Secrets of history 2024, October

Why Is Reuters So Named? - Alternative View

Why Is Reuters So Named? - Alternative View

Where did the international news agency get its name - Reuters?If you open Wikipedia or dig into other sources, you will inevitably stumble upon the fascinating story of Paul Julius Reiter, who in 1849 in Paris, opens a tiny news agency that then turns into a global news agency

In Ancient Times, There Was A Nuclear War Between Earthlings And Aliens ?! - Alternative View

In Ancient Times, There Was A Nuclear War Between Earthlings And Aliens ?! - Alternative View

Scientists are increasingly coming to the conclusion that many thousands of years ago there was a nuclear war between the ancient inhabitants of the Earth asuras and space aliens, which led to an ecological disaster and a change in living conditions on our planet

Secrets Of History - Alternative View

Secrets Of History - Alternative View

The historian Abel Basti is convinced that the Nazi died in Latin America. "Hitler is dead, but he died a natural death", - so Argentine historian Abel Basti claims

The Sheremetevs' Estate Is An Architectural Wonder Of The Region - Alternative View

The Sheremetevs' Estate Is An Architectural Wonder Of The Region - Alternative View

Through the efforts of Benoit: a splendid church, a Gothic poultry house and a palace in a mixture of stylesIn a previous publication in our author's column "Expedition to the Past" I promised to return to my unforgettable journey to the Novoduginsky district and tell about what I happened to see in the village of Vysokoe

Armchair "King-Sun" - Alternative View

Armchair "King-Sun" - Alternative View

The protracted reign of King Louis XIV (he sat on the throne for 72 years!) Is considered the most brilliant in the history of France.The reign of the "sun king" - this is what the subjects called Louis XIV because he liked to appear at court ballets in the costume of the ancient sun god - this is the heyday of France

The Exclusion Zone In French - Alternative View

The Exclusion Zone In French - Alternative View

France is one of those countries that attracts a huge number of tourists. Many parts of this land are reminiscent of a fairy tale in their architecture and aesthetics. However, there are places in France that do not at all correspond to the standard of a tourist paradise

The MMM Case: The First Financial Pyramid, Lenya Golubkov And Bitcoins - Alternative View

The MMM Case: The First Financial Pyramid, Lenya Golubkov And Bitcoins - Alternative View

The greatest fraud in Russian history took place in the mid-90s of the last century. This time was distinguished by the rampant entrepreneurial initiative and the mediocre participation of the state in the economic life of society. It was then, like mushrooms after a warm rain, that "pyramids" appeared - commercial structures that attracted funds from the population under the slogan of obtaining high income

Secrets Of The Library Of Yaroslav The Wise - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Library Of Yaroslav The Wise - Alternative View

Studying the photos of the unique golden royal pectoral of Great Scythia (4th century BC), when I wrote a book about it, and then some ancient frescoes in St. Sophia of Kiev, I wondered if they had some secret meaning indicating the presence of underground structures under the floor of the most ancient cathedral in Ukraine

Holy Grail - An Artifact Shrouded In Mystery. Versions, Hypotheses, Proofs - Alternative View

Holy Grail - An Artifact Shrouded In Mystery. Versions, Hypotheses, Proofs - Alternative View

The existence of the Holy Grail has been controversial over the centuries. It is an item coveted by archaeologists, historians, laymen and clergymen. Some believe that this is the cup from which Jesus drank during the Last Supper, while others believe that this is a Celtic object with magical powers

Under Rostov, A Burial Was Found A Thousand Years Older Than The Egyptian Pyramids - Alternative View

Under Rostov, A Burial Was Found A Thousand Years Older Than The Egyptian Pyramids - Alternative View

Archaeologists have discovered an ancient burial in the area of the future road construction near the town of Aksai in the Rostov region. This is reported by the state-owned company Avtodor, which ordered the survey

Pyramid: A Soviet Ghost Town At The Very End Of The Earth - Alternative View

Pyramid: A Soviet Ghost Town At The Very End Of The Earth - Alternative View

The Soviet ghost town is located beyond the Arctic Circle. This place seems to be frozen by time itself and the surrounding nature does everything possible to take artificial buildings into itself

Mysterious Rings Of Pushkin - Alternative View

Mysterious Rings Of Pushkin - Alternative View

Everyone knows about the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Henry Ford Invented The Jewish Conspiracy - Alternative View

Henry Ford Invented The Jewish Conspiracy - Alternative View

Henry Ford, the industrial genius who perfected the mass production of cars before the First World War and thereby revolutionized our way of life, was an introverted man who did not tolerate objection or criticism. Ford's determination to keep unionism out of its factories led to strikes and violence, mostly initiated by Ford's own strikebreakers

