Secrets of history 2024, October

The Most Ancient Artifact Of The Earth And The Ancient Code Of The Bible - Alternative View

The Most Ancient Artifact Of The Earth And The Ancient Code Of The Bible - Alternative View

The Bible is recognized as the most ancient artifact of mankind. One of the first books of the Earth, in an incomprehensible way, leading a history from the beginning of time

Scientists Have Recreated The Appearance Of A Resident Of The Biblical Jericho - Alternative View

Scientists Have Recreated The Appearance Of A Resident Of The Biblical Jericho - Alternative View

Scientists have reconstructed the appearance of a man who lived 9500 years ago in the biblical city of Jericho. His face was reconstructed from a skull in the British Museum. This is one of seven mysterious skulls that archaeologists discovered in 1953 in Jericho

The Secret Of The Russian Ghost Town Of Mangazeya - The Polar Klondike, About Which Legends Were Made - - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Russian Ghost Town Of Mangazeya - The Polar Klondike, About Which Legends Were Made - - Alternative View

Ever since the time of Yermak, Russian miners began to actively advance to the northeast, mastering Siberia. Many cities that arose in this harsh area in the XVI-XVII centuries still stand to this day, but Mangazeya disappeared, as if it did not exist at all

Path Of Buddha - Alternative View

Path Of Buddha - Alternative View

According to reliable historical data, Prince Siddharta Gautama was born in the 6th century BC into the family of a maharaja named Shudhodana. The name given to him meant "one who achieved his goal." The birth of the boy was preceded by numerous prophecies predicting him the path of either a powerful ruler, or a wandering hermit

"Shuttle" And Roman Chariot - Alternative View

"Shuttle" And Roman Chariot - Alternative View

In May 1949, the swampy and desert area of Cape Canaveral, Florida, became the base for the United States Air Force and a military missile test site. Five kilometers southeast of NASA's Kennedy Space Center, there are two launch sites on Merritt Island, linked by two bridges and dams.The

The Gospel Of Mary Magdalene - Alternative View

The Gospel Of Mary Magdalene - Alternative View

There are 59 secret religious texts in the world today, including the forbidden Gospels, the so-called apocrypha. One of them, the Gospel of Mary, makes you look at the Christian faith differently. And who knows where the truth is actually described: in those four Gospels that we all know, or in the forbidden ones?

Geneticists Have Revealed The Ancestry Of The First Vikings Of Scandinavia - Alternative View

Geneticists Have Revealed The Ancestry Of The First Vikings Of Scandinavia - Alternative View

Scientists have deciphered the DNA of the most ancient Vikings and found out that they are descendants of two groups of people - immigrants from Central Europe and residents of the north of modern Russia and the Baltic states, who migrated to Scandinavia about 10 thousand years ago, they say

Scandinavian Heritage: Vikings In Russia - Alternative View

Scandinavian Heritage: Vikings In Russia - Alternative View

Mostly Swedish Vikings traveled along the rivers of Russia. In fact, “Russia” was known as “Greater Sweden”. "Rus" in the Viking Age were the Scandinavians. They were also known as "Varangians"

The Vikings Of The 9th-10th Centuries Could Only Display 3-4 Thousand Warriors - Alternative View

The Vikings Of The 9th-10th Centuries Could Only Display 3-4 Thousand Warriors - Alternative View

All Vikings of Scandinavia in the 9th-10th centuries could display a maximum of 3 thousand warriors. The Vikings' colonization of Russia allowed them to create a steady flow of silver to their homeland, and this became the reason for their increase in military power

Chersonesos - A City With A Thousand-year History - Alternative View

Chersonesos - A City With A Thousand-year History - Alternative View

This city on the Crimean coast existed for almost two millennia. It was called the Tauric Chersonesos (from the Greek “Chersonesos” - peninsula). His in 422 - 421. BC eh

New Year Tree As A Sacred Symbol - Alternative View

New Year Tree As A Sacred Symbol - Alternative View

In Western culture, the image of the Christmas tree is known primarily as one of the main symbols of Christmas - the history of this tradition has been going on for six centuries.The Alsatian city of the humanists Celeste, who introduced the custom of decorating houses for Christmas with Christmas trees, can seriously compete with these Baltic cities

How A Bear Mistakenly Became A Symbol Of Russia - Alternative View

How A Bear Mistakenly Became A Symbol Of Russia - Alternative View

One of the symbols of Russia familiar to many is the bear. But not everyone knows that he became one by mistake. In general, if you look at the official state symbols, we will not see any bears there. Only a two-headed eagle. So where did the bear come from?

