Secrets of history 2024, October

The Bennewitz Case: Secret Services And The UFO Myth - Alternative View

The Bennewitz Case: Secret Services And The UFO Myth - Alternative View

One of the most famous myths of our time, combining many aspects and clotheing the ancient sense of numinous in the clothes of scientific and technological progress, has become the myth of UFOs, more precisely, of aliens from other planets … This myth has firmly taken root in modern culture and mass consciousness, and even if you don't believe in aliens, you've probably heard of the "green men" and most likely watched the X-Files … As one American publicist notes, people are mo

How A Former Nazi Founded The CIA - Alternative View

How A Former Nazi Founded The CIA - Alternative View

In February 2019, Germany built a new intelligence complex in Berlin. The new headquarters of the German Federal Intelligence Service (FRS) occupies a huge space - more than the GDR's state security service - and more than 6,000 people serve on the Fed

The Veil Of Secrets Of Legendary Illegal Scouts Has Been Opened - Alternative View

The Veil Of Secrets Of Legendary Illegal Scouts Has Been Opened - Alternative View

The names of seven prominent Russian intelligence officers were announced by the head of the SVR Sergei Naryshkin. In addition, even some details of their work and biographies became known. What people are we talking about, why did they receive the title of Hero - and why do other details of their stay on long foreign business trips still remain classified?

The CIA Recently Released Articles On Stepan Bandera. More Than 293 Pages - Alternative View

The CIA Recently Released Articles On Stepan Bandera. More Than 293 Pages - Alternative View

The CIA electronic library has published dozens of declassified documents (293 pages of the document) concerning Stepan Bandera, the leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists.- Salik.bizThe documents appeared in electronic form 10 years ago, but were released only recently

Allen Dulles - Master Of Covert Operations - Alternative View

Allen Dulles - Master Of Covert Operations - Alternative View

Against many and the mostThe strong is powerless when he is alone …- Salik.bizHomer, OdysseynWe begin a story about people who are still considered symbols of American intelligence and who at one time in the West were christened "Knights of the Cold War", and in our country - "Knights of the cloak and dagger." Al

Australia - A Haven For Murderers And Rapists - Alternative View

Australia - A Haven For Murderers And Rapists - Alternative View

Today many people call Australia a paradise on earth. The mild climate and comfortable living conditions attract flows of emigrants here, including from Russia. But once the continent, discovered in 1770 by James Cook, was a British colony, where people convicted of various crimes were exiled

Mystery Of The Piri Reis Map - Alternative View

Mystery Of The Piri Reis Map - Alternative View

Another proof that, contrary to the claims of historians, a very developed civilization existed on earth can be the maps of the Ottoman admiral and cartographer Piri Reis who lived in the 15-16th century. One large map consists of several parts painted on pieces of well-crafted leather

Chinese "Titanic" - Alternative View

Chinese "Titanic" - Alternative View

Over the thousand-year history of people sailing across the vast seas and oceans, there have been many all kinds of shipwrecks and accidents. Some of them are overgrown with legends, films have even been made about them. And the most popular of them, of course, is James Cameron's Titanic

"Forbidden" Racial Behavior - Alternative View

"Forbidden" Racial Behavior - Alternative View

Since the end of the Second World War, one topic has appeared in the scientific world, not that it is forbidden, but very inconvenient, which, it seems, cannot be hushed up, but a full-fledged conversation about it somehow does not work out

For Which The "Order Of The Assassins" Sentenced To Death 50 High-ranking Officials Of The USSR - Alternative View

For Which The "Order Of The Assassins" Sentenced To Death 50 High-ranking Officials Of The USSR - Alternative View

In the early 1950s, Lavrenty Beria's subordinates tracked down a conspiracy to assassinate 50 senior officials of the Soviet Union. The "war" to Stalin and his henchmen was declared by the Eastern Order of Assassins, known from the Middle Ages, fanatical assassins

Rosicrucian Order History Of Origin - Alternative View

Rosicrucian Order History Of Origin - Alternative View

First version. Father C.R.S.The history of the emergence and, possibly, the real existence of the Rose and Cross society is woven from mysteries, over the solution of which the researchers of Rosicrucianism have been struggling in vain for more than a century

Occult Order Of The Third Reich In Search Of Shambhala - Alternative View

Occult Order Of The Third Reich In Search Of Shambhala - Alternative View

Somewhere out there, in the Himalayas, there is a mysterious country - Shambhala. The last earthlings live in vast dungeons - the heirs of a superhigh civilization that once flourished on our long-suffering planet. They have super knowledge in medicine, science, and technology

The Order As A Business: The Templars And The First European Bank - Alternative View

The Order As A Business: The Templars And The First European Bank - Alternative View

I think everyone has heard about the glorious Order of the Templars or Templars, as well as about their defeat on Friday, the 13th. The impression of this defeat was so strong that notoriety was entrenched in all of Europe for this day. What is so remarkable about this order and why did it suddenly become bad after 188 years of its existence, that almost all the monarchs of that time had to unite to defeat it?

