Secrets of history 2024, October

Avalon - A Lost Land Or A Place In Another World - Alternative View

Avalon - A Lost Land Or A Place In Another World - Alternative View

“This wonderful island is surrounded by the ocean; there is no need for anything; there is no theft, no enemies lurking in ambush. There is no snow; there is no drought in summer and frost in winter, but unbreakable peace and harmony reign, and the wonderful warmth of eternal spring. T

King Arthur. Did He Really Exist? - Alternative View

King Arthur. Did He Really Exist? - Alternative View

Among the written records of antiquity and the early Middle Ages, there are not many as convincing and romantic as the cycle of legends associated with the name of King Arthur

Wizard Merlin - Alternative View

Wizard Merlin - Alternative View

Great sage and sorcerer of the Dark Ages of Europe In terms of the scale of his activities, the accuracy of predictions, and even in appearance, the wizard Merlin probably became the prototype of the mythological and literary images of all the powerful sorcerers of Srednev

Where Did The Ashes Of The Legendary Corps Commander Go? - Alternative View

Where Did The Ashes Of The Legendary Corps Commander Go? - Alternative View

In 1999, one newspaper published an article about the assassination of the legendary commander of the Civil War, Grigory Ivanovich Kotovsky. It said that Kotovsky, who was resting at the Chabank state farm near Odessa in August 1925, had been shot by his associate in the Odessa underground, Mayer Seider

Truth And Legend About Doctor Faust - Alternative View

Truth And Legend About Doctor Faust - Alternative View

Among the literary characters, he is undoubtedly one of the most colorful, mysterious and attractive. The legend of the tireless seeker of truth, who gave his soul to the Devil, fed the work of Marlowe, Goethe, Thomas Mann and many other playwrights, artists, and writers

Sungir People - The First Inhabitants Of Central Russia - Alternative View

Sungir People - The First Inhabitants Of Central Russia - Alternative View

In 1955, on the outskirts of the city of Vladimir near the Sungir stream, the burial of a primitive man was first discovered

Legends About The Treasure Of Emelyan Pugachev. Where Is He Hidden? - Alternative View

Legends About The Treasure Of Emelyan Pugachev. Where Is He Hidden? - Alternative View

Emelyan Pugachev, who said the Russian emperor Peter III, stole considerable treasures from the plundered estates of the nobles and landowners. Until now, there are legends about his treasures that are not devoid of truth. Some of them have already been discovered over the past 300 years, while others may have disappeared forever

The Story Of The Real Mowgli - Alternative View

The Story Of The Real Mowgli - Alternative View

Many in childhood admired little Mowgli, who grew up in a pack of wolves and became the leader of the jungle, and dreamed of repeating his fate. But what few people know is that a story like Mowgli happened in real life - with an Indian boy who lived in the 19th century

The Bloody Countess - Elizabeth Bathory - Alternative View

The Bloody Countess - Elizabeth Bathory - Alternative View

For a long time, Transylvania has been home to vampire legends. The famous ruler of Wallachia, Vlad III Tepes, known as Vlad Dracula, instilled terror in the hearts of the people and was famous for his bloodthirstiness. But Countess Erzhebet or Elizaveta Bathory became famous throughout the world for her cruelty towards young girls

Eirik The Bloody Ax - Alternative View

Eirik The Bloody Ax - Alternative View

The first king of Norway, Haraldr Harfagri, went down in history as the king, who managed to unite disparate territories under his rule, as well as the ruler, who established a universal filing and collection of taxes for the maintenance of regular troops on his lands

The Wreck Of The Titanic Or The Bloody Essence Of The Century - Alternative View

The Wreck Of The Titanic Or The Bloody Essence Of The Century - Alternative View

Disasters occur with enviable regularity, as payment for scientific and technological progress. But the sinking of the Titanic was the first of the great and sensational disasters of the twentieth century

Elizabeth Bathory: The Bloody Countess - Alternative View

Elizabeth Bathory: The Bloody Countess - Alternative View

“The Countess made the maid undress, stand in front of her, took a knife and began to cut the unfortunate hand. Start from the fingers, rising higher and higher. Then she burned the girl's hands with a candle until she died "

The Bloody Story Of Iplikator Kuznetsov - Alternative View

The Bloody Story Of Iplikator Kuznetsov - Alternative View

He was an ordinary music teacher from Chelyabinsk, who put the entire Soviet Union on a needle … More precisely, on a set of needles that were independently sewn to a small rug by everyone who wanted to be healed of any disease.Ivan Ivanovich Kuznetsov, the creator of the immortal panacea for ailments and physical weakness of a person - iplikator Kuznetsov. O

Four Incredible Stories Of Journalists Who Fooled Everyone - Alternative View

Four Incredible Stories Of Journalists Who Fooled Everyone - Alternative View

These guys were real masters of deceiving honest citizens and their own editors. And some even snatched prestigious awards for their lies.One of the most stressful things in the profession of a journalist is that you have to constantly communicate with people

