Secrets of history 2024, October

Could Tutankhamun's Tomb Be Fake? - Alternative View

Could Tutankhamun's Tomb Be Fake? - Alternative View

Yes, there really is such a version. Let's start in order. If my memory serves me, they found it on the territory of the Valley of the Kings in 1922. And the archaeologist Howard Carter made this discovery.And here is the first oddity - Carter claims that the robbers entered the burial chamber in ancient times, but did not take anything out of here

Genocide And Sexual Exploitation: How Slavery Reflected In The Gene Pool Of African Americans - Alternative View

Genocide And Sexual Exploitation: How Slavery Reflected In The Gene Pool Of African Americans - Alternative View

Geneticists examined the DNA of 50,000 black people in Africa and America and reconstructed the events that are at the heart of today's racial unrest in the United States.Today, mass protests against racial discrimination are taking place across America under the motto “Black lives matter”. But

A Secret Tunnel Was Found Next To The Tomb Of Tutankhamun - Alternative View

A Secret Tunnel Was Found Next To The Tomb Of Tutankhamun - Alternative View

The Egyptians believe that the tunnel leads to a secret crypt where Nefertiti, the beauty queen of the ancient world, is buried.Employees of the authoritative scientific journal Nature have access to the report, which recently prepared, but have not yet been published by Egyptian researchers led by Mamduh el-Damati, a former minister of antiquities and cultural heritage of Egypt, and now a professor at Ain Shams University in Cairo

The Opening Of The Tomb Of Tutankhamun - Alternative View

The Opening Of The Tomb Of Tutankhamun - Alternative View

1923 year. Lord Carnarvon, reading on the veranda of the Carter house near the Valley of the Kings. Those were the times! Treasure and adventure seekers made discoveries and were the first to penetrate centuries-old closed treasures and tombs

Why Hawaii Didn't Become Russian Under Alexander I - Alternative View

Why Hawaii Didn't Become Russian Under Alexander I - Alternative View

There was an episode in the history of Russian colonial entrepreneurship when Hawaii could become the possession of Russia for some time, show the imperial government more courage

Most Unusual Unsolved Murder In Hawaii - Alternative View

Most Unusual Unsolved Murder In Hawaii - Alternative View

Hawaii is mostly known for its white sandy beaches, fun in the hot sun, and as a holiday mecca for people from all over the world. People come here to get away from the stresses and dangers of the modern world, to rest, relax and put off all their problems for a while

Eagle Wings - Alternative View

Eagle Wings - Alternative View

On October 4, 1957, the USSR opened the doors to the Universe for mankind by launching the world's first artificial Earth satellite

The Inscription In Pompeii Denied The Date Of The Eruption Of Vesuvius - Alternative View

The Inscription In Pompeii Denied The Date Of The Eruption Of Vesuvius - Alternative View

Archaeologists have discovered on the walls of Pompeii a new inscription refuting the date of the famous eruption of Vesuvius. According to ancient historians, it was believed that the tragedy in the ancient Roman city occurred on August 24, 79 BC

Victims Of The Eruption Of Vesuvius - The Lady Of The Rings And Her Secrets Revealed By The Researchers - Alternative View

Victims Of The Eruption Of Vesuvius - The Lady Of The Rings And Her Secrets Revealed By The Researchers - Alternative View

This photo went around the world. Probably, there was no popular Internet resource where it was not published. The Woman with Gold Rings (Lady of the Rings) - victim of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD

The Eruption Of The Toba Volcano Almost Destroyed People 73 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

The Eruption Of The Toba Volcano Almost Destroyed People 73 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

Scientists have proved that the giant eruption of the Toba volcano on the island of Sumatra 73 thousand years ago destroyed woody vegetation in most of the territory of modern India and led to a sharp global cooling, which our ancestors barely per

Tlingits: A Tribe That Forced Russia To Sell Alaska - Alternative View

Tlingits: A Tribe That Forced Russia To Sell Alaska - Alternative View

This people can be called without exaggeration one of the most interesting in North America, and in the whole world. The Tlingits do not have any outstanding cultural achievements, but some features of their lives give rise to a lot of interesting questions

Napoleon Lost The Battle Of Waterloo Volcano - Alternative View

Napoleon Lost The Battle Of Waterloo Volcano - Alternative View

On June 18, 1815, the last major battle of the French Emperor Napoleon I took place on the territory of modern Belgium, which was included in the history books as the Battle of Waterloo

Slavic Faith: The Myth Of Fragmentation - Alternative View

Slavic Faith: The Myth Of Fragmentation - Alternative View

The current state of disputes about the essence of the Slavic faith recalls the well-known parable of the three blind men and an elephant, which tells how one day three blind men began to share with each other their knowledge about this animal: one of them, feeling the elephant's leg, convinced his comrades that the elephant was like a pillar