Knights Templar - Order Of The Knights Templar - Alternative View

Knights Templar - Order Of The Knights Templar - Alternative View

The end of the 11th century was marked by a broad movement of Christian peoples against the Muslim world. For almost two hundred years, Western European feudal lords and the Catholic Church organized eight so-called crusades (1096-1270) to the Middle East - to Syria, Palestine and North Africa

Rothschilds: Heirs Of The Khazaria - Alternative View

Rothschilds: Heirs Of The Khazaria - Alternative View

The one who controls the amount of money in any country is the absolute master of all industry and trade

Why Did Lenin Call Himself Lenin? - Alternative View

Why Did Lenin Call Himself Lenin? - Alternative View

April 22, 1870 Vladimir Ulyanov was born in Simbirsk

Why The Romanovs Gave The Oil To The Empire To The Rockefellers And The Rothschilds - Alternative View

Why The Romanovs Gave The Oil To The Empire To The Rockefellers And The Rothschilds - Alternative View

Today Russia is ranked among the most powerful oil powers. However, this was not always the case. The fight for oil has become part of geopolitics. "Black blood" was not easy for Russia

Rockefeller Foundation And Cruel Experiments In Guatemala - Alternative View

Rockefeller Foundation And Cruel Experiments In Guatemala - Alternative View

A federal judge in Baltimore, Maryland, said the Rockefeller Foundation, Johns Hopkins University and Bristol-Myers Squibb (a major drug manufacturer) will face a $ 1 billion lawsuit over their alleged involvement in a 1940s American government experiment

Rockefellers - Alternative View

Rockefellers - Alternative View

As will be said below, the clan itself, despite the excitement in the anti-system media (against mondialism), is by no means the most important center of mondialism, and the clan's biography itself is just an addition to the already published cycles (about the TC and the Order)

Hitler Took Credit For The World War From America - Alternative View

Hitler Took Credit For The World War From America - Alternative View

The greatest massacre in history was launched 70 years ago, funded by the US Federal Reserve and the Bank of England.The recent resolution of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, completely equalizing the roles of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany in unleashing World War II, in addition to having a purely pragmatic goal of siphoning money from Russia for the maintenance of some bankrupt economies, is aimed at demonizing Russia as the legal successor of the USSR and preparing legal

How Rockefeller Became Rich - Alternative View

How Rockefeller Became Rich - Alternative View

John Rockefeller will go down in history as the first billionaire in dollars and one of the richest people in the world who lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He saw his secret of success in the fact that he knew how to work, kept a scrupulous record of expenses and was used to saving

General's Riot: How The United States Retaliated Against Charles De Gaulle For Refusing Dollars - Alternative View

General's Riot: How The United States Retaliated Against Charles De Gaulle For Refusing Dollars - Alternative View

In early 1965, shipments of dollars arrived at the New York port and airport, which France had sent to exchange for gold held by the US Federal Reserve.This action infuriated the American leadership, however, it was forced to give the gold owed to the French

Why And Why Was John F. Kennedy Killed? - Alternative View

Why And Why Was John F. Kennedy Killed? - Alternative View

June 4 marks 48 years since John F. Kennedy signed Decree # 11110 on June 4, 1963, and was assassinated on November 22, 1963. There is a conspiracy theory according to which he was killed precisely because of this decree, since this decree allegedly contradicted the interests of the US Federal Reserve System (FRS)

Women's Death Battalion In World War I - Alternative View

Women's Death Battalion In World War I - Alternative View

June 1917 was marked by a sensation: on the Russian-German front, as part of the Russian army, female military units appeared with the terrifying name “death battalions”.Women's Death Battalion in World War I- Salik.bizPatriotism and romancenThe summer of 1917 did not bring Russia the desired turning point on the fronts of the First World War. In

How The Vatican Bank Is Associated With The Italian Mafia And Secret Societies - Alternative View

How The Vatican Bank Is Associated With The Italian Mafia And Secret Societies - Alternative View

“You can't build a church with prayer alone” - this is how Archbishop Marcinkus, who survived the three popes and all his friends, usually responded to journalists on accusations of money laundering and ties of the Catholic Church with the mafia. Esq

Great Depression In The USA: Victims Of The Golden Calf - Alternative View

Great Depression In The USA: Victims Of The Golden Calf - Alternative View

There is no need to describe what the Great Depression was. Businesses laid off workers and cut wages, consumer demand fell, and tens of thousands of companies went bankrupt. Tens of millions of people were left without work and livelihoods, up to seven million people died of hunger

