Secrets of history 2024, October

An Amazing Archaeological Discovery Made In A Dream - Alternative View

An Amazing Archaeological Discovery Made In A Dream - Alternative View

Dreams are one of the amazing phenomena of human activity. However, modern science pays too little attention to them, despite the fact that many interesting and surprising things are associated with dreams. So, the phenomenon of prophetic dreams has been known since ancient times

Gate From Sigtuna - Alternative View

Gate From Sigtuna - Alternative View

The devastation of the Swedish city of Sigtuna by the Novgorodians. Magdeburg Gate of St. Sofia in Novgorod - the main front gate of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod, located on the western facade of St. Sophia and opening the passage to the temple through the Korsun porch

10 Unexpected Facts About The Ancient World That Scientists Have Learned From Found Documents - Alternative View

10 Unexpected Facts About The Ancient World That Scientists Have Learned From Found Documents - Alternative View

The ancients documented their lives by making records in a variety of ways - from stone slabs to leather scrolls

Silver That Changed The World: Chemists Figured Out How Ancient Rome Got Rich - Alternative View

Silver That Changed The World: Chemists Figured Out How Ancient Rome Got Rich - Alternative View

The long-term confrontation between the two great powers of their time, the powerful Carthage and the gaining strength of Rome, went down in history as the Punic Wars, a total of three in 118 years of official conflict, from 264 to 146 BC

She Founded Her Own Adoption Agency Selling Stolen Children - Alternative View

She Founded Her Own Adoption Agency Selling Stolen Children - Alternative View

Of course, cynicism is terrifying, resentful and even frightening. But there are especially cruel and insane manifestations of it, when many people, including famous and influential people, become participants in events.Such was the story of Georgia Tann, the famous American kidnapper

An Unusual Pyramid That Once Stood In Mexico - Alternative View

An Unusual Pyramid That Once Stood In Mexico - Alternative View

At least a hundred different pyramids have been discovered in the world, which, apparently, were not built for beauty, since almost all of them are strictly oriented to the cardinal points and at the same time all, without exception, have a certain connection with the most important pyramid of the world - the sacred Mount Kailash , which rises above sea level at 6714 meters

Tolstoy And The Church: Our Own, Who Have Become Strangers - Alternative View

Tolstoy And The Church: Our Own, Who Have Become Strangers - Alternative View

In February 1901, the Synod issued a "Definition" in which it announced the renunciation of the writer Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy from the Church. The document was the result of many years of controversy between the writer and his associates - "Tolstoyans" and representatives of the clergy

Why Are There Many Temples In Russia? - Alternative View

Why Are There Many Temples In Russia? - Alternative View

There were two churches on Lake Onega - the twenty-five-domed of the Protection of the Mother of God on the Vytegra River (1708-1962) and the twenty-two-domes of the Transfiguration of the Lord on the Kizhi Island (1700)

Treasures Of The Temple Of The Sun And The Golden Garden Of Cuzco - Alternative View

Treasures Of The Temple Of The Sun And The Golden Garden Of Cuzco - Alternative View

When the Spaniards conquered the Inca empire, they were shocked by its splendor and wealth. They were especially impressed by the capital of the empire - the city of Cuzco. The building of the Temple of the Sun, standing in the center of Cusco, simply sparkled with gold

The Mystery Of The Collapse Of The Egyptian Bridge In St. Petersburg - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Collapse Of The Egyptian Bridge In St. Petersburg - Alternative View

Probably 4 times I was in St. Petersburg and have not seen enough of this city. There are so many places and opportunities to see something significant and interesting, like in no other city in the country

Blue Ore - Alternative View

Blue Ore - Alternative View

This place, located literally on the edge of the earth, in the Kolyma Territory, has been called Butugychag by local reindeer herders for a long time, which means “Valley of Death”

In China, They Found A Figurine Of A Bird Which Is 13,000 Years Old - Alternative View

In China, They Found A Figurine Of A Bird Which Is 13,000 Years Old - Alternative View

A small figurine of a bird, carved from burnt bone, is the earliest Chinese artwork ever discovered.The statuette is less than 2 cm long and has been dated to the Paleolithic period, between 13800 and 13000 years ago.- Salik.bizIt was found in Lingjing in Henan province of China and is a bird standing on a pedestal, which, according to researchers, indicates that it may belong to a completely original artistic tradition, unrelated to other ancient styles found in Europe or S

The Oldest Petroglyph Depicting A Praying Mantis Was Found In Iran - Alternative View

The Oldest Petroglyph Depicting A Praying Mantis Was Found In Iran - Alternative View

The oldest petroglyph depicting a praying mantis was found in Iran. It is extremely rare that an invertebrate is depicted in a rock art, according to a study by scientists from the Islamic Azad Arak University, published in the Journal of Orthoptera Research

Why Did Persia Become Known As Iran? - Alternative View

Why Did Persia Become Known As Iran? - Alternative View

The country called Persia is no longer on the map. Despite the fact that there is still the Persian Gulf, other place names bearing a similar name. Why was the name of the country changed when this happened? Who called the country Persia?Why is it called Iran today?

