Secrets of history 2024, October

Agatha Christie's Mysterious Disappearance: What Really Happened In 1926? - Alternative View

Agatha Christie's Mysterious Disappearance: What Really Happened In 1926? - Alternative View

On December 3, 1926, an English writer disappeared from her home in Berkshire. It was a story in the spirit of her works - with a strange plot, many unsolved secrets and an unexpected climax. Let's try to figure out what happened that winter evening, and why no one could find Agatha Christie for almost two weeks

The Mystical Story Of The Mummy Of The Knight Von Kalbutz From Kampel - Alternative View

The Mystical Story Of The Mummy Of The Knight Von Kalbutz From Kampel - Alternative View

During his lifetime, the knight Christian Friedrich von Kalbutz from Kampel, which is located near the city of Neustadt, gained fame as a great womanizer. Awarded for military merit in the service of the Elector Friedrich Wilhelm I of Brandenburg on a vast estate and successfully married to a wealthy heiress of an ancient family, the knight indulged in his favorite pastime with great zeal

How Soviet Surgeons Demined A Living Person - Alternative View

How Soviet Surgeons Demined A Living Person - Alternative View

The profession of a military surgeon requires from a specialist not only high skill, but also, quite often, making important decisions on which a person's life depends. We want to tell you about a real case from the practice of Soviet surgeons, when the fate of not only the patient, but also the doctors themselves depended on the skills and knowledge of doctors

An Invisible War Is Going On In Space - Alternative View

An Invisible War Is Going On In Space - Alternative View

In the early sixties of the twentieth century, John F. Kennedy made the flight of Man to the Moon a priority in American politics. Launched in 1969, the American Apollo 11 spacecraft landed on a natural satellite for the first time in the world

5 Eerie Mystical Events That Are Usually Hushed Up - Alternative View

5 Eerie Mystical Events That Are Usually Hushed Up - Alternative View

People are always interested in paranormal things that they cannot see with their own eyes or touch. But we believe that there is something like that. Or maybe something happens in our world without our participation. We offer you to get acquainted with the five most mystical stories of the world that will shock anyone

Secret Society Of Ahnenerbe. The Struggle For The Secret Knowledge Of The Highest Race Of Gods - Alternative View

Secret Society Of Ahnenerbe. The Struggle For The Secret Knowledge Of The Highest Race Of Gods - Alternative View

The secret society of Ahnenerbe was founded in 1935 in Germany. Community of the Masonic type, true Aryans, which spoke of the Anglo-Saxon direction of the community …The members of the Ahnenerbe considered themselves the Superior Race, and the rest of the peoples whose animals should be used for the prosperity of the great Reich

As A Teacher Matryona Volskaya Saved More Than Three Thousand Kids - Alternative View

As A Teacher Matryona Volskaya Saved More Than Three Thousand Kids - Alternative View

In the year of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Victory, Constantinople tells about the exploits of people during the Second World War. Today, on Children's Day, we will talk about the unique and most ambitious operation to rescue little ones during the war years

Iron Mask: Who Was The Most Mysterious Prisoner? - Alternative View

Iron Mask: Who Was The Most Mysterious Prisoner? - Alternative View

The story is full of semi-mythical characters. Needless to say, even if a touch of legend is created around real personalities. But there are mysteries that have not yet been solved … In 1703, a prisoner died in the Bastille, who became famous as "the man in the iron mask."

Theodore Roosevelt: "The Leader Leads And The Boss Rules" - Alternative View

Theodore Roosevelt: "The Leader Leads And The Boss Rules" - Alternative View

To make America the world hegemon - this is exactly what US President Theodore Roosevelt aspired to.- Salik.bizRoosevelt: the path to America's leadershipTheodore Roosevelt was born in October 1858 in America. The future president of the United States grew up in the family of a large businessman engaged in trade

Lebensborn: How The Nazis Found The "source Of Life" In Stolen Soviet Children - Alternative View

Lebensborn: How The Nazis Found The "source Of Life" In Stolen Soviet Children - Alternative View

The Lebensborn program ("Source of life" - Ed.) Was created on December 12, 1935 by order of the SS Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler. Initially, it was meant as a network of shelters where German women could donate illegitimate babies, then it turned into a conveyor belt for the forced Germanization of children from other countries

Back To USSR. Features Of The Life Of Soviet Schoolchildren - Alternative View

Back To USSR. Features Of The Life Of Soviet Schoolchildren - Alternative View

Our parents and grandparents had a completely different childhood. Even the school supplies seemed too monotonous: the same briefcases, pencils, ink and school uniform

Misha Polyakov, Kolya Gerasimov And Other Idols Of Soviet Youth, Whose Lives Have Gone Downhill - Alternative View

Misha Polyakov, Kolya Gerasimov And Other Idols Of Soviet Youth, Whose Lives Have Gone Downhill - Alternative View

