Secrets of history 2024, October

MK Ultra - What Is It: The CIA And Criminal Medicine - Alternative View

MK Ultra - What Is It: The CIA And Criminal Medicine - Alternative View

In this section, we wrote about many secret and dirty conspiracies. But the MK Ultra project remains one of the most inhuman and outrageous designs in human history. It brings together a series of CIA experiments conducted in 1950-1970. Their goal is to control the human mind with drugs such as LSD and mescaline

Missing Persons: The Mysterious Story Of Henry Hudson - Alternative View

Missing Persons: The Mysterious Story Of Henry Hudson - Alternative View

Sir Henry Hudson opened the western gateway to the Arctic for the world - the Hudson Strait. In addition, he was the first to describe in detail the Northwest coast of America: the Hudson River (the one at the mouth of which New York is located) and the Hudson Bay in Canada are named after him

Intelligence Of Tsarist Russia - Alternative View

Intelligence Of Tsarist Russia - Alternative View

The intelligence activity of any state is always shrouded in a dense veil of secrecy. This is not surprising - the purpose of intelligence is to reveal other people's secrets, while leaving their own intact. Perhaps, following the principle of "the forbidden fruit is always sweet", any society at all times always has a constant curiosity about the secrets of intelligence

Slavic Faith: The Myth Of Earthiness - Alternative View

Slavic Faith: The Myth Of Earthiness - Alternative View

The word "pantheism", considered the most mark and complete characteristic of the Slavic faith, is an indispensable companion of any reasoning of official science about the ancient faith of our people.This word has a fairly large volume of meanings and meanings, but for some reason its ambiguity is sharply reduced when it comes to the native faith of the Slavs

Peter Kapitsa. A Student Of The "crocodile" Who Became A "centaur" - Alternative View

Peter Kapitsa. A Student Of The "crocodile" Who Became A "centaur" - Alternative View

The life story of Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa, one of the founding fathers of Phystech, is worthy of the directors' attention. In it, bright ups were replaced by steep falls.Only the absolute honesty and firm character of the scientist remained constant

Does Everyone Have Their Own Reality? - Alternative View

Does Everyone Have Their Own Reality? - Alternative View

It becomes a pity for science fiction writers. They try, write, invent different parallel worlds. And then you don't need to break your head. If you have a good imagination, or as they say now, visualization, you don't need to read science fiction

Truth Of Russia - Russian Brilliance Against The Background Of Barbaric Europe - Alternative View

Truth Of Russia - Russian Brilliance Against The Background Of Barbaric Europe - Alternative View

This year we are celebrating the 407th anniversary of Russia's emergence from the terrible disaster - the Troubles, the accession of the Romanov dynasty. Although the situation is somewhat paradoxical. It is about the beginning of the dynasty, about the first Romanovs on the throne - Mikhail Fedorovich, Alexei Mikhailovich, Fedor Alekseevich and their era, most of our contemporaries know almost nothing

Dungeons Of Sevastopol - Alternative View

Dungeons Of Sevastopol - Alternative View

"Legendary Sevastopol, unapproachable for enemies", - is sung in a famous song. Indeed, the city itself was destined to become an indestructible outpost of the southern borders of the Russian state. For this purpose, at different times it was strengthened with all their might

For What Merits Did Britain Award Our Heroes? - Alternative View

For What Merits Did Britain Award Our Heroes? - Alternative View

Looking through the portraits of famous people, you pay attention to their awards. And there is a feeling that at least one order was awarded to people who had nothing to do with the state that made it.This is the badge of the Order of the British Empire

Tesla's Death Has Remained A Mystery To Humanity - Alternative View

Tesla's Death Has Remained A Mystery To Humanity - Alternative View

The famous physicist Nikola Tesla was a real innovator. His discoveries and inventions do a lot to help us see electricity in its modern form.However, the public is concerned not only with the eventful life of the scientist, but also with his death, which took place under very mysterious circumstances

