlysty and even a crowd. Believers have created a unique system of "popular Christianity" - it was destroyed by the state's repressive machine only in the 1960s

White Nomads - Alternative View

White Nomads - Alternative View

"White nomads" in ancient times were called garamantes - a mysterious tribe that owned lands in what is now Libya and Western Egypt

Cyrus The Great: The Greek Legend Of The Great Commander - Alternative View

Cyrus The Great: The Greek Legend Of The Great Commander - Alternative View

Cyrus the Great occupies a special place in Iranian history. It was he who created the Persian state and became the ancestor of the Achaemenid dynasty, which ruled Persia before its conquest by Alexander the Great. The life story of the founder of the Persian state has come down to us thanks to the Greeks, a people who can hardly be suspected of sympathizing with the Persians because of the long and bloody series of Greco-Persian wars

PR People Of The Wehrmacht - Organization Of Propaganda Troops - Alternative View

PR People Of The Wehrmacht - Organization Of Propaganda Troops - Alternative View

Most of the German photographs that appeared in print during World War II were taken by propaganda companies - specially created units of the Wehrmacht. Many photographs depict the German soldier as an impeccably well-mannered and disciplined fighter, bringing the light of culture to the "wild" east and resisting the invasion of barbarian hordes

American Writer Stephen Kinzer - About The Secret CIA Mind Control Program - Alternative View

American Writer Stephen Kinzer - About The Secret CIA Mind Control Program - Alternative View

The CIA spent years learning how to control the human mind. The American secret services used the methods used in the Nazi concentration camps, as well as a whole arsenal of poisons. However, the secret program failed - the experimenters only destroyed the mind of the experimental, but could not subdue it

Who In Russia Was Called "Podklobuchniki", And Why They Lived Better Than Their Masters - Alternative View

Who In Russia Was Called "Podklobuchniki", And Why They Lived Better Than Their Masters - Alternative View

Royal amusements often turn into difficult and sometimes dangerous work for those people who are forced to arrange these entertainments. So, with the spread of falconry, in the Middle Ages, the profession of hunter of hunting birds appeared

Third Reich. UFO, Haunebu And Baza - Alternative View

Third Reich. UFO, Haunebu And Baza - Alternative View

"Anyone who sees only a political movement in National Socialism knows little about it." Adolf Hitler. Today, a lot is known about the developments of the Third Reich in the field of "flying saucers", but questions do not diminish over the years

Slaves Of Psychotronic Hell. How Did The Russians Believe That They Were Being "irradiated" By The Special Services - Alternative View

Slaves Of Psychotronic Hell. How Did The Russians Believe That They Were Being "irradiated" By The Special Services - Alternative View

Mental illnesses proceed in different ways. Someone believes in a world conspiracy, others think that they are slowly being killed by some kind of disease, induced from outside. There are people who have the disease without danger to society, there are violent

Discovered A "family" Photograph Of Stonehenge, Taken In 1875 - Alternative View

Discovered A "family" Photograph Of Stonehenge, Taken In 1875 - Alternative View

Members of the British Heritage State Commission reported the discovery of one of the first ever photographs of Stonehenge. The photo, according to The Daily Mail, was taken one hundred and forty-four years ago - in 1875.The famous stone megalithic structure was taken over by the UK from private hands a hundred years ago

Winston Churchill's Essay On Extraterrestrial Life Has Been Discovered - Alternative View

Winston Churchill's Essay On Extraterrestrial Life Has Been Discovered - Alternative View

Winston Churchill's article on the existence of extraterrestrial life was found by scientists in the United States. A review of an essay by the British prime minister from World War II published Wednesday 15 February in The Nature

Wars Against The Slavic Worldview - Alternative View

Wars Against The Slavic Worldview - Alternative View

The Slavization of a significant part of Europe has become an outstanding phenomenon in the history of mankind. Such deployment is the result of the activity of the enlightenment system, which carried the knowledge of the universe to people, prepared everyone for spiritual growth and self-improvement

The Mystery Of The "Babylonian" Mobile Phone Has Been Solved - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The "Babylonian" Mobile Phone Has Been Solved - Alternative View

