Secrets of history 2024, October

The Russian Fleet Was Not Created By Peter I - Alternative View

The Russian Fleet Was Not Created By Peter I - Alternative View

In the surrounding reality, there are things that seem to be uncomfortable to doubt. For example, even from school, everyone knows that the Volga flows into the Caspian Sea, and the Russian fleet was created by Peter I. It would be nice to recall the French proverb sometimes: “Arguing about the obvious, remember that your uncle may be younger than your nephew.”

The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of The Italian Genius Ettore Majorana Without A Trace - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of The Italian Genius Ettore Majorana Without A Trace - Alternative View

In 1906, in the Sicilian town of Catania, a boy was born, who was named Ettore. The kid was growing up, and suddenly it turned out that he has simply phenomenal mathematical abilities

Dead Head - Alternative View

Dead Head - Alternative View

The Dead Head: What's Its Story? Ancient symbolism and transformation of meaningsAfter the Second World War, the opinion was fixed that the emblem of the skull with crossed bones was paraphernalia of the SS troops. Indeed, their battle hymn contains the words: We are always ready for battle, if we are called into battle by runes and a dead head, they had corresponding images on their helmets and caps, and one of the divisions had a similar name

Ram Of A Five-story Building In Novosibirsk By Plane In 1976 - Alternative View

Ram Of A Five-story Building In Novosibirsk By Plane In 1976 - Alternative View

Who heard this story in the late 70s? They tried not to mention such events. Today this is a pretext for an information bomb, but then all the same they were striving for "silence" in the media. Imagine how many programs from Malakhov were filmed today and how many posts bloggers would write on this topic

Lomonosov. Russian Genius - Alternative View

Lomonosov. Russian Genius - Alternative View

Naturalist, chemist, physicist, poet, artist, historian, encyclopedist … This is just the beginning of a huge list of specialties in which Mikhail Lomonosov not only excelled, but also managed to make fundamental scientific discoveries for the benefit of all mankind. T

Heinrich Himmler - Biography Of The Head Of The SS - Alternative View

Heinrich Himmler - Biography Of The Head Of The SS - Alternative View

Heinrich Himmler was born on October 7, 1900 in Munich. His father worked as a high school teacher until 1913. Then he was transferred to Landshut, and the family was forced to move to a new place.Himmler from childhood demonstrated good organizational skills and passionate patriotism

Vladimir Khavkin: The Doctor Who Created A Vaccine Against Cholera And Plague, Having Tested Its Effect On Himself - Alternative View

Vladimir Khavkin: The Doctor Who Created A Vaccine Against Cholera And Plague, Having Tested Its Effect On Himself - Alternative View

There is such a proverb “the country must know its heroes by sight” and today I want to tell you about one of them - Vladimir Khavkin, a medical scientist who sacrificed his personal life to save humanity from epidemics of cholera and plague

The Legend Of Van Gogh - Alternative View

The Legend Of Van Gogh - Alternative View

According to sociologists, three artists are best known in the world: Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh and Pablo Picasso

Greta Garbo - Biography And Personal Life - Alternative View

Greta Garbo - Biography And Personal Life - Alternative View

“What men begin to see in other women when they get drunk, they see in Garbo when they’re sober,” joked Hollywood film critic Kenneth Tynen. Greta really penetrated men's souls with some kind of witchcraft, but at the same time she insisted that she would only marry her idol Moritz Stiller …Greta Garbo never married until the end of her life. Moritz

What Happened To Dostoevsky's Heirs? - Alternative View

What Happened To Dostoevsky's Heirs? - Alternative View

Those who are at least a little familiar with the biography of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky probably know that his widow, Anna Grigorievna, outlived the writer himself a lot and died in 1918. Of the four children of the Dostoevsky spouses, two died in early childhood, but daughter Lyubov and son Fyodor died in the 1920s

Yakov Blumkin - Alternative View

Yakov Blumkin - Alternative View

The biography of Yakov Blumkin is still one of the most mysterious in the history of Soviet intelligence. His life is replete with legends, myths and coincidences, often contradicting each other. Blumkin went down in history as a participant in the assassination of the German ambassador Wilhelm von Mirbach in 1918

Mythical Mata Hari - Alternative View

Mythical Mata Hari - Alternative View

Through her exotic dances, she became the epitome of a woman of temptation. During World War I, the German secret service managed to recruit a highly successful courtesan as an agent. But the game of high politics brought her to trouble. In 1917, she was tried and executed for high treason