"Bloody Countess". Lady Bathory - Alternative View

"Bloody Countess". Lady Bathory - Alternative View

Unlike many similar semi-mythical characters, the life of Lady Erzsebet Bathory has been studied in detail. The dates of her birth and death (08/07/1560 - 08/21/1614.), As well as the origin, years of marriage and the number of children have been established to the exact day

Bloody Mary. History - Alternative View

Bloody Mary. History - Alternative View

There are alternative stories of the origin of the evil spirit of bloody Mary, we will now talk about them. The legend about the old witch stealing the lives of young girls is not the most ancient

Possible Advantages Of Stone Cores Over Iron - Alternative View

Possible Advantages Of Stone Cores Over Iron - Alternative View

The topic about cannonballs - Why did they shoot with stone, if cast iron was easier to do - - got a very unexpected continuation.- Salik.bizThere is such an effect. Usherenko effectIn 1974, the director of the Institute of Impulse Processes of the Minsk Concern "Powder Metallurgy", discovered that when bombarded with the help of an explosion with metal sand, individual particles of sand penetrate very deeply into the metal

Bloody Mary: Why Did The Queen Of England Get This Cruel Nickname - Alternative View

Bloody Mary: Why Did The Queen Of England Get This Cruel Nickname - Alternative View

Mary I Tudor is a famous queen of England who lived in the middle of the 16th century (1516-1558). During her lifetime, she received the nickname Bloody Mary (or Bloody Mary). The townspeople rejoiced and celebrated the day of her death

Spy Wars On The Streets Of St. Petersburg. Incredible But True Stories From KGB Veterans - Alternative View

Spy Wars On The Streets Of St. Petersburg. Incredible But True Stories From KGB Veterans - Alternative View

Vladimir Putin recently announced that about 600 enemy spies and their agents had been neutralized in Russia in 2018. Who they are and how they were caught is, of course, a mystery. If the truth is revealed one day, it will not happen soon. The magazine "Your secret counselor" decided not to wait for favors from the special services and spoke with several veterans of the KGB of the USSR

In Kazakhstan, A Local Resident Keeps The Flag Of The Times Of The Golden Horde - Alternative View

In Kazakhstan, A Local Resident Keeps The Flag Of The Times Of The Golden Horde - Alternative View

The owner of a unique artifact, a resident of Kazakhstan turned to the media with a request to help her preserve a unique cultural monument of the era of the Golden Horde - a standard with the image of a two-headed eagle (dragon?), which she inherited

The Most Famous Assassination Attempts On Heads Of State - Alternative View

The Most Famous Assassination Attempts On Heads Of State - Alternative View

The most famous assault on the life of an incumbent in the world is, of course, the assassination of the 35th US President John F. Kennedy, which took place in Dallas, Texas on Friday, November 22, 1963. On suspicion of this crime, Lee Harvey Oswald was detained on the same day, who completely denied his guilt

How Human Stupidity And Greed Nearly Led To A Massive Radiation Catastrophe - Alternative View

How Human Stupidity And Greed Nearly Led To A Massive Radiation Catastrophe - Alternative View

We all want to be successful people and earn as much as possible. However, not everyone is destined to have millions. Many work hard day in and day out to achieve something in life, while others are just waiting to steal something and do an easy business

Why Russians Do Not Eat Horse Meat - Alternative View

Why Russians Do Not Eat Horse Meat - Alternative View

We are used to eating beef, pork, lamb, chicken. But horse meat or sausage from it is rarely found even just on sale. Why? Isn't this the same meat as any other?

How The "modernization" Of The Horse In The X-XI Centuries Led Europe To Progress - Alternative View

How The "modernization" Of The Horse In The X-XI Centuries Led Europe To Progress - Alternative View

In the X-XI centuries, Europeans significantly increased the energy, first of the water wheel, and then the muscular strength of the horse: a horseshoe, stirrup and collar were invented. This was the beginning of the economic revival of Europe and the renewal of scientific thought on the continent

What Secrets Are Kept By The Ruins Of The Ancient Capitals Of Southern Kazakhstan - Alternative View

What Secrets Are Kept By The Ruins Of The Ancient Capitals Of Southern Kazakhstan - Alternative View

Centuries ago, life was in full swing in the steppes of southern Kazakhstan. Here, on the site of the now deserted cities of antiquity, trade caravans passed, garrisons rang with weapons, builders erected new buildings, artisans worked

In Search Of The Missing Treasures Of King Darius - Alternative View

In Search Of The Missing Treasures Of King Darius - Alternative View

There are great treasures that have been sought for decades and centuries. They are looking for gold of the Third Reich, looking for Kolchak's gold. They are looking for the treasures taken out by Napoleon from Moscow, looking for the treasure of Captain Kidd

