Secrets of history 2024, October

Archaeologists Have Found A Letter With An Unknown Old Russian Curse - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Found A Letter With An Unknown Old Russian Curse - Alternative View

In Veliky Novgorod, a group of researchers representing Moscow State University and the Novgorod State Museum-Reserve discovered two very interesting subjects to study

Where Did Your Last Name Come From - Alternative View

Where Did Your Last Name Come From - Alternative View

Most of the population of Russia received surnames only towards the end of the 19th century. The "middle name" took root among the people gradually, and it is all the more interesting to learn how it happened. Surname - not a luxury

The Largest Known European Combat Two-handed Swords - Alternative View

The Largest Known European Combat Two-handed Swords - Alternative View

The largest known European combat two-handed sword is kept in the museum in Leeuwarden Frisia, the Netherlands.nManufactured in Passau, Germany. In the middle of the 15th century. The handle is made of oak wood and covered with a single piece of goatskin taken from the leg, meaning there is no seam

When Smoking Was What The Doctor Ordered - Alternative View

When Smoking Was What The Doctor Ordered - Alternative View

In the decades before a full-blown public health campaign against smoking began, tobacco companies partnered with doctors using bribes and ridiculous health claims. This scheme has worked for many years.In 1946, RJ Reynolds Tobacco began to make bold claims in their ads: "Most doctors choose Camels over other cigarettes

Slavic Language In The Holy Of Holies Of Vienna - Alternative View

Slavic Language In The Holy Of Holies Of Vienna - Alternative View

It was in this language that services were conducted in the famous St. Stephen's Cathedral.Unfortunately, only a few have read the notes of Abbot Mavro Orbini (? -1614). For non-specialists, let us explain: this is the author of the monumental work "Slavic Kingdom" (published, as is commonly believed, in Pesaro in 1601 in Italian), in which he was one of the first to try to give a generalized history of all Slavic peoples

"Yes-s", "no-s", "thank-s": Why Did They Add The Particle "-c" To Words Before - Alternative View

"Yes-s", "no-s", "thank-s": Why Did They Add The Particle "-c" To Words Before - Alternative View

What does this mysterious addition of a consonant with a hyphen mean at the end of various words found when reading classics, as well as in films about Russian history? It's simple. "Yes, sir" means nothing more than "yes, sir," and "if you please" is simply "if you please, madam

Interesting Facts About The Original Russian Language - Alternative View

Interesting Facts About The Original Russian Language - Alternative View

In the Old Russian alphabet, the letter x was called "dick". Hence. The word "Fuck" occurred in the meaning of "cross something on paper with a cross." And only later this word acquired its modern meaning: "spoil", "lose"

Why Is Russian Language Older Than European? - Alternative View

Why Is Russian Language Older Than European? - Alternative View

Bible Story The Bible tells about the Tower of Babel. Many are ready to see in this story a myth, born probably three or four thousand years ago by our restless ancestors

Disputes About History: Is Russian The Proto-language Of All People? - Alternative View

Disputes About History: Is Russian The Proto-language Of All People? - Alternative View

He always supported Zadornov in his thoughts and theories. He's pretty much right in my opinion

Strange Details In Tunguska. - Alternative View

Strange Details In Tunguska. - Alternative View

Strange metal rods found by Yuri Labvin in 1998

Voices In The Head. Part 1 - Alternative View

Voices In The Head. Part 1 - Alternative View

Psychotronic weapons affecting the brain exist

100 Years To The Tunguska Meteorite: Maybe They Were Looking For It In The Wrong Place? Part 1 - Alternative View

100 Years To The Tunguska Meteorite: Maybe They Were Looking For It In The Wrong Place? Part 1 - Alternative View

“Dear residents of Vanavara village! We ask you to restore cleanliness and order near your houses and estates by 01.06.2008, repair fences, paint the front gardens, give an architectural and aesthetic appearance

In Turkey, Found A Temple Complex 7 Thousand Years Older Than Stonehenge - Alternative View

In Turkey, Found A Temple Complex 7 Thousand Years Older Than Stonehenge - Alternative View

The construction dates back to 9500 BC. It is 5.5 thousand years older than the first cities of Mesopotamia. German archaeologist Klaus Schmidt discovered in Turkey the Gobekli Tepe temple complex, which is seven thousand years older than Stonehenge

Scientists Believe That The Black Sea Is A Trace Of The Flood - Alternative View

Scientists Believe That The Black Sea Is A Trace Of The Flood - Alternative View

A Turkish researcher claims that the Black Sea used to be a fresh lake, but as a result of the flood, the waters of the Mediterranean turned this lake into a sea

Atlantis Under The Snow - Alternative View

Atlantis Under The Snow - Alternative View

Scientists are looking for a mysterious country on the Kola Peninsula. What do scientists find in the North - natural formations or ancient archaeological sites? The answer was sought by members of a scientific expedition from St. Petersburg, who recently returned from these places