The information about an ancient artifact that looks like a modern mobile phone, which was allegedly found in Austria, which is actively spreading in the Russian Internet, finally found a rational explanation. Unfortunately, before this happened, she was overgrown with conspiracy theories that have nothing to do with reality

Why Hasn't The Mystery Of Amelia Earhart's Disappearance Been Solved? Facts About The Famous Pilot - Alternative View

Why Hasn't The Mystery Of Amelia Earhart's Disappearance Been Solved? Facts About The Famous Pilot - Alternative View

In the face of mystery and lack of facts, imagination sometimes fills in the blanks on its own. A person has an innate desire for certainty, completeness and clarity of the picture

Rome On Color Photo Postcards 1890 - Alternative View

Rome On Color Photo Postcards 1890 - Alternative View

These postcards with the oldest monuments in Rome were issued around 1890. They were created using the Photochrom process, which allowed black and white photographs to be colorized. It is a variant of chromolithography invented in the 1880s by Hans Jakob Schmidt of the Swiss printing company Orell Gessner Füssli

A Real Scary Story That Became The Basis For The Film "Substitution" - Alternative View

A Real Scary Story That Became The Basis For The Film "Substitution" - Alternative View

In 2008, the film "Substitution" was released with Angelina Jolie in the title role. According to the plot, the main character's child disappears, she goes to the police, but the child is not found. After some time, the boy was found, but the mother declares that this is not her son, although he himself insists on the opposite

The Terrible History And Interiors Of The Brissac Castle - Alternative View

The Terrible History And Interiors Of The Brissac Castle - Alternative View

In the small town of Brissac-Quenz, there is a luxurious 52-meter castle, which is called the Giant of the Loire Valley

The Mystery Of The Voynich Manuscript Revealed Once Again - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Voynich Manuscript Revealed Once Again - Alternative View

The British scientist assures that he figured out "the most mysterious manuscript on Earth."- Salik.bizHandbook of the Queen of AragonGerard Cheshire, an academic at the University of Bristol, believes he has solved the mystery of the Voynich manuscrip, understood what this mysterious handwritten picture book is about, the meaning of which remained incomprehensible

In Scotland Found Artificial Islands Older Than Stonehenge - Alternative View

In Scotland Found Artificial Islands Older Than Stonehenge - Alternative View

Two neolithic crannogs have been found near the Outer Hebrides in northwest Scotland, Antiquity reports. They turned out to be older than Stonehenge: scientists dated the ceramics found near the islands to the period of 3.3-3.6 thousand years BC

Did Bulgaria Really Dream Of Joining The USSR And Why Didn't It? - Alternative View

Did Bulgaria Really Dream Of Joining The USSR And Why Didn't It? - Alternative View

XX century - the time of the dominance of the Soviet Union on the world stage. The USSR was the most powerful power, so it is not surprising that smaller and weaker states were very interested in its patronage. The country, which has repeatedly tried to make this dream a reality, becoming the sixteenth republic, was a kindred, as it was believed, Bulgaria

7000-year-old Forest, Traces Of Ancient People And Animals Found In Great Britain - Alternative View

7000-year-old Forest, Traces Of Ancient People And Animals Found In Great Britain - Alternative View

Remnants of a prehistoric forest, stumps and tree trunks, appeared at low tide along the 200-meter stretch of coastline near Northumberland. Many believe that this is Doggerland - Atlantis of Britain. / epochtimes

Archaeologists Have Found An Artifact That Can Turn The Entire History Of Mankind - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Found An Artifact That Can Turn The Entire History Of Mankind - Alternative View

Archaeologists have found an important artifact for the history of mankind - a statuette of a female figure from the late Paleolithic times of 40-12 thousand years BC. e. The find was made in the Renancourt area of the city of Amiens, the Picardy department in northern France. Arc

An Ancient Artifact Depicting A Human Face Was Found In Japan - Alternative View

An Ancient Artifact Depicting A Human Face Was Found In Japan - Alternative View

The first known example of a painted stone depicting a human face was discovered by Japanese archaeologists. The artifact is dated by the Jomon Pottery (8000 BC) and was buried underground

