Secrets of history 2024, October

Iron Man Of The First World - Alternative View

Iron Man Of The First World - Alternative View

Combat walking machines appeared on the pages of fantastic works relatively late - in the middle of the 19th century, when steam and electric mechanisms became firmly established in life and were no longer associated with something incredible

Black Day Of The German Army - Alternative View

Black Day Of The German Army - Alternative View

A hundred years ago, on November 11, 1918, an armistice was signed in the Compiegne forest, according to which Germany actually admitted defeat in the First World War

The Death Cloud Caused The Disappearance Of A British Company Of Soldiers In Turkey - Alternative View

The Death Cloud Caused The Disappearance Of A British Company Of Soldiers In Turkey - Alternative View

During the First World War, the military often faced various mystical events that defy logical explanation

Siberian Surgeons 2500 Years Ago Were Not Inferior To The Ancient Greek - Alternative View

Siberian Surgeons 2500 Years Ago Were Not Inferior To The Ancient Greek - Alternative View

Siberian surgeons in the IV-III centuries BC used saws during operations, which were not found at that time either among the Greeks or among the Romans, El Mundo reports. This became clear after recently found medical instruments in Siberia, created 2,500 years ago, the article says

The Largest Interracial Wars Took Place In The Nile Valley 13 Thousand Years Ago - - Alternative View

The Largest Interracial Wars Took Place In The Nile Valley 13 Thousand Years Ago - - Alternative View

In the northern regions of Sudan, archaeologists have discovered evidence of a major clash between the "white" and "black" races, which occurred more than 13 thousand years ago

Treasures Of The House Of The Romanovs. Lost And Saved - Alternative View

Treasures Of The House Of The Romanovs. Lost And Saved - Alternative View

Since the XVIII century. chests with Russian crown jewels were kept in the Diamond Room, a special storage facility in the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. When the First World War began, it was decided to transport the crown jewels to Moscow

“I Was Given The Task To Burn Down The Village” - Alternative View

“I Was Given The Task To Burn Down The Village” - Alternative View

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, a partisan, was executed 75 years ago in the village of Petrishchevo. About a short life, the circumstances of death and little-known details of the events that took place in this village in those days

The Story Of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya Without Ideology And Myths - Alternative View

The Story Of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya Without Ideology And Myths - Alternative View

95 years ago, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was born, who was destined to become a scout, partisan, the first woman - Hero of the Soviet Union. Every Soviet person knew her name after the war

The Truth About The Feat Of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya - Alternative View

The Truth About The Feat Of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya - Alternative View

The history of the young intelligence officer Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya is well known to many generations of Soviet people. The feat of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was told in history lessons at school, articles were written about her and television programs were shot

About Three Betrayals, A Cynical Pact And About The Unwillingness To Fight All But One Adventurer - Alternative View

About Three Betrayals, A Cynical Pact And About The Unwillingness To Fight All But One Adventurer - Alternative View

The eightieth anniversary of the outbreak of World War II has once again sharpened the debate about how and why it began. And, of course, about the role of the Soviet Union in this.It is generally accepted that World War II began on September 1, 1939, and hardly anyone would agree to consider it the beginning of another date

How Peter I Forced To Change Clothes - Alternative View

How Peter I Forced To Change Clothes - Alternative View

On January 14 (January 4, old style), 1700 in Moscow, a decree of Peter I was announced "On wearing a dress in the manner of Hungarian", obliging eminent Russians henceforth "in Moscow and in cities to wear Hungarian caftans … whoever has time to do, wear from Epiphany of the present of the year". N

"We Thought That We Were Hated Because We Are" Red ", And We Are Hated Because We Are Russians!" - Alternative View

"We Thought That We Were Hated Because We Are" Red ", And We Are Hated Because We Are Russians!" - Alternative View

Our liberal-oriented compatriots all dream of joining the friendly family of the West. Where does this naivety come from? Now, if you imagine - Russia took and fulfilled all the wishes of the West (God forbid.) If some liberal like Gorbachev came to power, what will happen?

Divorce Without A Maiden Name. How Peter I Broke Up With His Wife - Alternative View

Divorce Without A Maiden Name. How Peter I Broke Up With His Wife - Alternative View

Political weddingIn Russia, the official divorce of the first person of the state last happened 316 years ago, when Peter the Great broke up with Evdokia Lopukhina.- Salik.bizThe wedding of Peter and Evdokia took place in January 1689, and the bride was three years older than her future husband - he was 17, she was 20 years old

The Relationship Between The Vatican And The Romanovs After The Reign Of Peter I - Alternative View

The Relationship Between The Vatican And The Romanovs After The Reign Of Peter I - Alternative View