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin - Alternative View

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin - Alternative View

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. A name that still causes fierce controversy. Sorry, this is not even a name, this is an era. Only if for the majority this is the era of the Great Victory, the era of recovery after the Civil War, and later the Great Patriotic War, the era of such a leap before which the wonders of the development of China and other countries fade, the era of the formation of SUPERPOWER

Antichrist Is Hitler Adolf. Who Are The Sponsors Of The Fuhrer's NSDAP Party? Who Helped The Fuhrer - Alternative View

Antichrist Is Hitler Adolf. Who Are The Sponsors Of The Fuhrer's NSDAP Party? Who Helped The Fuhrer - Alternative View

Adolf Hitler (Schicklgruber) - was born on April 20, 1889 in Austria-Hungary, in the village of Ranshofen, from a girl of Jewish blood who had 5 brothers and 5 sisters, they died at an early age due to mixing of parents' blood, only two sisters survived

Alan Chumak: Healing Sessions Live - Alternative View

Alan Chumak: Healing Sessions Live - Alternative View

The whole country gathered for healing sessions on TV by Alan Chumak. They put cans of water, cream in front of the TV, sat down themselves - and the session of "charging" and "healing" began

Oblivion Elixir - Alternative View

Oblivion Elixir - Alternative View

Previous part: Plant magic and magical healing. Mistletoe Did the Irish Druids really get their oblivion elixir solely from plants?

The Maya Got Their Knowledge From The Vikings - Alternative View

The Maya Got Their Knowledge From The Vikings - Alternative View

The achievements of pre-Columbian civilizations are amazing. Did people who did not know wheels and iron manage to build magnificent pyramids, cities and observatories? How? As Jacques de Maillet believed, the Indians were trained by the Vikings who arrived in Yucatan in the middle of the 9th century …The expeditions of Christopher Columbus opened the Old World to a new, in many ways shocking reality. A

The Inexplicable Incident With The Little Girl Pauline Picard - Alternative View

The Inexplicable Incident With The Little Girl Pauline Picard - Alternative View

A 2-year-old girl mysteriously disappeared from her parents' farm, and then she was found in a completely different city and she did not recognize anyone, as if … it was a completely different girl.- Salik.bizThe missingIt was April 1922 when 2-year-old Pauline Picard was playing on her parents' farm in Goas al Ludu in Brittany, France. A

The Devil's Bible: Secrets Of The World's Largest Book - Alternative View

The Devil's Bible: Secrets Of The World's Largest Book - Alternative View

The origin of this ancient gigantic book is unknown.In the Middle Ages, it was equated with the Seven Wonders of the World.- Salik.bizFor over 700 years, this ancient manuscript has fascinated scholars.The existence of the book is associated with a certain legend that should have worried the Church, but the truth is that this ancient manuscript was never condemned by the Inquisition …nHistory of creationThat the Church would allow a Bible that portrays the Devil sounds

Man Versus Nature: Photographs Of Deforestation In Canada - Alternative View

Man Versus Nature: Photographs Of Deforestation In Canada - Alternative View

Humanity has turned the entire history of its existence into a mindless war with nature. A series of photographs depicting the deforestation of sequoia trees in Canada's Humboldt County is one of the horrific testimonies of human greed. These photographs were taken by the Swedish photographer A

Historical Examples Of The Use Of Insects For War - Alternative View

Historical Examples Of The Use Of Insects For War - Alternative View

The earliest records of entomological warfare are around 2000 years old. That is, the idea of drank enemy soldiers with the help of insects is not new, but different eras and civilizations twisted it in their own way.This is how it was …- Salik.bizBe

Kill The Planet With The K-virus? Easy - The United States Tested Bioweapons On Its Citizens - Alternative View

Kill The Planet With The K-virus? Easy - The United States Tested Bioweapons On Its Citizens - Alternative View

Five days ago, the Spanish newspaper Publico published an article about the US testing of bacteriological weapons on its own citizens. According to the source, back in the 50s of the last century, tests were carried out on the African American population

Harbin Operation Of The NKVD Of The USSR - Alternative View

Harbin Operation Of The NKVD Of The USSR - Alternative View

On September 19, 1937, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (6) adopted a resolution on the fate of former employees of the Chinese-Eastern Railway who worked abroad and voluntarily returned to their homeland

What Was Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko - Alternative View

What Was Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko - Alternative View

Many historians call the prince who baptized Rus Vladimir the Holy. However, in the epics, his name sounds differently - Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko. It just so happened that he lived on the break of two eras - Christian and pagan

The Power Of The Ancient Civilization - What Was Discovered On The Giant Lead Ships Of Caligula - Alternative View

The Power Of The Ancient Civilization - What Was Discovered On The Giant Lead Ships Of Caligula - Alternative View