Children have long proved that they can play in films no worse than adults and, admiring such guys, we forget what price they have to pay

Chemtrails Over Vietnam: Americans Imagine They Are Gods - Alternative View

Chemtrails Over Vietnam: Americans Imagine They Are Gods - Alternative View

Recently, the planet has often "pleases" us with natural disasters: fires, hurricanes and floods. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that more and more people are beginning to incline towards the opinion of the man-made origin of these cataclysms

The Great Depression In The United States: A Crisis With A Red Tint - Alternative View

The Great Depression In The United States: A Crisis With A Red Tint - Alternative View

Recently, a book was published in the United States, which claims that the Great Depression in 1929 was caused by the USSR, which flooded this country with counterfeit dollars. The Bolsheviks allegedly created a matrix of a 100-dollar bill, unique in perfection

Is Justinian So Great? - Alternative View

Is Justinian So Great? - Alternative View

In this world, I am concerned about two questions: why the dollar jumped and why the most destructive Byzantine emperor was called the great. If everything is clear with the first, then the cult of the personality of Justinian, God forgive me, the “Great” is stronger than ever. Sit

"Book Of Miracles" Of The XVI Century, Or The End Of The World In Pictures - Alternative View

"Book Of Miracles" Of The XVI Century, Or The End Of The World In Pictures - Alternative View

The Cologne-based publishing house Taschen is renowned for its original, lavishly illustrated large-format albums. One of them is a facsimile edition of the so-called "Book of Miracles", which appeared in the middle of the 16th century in the "free imperial city" of Augsburg

The Politics Of Yaroslav The Wise - Alternative View

The Politics Of Yaroslav The Wise - Alternative View

During the reign of Yaroslav Vladimirovich, nicknamed the Wise (1019-1054), around 1024 a great rebellion of smerds broke out in the northeast, in the Suzdal land. The reason for it was a strong hunger. The peasants, following the calls of the Magi, who used the anti-feudal struggle in order to protect the pagan faith, began to beat the local nobility, which was hiding the stocks of grain

“War For Us - Fundamental Topic, And You Can't Do Anything About It "- Alternative View

“War For Us - Fundamental Topic, And You Can't Do Anything About It "- Alternative View

The Russian historian considers the conflict over the demolition of the monument to Konev the result of a provocation on the Czech side and wonders why the Czechs were able to forgive the Germans for 1939-1945, and the Russians did not want to forgive 1968

Third Reich: From The History Of The SS - Alternative View

Third Reich: From The History Of The SS - Alternative View

Which is not surprising, because it was under the auspices of the "Black Order" that a new religion could be created. The SS ideology, which was even more than a religion for the SS, was just waiting in the wings to become all-German. Only now I did not wait

At The Junction Of Life And Death: The Story Of An Abandoned City - Alternative View

At The Junction Of Life And Death: The Story Of An Abandoned City - Alternative View

Ghosts can be not only dead people, but also places where life once lived. There are many such havens on planet Earth, previously inhabited, but later abandoned

Nicholas The Wonderworker: A Story Of Life And Death - Alternative View

Nicholas The Wonderworker: A Story Of Life And Death - Alternative View

Nicholas the Wonderworker was born on August 11 (new style) in the second half of the third century in the city of Patara, Lycian region (Greek colony of the Roman Empire)

Operation Mockingbird - Alternative View

Operation Mockingbird - Alternative View

40 years ago, the world learned about the grandiose CIA projectOne of the largest covert operations of the US CIA (Office) was called "Mockingbird", Operation Mockingbird. Until now, most of the documents on this operation are classified. We do not know many details, but the general contours of the project can be restored from individual fragments

The US Army Lost Its Human Form Half A Century Ago - Alternative View

The US Army Lost Its Human Form Half A Century Ago - Alternative View

Exactly 50 years ago, the Vietnamese village of Songmi was at the forefront of the confrontation between the two world ideologies

Mata Hari. The Story Of Life And Death - Alternative View

Mata Hari. The Story Of Life And Death - Alternative View

Mata Hari's entry rose at the beginning of the 20th century in Paris. The Parisian audience, spoiled by entertainment, thirsted for new fun and was ready to shell out any money for some unusual and sensational show

House Of Faust: Where Did The Doctor Go To Hell? - Alternative View

House Of Faust: Where Did The Doctor Go To Hell? - Alternative View

Johann Goethe wrote the immortal tragedy "Faust" for 60 years. The work, which has become iconic for world literature, was inspired by the legend of Doctor Faust, where the action unfolds around the sale of the soul of Doctor to the Devil. Despite the fact that Faust himself was a historical person, after his death legends and fiction were intertwined into a single tangle of secrets

A Message From Time Immemorial In Folk Tales - Alternative View

A Message From Time Immemorial In Folk Tales - Alternative View

The existing Vedic scriptures of the Slavs, which have deep historical roots, dating back to the old Slavic-Aryan era. This is a huge layer of high culture of our Ancestors, where fairy tales are of great importance in their heritage. After all, what is a fairy tale?