Could The Biblical Eve Be The Foremother Of All Mankind? - Alternative View

Could The Biblical Eve Be The Foremother Of All Mankind? - Alternative View

Who has not heard the biblical legend about Adam and Eve, who were expelled by God from paradise because of the sin of Eve? After that, Eve gave birth to Cain and Abel, and the first one killed his brother, that same family … The Bible and the church assure that Eve is the progenitor (foremother) of all people living on Earth, but can this be reality?I

Which Biblical Character According To The Legend Is The Progenitor Of Slavic - Alternative View

Which Biblical Character According To The Legend Is The Progenitor Of Slavic - Alternative View

Where did the Slavs come from? Of course, you can turn to ethnographic sources, but there are mythological sources on this topic that also deserve attention

An Unexpected Find Forced To Rewrite History - Alternative View

An Unexpected Find Forced To Rewrite History - Alternative View

An amazing story from Britain: how dedication, self-confidence and a little luck can lead the average treasure hunter to national fame. And to force historians to rewrite textbooks.Back in 2016, 55-year-old Andy Hall discovered a 1300-year-old coin

Executioner-Tonka. The "heroine Of War" Was Shooting Soviet Prisoners From A Machine Gun - Alternative View

Executioner-Tonka. The "heroine Of War" Was Shooting Soviet Prisoners From A Machine Gun - Alternative View

Tonka-machine-gunner, Nurse, Moskvichka … 20-year-old girl in the territory occupied by the Germans shot more than 1,500 people. They have been looking for her for over 30 years. And they found - a war heroine, a leader in production, a loving wife and mother of two daughters.A

The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of A Soviet Scientist Who Modeled The Consequences Of A Nuclear Winter - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of A Soviet Scientist Who Modeled The Consequences Of A Nuclear Winter - Alternative View

B in 1985 gody Madpide beccledno ppopal copokacemiletny covetcky ycheny, kandidat fiziko-matematicheckix nayk, cotpydnik Bychiclitelnogo tsentpa Akademii nayk CCCP Bladimip Balentinovich Alekcandpov, ppiexavshy c dokladom in Kopdovy nA konfepentsiyu mepov

Maps Of The Great Tartary - Alternative View

Maps Of The Great Tartary - Alternative View

Well, in the continuation of today's article about Batu's campaign to Russia, I will also provide you with some historical information-mystery. Not so long ago, a few years ago, the word "Tartaria" was completely unknown to the vast majority of the inhabitants of Russia

The Scientist Commented On The Possibility Of Decoding The "Voynich Manuscript" - Alternative View

The Scientist Commented On The Possibility Of Decoding The "Voynich Manuscript" - Alternative View

It is impossible to understand the content of the "Voynich manuscript", one of the most mysterious manuscripts in the world, which still cannot be deciphered, despite a number of statements from different people that they managed to read the text, believes the head of the department at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Orlov, whose group at one time established that this manuscript was written in several languages

When Was Classical Latin Created? - Alternative View

When Was Classical Latin Created? - Alternative View

The first textbook of grammar of classical (aka antique) Latin, Elegantiae Linguae Latinae ("On the grace of the Latin language"), was published in 1471 by the Renaissance humanist Lorenzo Valla (real name Lavrenti della Valle). Valla is said to have "demonstrated the technique of purity and elegance of Classical Latin, devoid of medieval awkwardness

Cartographer Abraham Ortelius - Alternative View

Cartographer Abraham Ortelius - Alternative View

Abraham Ortelius (English Abraham Ortelius; April 2, 1527 - June 28, 1598) - Flemish cartographer, considered the creator of the first modern atlas. Born in Antwerp and belonged to the influential Ortelius family from Augsburg.In 1547 Ortelius began engraving maps and was admitted to the college of St

What Was Sultan Suleiman The Magnificent Really Like? - Alternative View

What Was Sultan Suleiman The Magnificent Really Like? - Alternative View

He was the greatest of the sultans of his dynasty, under him the Ottoman Empire reached its highest development