How Did The Famous St. George Ribbon - Alternative View

How Did The Famous St. George Ribbon - Alternative View

The Order of St. George remains the most honorable military award in Russia.250 years ago, on December 9 (November 26, old style), 1769, the Russian Order of St. George was established. There has never been and never is in our country a more honorable military award

Hitler's Suicide: Why Does It Look Like A Stunt - Alternative View

Hitler's Suicide: Why Does It Look Like A Stunt - Alternative View

On April 30, 1945, at about 15:00 Berlin time, in his personal two-story bunker, Adolf Hitler said goodbye to his entourage and, together with his newly-made wife, Eva Braun, went to his office, from where the sound of a shot was heard

The Story Of Suicide Rescuer Don Richie - Alternative View

The Story Of Suicide Rescuer Don Richie - Alternative View

Australian Donald Taylor (Don) Ritchie lived for 86 years and over 45 years of his life officially saved 164 people from suicide by walking along The Gap.Richie lived next to a rock called The Gap, a famous rock in Sydney popular with people who decided to voluntarily end their lives

Slavic Faith: The Myth Of Cruelty - Alternative View

Slavic Faith: The Myth Of Cruelty - Alternative View

One of the most common myths once invented about the Slavic faith is the myth of its extreme cruelty and bloodthirstiness.It is believed that human sacrifices were a common thing for our ancestors, and they were performed in front of the entire motley public who visited the temple on a holiday: women, children, madmen, and people with a weakened psyche looked at the murder of a man

Svarog - Single God Of The Slavs - Alternative View

Svarog - Single God Of The Slavs - Alternative View

Historiography, the opinion was established that the supreme god of the Eastern Slavs on the eve of the adoption of Christianity was Perun. While the eastern, western and ancient Russian written sources say that the ancient Rus believed in a single God - the creator

Religious And Mythological Worldview Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

Religious And Mythological Worldview Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

Our distant ancestors - the ancient Slavs - in the second millennium BC had mythological beliefs and ideas that were characteristic of other European peoples during the period of decay of the primitive tribal system: they honored their ancestors and worshiped them

The Secret Of The Mountain Of Lesser Gods - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Mountain Of Lesser Gods - Alternative View

In the very heart of the mountains of the Northern Urals, there is a mysterious place - the Man-Pupuner ridge. The Mansi reindeer herders who roam here call it the Mountain of Lesser Gods, and this name is not accidental

Brief Biography Of Bayun's Cat - The Most Controversial Fairytale Hero - Alternative View

Brief Biography Of Bayun's Cat - The Most Controversial Fairytale Hero - Alternative View

Among all the heroes of Slavic mythology, the Bayun cat can be considered the most mysterious. He is rarely found in fairy tales, very little is known about him, and it is impossible to unambiguously describe him as a negative or positive hero

Who And Why Invented The Ancient Slavic Gods? - Alternative View

Who And Why Invented The Ancient Slavic Gods? - Alternative View

How in the 18th century Russian mythology was invented in a Western manner, who needed it, and where did Lel, Yarilo and Zimtserla come from.- Salik.bizCabinet mythologyIn the 18th century, when Russian historians and writers felt they were equal participants in European history, they wanted to rewrite Russian history on the European model

In Alexandria, A Mass Grave Of The IV - I Centuries BC Was Discovered - Alternative View

In Alexandria, A Mass Grave Of The IV - I Centuries BC Was Discovered - Alternative View

In Egypt, a group of archaeologists discovered a mass grave in the form of separate architectural units carved into the rock. According to experts, the find belongs to the era of Ptolemy

What Is Lukomorye - Alternative View

What Is Lukomorye - Alternative View

\ Lukomorye is one of the first place names that we recognize in life. It is not found on modern maps, but it is on the maps of the 16th century. Lukomorye is also mentioned in "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" and in Russian folklore.The word "lukomorye" sounds mysterious and even fabulous for us, but its etymology is rather prosaic

The Mystery Of Ancient Elongated Skulls Discovered In Germany - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Ancient Elongated Skulls Discovered In Germany - Alternative View

In the 1960s. archaeologists have discovered ancient burials with artificially deformed skulls on the banks of the Danube in southern Germany. Scientists have previously assumed that they belonged to people who migrated to Bavaria

The Witch And The Giant: Unusual Burials Of The Merovingian Era Have Been Found In Germany - Alternative View

The Witch And The Giant: Unusual Burials Of The Merovingian Era Have Been Found In Germany - Alternative View

We try not to pass by news about unusual (or rather, deviant) burials: “Vesti

The Most Awesome Bastard In Pirate History - Alternative View

The Most Awesome Bastard In Pirate History - Alternative View

Polycrates of Samos was an incredibly tough bastard. A real bastard, a fratricide, a burner alive. Enlightened monarch, broad soul, intellectual. The first pirate king in history, bibliophile, storm of the seas, role model for Caligula. The man about whom Herodotus wrote: "His fame spread throughout Hellas

