Secrets of history 2024, October

How They Broke Through The Blockade Of Leningrad - Alternative View

How They Broke Through The Blockade Of Leningrad - Alternative View

"There is no force capable of stopping them."The year 1943 was approaching. For the second winter, Leningrad suffocated in the ring of the blockade. The Road of Life, linking Leningrad with the country along the ice of Lake Ladoga, worked at maximum load, but could not cope with providing the besieged city

Why Did Peter I Move The Capital From Moscow To St. Petersburg - Alternative View

Why Did Peter I Move The Capital From Moscow To St. Petersburg - Alternative View

St. Petersburg did not become the capital overnight. For a long time he competed with Moscow, where the traditions of patriarchal Russia were still strong. The decision to move the capital was made ambiguous

Sorge's Intelligence Made It Possible To Transfer 16 Divisions To Moscow In The Fall Of 1941 - - Alternative View

Sorge's Intelligence Made It Possible To Transfer 16 Divisions To Moscow In The Fall Of 1941 - - Alternative View

Part 1: "The myth of the disclosure by Richard Sorge of Hitler's plans and plans for the defeat of the USSR";Part 2: "In July 1941, the attack on the USSR became one of the main goals of Japan."- Salik.bizThe start of the Japanese offensive against the USSR was scheduled for August 29, 1941

House With Animals - Alternative View

House With Animals - Alternative View

On Chistoprudny Boulevard in Moscow, there is a building decorated with outlandish animals, birds, flowers and ornaments. Where are they from here?- Salik.bizAt the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, large-scale construction began on Chistoprudny Boulevard: old one- and two-story buildings were demolished, and new apartment buildings were erected in their place, in which the latest engineering structures with load-bearing reinforced concrete floors were use

New Year's Infinity - Alternative View

New Year's Infinity - Alternative View

Why is it believed that the New Year begins on January 1? Imagine that radio, television, and the Internet have disappeared. How in this case do you know that the New Year is coming? And can you even find out? Or not? It turns out you can.- Salik

How The Houses Were Moved In Moscow - Alternative View

How The Houses Were Moved In Moscow - Alternative View

It sounds incredible, but in the 1930s, a real boom in house relocation began in Moscow. Architects implemented large-scale projects that needed a place, but there was none. Sometimes a brick house stood in the way of a new project.Most of these houses were destroyed, but there were some that were lucky - they were moved to a new location

Necklace Of Underground Palaces. About The Construction Of The Moscow Metro In 1952 - Alternative View

Necklace Of Underground Palaces. About The Construction Of The Moscow Metro In 1952 - Alternative View

Outwardly, almost nothing has changed on the spacious train station square. All the same, endless lines of cars run in all directions, the wheels of trolley buses rustle softly on the asphalt, and trams move jingling. The stream of pedestrians that never stops flowing along the wide sidewalks lingers at the entrances to the stations

Battle For History - Svyatoslav The Brave - Alternative View

Battle For History - Svyatoslav The Brave - Alternative View

"Let us lay down our bones, brothers, for the dead have no shame!" These words are familiar to everyone - one of the heights of Russian spirituality belongs to the great war, whose glory was known from edge to edge - to Prince Svyatoslav the Brave

The Uprising Of Spartacus - What Really Happened? - Alternative View

The Uprising Of Spartacus - What Really Happened? - Alternative View

The name of Spartacus has become a symbol of the selfless struggle for freedom. However, paying tribute to the courage and military talents of the fugitive slave, Roman historians quickly described the events associated with him. As a result, we know little about Spartacus himself and about his death

The Answer To The Mystery Of The Famous Maniac Named Zodiac? - Alternative View

The Answer To The Mystery Of The Famous Maniac Named Zodiac? - Alternative View

Back in 1967, brutal murders began to occur regularly in the United States. Not that the Americans would be very surprised, no, of course. A product of the Wild West, a world ruled by the psychology of violence, where the main idols of law-abiding citizens slaughter each other from TV screens and in cinemas

Top Secret Project "Mogul": How The US Spied On The USSR - Alternative View

Top Secret Project "Mogul": How The US Spied On The USSR - Alternative View

There is a hypothesis that the famous UFO crash in 1947 near Roswell (USA) is just the fall of one of the reconnaissance probes launched by the Americans to collect spy information in the USSR.- Salik.bizWas there a UFO?Vladimir Vasiliev, senior researcher at the Institute for US and Canadian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, citing materials from the American Air Force, wrote that, starting in 1947, the United States of America, within the framework of the secret

Funny Soviet Names-abbreviations - Alternative View

Funny Soviet Names-abbreviations - Alternative View

If you do not like your simple name Sasha, Dasha, Masha, then be glad that your parents did not call you Tractor or Dazdraperma! After all, these are the names that were in use among the enthusiasts of the new time, which came after the victory of the revolution …For the first time in the years of Soviet power, the centuries-old way of life was eradicated and new traditions of the communist society were born. T