Lost In Translation: What Could The Tale Of Bygone Years Be Wrong? - Alternative View

Lost In Translation: What Could The Tale Of Bygone Years Be Wrong? - Alternative View

Sometimes our story is distorted by misreading or translating terms and names. A number of erroneous interpretations are associated with the "Tale of Bygone Years" - the main source on the history of Russia in the early period. Were there Sineus and Truvor, why did the governor Yaroslav the Wise go blind, and what the Golden Horde was actually called - in our material

What Happened To Thousands Of Soviet Tanks After World War II, Where Did They Go - Alternative View

What Happened To Thousands Of Soviet Tanks After World War II, Where Did They Go - Alternative View

The Second World War became one of the largest armed conflicts in the history of mankind, in which millions of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of pieces of equipment, including tens of thousands of tanks, took part. However, like any other war, the Second World War ended, and it was necessary to do something with a huge amount of various weapons and weapons that remained after it

Why Nostradamus Was Buried While Standing - Alternative View

Why Nostradamus Was Buried While Standing - Alternative View

Nostradamus bequeathed to walled himself up while standing in a statue built into the wall. Perhaps because he saw himself in the form of a phoenix or a speaking and prophesying teraphim. Since it was the teraphim that were placed on the walls of the temples, where sacrifices were made to them, incense was burnt

Nostradamus Predicted Nothing, But They Believe Him! - Alternative View

Nostradamus Predicted Nothing, But They Believe Him! - Alternative View

In the early 1990s, in Moscow, Leningrad, and any other large city of the post-Soviet space, one could observe the following picture.-"Flying over the abyss": how we "got sick" by the French prophetAn intelligent-looking citizen, talking to his own kind, ardently persuaded: “Understand, according to the prediction of Nostradamus, the country will fly over the abyss, and then the“golden age”will begin.n“Th

Monk Abel - Who Came Up With The Fake About Prophecies And Predictions? - Alternative View

Monk Abel - Who Came Up With The Fake About Prophecies And Predictions? - Alternative View

In 1875, an anonymous article titled "Monk Abel the Foreteller" appeared in the journal "Russian Starina". It was after this that this curious historical character got into the company of all kinds of fortune tellers and soothsayers, and interest in his mysterious heritage has not faded away even today

Nostradamus Or "Broken Clock" - Alternative View

Nostradamus Or "Broken Clock" - Alternative View

When discussing such topics, I usually remember to mention this phrase: "Even a broken clock shows the exact time twice a day." Michel de Nostrdam was born in 1503 in France

Before The Second Coming: The Miracles Of Jesus In The Bible And The Koran - Alternative View

Before The Second Coming: The Miracles Of Jesus In The Bible And The Koran - Alternative View

Muslims love Jesus Christ as much as they love and respect other prophets. It is worth noting that Jesus is mentioned in the Qur'an more often than the Prophet Muhammad. In the holy book for all Muslims, the Arabic name of Jesus Christ - Isa - occurs 25 times

The Life Of Jesus Christ - According To The Bible - Alternative View

The Life Of Jesus Christ - According To The Bible - Alternative View

According to the Bible, Jesus is the son of God, born of the Virgin Mary. In particular, his arrival was announced by the archangel Gabriel, sent by God himself. Gabriel explained to Mary that she was chosen to give birth to a son of God and that she would soon be fertilized by the Holy Spirit

Jesus Christ In India - What Does The Bible Hide? - Alternative View

Jesus Christ In India - What Does The Bible Hide? - Alternative View

The Gospels included in the New Testament describe in detail the story of the birth of Jesus Christ, there are several references to his childhood, and then we see him as a mature man. And where was he, what did he do between the ages of 15 and 30?