Detachment 731: Bacteriological Weapons Of Japan - Alternative View

Detachment 731: Bacteriological Weapons Of Japan - Alternative View

The suspicion that the encephalitis tick was specially bred in Japan as a secret weapon appeared after the first outbreak of this disease in the USSR. There is still no direct evidence of the involvement of Japanese microbiologists in the emergence of this problem, but there is more than enough indirect evidence

Great Massacre Of Domestic Animals In Britain During The Second World War - Alternative View

Great Massacre Of Domestic Animals In Britain During The Second World War - Alternative View

In early autumn 1939, after Nazi Germany declared war on Great Britain, the inhabitants of the latter destroyed a huge number of cats, dogs and other domestic animals

Great Signs Of The Years Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

Great Signs Of The Years Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

The most significant events affecting the fate of Russia were marked by prophecies. Regardless of the nature of the miracles, they in one way or another were prophetic omens of disaster and the glory of Russia

Josef Mengele, The Elusive Villain: Why The Mossad Didn't Catch The "Angel Of Death From Auschwitz" - Alternative View

Josef Mengele, The Elusive Villain: Why The Mossad Didn't Catch The "Angel Of Death From Auschwitz" - Alternative View

Dr. Josef Mengele is one of the worst Nazi criminals. On account of his sadistic experiments on prisoners of Auschwitz and thousands of ruined lives, including children

American Concentration Camps - Alternative View

American Concentration Camps - Alternative View

Any wars of the past were not complete without the capture of enemy contingents. Since wars are usually waged between countries inhabited by different peoples, the prisoners always have a clear ethnic identity

The Ancestral Home Of Concentration Camps - USA - Alternative View

The Ancestral Home Of Concentration Camps - USA - Alternative View

Few know what exactly the USA - home of the world's first death camps to appear in North America during the North-South Civil War

What Tricks Did Soviet Tankers Use During The War Years - Alternative View

What Tricks Did Soviet Tankers Use During The War Years - Alternative View

"While the enemy is drawing maps of the offensive, we are changing landscapes, and manually." These words of a warrant officer from one well-known Russian comedy are the best fit to characterize a set of measures to disguise. However, it should also be noted that such measures are quite universal, regardless of the army of the world

The Bombing Of Berlin In August 1941 - Alternative View

The Bombing Of Berlin In August 1941 - Alternative View

In the tragic summer of 1941, most of the inhabitants of our country involuntarily asked themselves the question: how long will the Red Army hold out, retreating under the onslaught of the enemy? The fighting spirit - both in the army and in the rear - was broken

How The Japanese Were Deported To The USA - Alternative View

How The Japanese Were Deported To The USA - Alternative View

Americans hate to remember March 17, 1942. On this day, 120 thousand US citizens were sent to concentration camps - - ethnic Japanese or half-breeds

Fatal Error Of A Spy - Alternative View

Fatal Error Of A Spy - Alternative View

In the world history of secret wars, this "knight of the cloak and dagger" still remains a mysterious and ambiguous personality. Therefore, even the researchers of his biography preface many episodes of his life with the words “possible”, “according to some sources”, “it is not excluded”. The name of

How Did The British Invented Concentration Camps - Alternative View

How Did The British Invented Concentration Camps - Alternative View

The prototype of English concentration camps in Africa and around the world was probably the camps in the state of New Mexico, where the US army gathered the Navajo, Cherokee and Mescalero Indians even before the formation of reservations

Aviation: A Blow From Its Own - Alternative View

Aviation: A Blow From Its Own - Alternative View

Less than a year has passed since the victorious end of the Great Patriotic War. The victorious euphoria gradually faded, the country lay in ruin, the recent allies more and more resembled enemies. And the country's top leadership (represented by JV Stalin) felt that it was time to "tighten the screws" and put the heroes in their place …-

Operation "mercury" - Alternative View

Operation "mercury" - Alternative View

The capture of Crete by the Germans in May 1941 became the only strategic operation in world history, the successful outcome of which was decided by the airborne troops. However, the losses of the victors were such that the victory won, rather, should be assessed as Pyrrhic

The Blockade Of Leningrad - Unknown Facts - Alternative View

The Blockade Of Leningrad - Unknown Facts - Alternative View

The 75th anniversary of the complete lifting of the blockade of Leningrad was celebrated last year, but for the people of St. Petersburg this memorable date gives off pain every year. We will give five facts about the blockade: they are not unique, but are rarely found in the press, and are also very characteristic of the military life of the fortified city and its environs