12 Labors Of Hercules - Alternative View

12 Labors Of Hercules - Alternative View

Let us briefly recall the biography of Hercules, the illegitimate son of Zeus - the main god of Greece, the leader of the Olympians. The stepson was disliked by the goddess Hera, a very spiteful, wayward and jealous wife of the Thunderer. Jera's jealousy manifested itself in the behavior of her husband, who had dozens of illegitimate children

The Mysterious Northern Archipelago Of Solovki - Alternative View

The Mysterious Northern Archipelago Of Solovki - Alternative View

Solovetsky Islands - the mysterious northern archipelago, hidden from the eyes of the mainland in the waters of the White Sea, - one of the most "charged" places in the whole country, annually attracting thousands of travelers to its harsh northern expanses

Vozrozhdenie Island In The Aral Sea - Alternative View

Vozrozhdenie Island In The Aral Sea - Alternative View

Do not look for the names of this, now former, city on the world map. But the prehistory of its rise and subsequent collapse goes back many decades. In the second half of the 20s of the last century, on the eve of the world revolution, the Soviet leaders realized that traditional three-rulers, Maxim machine guns on carts and similar primitive weapons of destruction were not enough for its implementation - the scale was not the same

Mar Saba - Alternative View

Mar Saba - Alternative View

“The Monk Savva chose for his monastery a terrible Valley of Fire, a naked, dead gorge in the Judean desert,” wrote Ivan Bunin about this monastery. The Monastery of Mar Saba is rightfully considered the pearl in the Judean Desert. But the monastery amazes not only with its beauty. Mar

Geghard Monastery - Alternative View

Geghard Monastery - Alternative View

Popular wisdom teaches that a holy place is never empty … In Armenia there are a lot of such “non-random” holy places. One of them is the Geghard Monastery, which is located 40 km from Yerevan, in the gorge of the Goght River. Its other names are Geghard, Geghardavank, Ayrivank. The w

Extinguishing Underground Fires With A Nuclear Explosion - Alternative View

Extinguishing Underground Fires With A Nuclear Explosion - Alternative View

The extraction of natural resources is still a difficult and risky business, although it has been going on for a long time. Sometimes major accidents occur during operation. And then, in order to eliminate their consequences, one has to resort to methods no less dangerous than the problem itself

Poland Accused Vladimir Putin Of Manipulating The History Of World War II - Alternative View

Poland Accused Vladimir Putin Of Manipulating The History Of World War II - Alternative View

Poland accused Vladimir Putin of manipulating history after he wrote an article in which he said that the pre-war Polish government had thrown "its people under the roller of Hitler's machine of destruction."This article was published just a week before Vladimir Putin hosts the annual Victory Parade, canceled earlier due to the outbreak of the coronavirus, and ahead of a nationwide referendum that could see him remain in power until 2036

Crimes Of The Germans Against The Highest Officers Of Poland - Alternative View

Crimes Of The Germans Against The Highest Officers Of Poland - Alternative View

The Nazis did not spare even the Polish generals. In Sachsenhausen, General Stefan Rovetsky (Grotto), who commanded the Crane Army, was killed.True, General Rovetsky was not a prisoner of war, but everything indicates that his murder is fully consistent with Hitler's general plans for the extermination of the leaders of the Resistance

Poles Shot Russian Prisoners Of War Who Escaped From German Concentration Camps - Alternative View

Poles Shot Russian Prisoners Of War Who Escaped From German Concentration Camps - Alternative View

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation declassified documents on the atrocities of the Poles during the Great Patriotic WarNovember 11, 1944,Colonel-General Comrade SCHERBAKOV- Salik.bizAt the same time, I present a short note - "On the attitude of the Home Army towards the Russian partisans", drawn up according to the testimony of Russian prisoners of war partisans who crossed the front line on October 28

Poland. A Strange Sword In Grabovo - Alternative View

Poland. A Strange Sword In Grabovo - Alternative View

The small Polish village of Grabovo is comfortably located near the town of Kielce. Very clean, high-quality limestone has been mined in the vicinity of Grabovo for several decades. It is even exported to neighboring countries. And here a few years ago, when it was a normal working day, the car caught on some piece of iron

The Trouble With Poland Is That It Is Often Run By The Vilest Of The Abominable! - Alternative View

The Trouble With Poland Is That It Is Often Run By The Vilest Of The Abominable! - Alternative View

On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camp and the 5th World Holocaust Forum, WWII veteran Ivan Martynushkin told KP how and why the Poles loved and stopped loving the Red Army men who saved them, and what to do about it