Why The Brain Of Wolf Messing Was Valued At A Million Dollars - Alternative View

Why The Brain Of Wolf Messing Was Valued At A Million Dollars - Alternative View

The psychic's best friend, artist Yuri Nikulin, came to his funeral in clown makeup.On September 10, 120 years ago, the famous telepath Wolf Messing was born. He guessed the thoughts of people, found missing objects and predicted the future

Messing Revealed The Secret Of One Experiment - Alternative View

Messing Revealed The Secret Of One Experiment - Alternative View

A well-known journalist and writer Vladimir Stepanovich Gubarev was personally acquainted with Wolf Messing. Now they talk a lot about Wolf Grigorievich, make films and TV series, write articles. "Psychic, magician, hypnotist" - say the townsfolk

How Wolf Messing Escaped From Prison - Alternative View

How Wolf Messing Escaped From Prison - Alternative View

In the Soviet era, Wolf Messing performed on the stage as an illusionist artist, supposedly reading the public's thoughts. In Perestroika, they began to write about him as almost the greatest psychic of the twentieth century

Was There A Meeting With Messing? - Alternative View

Was There A Meeting With Messing? - Alternative View

“I want to tell you about my meeting with Wolf Messing. It happened in 1972. The day was warm and sunny. Somewhere around two o'clock in the afternoon I got on bus number 7 to get to the old city hospital

Maxim Gorky - Biography Of A Millionaire - Alternative View

Maxim Gorky - Biography Of A Millionaire - Alternative View

When we think of Maxim Gorky, the textbook image of the unmercenary proletarian writer, well-known from the school curriculum, rises before our eyes. However, the real Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov is infinitely far from this image.- Salik.biz3 biography questionsThe clash of myths and reality dates back to the very childhood of the "petrel of the revolution

Seven Myths About Tolstoy - Alternative View

Seven Myths About Tolstoy - Alternative View

On this day, September 9, 1828, in the Krapivensky district of the Tula province, in the hereditary estate of the mother - Count Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born in Yasnaya Polyana

Richard Parker Or Edgar Poe Had A Time Machine? - Alternative View

Richard Parker Or Edgar Poe Had A Time Machine? - Alternative View

In 1838, the American writer Edgar Poe wrote The Adventure Tale of Arthur Gordon Pym. It tells how, after a shipwreck, four survivors ended up on the high seas

On Cooperation Between The Vatican Secret Services And Nazi Germany - Alternative View

On Cooperation Between The Vatican Secret Services And Nazi Germany - Alternative View

One of the main orders of the Vatican is the Jesuit Order. It was he who was behind both the destruction of representatives of the Vedic worldview during the Inquisition, and behind the falsification of world history and destruction, as well as the concealment of genuine written sources and artifacts of ancient civilizations in the giant underground depositories of the Vatican library

How Russian Classics “incited Hatred” - Alternative View

How Russian Classics “incited Hatred” - Alternative View

Dostoevsky and the Jews, Tolstoy and the Caucasians, Bulgakov and the Ukrainians, Pushkin and the priests. Many Russian writers of the 19th century could today be accused of inciting ethnic hatred

The Author Of The Glagolitic Alphabet Was A Genius! - Alternative View

The Author Of The Glagolitic Alphabet Was A Genius! - Alternative View

The director of the Volgograd Institute of Art Education Nikolai Taranov has many titles: calligrapher, doctor of pedagogy, candidate of art history, professor, member of the Union of Artists of Russia. But few people know that he is still studying symbols

Glagolitic, Or The Lost Alphabet Of The Slavs - Alternative View

Glagolitic, Or The Lost Alphabet Of The Slavs - Alternative View

There is an "official point of view" that Cyril and Methodius brought literacy and writing to the Slavs. Is this so? It turns out that it is not so. By the time the brothers came to the Slavs, the Slavs already had a written language

The Falsifiers Of History And The Third World War. Part 1 - Alternative View

The Falsifiers Of History And The Third World War. Part 1 - Alternative View

Part 1. Stalingrad and El-Alamein. Who broke the war machine of the Third ReichDISCIPLES OF DR. GOEBBELS- Salik.bizRussian head of state Vladimir Putin was not invited to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy. But at the same time, the Chancellor of Germany was invited to the celebration