The Vatican Supported The Genocide Of The Serbs - Alternative View

The Vatican Supported The Genocide Of The Serbs - Alternative View

It has been repeatedly noted that during the Second World War, the Vatican actively collaborated with the Nazi regime in Germany and the Italian fascists. After the end of this war, it was thanks to the Vatican and the CIA that many Nazi criminals escaped just retribution and were evacuated along the "rat path" through neutral countries to South and North America, as well as to other regions of the Earth

Christian Community Of Kiev, Strange Behavior Of Sveneld, And The Death Of Prince Svyatoslav - Alternative View

Christian Community Of Kiev, Strange Behavior Of Sveneld, And The Death Of Prince Svyatoslav - Alternative View

Previous part: "Miracles of the troops' fortitude and heroism". The great Russian commander Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich looks like an epic figure of Russia

10 Examples Of Successful And Not So Successful Examples Of States And Communities Created On Anarchist Principles - Alternative View

10 Examples Of Successful And Not So Successful Examples Of States And Communities Created On Anarchist Principles - Alternative View

The dictum that anarchy - mother of order, attributed to the theorist of revolution and anarchism Pierre Joseph Proudhon

How To Get Rich Or Rockefeller's Secret - Alternative View

How To Get Rich Or Rockefeller's Secret - Alternative View

EUGENEGP explores the role of the Rockefeller family of billionaires in the struggle between "scientific medicine" and homeopathy in the United States.In 1850, a rape-accused farmer named William Rockefeller moved to Cleveland, recorded himself as a "doctor" in a city directory, and began treating the people by selling drugs - crude oil bottles and a mixture of diuretics as a cure for cancer

Why Did Russia Give California To The Americans - Alternative View

Why Did Russia Give California To The Americans - Alternative View

By the middle of the 19th century, Russia had every reason to strengthen its presence in America, taking possession of California. Having left the coveted lands, the Russians opened a direct path to their settlement by the Americans

The Role Of The Vatican In The Rescue Of Nazi Criminals - Alternative View

The Role Of The Vatican In The Rescue Of Nazi Criminals - Alternative View

The Vatican and the United States played the main role in saving many Nazi criminals from just retribution, organizing the evacuation of high-ranking Nazis from German territory to South and North America through neutral countries. These routes along which parasitic structures saved thousands of bloody executioners were called "rat paths"

About The Cooperation Of The Vatican With The Hitler Regime - Alternative View

About The Cooperation Of The Vatican With The Hitler Regime - Alternative View

Earlier, one of the posts was already devoted to the topic of cooperation between the Vatican and Italian fascism. Naturally, supporting antihuman forces in Europe and cooperating with them, the Vatican went to similar agreements with Hitler's Nazism

What Were Hitler's Mountain Arrows Actually Looking For On Elbrus - - Alternative View

What Were Hitler's Mountain Arrows Actually Looking For On Elbrus - - Alternative View

On August 19, 1933, Adolf Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany. The country was defeated in the First World War, lost many people and a number of territories. Hitler made his slogan the restoration of the power and greatness of the German Empire

The Vatican Library Is The Keeper Of The Secret Knowledge Of Mankind - Alternative View

The Vatican Library Is The Keeper Of The Secret Knowledge Of Mankind - Alternative View

The Vatican Apostolic Library contains 1,600,000 prints (both old and modern), 8,300 early printed books (65 of which are printed on parchment), 150,000 manuscripts and volumes of archives, 300,000 coins and medals, and more than 100,000 prints

Why Is The Vatican Like A Nesting Doll? - Alternative View

Why Is The Vatican Like A Nesting Doll? - Alternative View

The true essence of the Vatican is hidden behind the external figure of the Pope. In fact, its true essence goes far beyond Catholicism and is directly related to the creation of a single world religion, which John Coleman wrote about as one of the mandatory points of the plan for establishing a "new world order" in his book "The Committee of 300"

Vatican And Nazis: Mortal Enemies And Good Friends - Alternative View

Vatican And Nazis: Mortal Enemies And Good Friends - Alternative View

After the defeat in World War II, former Axis officials and officers fled Europe in every possible way. They were helped in this by sympathizers from various circles - European aristocrats, representatives of foreign intelligence services and even the clergy

Kalyazin And Other Russian Cities That Drowned - Alternative View

Kalyazin And Other Russian Cities That Drowned - Alternative View

Russian "Atlantis" more often became settlements mysteriously disappeared from the face of the earth, and completely deliberately destroyed cities that became victims of technological progress

Russia, Which Was Not Talked About At School - Alternative View

Russia, Which Was Not Talked About At School - Alternative View

31 facts about the life and life of Russian people of the 18th century from the first book of a Japanese about our country. For ten years the Japanese captain Daikokuya Kodayu lived in Russia and wrote down everything he saw and heard: from the appearance of people to the rules for the castration of animals

Detroit - Ghost Town - Alternative View

Detroit - Ghost Town - Alternative View

“In the early morning light, under the sky-gaining plane, lay a large city with its suburbs: downtown Detroit, an oasis the size of a square mile, like a miniature Manhattan, and immediately behind it was an interweaving of dull streets, buildings, factories, residential buildings, highways, in most stained with mud - huge Augean stables, for which there is not enough money to clean them. A