On The Cooperation Of The Vatican With The Fascist Regime Of Mussolini - Alternative View

On The Cooperation Of The Vatican With The Fascist Regime Of Mussolini - Alternative View

One of the little-studied historical topics is the cooperation of the Vatican with the regimes of Hitler and Mussolini in the 1930-1940s, as well as the role of the Vatican (together with the CIA) in saving Nazi criminals from just retribution by using the created "rat trail", the channel through which these criminals traveled to South and North America, as well as to other parts of the globe, to start life there with new documents and sometimes a new appearance

On The Cooperation Of The Vatican With The US Intelligence Services - Alternative View

On The Cooperation Of The Vatican With The US Intelligence Services - Alternative View

This cooperation began during the Second World War. And it was the US intelligence services, together with the Vatican, that saved many Nazi criminals from just retribution by organizing a "rat trail" for them - a channel through which the Nazis were transported through neutral countries to North and South America and some other places on Earth

The Romanovs In The Service Of The Bolsheviks - Alternative View

The Romanovs In The Service Of The Bolsheviks - Alternative View

Quite often you can hear the opinion that under the Soviet regime, the former aristocrats lived very hard, and their origin interfered with their careers

Michelangelo's Hoax. Who Is The Real Author Of Laocoon? - Alternative View

Michelangelo's Hoax. Who Is The Real Author Of Laocoon? - Alternative View

The sculpture "Laocoon and His Sons" is a recognized masterpiece of ancient art. The sculptors of Agesander, Athenodorus and Polydorus are considered the authors of the marble sculpture. But not everyone shares this point of view.Laocoon was a priest of Apollo who tried to dissuade the Trojans from the idea of dragging into the city a giant wooden horse left on the shore by the retreating Greeks. Apo

October 25, 1917 Opponents Of The Bolsheviks Surrendered Power Voluntarily? - Alternative View

October 25, 1917 Opponents Of The Bolsheviks Surrendered Power Voluntarily? - Alternative View

In June 1917, at the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets, the prominent Menshevik Tsereteli announced that at present there is no party in Russia ready to take power. And then a stocky red-haired man stood up and shouted his famous: "There is such a party

How The American And English Churches In The Early 19th Century Used The Bible To Promote Slavery - Alternative View

How The American And English Churches In The Early 19th Century Used The Bible To Promote Slavery - Alternative View

What do you think is the best-selling book on the planet so far? I am more than sure that this is the Bible. There is an opinion that over the entire period of its existence, the Bible was edited and rewritten a huge number of times.Very strange specimens have survived to this day

Church Reform Of Patriarch Nikon. True Goals - Alternative View

Church Reform Of Patriarch Nikon. True Goals - Alternative View

Patriarch Nikon (in the world Nikita Minin 1605-1681) ascended the Moscow patriarchal throne in 1652. Even before being elevated to the patriarch, he became close to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Together they decided to remake the Russian Church in a new way: to introduce new rites, rituals, books in it, so that in everything it resembles the Greek Church, which has long ceased to be completely pious

First Tsar And Grand Duke - Alternative View

First Tsar And Grand Duke - Alternative View

January 22, 1440 - Ivan the Third Vasilievich, known as Ivan the Great, was born. The Grand Duke of Moscow and in fact the first tsar of all Russia. A collector of lands who threw off the Horde yoke.Ivan Vasilyevich practically completed Moscow's long struggle for the unification of the Russian lands, “Collecting”. Usi

What Is Common Between The Chinese Qing Dynasty And The Romanov Dynasty - Alternative View

What Is Common Between The Chinese Qing Dynasty And The Romanov Dynasty - Alternative View

Surprisingly, despite all the obvious differences, there really is a lot in common between Russia and China. More precisely, between the ruling imperial dynasties. Their history for almost three centuries developed in many ways in similar directions and ended in revolutionary upheavals at the beginning of the 20th century

Who Could Benefit From The Shooting Of The Romanov Imperial Family - Alternative View

Who Could Benefit From The Shooting Of The Romanov Imperial Family - Alternative View

When the Russian Emperor Nicholas II decided to abdicate, he put forward several simple conditions, one of which was the preservation and provision of life for himself and all members of his family. All the emperor's demands were met by the Provisional Government

False Dmitry Worked For The Romanovs - Alternative View

False Dmitry Worked For The Romanovs - Alternative View

It was he who helped them to ascend the throne.False Dmitry I. Defrocked. Impostor. His story is known to everyone from textbooks or - in extreme cases - from Pushkin's "Boris Godunov". Having declared himself in Poland, this man lost the battles, but took possession of the Moscow throne

The True Financial Condition Of Nicholas II - Alternative View

The True Financial Condition Of Nicholas II - Alternative View

Like the globalist elite today, the tsar kept significant capital abroad: for example, in England - 200 million of those rubles (2.5 billion of today's dollars), 220 million rubles in France, significant funds in Germany and the United States