How Did Maslenitsa Appear In Russia? - Alternative View

How Did Maslenitsa Appear In Russia? - Alternative View

The first warm rays of the spring Sun began to warm our earth. In such a transitional time, when winter is giving up its rights, the Russian people celebrate, perhaps, one of the most cheerful and wild holidays - Maslenitsa. It is celebrated seven weeks before Easter, this year from 11 to 17 March, and is otherwise called Shrove, or Cheese Week

When The Alps Were Small - Alternative View

When The Alps Were Small - Alternative View

There is a concept of "memory depth". I even feel that invisible threshold, beyond which famous historical events end and descriptions of human existence begin, which can only be considered as assumptions

A 4500-year-old Necropolis Was Discovered By Archaeologists In The Moscow Region - Alternative View

A 4500-year-old Necropolis Was Discovered By Archaeologists In The Moscow Region - Alternative View

A necropolis with stone battle axes, 4,500 years old, was discovered by archaeologists in Istra near Moscow, the regional Ministry of Culture said. The burials belong to the bearers of the Fatyanovo culture - the first cattle breeders and farmers on the Russian Plain

Antarctica - Territory Of Admission. Arianni - Inner Earth - Alternative View

Antarctica - Territory Of Admission. Arianni - Inner Earth - Alternative View

The mainland is very carefully guarded by special paramilitary formations, which are completely subordinate to the UN forces. The entire territory of Antarctica has been declared a protection zone, and no one has the right to cross its borders

What Curious Artifacts Were Found During The Construction Of The Moscow Metro - Alternative View

What Curious Artifacts Were Found During The Construction Of The Moscow Metro - Alternative View

During the construction of the metro in such a large historical city as Moscow, it was realistic to hope that you would find many artifacts

Vietnam War. The Program For Recruiting Soldiers With Low Intelligence - Alternative View

Vietnam War. The Program For Recruiting Soldiers With Low Intelligence - Alternative View

Greetings to all who are interested in this topic! In this post I will talk about the program known as "100.000"

The Songmi Massacre - Alternative View

The Songmi Massacre - Alternative View

On March 16, 1968, a company of American soldiers wiped out the Vietnamese village of Milai (the Vietnamese called it Songmi)

Why Did The United States Fight In Vietnam? - Alternative View

Why Did The United States Fight In Vietnam? - Alternative View

One way or another, but we watched American films about Vietnam. There are many of them, the whole sea. Serious part of cinematography. And machine guns crackle, shell casings fall, and huts burn … It's fun and interesting to watch it with a bottle of beer while sitting in front of the TV

Mr. Pi-Li-Si-Wa-Li-Si-Ki - Alternative View

Mr. Pi-Li-Si-Wa-Li-Si-Ki - Alternative View

Remember the tale of Wilhelm Hauff "Stork Caliph"? The caliph and his vizier sniffed the magic powder and turned into birds. To turn back, it was necessary to pronounce a very difficult magic word "-" mutabor ". The Caliph and his vizier have forgotten this word and would have remained forever storks, if … Well, let's not retell the tale. L

Gestapo - Alternative View

Gestapo - Alternative View

The Gestapo was the secret police of fascist Germany.The term "Gestapo" is an acronym for Geheimstaatspolizei - German means secret state police. Along with the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), the security service, the Kriminalpolizei (KriPo), the criminal police, and the Ordnungspolizei (OrPo), the order police, the Gestapo formed an important part of a rather large Nazi police organization

Dungeon Of The Dead - Alternative View

Dungeon Of The Dead - Alternative View

Rosaline's mummy. For a long time, local residents believed that it was a doll. The real city of the dead was discovered in the catacombs under the Capuchin monastery in Palermo

Found By Blood: The Mystery Of Rudolf Hess Solved - Alternative View

Found By Blood: The Mystery Of Rudolf Hess Solved - Alternative View

DNA analysis showed that Rudolf Hess did not have a double. German Rudolf Hess, Deputy Fuehrer Adolf Hitler, in May 1941, secretly went to Great Britain to conclude a peace agreement with the government

The Mystery Of The Escape Of Rudolf Hess - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Escape Of Rudolf Hess - Alternative View

On May 10, 1941, Hess flew from the Augsburg airfield to the Messerschmitt Bf.110 with a one-way supply of fuel Rudolf Hess - not the last figure at the top of the Nazi party. One of the unsolved secrets of World War II is associated with his name

The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of The Inventor Rudolf Diesel - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of The Inventor Rudolf Diesel - Alternative View

On an autumn day in September 1913, the steamer Dresden set off on a voyage from Antwerp to England. On the upper deck of the ship, looking at the receding port lights, three gentlemen were talking leisurely. These were Georg Grace, Alfred Luckmann and the well-known inventor Rudolf Diesel

"Treasure Island" Or The Secret Of The Peruvian Treasury - Alternative View

"Treasure Island" Or The Secret Of The Peruvian Treasury - Alternative View

At the beginning of the 19th century, there was a war of liberation in Peru - the local population rebelled against the Spanish colonialists. The Peruvian treasury was evacuated to Panama, but on the way it fell into the hands of pirates