About The Criminal Past And The Possible Future Of The Bank For International Settlements - Alternative View

About The Criminal Past And The Possible Future Of The Bank For International Settlements - Alternative View

The Bretton Woods Conference (July 1-22, 1944) is in importance on a par with such events of the Second World War as the Yalta meeting of the heads of the anti-Hitler coalition (February 4-11, 1945) and the Potsdam Conference (July 17 - 2 August 1945)

Correction Of Dating In DNA Analysis - Alternative View

Correction Of Dating In DNA Analysis - Alternative View

Studying history, archeology, I came across the fact that the data of radiocarbon analysis are often overestimated, and DNA analysis shortens the date of people who once lived. And in order to find out the real life date of the object under study, it is necessary to take the arithmetic mean between these two results as approximately correct

Attempts On The Lives Of Heads Of State - Alternative View

Attempts On The Lives Of Heads Of State - Alternative View

The encroachment on the life of the first persons of the state has a long history. The conspirators also killed Philip II - the father of Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar. One Japanese Mikado, who himself survived 104 attempts to deal with him, said that the life of a real leader is always worthy of an attempt

City - Star Naarden (Naarden) - Alternative View

City - Star Naarden (Naarden) - Alternative View

There is in Holland (30 km from Amsterdam and a 10-minute drive from Heisen) the fortress city of Naarden, which is an island in the shape of a hexagon, surrounded on all sides by a moat with water repeating the shape of the city itself. A kind of symmetrical beauty can be watched with pleasure from a bird's eye view

In The Genome Of Modern Polynesians, Traces Of Indian DNA Have Been Found - Alternative View

In The Genome Of Modern Polynesians, Traces Of Indian DNA Have Been Found - Alternative View

The owners of these genes met on the Marquesas Islands and later settled almost throughout Polynesia.Paleogeneticists received the first full-fledged evidence that the ancestors of the Polynesians and Indians of South America had contact with each other

Operation "Long Jump" - Alternative View

Operation "Long Jump" - Alternative View

70 years ago, on November 28, 1943, a conference of the leaders of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition began in the Iranian capital Tehran.In the history of world intelligence services, this jewelery work of Soviet intelligence stands apart

The Atomic Project Of Nazi Germany - Alternative View

The Atomic Project Of Nazi Germany - Alternative View

It is known that the Nazis were close to creating the atomic bomb. However, there is an opinion among historians that scientists who worked during the Third Reich within the framework of the German atomic program not only failed to create a bomb, but also with all their might hampered "uranium" research

The Last Submarine Of The Reich - Alternative View

The Last Submarine Of The Reich - Alternative View

Shortly before the end of the war, a German submarine left the port in Kiel. Destination - Japan. On board were classified documents and material necessary for the production of atomic weapons. But the boat did not reach its destination.Central Atlantic, May 8, 1945 For four days now, U-234 has been receiving reports of the impending surrender of the Reich

Admiral Ushakov And His Victories - Alternative View

Admiral Ushakov And His Victories - Alternative View

On February 24, 1745, far from the seas and oceans, in the Russian outback, Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov was born - an invincible admiral who laid the victorious traditions of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. On the day of Ushakov's 275th birthday, Izvestia commemorates the fate of the great Russian naval commander

90 Japanese By Maria Tsukanova: What The Only Hero Of The Soviet Union Did In The War Against Japan - Alternative View

90 Japanese By Maria Tsukanova: What The Only Hero Of The Soviet Union Did In The War Against Japan - Alternative View

Maria Tsukanova is the first and only woman Hero of the Soviet Union in the war between Japan and the USSR at the end of World War II.In G. Sudakov's collection "Heroines of War: Essays on Women - Heroes of the Soviet Union" (1963), information about the future heroine is scarce: a village girl, at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War - 17 years old; repeatedly unsuccessfully asked to go to the front

An Ancient Chinese Map That Is 4,000 Years Old And Has Both Americas On It, How Is This Possible? - Alternative View

An Ancient Chinese Map That Is 4,000 Years Old And Has Both Americas On It, How Is This Possible? - Alternative View

Ancient maps contain many mysteries and I have already written about a map on which Antarctica is present without ice cover. Previously, Antarctica could be covered with greenery and a highly developed civilization could exist on its territory, but this is just a hypothesis that scientists have not yet confirmed

Forbidden Technologies Of The 19th Century: Symbols Of The Atom Were Found In The Old Castle - Alternative View

Forbidden Technologies Of The 19th Century: Symbols Of The Atom Were Found In The Old Castle - Alternative View

Scientists have been arguing about the find in an old knight's castle for years. The brooch with the image of the radiation sign caused a real flurry of theories: there were also those who are sure: the locks were heated using half-life.Disputes and speculations did not arise out of nowhere