Secrets of history 2024, October

Many Treasures Are Hidden In The Russian North - Alternative View

Many Treasures Are Hidden In The Russian North - Alternative View

It should be noted that our Northern Territory cannot be rich in treasures of any significant value in monetary terms. Few trade caravans passed here. And although there were wealthy people among the inhabitants, gold did not have much circulation among them

Ataman's Treasures - Alternative View

Ataman's Treasures - Alternative View

In the Volga region and on the Don, it is difficult to find a town where legends about the untold treasures buried by the Cossacks during the uprising of Stepan Razin would not go. But so far no one has found the "thieves' treasury".- Salik

Treasure Trail Of King Solomon - Alternative View

Treasure Trail Of King Solomon - Alternative View

An ancient Hebrew treatise could help scholars locate treasures from the plundered temple of King Solomon. This applies not only to jewelry and artifacts, but also to the legendary Ark of the Covenant.According to James Davil, a professor at St Andrews University in Scotland, a recently translated text entitled "Treatise of the Ships" (Hebrew Massekhet Kelim) claims that many prophets and Levites hid treasures

A Hundredweight Of Gold In An Abandoned Forest: The Mystery Of The Indian Treasure - Alternative View

A Hundredweight Of Gold In An Abandoned Forest: The Mystery Of The Indian Treasure - Alternative View

The skulls were carved out of pure rock crystal, and the golden mask was covered with human skin. There was most of all gold - the treasure pulled 100 kilograms. On January 9, 1932, Mexican archaeologist Alfonso Caso excavated a tomb in the ancient city of Monte Alban

Pirate Cryptogram. Many Years Of Attempts To Decipher The Message So Far Have Led Nowhere - Alternative View

Pirate Cryptogram. Many Years Of Attempts To Decipher The Message So Far Have Led Nowhere - Alternative View

Frenchman Olivier Levasseur was one of the most feared pirates of his time. This sea robber robbed merchant ships in the first half of the 18th century. Luck accompanied Levasseur - during his life he devastated the ships of many merchants, and therefore amassed a huge fortune

The Largest Treasure Found In Russia - Alternative View

The Largest Treasure Found In Russia - Alternative View

It turns out that the largest treasure in the history of Russia was discovered not so long ago. It happened in 2012.This is what this treasure is …- Salik.bizThe huge collection of the family silver of the noble noble family of the Naryshkins was first shown to the general public

Mount Shasta - The Legend Of The Golden City - Alternative View

Mount Shasta - The Legend Of The Golden City - Alternative View

The huge Mount Shasta in California - supervolcano in the Cascade Mountains chain, consisting of 5 craters. Every year adherents of all kinds of esoteric teachings come to the foot of the mountain. They believe that Shasta - all that remains of the deceased 12

The Curse Of The Pharaohs: Truth Or Fiction? - Alternative View

The Curse Of The Pharaohs: Truth Or Fiction? - Alternative View

The mysterious death of Lord Carnarvon, the discoverer of the treasures of Tutankhamun, came as a shock to all members of his expedition. He burned out in just a few days, managing to catch pneumonia in hot and dry Cairo. But was his death really so unexpected?

Hypotheses About The Existence Of Robin Hood - Alternative View

Hypotheses About The Existence Of Robin Hood - Alternative View

For six centuries, the legend of the noble robber has excited the imagination, but no one can say with certainty whether Robin Hood really existed

Who Was Robin Hood Really? - Alternative View

Who Was Robin Hood Really? - Alternative View

A romantic hero who robbed the rich to help the poor, or a bloodthirsty bandit who was idealized by subsequent generations? What is the true face of a daring daredevil named Robin Hood

Robin Hood: Hero Or Villain? - Alternative View

Robin Hood: Hero Or Villain? - Alternative View

A romantic hero who robbed the rich to help the poor, or a bloodthirsty bandit idealized by later generations? What is the true face of a daring daredevil named Robin Hood

Robin Hood - Did The "noble Robber" Really Exist? - Alternative View

Robin Hood - Did The "noble Robber" Really Exist? - Alternative View

Many poems, stories and ballads have been written about the noble robber Robin Hood. But was he a real person, or just a beautiful legend? There has been a long history of debate about this. Who was the prototype for Robin Hood?