Maghreb Witch Against The Warriors Of Islam - Alternative View

Maghreb Witch Against The Warriors Of Islam - Alternative View

Since childhood, each of us has known the plot of the Arab fairy tale about Aladdin and the magic lamp - the self-styled uncle of the hero turned out to be a dangerous sorcerer from a distant and full of wonders country called Maghreb. Residents of medieval Damascus, Baghdad and Cairo did not need assurances that their land was full of wizards, because in earlier times, the warriors of the "ruler of the faithful" had to fight the mighty queen Ifrikiya Dihya al-Kahina

Secrets Of Bushido. From The History Of The Formation Of Samurai Ideals - Alternative View

Secrets Of Bushido. From The History Of The Formation Of Samurai Ideals - Alternative View

The theme of our story is not what all samurai were "in fact" (because this is too long and too complicated a conversation), but how they themselves, as well as the Japanese intellectuals of those times, wanted to see the ideal samurai. After all, history studies not only (and perhaps not so much) the sphere of what the life of society and an individual was or is, but also the sphere of human ideas about what it should be, because our ideals are formed on the basis of some expe

Harry Houdini's Fight With Mediums And A Quarrel With Arthur Conan Doyle - Alternative View

Harry Houdini's Fight With Mediums And A Quarrel With Arthur Conan Doyle - Alternative View

High-class illusionist Harry Houdini (March 24, 1874 - October 31, 1926, Detroit, USA) was the greatest magician of all time

Harry Houdini's Secrets: How The Great Illusionist Actually Did His Tricks - Alternative View

Harry Houdini's Secrets: How The Great Illusionist Actually Did His Tricks - Alternative View

On August 26, 1907, the famous illusionist Harry Houdini once again shocked the audience: chained in chains, he was thrown into the water, and he was able to get out in 57 seconds

Middle Way Christianity - Alternative View

Middle Way Christianity - Alternative View

England, located in the very west of Europe, was subject to Rome in matters of faith after the collapse of the Roman Empire. However, the popes had strict rules regarding the conclusion and dissolution of marriage

Secrets Of Russian History. Skeletons And Mummies - Alternative View

Secrets Of Russian History. Skeletons And Mummies - Alternative View

Who is it? A retired professional wrestler? Absolutely not. Anyone who is older can assume that this is the Italian dictator - Duce Benito Mussolini. Well, there is a certain similarity - it's stupid to deny. Right - Benito Mussolini

What Happened To The Early Christians In China And Why The Nestorian Doctrine Died Out - Alternative View

What Happened To The Early Christians In China And Why The Nestorian Doctrine Died Out - Alternative View

Christianity first appeared in China during the Tang Dynasty, thanks to Middle Eastern missionaries, but its fate depended entirely on the volatile will of the emperors of ancient China.Today in Greater China (or the Chinese world), Good Friday and Easter, which fall on March 30 and April 1, respectively, this year, are public holidays only in Hong Kong and Macau

As In Tsarist Russia, Fines, Prison And Hard Labor Were Imposed On The `` People's '' Christianity - Alternative View

As In Tsarist Russia, Fines, Prison And Hard Labor Were Imposed On The `` People's '' Christianity - Alternative View

We have already said more than once that the thesis that Orthodoxy in Tsarist Russia was allegedly a stronghold of spirituality and morality in the country, which is being actively promoted now in our Russian society.That only, they say, thanks to him, all those good and noble qualities with which Russians amazed the whole world arose in our people, and that, it turns out, it was this very thing that for many centuries was the “national idea” of Russia, which held the people o

Where Did Sadko Sail? - Alternative View

Where Did Sadko Sail? - Alternative View

Everyone probably knows the opera "Sadko" by Rimsky-Korsakov, many people remember this epic about a Novgorod merchant since childhood, according to which a large colorful cartoon was shot back in Stalin's times

Who Are The Polyanitsa - Alternative View

Who Are The Polyanitsa - Alternative View

War, as a means of sorting things out, was invented by men. However, throughout the entire existence of mankind, the fair sex often had to take the most direct part in it, and not always as healers or cooks. There are known cases, and there are many of them, when women stood on a par with men and entered the battle, in no way yielding to the latter in courage and the desire to defeat the enemy

Bird Or Human? - Alternative View

Bird Or Human? - Alternative View

Nightingale the robber - the famous hero of Russian epics - considered to be a mythical character. Meanwhile, he actually existed

Why Is A Dowry Given For Brides? - Alternative View

Why Is A Dowry Given For Brides? - Alternative View

Dowry - these are certain values or property that are allocated by the bride's parents for her marriage. In the modern world, such traditions have undergone dramatic changes, but have not disappeared until now. So why exactly is a dowry given for the bride?