An analysis of historical events reveals a close connection between the Romanov dynasty and the Vatican. The historical and documentary exhibition held in 2017 in Moscow with the meaningful title “The Romanovs and the Papal See: 1613-1917. R

How Peter I Lost His Mind - Alternative View

How Peter I Lost His Mind - Alternative View

Anthony Shunyans-Parasius. Tsar of Muscovy Peter. The portrait was painted from life in 1698 in Vienna or, more likely, in 1716 during Peter's trip to Germany and Holland.The tumultuous events of Peter's childhood and youth - two rifle uprisings of 1682 and 1689, when his life was in danger - could not but leave a mark on the Tsar's psyche

Last Chance Of Peter The Great - Alternative View

Last Chance Of Peter The Great - Alternative View

The first Russian emperor was sick and died long and painfully. Now it is known: he suffered from inflammation of the urinary tract and the deposition of stones in them, and after Peter, saving ordinary sailors in the icy water of the Gulf of Finland, caught a severe cold, the disease finally confined him to bed

Is The White Spot In The Medieval History Of Russia Erased? - Alternative View

Is The White Spot In The Medieval History Of Russia Erased? - Alternative View

In Azov, located in the Rostov region, archaeologists found traces of the massacre that took place in 1370, that is, 10 years before the Battle of Kulikovo.During the excavations, archaeologists have found human bones and 15 skulls that date back to the time of internecine wars that lasted in the Golden Horde for 20 years

Demon Of Terror - Alternative View

Demon Of Terror - Alternative View

In Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, the gloomy fame of the writer Savinkov was comparable to that of the modern head of al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden.It is unlikely that the tsarist officials, exiled in 1902 under supervision to Vologda for his participation in the riots, a student of Petersburg University Boris Savinkov, that they were dealing with a terrible terrorist who was born in the depths of the revolutionary movement

St. Petersburg. Close Circle Of Peter The Great. A Man From The Future - Alternative View

St. Petersburg. Close Circle Of Peter The Great. A Man From The Future - Alternative View

We heard a lot about Alexander Menshikov, but he was not alone in the emperor's command. Who else surrounded Peter and was devoted to him selflessly? Perhaps someone did not know this and would be curious to expand their horizons after reading this story

Gulag Against The Regime - Alternative View

Gulag Against The Regime - Alternative View

People calmly descended from the stern and left the burning ship. There was no sense in hurrying: when the fire reached four hundred tons of TNT, the explosion would not only blow up the port, but also destroy all life in the area …-

There Was No Execution Of The Royal Family - Alternative View

There Was No Execution Of The Royal Family - Alternative View

Indirect confirmation of a similar statement by Nikolai Levashov and the fact that the Patriarchate silently did not confirm its agreement with the results of the examination of the remains of the royal family.In June 1987, I was in Venice with the French press accompanying François Mitterrand at the G7 summit

In The 19th Century, Russia Was Called A "honey Power" - Alternative View

In The 19th Century, Russia Was Called A "honey Power" - Alternative View

If we talk about the causes of death in the United States (there is no data for Russia), then cardiovascular diseases rank first, cancer second, and drug side effects third.In the 19th century, Russia was called a "honey state". To survive in the 21st century, it is not too late to return all the good things that our ancestors possessed

Interview With Lenin: About Politics, About The State Of The Russian Economy And About The Peasant Opposition - Alternative View

Interview With Lenin: About Politics, About The State Of The Russian Economy And About The Peasant Opposition - Alternative View

In June 1920, an English journalist visited revolutionary Russia and talked with Vladimir Lenin. In this article, he talks about the impression that the Bolshevik leader made on him. And also about the views of Vladimir Ilyich on British politics

The Ultimate Measure For The "king Of Scarcity" - Alternative View

The Ultimate Measure For The "king Of Scarcity" - Alternative View

The case against the director of the Moscow grocery store No. 1 (Eliseevsky) Yuri Sokolov is still the most striking example of Andropov's fight against corruption in the USSR. It was with this case that the KGB made it clear in the early 80s that there were no more untouchables in the Soviet Union, and anyone could get into Lefortovo (the KGB's special prison)

How The Soviet Rich Lived - Alternative View

How The Soviet Rich Lived - Alternative View

So, friends - today there will be an interesting post about how the Soviet rich lived - that is, those who were considered wealthy people in the USSR. Honestly, the word "rich" can be put in quotation marks here - simply because Soviet "wealth" could not be compared with a rich life in normal developed countries - but so as not to put quotation marks every time (which the eye clings to when reading) - we can do without them

Another Look At The History Of Russia - Alternative View

Another Look At The History Of Russia - Alternative View

The war against Russia has been going on for a very long time and very, very successfully. Of course, not on the battlefields, where we have always hit everyone and very painfully, but where the West has always won and continues to win - in information wars

