Secrets of history 2024, October

Manuscript 512 Or The Secret Of The Ancient City Of A Highly Developed Civilization In The Jungle Of Brazil - Alternative View

Manuscript 512 Or The Secret Of The Ancient City Of A Highly Developed Civilization In The Jungle Of Brazil - Alternative View

There is a document in the National Library in Rio de Janeiro called Manuscript 512, which tells of a group of treasure hunters who discovered a lost city in the jungle of Brazil in 1753

American Occupation Of The Russian North - Alternative View

American Occupation Of The Russian North - Alternative View

One of the relatively little-known pages of Russian history is the American occupation of northern Russia in 1918. This expedition was called "Polar Bear".- Salik.bizStart of operationThis story began in February 1918, during the First World War

Downed Boeing 747 Flight KE007 - Alternative View

Downed Boeing 747 Flight KE007 - Alternative View

Boeing 777-200ER flight MH17 over Donbass, Boeing 737-8KV flight PS752 over Iran. How many oddities in these disasters. And the main thing is how they happen "in time". And in order to understand who needs it and why, you probably need to remember another Boeing

“Without Such An Assistant, Peter Would Not Have Become The Great”: What Role Did Menshikov Play In The History Of Russia - Alternative View

“Without Such An Assistant, Peter Would Not Have Become The Great”: What Role Did Menshikov Play In The History Of Russia - Alternative View

290 years ago, Alexander Menshikov, one of the most influential statesmen of the Petrine era, was sent into Siberian exile

Why "Spanish Flu" In The 20s Almost Bypassed Russia? - Alternative View

Why "Spanish Flu" In The 20s Almost Bypassed Russia? - Alternative View

"Spanish flu" came to Russia in 1918, but the peak, indeed, fell in the 1920s. At the same time, if in Spain about 39 percent of the population suffered from the disease, including representatives of the "blue bloods", in Russia - only 0.3 to 3 percent of the population

How Can True History Change Humanity? - Alternative View

How Can True History Change Humanity? - Alternative View

Everyone, of course, has their own views on the world, but it is obvious to me that history is regularly rewritten and distorted, and the world one, and not a separate state.This concerns not just any decisions of states in terms of politics, global, etc

Black Tulip: What Made The Most Terrible Sect In Modern Russia Famous - - Alternative View

Black Tulip: What Made The Most Terrible Sect In Modern Russia Famous - - Alternative View

Satanic sects are not uncommon in Russia. However, most of them behave relatively harmlessly, at least they do not resort to violence, which cannot be said about the "Black Tulip" sect, which practiced killing people

"Ancient Of Days", Aka "Holy Grail" - Alternative View

"Ancient Of Days", Aka "Holy Grail" - Alternative View

When the English engineer George Sassoon fell into the hands of the English translation of the Kabbalah, he was surprised by a certain deity described there, whose name was translated as "Ancient of Days"

Fake Diplomacy Of The Era Of Colonization: How The Europeans Conquered America With The Help Of "peace" Treaties - Alternative View

Fake Diplomacy Of The Era Of Colonization: How The Europeans Conquered America With The Help Of "peace" Treaties - Alternative View

On June 23, 1683, a treaty of friendship between white settlers and Indians was signed on the territory of the modern United States. The founder of the Pennsylvania colony, British William Penn, until the last days of his life fulfilled the terms of the agreement, without infringing on the rights of the indigenous people of North America

Stone "newspapers" Of The Viking Age - Alternative View

Stone "newspapers" Of The Viking Age - Alternative View

In the 11th century it was not necessary to be literate in order to recognize the runic inscriptions. At the same time, those who knew how to read could extract much more information from the rune stone than was written on it. Such conclusions were reached by scientists from Uppsala University in Sweden

Symbols Of The Old Slavic State Ros - Alternative View

Symbols Of The Old Slavic State Ros - Alternative View

Photos of family relics of the ancient Slavic period, presumably 9-12 centuries or earlier, are posted on the Internet, confirming the existence of the ancient Roskoy state in the central Slavic, Vistula-Dneprovsky, region, which at one time was pointed out by academician Boris Rybakov

Scientists Have Found Out The Siberian Origin Of The Americans - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found Out The Siberian Origin Of The Americans - Alternative View

In Siberia, the first find of this kind was made outside the United States, so genetically close to American, scientists are convinced.The roots of the inhabitants of North America are found in Siberia. This conclusion was reached by scientists from an international team of researchers, which included Russian specialists

How Did The Satanist Movement Originate In The Soviet Union? - Alternative View

How Did The Satanist Movement Originate In The Soviet Union? - Alternative View

The worship of Satan has existed since ancient times. Sects of Satanists and devil worshipers operate in almost all countries. In Russia, they, in their current form, appeared in the days of the former USSR