Vikings And Ancient Russia - Alternative View

Vikings And Ancient Russia - Alternative View

"Varyago-Russian question", "Varangian question", "Norman problem", "Norman theory" - all these words define one of the acutely polemical knots of Russian historical memory. We have already addressed this topic and saw that the often misunderstood imperative of patriotism forces people to bring into the public space a dispute that has been going on in science for a couple of centuries

Who Disliked The Guslars In Russia? - Alternative View

Who Disliked The Guslars In Russia? - Alternative View

As you know, real music not only purifies, ennobles, but also exposes evil. So, good people guslars carried through the vibrations of strings in Russia the beginnings of the Slavic archetype of kindness and love, which was in no way included in the plans of the artificial ideology of justifying evil under the stamp of Judeo-Christianity, imposed by Byzantium by "fire and sword"

The Real Legend About Evpatiy Kolovrat - Alternative View

The Real Legend About Evpatiy Kolovrat - Alternative View

Evpatiy Kolovrat - an epic Russian hero, a Ryazan boyar or voivode, a hero of folk tales from the time of Batu's invasion of Russia. The old Russian "The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan by Batu" tells about his feat

What Were The Criteria For Choosing Brides In Russia? - Alternative View

What Were The Criteria For Choosing Brides In Russia? - Alternative View

It is these days that women can make a living on their own. If desired, the fair sex devote their time to their careers and, by and large, do not need a "strong man's shoulder"

Unidentified Killer - Zodiac - Alternative View

Unidentified Killer - Zodiac - Alternative View

There are stories that I want to tell someone else, I want to shed light on the events that took place for a sufficient amount of time to use the word "long ago" in relation to them and at the same time occurred no later than 30-40 years ago, so that nothing would have time forget

How In The USSR They Fought Against Hooligans And Eradicated Crime - Alternative View

How In The USSR They Fought Against Hooligans And Eradicated Crime - Alternative View

Today it is generally accepted that in the "totalitarian" Stalinist times, absolute order reigned in the USSR, and everyone kept pace. However, this is not the case. Not all citizens of a great country built, created, mined coal, smelted iron and steel, harvested crops, stood guard over state borders

Norway's Most Mysterious Crime: Who Was The Woman From The Isdalen Valley - Alternative View

Norway's Most Mysterious Crime: Who Was The Woman From The Isdalen Valley - Alternative View

In 1970, the body of an unknown woman was found in the Norwegian Isdalen Valley. The police immediately launched an investigation, but it did not get off the ground even after 50 years. We reveal the details of the mysterious case.The mystery of a woman from the Isdalen Valley has been stirring people's minds for almost half a century

The True Story Of The Kelly Gang That Won't Be Shown In The Movie - Alternative View

The True Story Of The Kelly Gang That Won't Be Shown In The Movie - Alternative View

Ned Kelly is a legendary Australian bushranger (robber living in the wilderness). He threw parties with his own hostages, allowed them to drink and dance, and even showed them acrobatic acts. He was an anarchist and a poet. He forged bulletproof armor in which he fought with constables

The Allenstown Four Mystery: A Grisly Unsolved Murder - Alternative View

The Allenstown Four Mystery: A Grisly Unsolved Murder - Alternative View

There are over 200,000 unsolved murders in the United States, some of which took place over 80 years ago. It is curious that thanks to new technologies, even such hangers have a chance to open today. Who needs it? First of all, to the relatives of the victims

The Mystery Of The Murdered Woman, Whose Killer Died 3 Weeks Before Her Murder - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Murdered Woman, Whose Killer Died 3 Weeks Before Her Murder - Alternative View

This story took place in London in the 1990s. It was told in 2014 in an interview with the BBC by forensic scientist Michael Silverman. The press dubbed the case "The Strange Time Killer Case."In the late 1990s, a woman was brutally murdered in London, and during the investigation, tiny pieces of cells were found under her nails, which, when tested for DNA, indicated … another murdered woman, whose body was found three weeks earlier

Catherine De Medici: She Was Called The "Black Queen" - Alternative View

Catherine De Medici: She Was Called The "Black Queen" - Alternative View

Catherine de Medici can be called the most "hated" woman in history. "Black Queen", poisoner, child killer, instigator of St. Bartholomew's night - contemporaries did not spare epithets for her, although some of them were unfair

Boy In Boxes - Alternative View

Boy In Boxes - Alternative View

Nickname given to an unidentified murder victim, approximately 4-6 years old, whose body was found in a cardboard box in the Fox Chase area of Philadelphia on February 25, 1957. The identity of the child, like his killer, has not been established to this day.At

Catherine De Medici. Black Queen - Alternative View

Catherine De Medici. Black Queen - Alternative View

The most ominous rumors have always circulated about Catherine de Medici, the wife of the French king Henry II: that she was practicing black magic, worshiping the devil, and poisoning people she did not like with poisons

Nero - Roman Emperor - Alternative View

Nero - Roman Emperor - Alternative View

People, in whose hearts cruelty and a thirst for violence have settled, are certainly scary. Especially when they are endowed with power: after all, then no one can curb their terrible inclinations. Unfortunately, history knows many such rulers

Scientists Learned About The Wine Business Of The Roman Emperors - Alternative View

Scientists Learned About The Wine Business Of The Roman Emperors - Alternative View

Scientists in the course of archaeological research of the Villa Vagnari, located by the Bazentello River, came to the conclusion that the Roman nobility was involved in large-scale wine production

Roman Emperor Caracalla - Alternative View

Roman Emperor Caracalla - Alternative View

Caracalla (188 - 217). Roman emperor from the Severian dynasty, who ruled from 211 to 217 AD e. In 212 he issued an edict granting the rights of Roman citizenship to the provincials