Secrets Of History Or A Russian Secret Mission To Tibet - Alternative View

Secrets Of History Or A Russian Secret Mission To Tibet - Alternative View

Secret mission to TibetIn the 19th century, Russia began to pursue an active foreign policy in the Far East. This displeased the British Empire. Soon a dull diplomatic war arose, the purpose of which was to influence this strategically important region for the two states, in which Russian and British intelligence took the most active part

Russian History - Putin's Version - Alternative View

Russian History - Putin's Version - Alternative View

The last speech of V. Putin at a big press conference made people talk about "surrendering the Russian world", "betrayal of the Russian people" and so on. What's the matter here?At a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights (HRC) on December 10 and a press conference on December 19, 2019, he spoke about the origin of the Russian people: “Who are the Russians? T

Spaceship Buran - History Of Creation - Alternative View

Spaceship Buran - History Of Creation - Alternative View

For a long time, the history of the construction of this space shuttle was kept in deep secrecy. Great hopes were pinned on him for a breakthrough into space; moreover, the landing of our cosmonauts on the moon was planned. The prototype "Buran" (the creators dubbed it "Laptem", although in configuration it looked more like an inverted boot) was tested at the Akhtuba Air Force Flight Test Center named after Chkalov, which is 50 kilometers from the Kapustin Yar test site

Truth And Legend About The Patriarchs - Alternative View

Truth And Legend About The Patriarchs - Alternative View

Part 1: Amazing discoveries regarding the creation of the world, paradise, the flood and the Tower of BabelWe already know that the version of the biblical text that has come down to us arose relatively late, after the return of the Jews from the Babylonian captivity, that is, between the sixth and fourth centuries BC

Where Did The Names Of The Months Come From? - Alternative View

Where Did The Names Of The Months Come From? - Alternative View

The names of months so familiar to us appeared in ancient Rome of the tsarist period hundreds of years before the birth of Christ. The oldest Roman calendar, borrowed by the Romans from the Greeks, included only ten months and 304 days, with March being the first of the year

How Did The Stars Actually Appear On The Kremlin Towers? - Alternative View

How Did The Stars Actually Appear On The Kremlin Towers? - Alternative View

In the fall of 1935, the last symbol of the Russian monarchy, the two-headed eagles on the Kremlin towers, was ordered to live long. Five-pointed stars were installed instead

Can Science Become Immoral? Past Experience Shows That Yes - Alternative View

Can Science Become Immoral? Past Experience Shows That Yes - Alternative View

There are many examples in history that science tends to often balance on the verge of good and evil. Some of the researchers are simply trying to test a new medicine on themselves, while others adhere to more radical methods of knowing themselves and the world, preferring to conduct experiments, the morality of which leaves much to be desired

Stalin's Women - Alternative View

Stalin's Women - Alternative View

The almighty "dictator" of Russia in his personal life was a lonely person: his second wife Nadezhda committed suicide from despair caused by the conditions of the "workers 'and peasants' paradise". Son Jacob was taken prisoner by Germany. Daughter Svetlana avoided her father

The History Of Central Park In New York (New York Central Park) - Alternative View

The History Of Central Park In New York (New York Central Park) - Alternative View

Central Park in New York City is not the largest city park not only in the world, in the country, but even in the city, yielding in territory to parks in the Bronx and Queens; is not the oldest park in the United States, created many ten years later than parks in Boston and Philadelphia; and even, according to his own architects, is not the most beautiful park in New York, yielding to Prospect park in Brooklyn

The Ancient Chinese Made The Elixir Of Immortality - Alternative View

The Ancient Chinese Made The Elixir Of Immortality - Alternative View

Scientists continue to investigate artifacts found by archaeologists a year ago, which were discovered in the Chinese province of Henan (Luoyang city).According to experts, the burial most likely dates back to at least a couple of millennia and dates back to the reign of the Western Han dynasty in China

As An Ancient Greek Historian, Herodotus In The 5th Century. BC. Described The Lands Of Present-day Russia - Alternative View

As An Ancient Greek Historian, Herodotus In The 5th Century. BC. Described The Lands Of Present-day Russia - Alternative View

The ancient Greeks back in the VIII-VI centuries. BC. densely settled and mastered the northern coast of the Black Sea and Crimea. Crimea was especially densely populated by them, where the indigenous population bore the name of the Taurus

The Story Of A Pilot Who Hijacked A Secret Soviet Plane - Alternative View

The Story Of A Pilot Who Hijacked A Secret Soviet Plane - Alternative View

On September 6, 1976, a plane appeared from the clouds in the area of the Japanese city of Hakodate on the northern island of Hokkaido. It was a twin-engined aircraft, but not as short-haul as one used to see in Hakodate