Soldiers Of Fortune. Foreign Legion: Death - Their Craft - Alternative View

Soldiers Of Fortune. Foreign Legion: Death - Their Craft - Alternative View

Applause rolls across the stands as soldiers enter the Champs-Élysées in the annual Bastille anniversary parade on July 14 in the Champs-Élysées' traditional white caps, the traditional “white caps” of the Foreign Legion. This is an expression of the sympathy which legionnaires enjoy among the Parisians. Inspire

Mysteries Of History: Ancient Anglo-Saxons - Alternative View

Mysteries Of History: Ancient Anglo-Saxons - Alternative View

Anglo-Saxons - this is the people who migrated to V - VI centuries from the Cimbrian Peninsula and its surroundings to England. They were part of the great Saxon confederation that stretched from the Elbe to the Rhine

How The French And Mexicans Waged A War Over A Candy Store - Alternative View

How The French And Mexicans Waged A War Over A Candy Store - Alternative View

In the early years after Mexico's independence from Spain, civil unrest was widespread as various political movements and parties fought for control of the country. These events often resulted in the destruction or looting of private property

Military Smuggling In The Law - Alternative View

Military Smuggling In The Law - Alternative View

As you know, World War II began on September 1, 1939. At the same time, Nazi submarines went hunting in the North Atlantic. The famous "Battle of the Atlantic" began, during which caravans of ships going to England fiercely broke through the "wolf packs" of German submarines

Top 10 Ridiculous Wars. Kill For The Bucket - Alternative View

Top 10 Ridiculous Wars. Kill For The Bucket - Alternative View

People have always been willing to fight. This is noticeable even if you take a very cursory look at our history. Wars were fought for various reasons, sometimes quite logical - money, power, religion, territory. But there were also far more ridiculous pretexts for armed conflict

In Iraq, Archaeologists Have Found A Treasure With Assyrian Texts - Alternative View

In Iraq, Archaeologists Have Found A Treasure With Assyrian Texts - Alternative View

A group of German archaeologists from the University of Tübingen, while excavating the ancient city of Bassetki in Iraq, discovered 93 Assyrian clay tablets with cuneiform writing over 3.2 thousand years old

An Unknown Hellenistic City Was Found In Iraq - Alternative View

An Unknown Hellenistic City Was Found In Iraq - Alternative View

An expedition of the British Museum in Iraqi Kurdistan discovered a fortified settlement in the area of the city of Raniya (Sulaimaniyah governorate) near the Dukan reservoir. According to preliminary data, the ancient city existed in the II-I centuries BC

Why Americans Are Called "Yankees" - Alternative View

Why Americans Are Called "Yankees" - Alternative View

In the world, Americans have various nicknames - Pindos, Gringos, Yankees, you can recall some others. You can read about the origin of the nickname "Pindos" in one of the previously published articles, and here we will try to find out why many in the world call Americans "Yankees"

Trophyers - Alternative View

Trophyers - Alternative View

"Trophyers" - this is how they call scouts in half-joking slang, who specialize in obtaining not even weapons, but their fragments, even if they have fallen into disrepair. Both Russia and its overseas "competitors" have these subdivisions. Some time ago, they frayed each other's nerves, putting the world on the brink of nuclear war

America Before Roswell - Alternative View

America Before Roswell - Alternative View

According to the existing legend, on July 2, 1947 in the town of Roswell, New Mexico, USA, one of the most significant events in the history of mankind took place: the accident of a flying saucer

"Hitler May Be Alive." US Intelligence Agencies Were Looking For The Fuhrer In Spain In 1947! - Alternative View

"Hitler May Be Alive." US Intelligence Agencies Were Looking For The Fuhrer In Spain In 1947! - Alternative View

More and more documentary evidence appears, shedding light on one of the mysterious mysteries of the 20th century. Photo: A fragment of Hitler's skull in the FSB archive: the journalist claims that it is a double

Tver Kremlin: A Burnt-out Fortress And A Destroyed Memory - Alternative View

Tver Kremlin: A Burnt-out Fortress And A Destroyed Memory - Alternative View

Tver - an ancient city, once - the center of the powerful Tver principality, competing with the Moscow one. However, unlike most cities of this level, you will not find the Kremlin in Tver. Although, of course, he was there

Old Spanish Coins Were Found In Utah And No One Knows Where They Came From - Alternative View

Old Spanish Coins Were Found In Utah And No One Knows Where They Came From - Alternative View

Two medieval Spanish coins were recently discovered in the Glen Canyon National Park in Utah (USA).One of them was released in 1660, and the second around the 1200s. Moreover, the first Spaniards arrived in Mexico only in the 16th century, several decades after the discovery of America by Columbus

Who Killed Lenin? - Alternative View

Who Killed Lenin? - Alternative View

There are a lot of documents and even more speculation about the illness and death of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin). Shuffling and combining these materials allows us to build a wide variety of versions concerning the causes of death of the immortal (in some way) leader of the world proletariat

The Fall Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

The Fall Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

The fall of the Tunguska meteorite still raises many questions. Actually, was there a meteorite?