Lancashire Witches - Alternative View

Lancashire Witches - Alternative View

We know quite well about the "witch hunt" near the city of Salem in the American province of Massachusetts in 1692-1693 thanks to the play by Arthur Miller "Salem Witches" and the film of the same name by director R. Rouleau, released in 1956

La Llorona. Crying Woman. Legend - Alternative View

La Llorona. Crying Woman. Legend - Alternative View

La Llorona, the legend of a ghostly woman who cries at her children at night, became famous after the fall of the Aztec empire and the Spanish conquest. She is cursed and doomed to seek them forever in the afterlife. According to legend, at night, during the full moon, you can hear La Llorona howling: "Oh, my children

The Legend Of A Giant Stone In The Suburbs - Alternative View

The Legend Of A Giant Stone In The Suburbs - Alternative View

A story from our reader Yuri Arefiev. “The Legend of the Stone. It was told to me by my grandfather Yuri Arefiev. He comes from the village of Ustye - Strelka, which is at the confluence of the Sestra and Dubna rivers in the Taldom district of the Moscow region.H

The Legend Of Deminsky Gold - Alternative View

The Legend Of Deminsky Gold - Alternative View

If fate throws you into the Eastern Sayan Mountains, you will surely be told the legend about "Deminsk gold" - a rich deposit where gold bars lie right under your feet, do not be lazy just to bend over. Legend? However, some people claimed to have been there and seen everything with their own eyes

An Island About Which There Is A Lot Of Evidence, But Which Cannot Be Found - Alternative View

An Island About Which There Is A Lot Of Evidence, But Which Cannot Be Found - Alternative View

In historical chronicles starting from the 9th century, one can find numerous references to the mysterious island located in the Canary archipelago by sailors. Its mystery lies in the fact that, according to the same references, Brendan's island either suddenly appears, then also suddenly disappears

What Sarai-Batu Is Silent About - Alternative View

What Sarai-Batu Is Silent About - Alternative View

Since ancient times, the Astrakhan steppes were home to nomadic tribes, but our land and great civilizations - the Khazar Kaganate and the Golden Horde - knew. Both capitals of these states were located on the territory of the current Astrakhan region, and if the main Khazar city of Itil has not yet revealed its secrets to archaeologists, the remains of Saray-Batu, the richest capital of the Golden Horde, told historians a lot of new and interesting things

Barrels Of Mazepa's Gold Were Buried In Chernigov - Alternative View

Barrels Of Mazepa's Gold Were Buried In Chernigov - Alternative View

Present-day Chernihiv is a miniature town in which most of the buildings are high-rise buildings. However, the view of the city changes dramatically as soon as you enter its old part.They call her "Val". It is in that place that the understanding comes that the history of this city began more than a thousand years ago

The Legend Of Lady Godiva - Alternative View

The Legend Of Lady Godiva - Alternative View

Every city, even the smallest one, dreams of having its own beautiful legend, and the inhabitants of English Coventry are very lucky in this sense. For almost a millennium, they have been telling their children the legend of a beautiful naked woman who once drove through the streets of their town

The Head Of Ja Lama - Alternative View

The Head Of Ja Lama - Alternative View

This legend was told by Inessa Ivanovna Lomakina, journalist-Mongolian, author of the most curious book "The Head of the Ja-Lama"

The Legend Of Midas - The King With Donkey Ears, Turning Everything Into Gold - Alternative View

The Legend Of Midas - The King With Donkey Ears, Turning Everything Into Gold - Alternative View

Could he be a real historical character?It is believed that this ancient ruler was an ardent admirer of the god of wine Dionysus, more than once he sat at the table with him and his companions. And one day some drunken old man was brought to Midas, in whom he recognized Dionysus's educator, Silenus

Live Skis Of The Kurengs And Other Legends Of The Krasnoyarsk Territory - Alternative View

Live Skis Of The Kurengs And Other Legends Of The Krasnoyarsk Territory - Alternative View

Legends of Siberia - both ancient and modern - mostly associated with the amazing nature of these places

Uralsk Is Mystical. Mermaids, Ghosts And Gugnich's Grandmother - Alternative View

Uralsk Is Mystical. Mermaids, Ghosts And Gugnich's Grandmother - Alternative View

Ancient cities always have their own terrible legends. Local historians told about ghosts and beliefs of Uralsk - historians Svetlana Pletneva and Valery ILYASOV

The Legend Of The Fiery Serpent. - Alternative View

The Legend Of The Fiery Serpent. - Alternative View

Painting by A. Fantalov. "Fire serpent"

