Mount Shasta - The Legend Of The Golden City - Alternative View

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Mount Shasta - The Legend Of The Golden City - Alternative View
Mount Shasta - The Legend Of The Golden City - Alternative View

Video: Mount Shasta - The Legend Of The Golden City - Alternative View

Video: Mount Shasta - The Legend Of The Golden City - Alternative View
Video: Caleen Sisk on Winnemem Wintu Mountain Spirits 2024, October

The huge Mount Shasta in California is a supervolcano in the Cascade Mountains chain, consisting of 5 craters. Every year adherents of all kinds of esoteric teachings come to the foot of the mountain. They believe that Shasta is all that remains of the Lemurian civilization that died 12,000 years ago, and somewhere here there is a point of entry into other worlds. But among those arriving there are also connoisseurs of not spiritual, but material values. These people are attracted to Shasta by the legend of the "golden city" hidden in the bowels of the mountain.

Gold Miner Jay Brown

Jay Brown appeared in Mount Shasta at the foot of the mountain in 1904. By the time the California gold rush had long since passed, gold mining had passed into the hands of industrial corporations. However, those wishing to find "their gold mine" were not extinct. Jay Brown was one such single gold digger.


For months he explored the slopes of the mountain, now climbing its glacier-covered peaks, then descending to the very bottom. He made an occasional visit to Mount Shasta to resupply food and talk about his mostly fruitless quest. Having gone on another expedition, he never returned.

Nobody was surprised by this. Wild beasts, Indians, bandits - there were too many reasons to stay in the Cascade Mountains forever. He was not the first, nor was he the last.

But almost 30 years later, the aged gold digger showed up again in Mount Shasta and told everyone the same incredible story.

Jay Brown's story

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30 years ago, on my last expedition, I came across a narrow crevice in the mountain. I was young, reckless and afraid of nothing. Despite my thinness, I could hardly crawl through the crack, and she took me out into a wide, spacious tunnel. Having waved 11 miles along that tunnel, I got out … it was a city, a whole underground city! Dozens of rooms, large and small, connected by passages. And corpses, mummified corpses everywhere!

At first I got scared, I thought that these were the same idiots like me, who got into this cave and could not get out. But they all lay in calm poses on stone tables, dressed in strange clothes. It was more like a graveyard. The walls of the rooms were sheathed with copper plates dotted with incomprehensible symbols. But the main thing is gold!


The city was carved right into a gold mine! It was everywhere! I realized that I was rich, just incredibly rich! However, on reflection, I realized that I have neither the strength nor the means to extract and endure all this wealth. As soon as they learn about the "golden city" in Mount Shasta, an army of gold diggers will rush here and I will only get what I can carry in my pockets. How many such discoverers of the richest deposits subsequently died in poverty!

I decided not to rush, I have been saving money for 30 years, and now I will not leave here until I gut the underground city to the last grain of gold!

For gold

The story is incredible, but Brown signed contracts with contractors, ordered tools, food, dynamite, hired entire crews for mining operations, made deposits and waited for the arrival of mining equipment along with specialists.

Trucks with equipment soon arrived and a mining engineer arrived. The contractors brought in bales and boxes of ordered goods, and the work crews waited for the day when Brown would lead them into the mountains. The joyful Brown gave orders quickly and sensibly, reminding everyone that soon they would all become rich. An exit day was set.

The mystery remained a mystery

But nobody went anywhere. Brown did not show up on the appointed day. The owner of the hotel said that the guest has not appeared in his room for two days. Residents of the village gossiped among themselves that it was in vain (oh, in vain!) Brown told everyone his amazing story, such an end was to be expected, and not today or tomorrow a new master of the "golden city" would appear in Mount Shasta.


But the heirs of the secret of Jay Brown did not appear in the village. Not a year later, not five or ten years later, the "golden expedition" to Shasta did not take place.

Needless to say, since 1934, dozens of expeditions and hundreds of individuals have come to the mountain, trying to find Brown's "golden city"? However, all those who came here did not find a grain of gold. At least that's what they said.

Author: Klim Podkova