In the very heart of Italy, 30 kilometers south of Rome, lies Lake Nemi, about which the pages of the history of the Roman Empire are told.It is known for the fact that the villa of the emperor Caligula was located on the shore of the reservoir

Prince Red Sun - Alternative View

Prince Red Sun - Alternative View

Vladimir Svyatoslavich is undoubtedly the most famous ruler of the ancient Russian state. After all, it was thanks to his efforts that Christianity became the official religion in Russia

7 Unknown Facts About Ilya Muromets - Alternative View

7 Unknown Facts About Ilya Muromets - Alternative View

Ilya Muromets, the Orthodox Church honors him as a saint, and the people - as the main hero of the Russian land. We remember Ilya Pechersky - Ilya Muromets. Why is the hero holy? The word "hero" is associated with remarkable strength and courage

Russian Hero Ilya Muromets - Alternative View

Russian Hero Ilya Muromets - Alternative View

The legendary hero of the Russian epic Ilya Muromets is the most famous epic hero

How The Red Army Liberated Warsaw From The Nazis - Alternative View

How The Red Army Liberated Warsaw From The Nazis - Alternative View

75 years ago, units of the Red Army and the Polish Army liberated Warsaw, which had been under German occupation for more than five years. The expulsion of the Nazis from the Polish capital made it possible to launch an intensive offensive in other directions

Legends About Ilya Muromets - Alternative View

Legends About Ilya Muromets - Alternative View

The epic selects from history those real important facts that correspond to the plot epic scheme

Ilya Muromets - Legendary Warrior Or Prophet? - Alternative View

Ilya Muromets - Legendary Warrior Or Prophet? - Alternative View

Folk oral creativity is an integral part of the historical and cultural heritage of any state

Why Did Rurik Kill Ilya Of Muromets? And Where Could The Hero's Middle Finger Go? - Alternative View

Why Did Rurik Kill Ilya Of Muromets? And Where Could The Hero's Middle Finger Go? - Alternative View

Unlike Robin Hood, our epic hero really existed! Ilya was born in the second half of the 12th century. (Around 1150) Honestly, I chose not the most peaceful time. 15 principalities squabbled among themselves, and even the Polovtsy now and then walked to Kiev

Bogatyr Ilya Muromets - Alternative View

Bogatyr Ilya Muromets - Alternative View

Everybody knows Vasnetsov's picture "Three heroes". And almost everyone read epics in childhood, legends about heroic deeds. But, surprisingly, the legends sometimes turn out to be quite real. As they say, a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it

Ilya Muromets - The Most Famous, But At The Same Time The Most Mysterious Hero Of The Russian Epic - Alternative View

Ilya Muromets - The Most Famous, But At The Same Time The Most Mysterious Hero Of The Russian Epic - Alternative View

Most of us know about him only what they remembered from childhood from epics and fairy tales, and are often amazed at the complexity and polysemy of this image

Rusichi. Who Were The Real Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich And Alyosha Popovich? - Alternative View

Rusichi. Who Were The Real Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich And Alyosha Popovich? - Alternative View

None of the prototypes of Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich could call themselves "Ukrainian" even theoretically, since the heroes were acting in the period when the division of one people into three branches had not yet occurred

The Truth About Seraphim Of Sarov: He Had Nothing To Do With The Church - Alternative View

The Truth About Seraphim Of Sarov: He Had Nothing To Do With The Church - Alternative View

Seraphim Sarovsky's father was not an ordinary person, although he was an ordinary peasant. He knew how to read the starry sky, he understood living nature, its divine essence

Facts About Ilya Muromets - Alternative View

Facts About Ilya Muromets - Alternative View

Ilya Muromets, the Orthodox Church honors him as a saint, and the people - as the main hero of the Russian land. We remember Ilia Pechersky - Ilya Muromets. Why is the hero holy

Rurik And The Aryan Haplogroup "I" - Alternative View

Rurik And The Aryan Haplogroup "I" - Alternative View

For numerous researchers - professionals and amateurs - it still remains a mystery why the tribes of Russia called on Rurik to rule, a person not of their clan-tribe, a prince from abroad. The assumption that Rurik could have had the Aryan haplogroup "I" provides an explanation for the seemingly strange act of our ancestors

Rus Rurikovich, Chronicle Contradictions - Alternative View

Rus Rurikovich, Chronicle Contradictions - Alternative View

The society has already formed an erroneous opinion to begin the history of Russia with the appearance of the Rurikovichs and their relatives on the lands of the Eastern Slavs. But, as shown in our previous articles, this is, to put it mildly, not true