In Search Of The Golden Fleece - Alternative View

In Search Of The Golden Fleece - Alternative View

As soon as Jason was twenty, he decided to go to Iolk. But on the way, when he was crossing the river, he lost his boot, in this form he then appeared to Paliy. Pelius, seeing a man with one foot on, was immediately scared and remembered the prediction

The Elite Of The Professors Of The Russian Empire - Alternative View

The Elite Of The Professors Of The Russian Empire - Alternative View

Knowledge and inquisitiveness of mind, striving for scientific discoveries have been welcomed by the authorities at all times. A good education opened up unprecedented opportunities in public service and in science

The History Of The Development Of The US Gold Standard And The Reasons For Its Cancellation - Alternative View

The History Of The Development Of The US Gold Standard And The Reasons For Its Cancellation - Alternative View

We have already discussed this topic at individual stages, but here, briefly and in chronological order

Tollense Valley: The Most Mysterious Battle In The History Of Europe, About Which Nothing Is Known - Alternative View

Tollense Valley: The Most Mysterious Battle In The History Of Europe, About Which Nothing Is Known - Alternative View

When two amateur archaeologists discovered a human bone with an arrow stuck into it in the Tollensee River valley in northern Germany, they did not even suspect that they were the authors of a grandiose discovery. The ancient remains immediately attracted the attention of scientists, and an archaeological camp appeared on the bank of a small river

Pig Society - Alternative View

Pig Society - Alternative View

In the history of Russia, 1824 remained as the heyday of secret societies. More than ten opposition organizations have developed their activities. Alexander I turned a blind eye to all this, although there were regular denunciations of plans and speeches that were harmful to the state and the royal family

Ku Klux Klan: 10 Facts About Men In Sheets - Alternative View

Ku Klux Klan: 10 Facts About Men In Sheets - Alternative View

On December 24, 154, the Ku Klux Klan was created. There is, of course, nothing to celebrate here, but, like any negative phenomenon, it should be studied and conclusions drawn.- Salik.biz1There are three main versions of the origin of the name of this organization

The Case Of Soviet Masons - Alternative View

The Case Of Soviet Masons - Alternative View

Fans of the conspiracy theory believe that since the early Middle Ages, all world history has been written under the dictation of various secret societies of the world. Russia is not an exception on this list, but rather a trendsetter

Secret Societies: The New Rosicrucians - Alternative View

Secret Societies: The New Rosicrucians - Alternative View

The founder of the Rosicrucian Order, Christian Rosenkreutz, lived in Germany in the 14th-15th centuries. The order itself arose one and a half centuries later, but then sank into oblivion. His new "reincarnations" appeared later, including in the XX century

The Secret Organization Gladio - Alternative View

The Secret Organization Gladio - Alternative View

On the morning of June 17, 1982, in London, under the Blackfriars Bridge, the body of the Italian banker Roberto Calvi was found hanging in a noose. And four years before that, two of the most influential people of the then Italy died almost simultaneously: Pope John Paul I, who died under unexplained circumstances on September 29, 1978, and Prime Minister Aldo Moro, who was killed by terrorists a few months earlier

Weapons Of Mass Brainwashing - Alternative View

Weapons Of Mass Brainwashing - Alternative View

80 years ago, the VIII Congress of the NSDAP, the so-called "Congress of Honor", was held in Nuremberg, the hall of which was decorated with the slogan:Any state knows this very well and uses it to the fullest.Napoleon was the first to start

Parallel World Of Secret Societies - Alternative View

Parallel World Of Secret Societies - Alternative View

How many worlds are there in our common world? Who really determines the order of things on this earth? Is there really a "world government" and who is in it?

Masonic Collection - Alternative View

Masonic Collection - Alternative View

Secret societies arose always and everywhere, and the purpose of such was often not just the overthrow of a monarch and the coming to power. More often than not, members of such communities claimed that it was they who were subject to a certain religious secret or the meaning of building the world

When Was The Greek Language Created? - Alternative View

When Was The Greek Language Created? - Alternative View

There is a state of Greece in Europe. It appeared on the political map in the first half of the 19th century after breaking away from the Ottoman Empire. Greece was created with the military assistance of Great Britain and France with the connivance of the Russian Emperor Nicholas I

Antichrist Substitute King: Revolt In Tara And Surrounding Sketes - Alternative View

Antichrist Substitute King: Revolt In Tara And Surrounding Sketes - Alternative View

Tarski revolt, 1722The Tara revolt is one of the widespread protest movements of the representatives of the old faith, which was the most ambitious response to Peter's legislation on the Old Believers and the introduction of poll tax and recruitment