Interesting Historical Facts About Ancient Russia - Alternative View

Interesting Historical Facts About Ancient Russia - Alternative View

1. Earlier in Russia, the alternative name of the constellation Ursa Major was widespread - Horse tied up (meaning a grazing horse tied with a rope to a peg). And the North Star, respectively, was called the Joke Star

The Riddle Of The Library Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

The Riddle Of The Library Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

The legendary library of Ivan the Terrible has been searched for for several centuries. Some firmly believe in its reality; others believe that it burned down long ago or was lost during the Time of Troubles; in the opinion of others, it was found long ago and priceless manuscripts were sold to major libraries, museums and archives

Russia Began In Siberia - Alternative View

Russia Began In Siberia - Alternative View

The Path of the People Who Created the Statues on Easter Island The appearance of numerous stone statues on the Pacific Easter Island still causes controversy among researchers

Why Was The First Secretary Of The Sverdlovsk Regional Party Committee, Ivan Kabakov, Shot In 1937? - Alternative View

Why Was The First Secretary Of The Sverdlovsk Regional Party Committee, Ivan Kabakov, Shot In 1937? - Alternative View

The statement of the head of the Sverdlovsk Region Archives Department, Alexander Kapustin, in an interview with Oblgazeta about the repressions in the 1930s, that most of the convicts received their punishment deservedly. And for the most part this concerned not ordinary people, but middle and top managers, and caused indignation among a part of the public

Did Khrushchev Knock On The Podium? - Alternative View

Did Khrushchev Knock On The Podium? - Alternative View

Nikita Khrushchev, one of the most prominent Soviet leaders, was famous for strange phrases and impulsive gestures. However, we will show why the famous story of the drumming boot on the podium with Khrushchev is fiction.On October 12, 1960, a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly took place

Gavrila Solodovnikov: A Bad Person And A Good Benefactor - Alternative View

Gavrila Solodovnikov: A Bad Person And A Good Benefactor - Alternative View

This is an important question that is still relevant today: is it possible to be a bad person and a good benefactor? The life of the multimillionaire Solodovnikov proves that it is possible. So was there light in his soul?There were not many multimillionaires in Moscow at the end of the 19th century

Bloody Boys - Alternative View

Bloody Boys - Alternative View

To be precise, Ivan the Terrible had two sons, Dmitry. One was born in marriage with his first, beloved wife Anastasia Romanovna, and this prince was the legitimate heir to the throne. After the conquest of Kazan, the tsar fell seriously ill: they thought he would not get up

Who Was Grigory Rasputin Really? - Alternative View

Who Was Grigory Rasputin Really? - Alternative View

The beginning of the twentieth century for Russia - mysterious time. Grigory Rasputin - one of those people who made him even more mysterious. A simple peasant of the Tobolsk province turned out to be a part of the Winter Palace, many listened to his predictions

Rasputin Ruined Russia? - Alternative View

Rasputin Ruined Russia? - Alternative View

This year marks 105 years since the death of the Prime Minister of pre-revolutionary Russia Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin, 100 years since the so-called Brusilov Breakthrough and, finally, 100 years since the murder of the famous "holy devil" Grigory Rasput

Great Tartary - The Predecessor Of Russia - Alternative View

Great Tartary - The Predecessor Of Russia - Alternative View

The name of the country - Russia, arose from another word - scattering, which, in turn, was formed from the name of the scattering (the territory over which the great race settled, i.e

Volkodlaki - Russian Super Warriors - Alternative View

Volkodlaki - Russian Super Warriors - Alternative View

In countless legends, Japanese ninjas are presented as such invincible warriors, because they know the secrets of combat magic. Meanwhile, Russia had its own super warriors, in many ways superior to the ninjas. They were called wolf lags

Egyptian Archaeologists May Have Found The Tomb Of Tutankhamun's Wife - Alternative View

Egyptian Archaeologists May Have Found The Tomb Of Tutankhamun's Wife - Alternative View

Egyptian archaeologists have successfully located and excavated the entrance to the alleged tomb of Ankhesenamun, wife of the famous Pharaoh Tutankhamun, according to the online edition LiveScience

Genetic Roots Of Russians. What Scientists Say - Alternative View

Genetic Roots Of Russians. What Scientists Say - Alternative View

Where did the Russians come from? Who was our ancestor? What do Russians and Ukrainians have in common? For a long time, the answers to these questions could only be speculative. Until the genetics got down to business. Adam and EveRoot studies in population genetics

Serf Harems Of Russian Landowners: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Serf Harems Of Russian Landowners: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

The concept of a harem, traditional for the Eastern mentality, is somehow not associated with Slavic culture. Although in favor of the fact that similarities of eastern harems were created in the landowners' estates, there are many facts