Secrets of history 2024, October

In The United States, A Superior Race Was Created Even Before The Nazis - Alternative View

In The United States, A Superior Race Was Created Even Before The Nazis - Alternative View

During the first six decades of the twentieth century, hundreds of thousands of Americans and countless people from other countries were not allowed to have offspring. Because of their "inappropriate" background, nationality, race or religion, they were forcibly sterilized, placed in psychiatric hospitals, where they died in large numbers, they were forbidden to marry, and sometimes government officials even dissolved their marriage

Modern Technology - The Legacy Of The Nazis? - Alternative View

Modern Technology - The Legacy Of The Nazis? - Alternative View

TV, laser, mobile phone, 30-technology - who would have thought that they first appeared in Nazi Germany? One way or another, this version has a lot of evidence

How The Turkish Language Was Created - Alternative View

How The Turkish Language Was Created - Alternative View

Throughout the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries, passions were seething in the Ottoman Empire about improving the language. (Let me remind you that from the middle of the 19th century, the official language of the empire was the Ottoman language, consisting of 70-80, and according to some estimates, all 90 percent, from borrowings from Arabic and Persian

Mosarabian Language - Alternative View

Mosarabian Language - Alternative View

Mozarabian was the language spoken by Christians in the Muslim domains in Spain in the Middle Ages. It was mainly used by the city dwellers who adhered to Christianity, although they adopted Arab customs and culture. The peasants more often converted to Islam

When The Khmer Language Was Created - Alternative View

When The Khmer Language Was Created - Alternative View

The "ancient" Khmer language was created at the beginning of the 20th century by the learned Buddhist monk Chuon Nath - (1883-1969).Chuon Nath bore the title of Supreme Patriarch of Cambodia. In general, there were two supreme Buddhist patriarchs from the middle of the 19th century

The Ancient Language Of Sanskrit Is An Invention Of European Scientists And Colonialists - Alternative View

The Ancient Language Of Sanskrit Is An Invention Of European Scientists And Colonialists - Alternative View

The article submitted for your consideration makes you think about the many stereotypes that exist in our modern understanding of world history. Many of the facts presented in it are easy to check even without leaving the computer, while others, perhaps, require a long study and a long analysis of many blank spots in the modern formation of historical science

When Did The Spanish Language - Alternative View

When Did The Spanish Language - Alternative View

Spanish, also known as the Castilian language, was created during the reign of the King of Castile and Leon, Alfonso X. It is quite possible that the monarch himself, nicknamed the Wise, personally had a hand in its creation. He was an extraordinary personality

Zambia's Space Program - Alternative View

Zambia's Space Program - Alternative View

The flight of Yuri Gagarin, which the world learned about on April 12, 1961, had a powerful impact on all of humanity. Zambian Edward Makuka Nkoloso was also captured by the great dream of space flight.- Salik.bizHow Zambia tried to conquer the Moon and MarsThe Afronaut was scheduled to fly on October 24, 1964

This Event Went Down In History Under The Name "California Experiment" - Alternative View

This Event Went Down In History Under The Name "California Experiment" - Alternative View

A lesson in the manipulation of the mass consciousness, which will help to understand how the Nazis during the Second World War managed to change the mood of ordinary people in Germany.In 1967, Ron Jones taught history at Ellwood Cabberle High School in Palo Alto, California

OBKhSS Against The Thieves - Alternative View

OBKhSS Against The Thieves - Alternative View

In the fall of 1967, when the whole country was preparing to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Great October Revolution, the BHSS Administration of the Moscow Region received, as they said, a signal from an unknown citizen. In his statement, an anonymous well-wisher reported that Comrade Voshila, the head of the warehouse of industrial goods of the Trade Directorate of the Moscow Oblast Executive Committee, clearly does not live on his labor salary, and asked the competent

Soviet Union, How We Lived Like On Another Planet! - Alternative View

Soviet Union, How We Lived Like On Another Planet! - Alternative View

For an ordinary person who lived at that time, the Soviet Union is not a dollar of 76 kopecks, not the most powerful army in the world, and not the all-powerful KGB. That is, an ordinary person knew that the army and the KGB were protecting him reliably, but he himself did not see this power

The Real History Of The Black Cat Gang - Alternative View

The Real History Of The Black Cat Gang - Alternative View

The Black Cat gang is perhaps the most famous criminal association in the post-Soviet space. It became such thanks to the talent of the Weiner brothers, who wrote the book "The Era of Mercy", as well as the skill of the director Stanislav Govorukhin, who shot one of the best Soviet detective stories "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed

The Secret Of Atlantis In A Mysterious Nazi Bunker. How The Soviet Chemist Zhirov Saved The Germans From Death - Alternative View

The Secret Of Atlantis In A Mysterious Nazi Bunker. How The Soviet Chemist Zhirov Saved The Germans From Death - Alternative View

This story began in the summer of 1945, when Hitler's loyal ally, Obergruppenfuehrer SA Robert Ley, who was being held as a war criminal in Nuremberg, alarmed the allied command with the message that the south of Germany was in danger of catastrophe