The Abandoned Hospital Beelitz-Heilstätten, Where Hitler Was Treated - - Alternative View

The Abandoned Hospital Beelitz-Heilstätten, Where Hitler Was Treated - - Alternative View

The Beelitz-Heilstätten Sanatorium was once a huge complex of 60 buildings, built in the late 19th century near Berlin for the treatment and rehabilitation of tuberculosis patients. Then the sanatorium was converted into a military hospital for the German imperial army during the First World War

Russian Scientists Have Checked Whether A Crater Was Actually Found From The Fall Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

Russian Scientists Have Checked Whether A Crater Was Actually Found From The Fall Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

Italian geologists insisted that Lake Cheko in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - this is the trace of the Tunguska disaster

Tunguska Meteorite: Stories Of The Tunguska Anomaly - Alternative View

Tunguska Meteorite: Stories Of The Tunguska Anomaly - Alternative View

Perhaps, to this day, no one would have heard of the village of Vanavara, located a little north of Krasnoyarsk, if it were not for the Tunguska meteorite incident, which brought a cosmic secret to the cold lands.More than a hundred years have passed since the news of the Tunguska meteorite spread all over the world in the summer of 1908

A Mysterious Object Near The Place Of The Fall Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

A Mysterious Object Near The Place Of The Fall Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

Two kilometers from Lake Cheko on the banks of the Kimchu River in a deserted area just 8 kilometers from the place of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite, satellite images show a very unusual object with all the signs of artificial origin

He Made The Whole Earth Shudder And Disappeared: 110 Years Have Passed Since The Fall Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

He Made The Whole Earth Shudder And Disappeared: 110 Years Have Passed Since The Fall Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

June 30, 1908, Evenkia. At 07.14 minutes (00.14 GMT) the sky over Podkamennaya Tunguska lit up the second sun. It was gigantic, brighter and hotter than the first

Tunguska, Psychopathy And The Sixth Extinction - Alternative View

Tunguska, Psychopathy And The Sixth Extinction - Alternative View

Had it not been for the cometary impact of Tunguska a hundred years ago, and then the impact of comet Shoemaker-Levy on Jupiter eighty-six years later, our attention would not have been drawn to certain aspects of our history that were completely hidden, nor the effects of those lies and distortions in our the world today

Tunguska Meteorite And Inconsistencies That Raise Certain Questions - Alternative View

Tunguska Meteorite And Inconsistencies That Raise Certain Questions - Alternative View

The fall of the Tunguska meteorite is known to almost everyone, not only in Russia, but also to many in the world, since the shock wave was recorded by instruments around the world.- Salik.bizBut still there is little official information

About The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

About The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

The Tunguska meteorite is a kind of space object that caused an air explosion near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Russia. The event took place on June 17, 1908, but its secret has not yet been solved.The Tunguska meteorite is also called the Tunguska phenomenon, and the abbreviation TKT is also used - Tunguska space body

Was The Tunguska Meteorite Really? Event Versions - Alternative View

Was The Tunguska Meteorite Really? Event Versions - Alternative View

More than a hundred years ago, a huge area was damaged by an allegedly falling meteorite. The force of the impact was so strong that within a radius of about two thousand kilometers all the trees were felled.According to scientists, the force of the explosion could be from ten to forty megatons, which is equivalent to a thousand or even two nuclear strikes that the Americans inflicted on Japan during World War II

Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

111 years ago, on June 30, 1908, in the taiga, Eastern Siberia, over the valley of the Yenisei tributary, the Podkamennaya Tunguska, a meteorite exploded, which was later named Tunguska.Three days before the event, which occupies the minds of researchers and scientists to this day, June 14 (June 27, new style), 1908, in the territory from the Atlantic to Siberia, unusual atmospheric phenomena began to be observed: noctilucent clouds, bright twilight, solar halos and intense gl

A New Mystery Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

A New Mystery Of The Tunguska Meteorite - Alternative View

111 years ago, an event took place not just on a global, but on a universal scale - a mysterious object entered the Earth's atmosphere and exploded like a powerful nuclear bomb.It happened on June 30, 1908 in the area of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River. The

Artifacts Of The Tunguska "meteorite". Another Version Of The Event - Alternative View

Artifacts Of The Tunguska "meteorite". Another Version Of The Event - Alternative View

This secret is still hidden from the public. 111 years have passed since the Podkamennaya Tunguska area was shaken by an explosion of incredible power. After him there was a fallen and burnt taiga. The official version from science does not inspire confidence in anyone