Nothing Personal, Just Business - Alternative View

Nothing Personal, Just Business - Alternative View

Have you not noticed how the United States has changed its tactics since 1991? If during the Soviet era they fought for influence, for control over the countries, then since 1991 everything has changed. In Eastern Europe and in the republics of the former USSR, they, where they brought their agents to power, where they simply bought local elites

The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. They Drove Themselves Into The Clutches Of Death - Alternative View

The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. They Drove Themselves Into The Clutches Of Death - Alternative View

Interest in the inexplicable tragedy associated with the Dyatlov group, which died in early February 1959, is gaining momentum again. Again, people begin to show themselves, convincingly proving that they know exactly the cause of the death of these guys

Illuminati Founder Adam Weishaupt: Milestones On The Path To Enlightenment - Alternative View

Illuminati Founder Adam Weishaupt: Milestones On The Path To Enlightenment - Alternative View

Illuminati - it is a secret society founded in Germany in the 18th century. Their cultural exposure has led to them being associated with countless conspiracy theories, including influencing important historical events and the establishment of the New World Order

Healing Tunes: The Secret Of The Lullaby - Alternative View

Healing Tunes: The Secret Of The Lullaby - Alternative View

For many years, I went on ethnographic expeditions in Siberia, and I was lucky to collect conspiracies, lullabies, rituals preserved in the outback

Songs Of The War Years - Alternative View

Songs Of The War Years - Alternative View

About exploits, about valor, about glory The Great Patriotic War - a tragic page in the history of our Motherland. Our people defended their homeland from the enemy at the cost of huge losses

The Riddle Of Lullabies - Alternative View

The Riddle Of Lullabies - Alternative View

The tradition of singing lullabies goes back centuries - so far that now no one can say for sure when it arose. However, in all the peoples of the world, in all known cultures, this tradition is present

How A Tough, Secret Experiment Took Place In The USSR - Alternative View

How A Tough, Secret Experiment Took Place In The USSR - Alternative View

If the period of self-isolation caused you a lot of suffering, you probably have not heard about the experiment carried out in the USSR in the late 1960s. However, it is not surprising that they did not hear: he was secret.In June 2010, the main stage of the Mars-500 experiment started at the Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP)

Why Did Alexei Mikhailovich Burn Musical Instruments - Alternative View

Why Did Alexei Mikhailovich Burn Musical Instruments - Alternative View

The struggle for piety and spiritual salvation of the people sometimes takes unexpected forms. Everyone knows about the witch-hunt of the Inquisition, but only a few people know that in the 17th century in Russia balalaikas were burned for the same purpose

Scientists Have Studied The Tools Of The "ice Man" - Alternative View

Scientists Have Studied The Tools Of The "ice Man" - Alternative View

A few days before his death in the Italian Alps, about 5.3 thousand years ago, Oetzi sharpened his instruments

The Russians Defeated 14,000 Persians, Losing Only 27 People - Alternative View

The Russians Defeated 14,000 Persians, Losing Only 27 People - Alternative View

Shamkhor battle - the battle between the Russian troops and the vanguard of the 60 thousandth Iranian army, which took place on September 3 (15), 1826 during the Russian-Persian War of 1826 - 1828

Gusli Is A Tool For Harmonizing The Universe - Alternative View

Gusli Is A Tool For Harmonizing The Universe - Alternative View

Every researcher studying the history of Orthodoxy in Russia stops before an inexplicable phenomenon, a sharply negative attitude towards such a seemingly harmless musical instrument as a gusli

Australia And Other Names Of Countries That Came Up By Mistake - Alternative View

Australia And Other Names Of Countries That Came Up By Mistake - Alternative View

The origin of the names of some countries is puzzling. Icy Greenland translates as "Green Land" and the islands in Melanesia are named after King Solomon

Western Medals For The Victory In The Cold War Over The USSR - Alternative View

Western Medals For The Victory In The Cold War Over The USSR - Alternative View

In the second half of the XX century, a war was going on between the Soviet Union and the United States of America, which was called "cold". The leaderships of both countries did not hide it at all, but, on the contrary, emphasized it in every possible way

Did Stradivari Make The Best Violins? - Alternative View

Did Stradivari Make The Best Violins? - Alternative View

An interesting study was conducted by American scientists - ten professional violinists were asked to carefully study 12 violins

Stradivari: The Secret Of The Cremona Master - Alternative View

Stradivari: The Secret Of The Cremona Master - Alternative View

The great master of string art Antonio Stradivari has not been with us for almost three centuries. The secret of the greatest master has never been solved. Only his violins sing like angels