What Secret Messages Did Michelangelo Leave To The Descendants, Painting The Vault Of The Sistine Chapel - Alternative View

What Secret Messages Did Michelangelo Leave To The Descendants, Painting The Vault Of The Sistine Chapel - Alternative View

In 1473-1481, a church was built in the Vatican, named after Pope Sixtus IV, the Sistine Chapel. In 1508, Pope Julius II commissioned Michelangelo Buonarroti to paint the vault of the chapel. For 4 years, the master worked on the creation of frescoes depicting 9 biblical subjects on the creation of the World, the creation of Adam and Eve, their fall and expulsion from Paradise, as well as events related to the Flood

Gold Reserves Of The USSR: What Did The Soviet Union Live On After Stalin's Death? - Alternative View

Gold Reserves Of The USSR: What Did The Soviet Union Live On After Stalin's Death? - Alternative View

After the revolution, the gold reserves of the Russian Empire were plundered, and this put the country on the brink of ruin. Then gold began to be mined in three ways: the workers of the OGPU knocked it out of the population, the workers of Soyuzstroy restored the destroyed gold mining, and the famous Dalstroy organized its production in Kolyma

Where Has An Entire Village Near Lake Angikuni Disappeared? - Alternative View

Where Has An Entire Village Near Lake Angikuni Disappeared? - Alternative View

In the north of Canada there is a separate region of Nunavut, which is home to the Inuit - the indigenous local population. The area was inhabited 5,000 years ago. In the southern part of Nunavut is Lake Angikuni, with a total area of just over 500 square kilometers. Thi

Soviet Union - Empire Of Positive Activity - Alternative View

Soviet Union - Empire Of Positive Activity - Alternative View

How the Soviet melting pot was arranged. A Harvard professor, while researching nomenclature internationalism, came to unexpected conclusions that few people in Russia know about.The book by Harvard University professor Terry Martin “The Empire of Positive Action. N

Before Gagarin. Habitable Space - Alternative View

Before Gagarin. Habitable Space - Alternative View

Now, thanks to the release on the screen of several documentary and feature films about episodes of space exploration by Soviet cosmonautics, the space theme is again heard in our country

A Few Questions To The Investigation In The Case Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group, Which Will Not Be Answered - Alternative View

A Few Questions To The Investigation In The Case Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group, Which Will Not Be Answered - Alternative View

60 years ago in the Northern Urals, under strange circumstances, a group of students of the Ural Polytechnic Institute was killed - nine people

The Cosmonaut, Who For The First Time In The History Of Mankind, Got Out Into Outer Space, Could Not Get Back In - Alternative View

The Cosmonaut, Who For The First Time In The History Of Mankind, Got Out Into Outer Space, Could Not Get Back In - Alternative View

He freely hovered at the end of a 5-meter rope above the planet, but when it was time to return, it turned out that the suit was swollen and could not get through the airlock

Werner Von Braun: The Man Who Wanted To Go To Mars First - Alternative View

Werner Von Braun: The Man Who Wanted To Go To Mars First - Alternative View

March 9, 1955 forty-two million Americans - a quarter of the then US population - clung to screens to see the new TV series from Disney. They didn't have a dancing mouse, princesses in danger, or orphaned animals

The First Attempt To Create The Bulgarian Language - Alternative View

The First Attempt To Create The Bulgarian Language - Alternative View

H of the article by EI Demina “ON THE FIRST EXPERIENCE OF CODIFICATION OF THE BULGARIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE OF THE RENAISSANCE. CONCEPT Yu.I. VENELINA "from the collection" Yu. I. Venelin in the Bulgarian Revival”. The executive editor of the collection is Doctor of Philology GK Venediktov. The

Who And Why Falsified The Criminal Case On The Death Of The Dyatlov Group? - Alternative View

Who And Why Falsified The Criminal Case On The Death Of The Dyatlov Group? - Alternative View

This article is in the nature of a version, but it is based on real archival documents. The author does not impose his opinion on anyone, but only asks to study it carefully.I have a photo of a very old cover of the criminal case on the death of the Dyatlov group

The Terrible Truth About The Death Of Zinaida Kolmogorova From The Dyatlov Group. Was She Tortured Before She Died? - Alternative View

The Terrible Truth About The Death Of Zinaida Kolmogorova From The Dyatlov Group. Was She Tortured Before She Died? - Alternative View

The whole truth turned out to be visible in the photographs of the body of Zinaida Kolmogorova. And also in the photographs of the discovery of her corpse in the snow, on the mountainside

What, In Fact, Did Igor Dyatlov's Group Die From? - Alternative View

What, In Fact, Did Igor Dyatlov's Group Die From? - Alternative View

Reaction to the program "Actually" dated March 5, 2018. I am writing this article in advance. Why? Because I have no right to prematurely tell about such news. But, in advance, I foresee how it will all end. Let me remind you, very briefly

The Menehuns Are An Unknown People - Alternative View

The Menehuns Are An Unknown People - Alternative View

The history of mankind holds many secrets. Sometimes we can talk about the secret of the existence not only of a people, but of a whole species of people, as is the case with the Menehuns from the legends of the peoples of Oceania

Strange Medicine: "Relaxed Man" - Alternative View

Strange Medicine: "Relaxed Man" - Alternative View

After you learn about the relaxed person, for some time you will drink tea with anything but honey.In the large Arabian bazaars in the 12th century, one could find a unique product called "softened man" or "honey man". Amazing name isn't it?