The Search For The Amber Treasures Of Rode - Alternative View

The Search For The Amber Treasures Of Rode - Alternative View

One of the greatest secrets of history is associated with the name of the Nazi scientist Alfred Rohde. the loss of the famous Amber Room. In the 30-40s of the last century, this man was quite famous in Germany

In Search Of A Wonderful Antidote - Alternative View

In Search Of A Wonderful Antidote - Alternative View

From the beginning of the 19th century to the present day, chemistry fights poisons - the truly scientific approach has finally won out. The path to this victory was long and thorny, the history of the search for antidotes knows such bizarre means that now you just wonder

Legends About Russian Atlantis. A Brief History Of The Mighty Tmutarakan - Alternative View

Legends About Russian Atlantis. A Brief History Of The Mighty Tmutarakan - Alternative View

The great city of Hermonassa was founded by lesbian Greeks long before our era. For some time it was part of the Bosporus Kingdom, a Hellenistic state in the Black Sea region. Then, already in the 6th century AD, the Bosporus lost its independence and became part of the Byzantine Empire

Where Are Batu Khan's Golden Horses Hidden? - Alternative View

Where Are Batu Khan's Golden Horses Hidden? - Alternative View

Golden horses of Batu Khan are legendary treasures, the exact location of which is still unknown

Where Did The Mongolian Documents And Money Go? - Alternative View

Where Did The Mongolian Documents And Money Go? - Alternative View

The question is constantly asked: where did the Mongolian coins and documents in the Mongolian language go? Why are there labels and documents in Chinese, Arabic and Slavic languages, but not in Mongolian?Well, let's just say, the question is posed incorrectly, the answer turns out to be incomprehensible, and the conclusion from this is not that there were no Mongols, but Alexander Nevsky "Batya-Baty", but that it is necessary to teach materiel

The Great Patriotic War: Great Help From Small Mongolia - Alternative View

The Great Patriotic War: Great Help From Small Mongolia - Alternative View

Tank brigade "Revolutionary Mongolia" and the squadron "Mongolian Arat" in the war against Nazi Germany.Mongolia declared war on fascist Germany on the very first day of the Great Patriotic War. On June 22, 1941, the Central Committee of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party, the Presidium of the Small Khural and the Council of Ministers of the Mongolian People's Republic adopted a joint declaration: “All the people of our freedom-loving and independent republic, bound by

Mongolian Order Of The Crusaders - Alternative View

Mongolian Order Of The Crusaders - Alternative View

Schoolchildren, having first familiarized themselves with the history of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, do not understand how the Mongols became so successful in the 13th century

A 2000-year-old Necropolis Was Found In Mongolia - Alternative View

A 2000-year-old Necropolis Was Found In Mongolia - Alternative View

Almost a hundred tombs contain dishes, seals and an abundance of ancient remains

Eberswald Treasure Of Gold - Alternative View

Eberswald Treasure Of Gold - Alternative View

The treasures found in 1913 in Brandenburg and later called the Eberswald treasure are still considered the largest collection of prehistoric gold items ever discovered in Germany. The treasure includes many gold items with a total weight of 2

Treasures Of The Ryazan Land - Alternative View

Treasures Of The Ryazan Land - Alternative View

The most famous and richest treasures are found where the routes of international trade once ran, robber bands operated or wars were constantly waged. Such places include the estuaries of the Dnieper, Don and the Black Sea coast in the places of old Greek, Byzantine and Genoese colonies

King Of Treasure Island - Alternative View

King Of Treasure Island - Alternative View

Treasures on the islands of the Indian Ocean have been sought for centuries. One of the most popular destinations for treasure hunters is Madagascar, located off the southeastern coast of Africa. Everyone who goes there dreams of discovering the treasures of King Moritz Benevsky, who ruled in Madagascar in the 18th century

The Hunt For The Last Treasure Of America - Alternative View

The Hunt For The Last Treasure Of America - Alternative View

Mid 1990s. Forrest Fehn, an eccentric American millionaire, hides ten million dollars neatly stowed in a chest in the highlands adjacent to Yerrowstone Preserve. Nobody understood why the 87-year-old millionaire did it, but hundreds, more precisely, thousands of people started looking for the treasure

Treasure Of Ataman Semenov - Alternative View

Treasure Of Ataman Semenov - Alternative View

In Russia, probably everyone has heard about Kolchak's missing gold. Many treasure hunters have lost years of their lives in search of it. But few people have heard about the gold of Ataman Semyonov. But this treasure was sought by very serious organizations

Russia Is Rich In Treasures That No One Will Find - Alternative View

Russia Is Rich In Treasures That No One Will Find - Alternative View

There is such an occupation - treasure hunting … Surprisingly, in Russia it is quite widespread: for some - money, for others - romance. True, not in the capitals, but in the provinces. Why did it happen? Yes, because in the capitals any "self-made" excavations, searches for treasures are officially prohibited. B