How Peter I Got Russia Hooked On Tobacco - Alternative View

How Peter I Got Russia Hooked On Tobacco - Alternative View

On February 11, 1697, Tsar Peter I signed a decree allowing the free sale of tobacco in all drinking establishments in Russia.Until that moment, tobacco was in Russia, but it was banned for peasants and artisans. It was brought to Russia back in the time of Ivan the Terrible by English sailors who, in search of a way to India, entered the mouth of the Dvina

Why Was A Find Several Million Years Old Found In 1969 In The USSR Immediately Classified? - Alternative View

Why Was A Find Several Million Years Old Found In 1969 In The USSR Immediately Classified? - Alternative View

The world in which we live is fraught with many things that have not yet been discovered. No modern research or new technology will answer some of your questions. We are explorers of this deep planet, which still has something to surprise us with

The Details Of The Mass Death Of Citizens Of The USSR From Biological Weapons Have Been Made Public - Alternative View

The Details Of The Mass Death Of Citizens Of The USSR From Biological Weapons Have Been Made Public - Alternative View

American scientists managed to extract the DNA of the anthrax pathogen from the bodies of two victims of an epidemic that occurred in Sverdlovsk in 1979 as a result of the release of spores from a secret laboratory

10 Little-known Facts About The Flight Of Yuri Gagarin - Alternative View

10 Little-known Facts About The Flight Of Yuri Gagarin - Alternative View

On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the world to fly into outer space.1. Not one, but two understudies accompanied Yuri Gagarin to the spacecraft . In addition to the well-known German Titov, Grigory Nelyubov was the understudy

Yuri Gagarin: The Truth About The Death Of Cosmonaut No. 1 - Alternative View

Yuri Gagarin: The Truth About The Death Of Cosmonaut No. 1 - Alternative View

That day - March 27, 1968 - became a day of mourning for the whole country, because it lost its hero - the First Cosmonaut. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin did not return from an ordinary, in general, training flight on a MiG-15UTI aircraft …-

Wild Animals Used For Military Purposes - Alternative View

Wild Animals Used For Military Purposes - Alternative View

IntroductionThroughout human history, people have succeeded in finding new and unusual ways to kill each other. Often people turn to the animal world to take from it what will help defeat the enemy on the battlefield. Sometimes animals were taken

Fatal Flight: How Yuri Gagarin Died - Alternative View

Fatal Flight: How Yuri Gagarin Died - Alternative View

This year marks fifty years since the death of the first cosmonaut of the Earth Yu.A. Gagarin. Since then, the debate has not abated whether Gagarin could survive or not?

Yuri Gagarin: How Many Times Could He Have Died - Alternative View

Yuri Gagarin: How Many Times Could He Have Died - Alternative View

The absurd early death of the first astronaut of the Earth on March 27, 1968, shook all of humanity to the core

Top Secret: Gagarin - Alternative View

Top Secret: Gagarin - Alternative View

The space era began in April 1961, when Yuri Gagarin flew into the orbit of our planet. But six months before his flight, a ground-based radio station caught mysterious signals from space asking for help. Didn't the Soviet government hide the predecessor of the first cosmonaut?

Mysticism In The Last Flight Of Gagarin - Alternative View

Mysticism In The Last Flight Of Gagarin - Alternative View

In Shchelkovo near Moscow, at the Chkalovsky airfield in 1968, on March 27 at 10 hours 15 minutes, the fighter of the UTI MiG-15 fleet took off, which has become historically famous

Yuri Gagarin's Star Wars - Alternative View

Yuri Gagarin's Star Wars - Alternative View

After his historic flight into orbit, Yuri Gagarin was under the scrutiny of the press and the public. It seemed that there were no more secrets in his life

Fallen Star - Alternative View

Fallen Star - Alternative View

On March 28, 1968, Soviet newspapers came out with an obituary on the first page:

Half A Century Since The Death Of Gagarin: The Official Reason And Alternative Versions - Alternative View

Half A Century Since The Death Of Gagarin: The Official Reason And Alternative Versions - Alternative View

The first cosmonaut of the Earth, Yuri Gagarin, tragically died exactly 50 years ago during a training flight on a MiG-15UTI aircraft. The unambiguous cause of the plane crash has not yet been established

Find The Truth: The Mysterious Story Of The Death Of Yuri Gagarin - Alternative View

Find The Truth: The Mysterious Story Of The Death Of Yuri Gagarin - Alternative View

Almost 60 years ago, Gagarin became the first person in history to go into space. However, many secrets and conjectures are associated with his life and death, which many cannot solve.The circumstances of the death of the first man in space, Yuri Gagarin, who died in 1968 in a plane crash, were surrounded by rumors and theories for a very long time