God Forbid You To Do Something Good To These People! - Alternative View

God Forbid You To Do Something Good To These People! - Alternative View

Wild turkey saved American colonistsfrom starvation. In memory of this- Salik.bizan event in gratitude to the americanskilled and eaten every yearnThanksgiving, millions of turkeys …God forbid you to do something good to these people!Y

The Secret Part Of The Criminal Case On The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group Has Been Found! - Alternative View

The Secret Part Of The Criminal Case On The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group Has Been Found! - Alternative View

By chance I managed to get materials on a closed part of a criminal case known to the whole world. I must say right away that some of the documents are so sensational that their publication would be undesirable for a large cohort of the so-called. researchers

Arizona Noah's Ark. How The Experiment To Create A Closed Ecosystem "Biosphere-2" Failed - Alternative View

Arizona Noah's Ark. How The Experiment To Create A Closed Ecosystem "Biosphere-2" Failed - Alternative View

We are building a large-scale colony on Earth, completely isolated from the outside world, planting plants there to generate oxygen, importing cattle and settling eight colonists for two years! A great idea for a scientific experiment to create closed life support systems for possible future colonies on the same Mars

The Reformer Stolypin - Alternative View

The Reformer Stolypin - Alternative View

More than a hundred years have passed since the death of Prime Minister Stolypin, who was assassinated in September 1911 in Kiev. The world has changed dramatically. Kiev, the city of his destruction, changed dramatically. And right now, against the background of general degradation, against the background of the political pygmies of the new era, the gigantic scale of his figure is even more clearly expressed

Does The Templar Treasure Exist? - Alternative View

Does The Templar Treasure Exist? - Alternative View

Although, perhaps, the first was to ask the question - where did the untold treasures of the Knights Templar come from? The fact that the knights possessed means unprecedented at that time is an indisputable fact. But where did this priceless treasure disappear to?

The History Of Feeding Boyars And Service People In Russia - Alternative View

The History Of Feeding Boyars And Service People In Russia - Alternative View

Feeding from the spotIn ancient Russia, according to the rules of the "Russian Truth" of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, the official was kept by ordinary people. A tax collector - a virnik, who came to a settlement for taxes, had to feed "how much he could eat" or pay him money

Where Did The Tombs Of The Great People Of History Disappear - - Alternative View

Where Did The Tombs Of The Great People Of History Disappear - - Alternative View

Throughout history, there have been great personalities whose names seem to be known to everyone, regardless of what they know about these people. These are famous figures that almost go beyond the physical essence and turn into legends. Some of these legendary characters managed to create a great mystery by disappearing without a trace at the end of their lives

The Attraction Of The Holy Sepulcher - Alternative View

The Attraction Of The Holy Sepulcher - Alternative View

The cry to win the Holy Sepulcher from the Saracens was thrown by Pope Urban II

Why Was The Royal Dynasty Of The Rurikids Interrupted - Alternative View

Why Was The Royal Dynasty Of The Rurikids Interrupted - Alternative View

The Rurik dynasty began with the founding of the Moscow principality in 1263 and lasted only 355 years. During this period of history, ten generations of kings have changed

Lies: Russian Tradition Is Drunkenness. The Ancient Slavs Did Not Know Not Only Vodka, But Also Wine - Alternative View

Lies: Russian Tradition Is Drunkenness. The Ancient Slavs Did Not Know Not Only Vodka, But Also Wine - Alternative View

TRUTH: Historical fact:“The ancient Slavs did not know not only vodka, but also wine. They drank honey, the scale of production of which cannot be compared with the production of wine from grapes. No wonder "it flowed down the mustache, but did not get into the mouth."

Little-known Facts About The Trial Of The "witches" In Salem - Alternative View

Little-known Facts About The Trial Of The "witches" In Salem - Alternative View

In the spring of 1692, one of New England's largest witchcraft trials began in Salem, Massachusetts

"Animal" Courts Of The Middle Ages: How Animals Were Judged In Europe - Alternative View

"Animal" Courts Of The Middle Ages: How Animals Were Judged In Europe - Alternative View

Very often the modern man in the street does not understand the customs and customs of the Middle Ages. One of these extraordinary events is the trials of animals

By The Roads Of The Gods. Why Were Russians Deleted From Ancient History - Alternative View

By The Roads Of The Gods. Why Were Russians Deleted From Ancient History - Alternative View

Secrets of the ancient RusIn his monograph "By the Roads of the Gods," the historian Yu. D. Petukhov sets out a fundamental discovery that is hushed up in the West and around the world. It lies in the fact that the ethnocultural linguistic core of the praethnos of the Indo-Europeans (Aryans) consisted of the immediate direct ancestors of the Slavs-Rus