The Falsifiers Of History And The Third World War. Part 2 - Alternative View

The Falsifiers Of History And The Third World War. Part 2 - Alternative View

Part 2. Operations "Overlod" and "Bagration". The Ardennes and the Vistula-Oder operationYou can read part 1 here.- Salik.bizIn Europe, the 75th anniversary of the Normandy landing was celebrated. The President of France, the Queen of England, the President of the United States and the leaders of other countries participating in the Normandy Operation: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, Poland, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Greece, Slovakia and the Czech Republic a

Mysterious Find From The Island Of Guernsey - Alternative View

Mysterious Find From The Island Of Guernsey - Alternative View

On the island of Guernsey in the English Channel, archaeologists made an unusual discovery five years ago. Researchers have discovered a grave containing human remains. At least, scientists suggest that this skeleton belongs exactly to man, although … Although the mystery still remains unsolved ….The

The Prosecutor's Office Put An End To The Dyatlov Case. Or A Comma Again? - Alternative View

The Prosecutor's Office Put An End To The Dyatlov Case. Or A Comma Again? - Alternative View

The supervisory agency and social activists did not find a common language on the cause of death of Ural tourists in the area of Mount Otorten.- Salik.bizsnow avalancheLast week, Andrei Kuryakov, deputy head of the Prosecutor General's Office in the Ural Federal District, announced the official and final version of the reasons for the death of Igor Dyatlov's group, who died under mysterious circumstances in 1959 in the Northern Urals. “Al

The Reason For The Decline Of Antiquity - Alternative View

The Reason For The Decline Of Antiquity - Alternative View

The day before yesterday, on the advice of a trusted comrade, I read the comments to the note about the reasons for the onset of the "dark" ages. And a little freaked out. First of all, people are persistently trying to find one single reason for the death of antiquity, which would explain everything

Dog Fight: How 150 Dogs Were "torn Apart" By Two German Battalions - Alternative View

Dog Fight: How 150 Dogs Were "torn Apart" By Two German Battalions - Alternative View

The history of the combat use of animals goes back many centuries - from Hannibal's elephants to incendiary bats that were tested in the United States. One of the most outstanding feats the four-legged fighters performed in the summer of 1941, holding back the German offensive south of Kiev near the village of Legedzino

Why Did You Come Up With Pocket Dogs? - Alternative View

Why Did You Come Up With Pocket Dogs? - Alternative View

When did you come up with nasty little dogs?And they were invented in Europe during the renaissance in the period of the XV-XVI centuries.- Salik.bizBut why?The thing is that the sanitary conditions of Europe of these times left much to be desired and it came to the point that the Catholic Church equated washing with satanic tricks

Where Did The Word "cat" Come From: Why Do We Call Our Pets That Way? - Alternative View

Where Did The Word "cat" Come From: Why Do We Call Our Pets That Way? - Alternative View

In our blog, we paid a lot of attention to the habits, breeds, characteristics of these animals. This time I would like to understand why the cat was nicknamed "the cat".- Salik.bizOriginally from AfricaThere are many versions about the origin of this word

Gold Of King Solomon - Alternative View

Gold Of King Solomon - Alternative View

If you believe the Bible, and not the results of traditional methods of archaeological research, then King Solomon was fabulously rich.In the Third Book of Kingdoms, descriptions of various precious metals and stones, as well as other luxuries and exotic things, clearly indicate that Solomon exported them from distant lands

Both Radar And Anti-stress: Why Cats Were Indispensable In War - Alternative View

Both Radar And Anti-stress: Why Cats Were Indispensable In War - Alternative View

The cat has been considered one of the most common and favorite pets for thousands of years. Naturally, there are those who are critical of their presence in the house or apartment, considering them practically useless compared to the same dogs