Remains Of The Royal Family: Doubts Remain - Alternative View

Remains Of The Royal Family: Doubts Remain - Alternative View

July 17 is the anniversary of the murder of Tsar Nicholas II, his wife and five children, which took place in Yekaterinburg. More than 16 years have passed since the reburial of the royal family in St. Petersburg, but all doubts about the authenticity of the "Yekaterinburg remains" have not yet been removed …-

The Sovereign With The Dragon Tattoo: What Drawings Did Nicholas II Decorate His Body With - Alternative View

The Sovereign With The Dragon Tattoo: What Drawings Did Nicholas II Decorate His Body With - Alternative View

This will seem surprising to many, but the last Russian emperor really had a dragon-shaped tattoo.It was located on the right forearm. Nikolai Alexandrovich pricked it during his trip to Japan in 1891. The young Grand Duke was influenced by the Eastern fashion that existed at that time

I Am Not Against Nikolai Romanov. I - For The Historical Truth! - Alternative View

I Am Not Against Nikolai Romanov. I - For The Historical Truth! - Alternative View

Today is the anniversary of the death of citizen Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov with his family. They raised a fuss on this issue - God forbid, therefore, it is simply necessary to speak out.Well, first of all, I am extremely wary of the characters who scream with foam at the mouth … It doesn't matter what. S

Did Russia Sell Alaska? - Alternative View

Did Russia Sell Alaska? - Alternative View

Alaska Sale Agreement - one of the darkest and most confusing pages in the history of Russian-American relations

Did The Family Of The Russian Emperor Live Like A Tsar And Where Did The Billions Of Romanovs Go? - Alternative View

Did The Family Of The Russian Emperor Live Like A Tsar And Where Did The Billions Of Romanovs Go? - Alternative View

It is well known that the powerful of this world today do not need anything. At the same time, it is considered a sign of good form to hide the true income, so as not to irritate the common people. It was much easier in this respect for monarchs who could live in a big way and at the same time not hide anything

Secret Descendants Of The Romanovs: 7 Illegitimate Children Of Russian Emperors - Alternative View

Secret Descendants Of The Romanovs: 7 Illegitimate Children Of Russian Emperors - Alternative View

Until the moment when Russia became the Russian Empire at the behest of Tsar Peter I, the morals at court were very strict

How Traitors Who Fought On The Side Of Hitler Were Caught In The USSR - Alternative View

How Traitors Who Fought On The Side Of Hitler Were Caught In The USSR - Alternative View

Thousands of war criminals, collaborators who collaborated with the Germans during the war, after its end, could not escape punishment. Soviet special services did everything possible so that none of them escaped the punishment they deserve

How Much Did Russia Pay For The First Chechen War - Alternative View

How Much Did Russia Pay For The First Chechen War - Alternative View

Formally, the war in question lasted from December 11, 1994 (according to other sources - from November 31) to August 31, 1996

What Did Hitler Do In The First World War - Alternative View

What Did Hitler Do In The First World War - Alternative View

Adolf Hitler went down in history as the man who unleashed World War II

How Much Did One Day Of The War Of The Russian Empire In The First World War Cost - - Alternative View

How Much Did One Day Of The War Of The Russian Empire In The First World War Cost - - Alternative View

Battle of Galicia, Sarykamysh operation, Brusilov breakthrough - all these are almost forgotten episodes of our history today. But our ancestors, real people, once took part in these battles of the First World War

The Real Reasons For The "defeat" In The Russo-Japanese War - Alternative View

The Real Reasons For The "defeat" In The Russo-Japanese War - Alternative View

I must say that after the catastrophe of the middle of the 19th century and the subsequent redistribution of the world by new world "elites", it was the British Empire, which suffered the least in the catastrophe and retained its military-industrial potential, just became the new "center of the world", having carried out the seizure and the occupation of many territories, as well as the falsification of history and science

Mysteries Of The First World War - Alternative View

Mysteries Of The First World War - Alternative View

It would seem that the events of both world wars are known to us as two times two. But this is far from the case. The First World War is full of mysteries and "dark spots". Today we will tell only about some of them …- Salik.bizSquadron deathThe death of Admiral von Spee's German squadron off the Falkland Islands still raises many questions. I

The Mystery Of The Celtic Forest: Where Did The Soldiers Of The "Terrible Battalion" Disappear In The First World War? Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Celtic Forest: Where Did The Soldiers Of The "Terrible Battalion" Disappear In The First World War? Alternative View

A mysterious incident that occurred in 1917 in Belgium and dubbed the "mystery of the Celtic forest" is still hotly debated among historians and other researchers. But no specialist can substantiate his version and explain how during the largest battle at Paschendal during the First World War, more than 70 soldiers of the First Australian Division were missing