Let's Go And Show How The Poles Are Beaten! Suvorov's Raid To Poland - Alternative View

Let's Go And Show How The Poles Are Beaten! Suvorov's Raid To Poland - Alternative View

“In my life I was twice in hell - at the storming of Ishmael and at the storming of Prague… It's terrible to remember! ..” - General von Klugen, who fought on the side of the Russians.Continuation, the beginning of the series read: The military genius of Suvorov. The s

"Three Black Eagles" Or Why Poland Doesn't Like Russia? - Alternative View

"Three Black Eagles" Or Why Poland Doesn't Like Russia? - Alternative View

Modern relations between Poland and the Russian Federation are very tense, to put it mildly. The Polish government demonstrates hostility to everything Russian and in every possible way tries to tarnish Russian history. For many years the Poles have been making historical claims to Russia and blaming Mother Russia for all their Polish troubles

Poland - An Innocent Victim Or A Similar Predator? - Alternative View

Poland - An Innocent Victim Or A Similar Predator? - Alternative View

Let's start with a statement from the Polish National Remembrance Institute. So, what did the proud lords say? Yes, that's what- "Under the pretext of a" non-aggression pact "Germany and the Soviet Union outlined their spheres of influence in a secret protocol, dividing the territories of other independent states among themselves

From Stone Cores To Iron Ones. What's The Point? - Alternative View

From Stone Cores To Iron Ones. What's The Point? - Alternative View

The last article was devoted to stone cores and the issue of their production. We came to the conclusion that it is very labor intensive. (Unless, of course, they are not cast out of concrete. About which I have not yet dug up any reliable information

Electric Sacrifice: The Incas Left Children On The Top Of The Mountain To Be Killed By Lightning - Alternative View

Electric Sacrifice: The Incas Left Children On The Top Of The Mountain To Be Killed By Lightning - Alternative View

Scientists have found characteristic traces of exposure to high-voltage discharges on corpses.The citizens of the ancient Inca empire were ruthless and bloodthirsty. So are their gods. The Incas made human sacrifices to the gods. For the sake of their fanatical religious beliefs, they killed not only adults, but also children

Empress Elizabeth And Silent Vera - Alternative View

Empress Elizabeth And Silent Vera - Alternative View

Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna survived her husband by only six months. Accompanying the coffin of her husband from Taganrog to St. Petersburg, she fell ill and remained in Belev, where she soon died. It is believed that it was her ashes that were buried on June 21, 1826 next to Alexander in the Peter and Paul Cathedral

What Secrets Does Malbork Castle Keep, And Why Is It Considered One Of A Kind - Alternative View

What Secrets Does Malbork Castle Keep, And Why Is It Considered One Of A Kind - Alternative View

The castle of the Teutonic Order, Malbork, in northern Poland, is not only the largest in the world in terms of area, but also the largest medieval brick castle! It's huge and incredibly impressive. All this brick Gothic, towers and courtyards, secret staircases and rooms with surprises

"Absolute Guerrilla Warfare." The History Of The Creation Of The Russian Internet - Alternative View

"Absolute Guerrilla Warfare." The History Of The Creation Of The Russian Internet - Alternative View

The Internet in Russia developed in parallel in two ways. One went through Soviet scientific research institutes, the other through Russian-American joint ventures. "The Secret of the Firm" figured out how the Russian segment of the Internet appeared in the days of the networked Wild West even before joining the World Wide Web, and who should be thanked for this

The Biblical Paradise Was On Earth. Where Exactly? (Scientist Version) - Alternative View

The Biblical Paradise Was On Earth. Where Exactly? (Scientist Version) - Alternative View

This is paradise for us today - an ephemeral concept. We know that it is not in the sky, or on Earth, or in the ocean, because everything has already been studied along and across.But, for example, back in the XIV century, many Slavic peoples believed that you can get to paradise if you overcome high mountains, turbulent rivers and swim across the sea

Explosion In The Cinema: One Of The Coolest Sabotage Of The Second World - - Alternative View

Explosion In The Cinema: One Of The Coolest Sabotage Of The Second World - - Alternative View

On November 13, 1943, a cinema in the German-occupied town of Porkhov turned into a blazing hell. 64 kilograms of TNT smashed the load-bearing beams and walls of the building, the roof collapsed right into the flaring hell. More than 700 German soldiers, 40 officers and 2 Wehrmacht generals, who watched a comedy film a minute ago, went to the next world

A New Version Of Stalin's Death - Alternative View

A New Version Of Stalin's Death - Alternative View

Lomov told a lot of interesting things in his memoirs, published 20 years ago in the novel by V.D. Uspensky "Privy Adviser to the Leader". In particular, there are unknown facts about Stalin's death

Egyptian Revenge Of The Curse Of The Pharaohs - Alternative View

Egyptian Revenge Of The Curse Of The Pharaohs - Alternative View

From the beginning of the 19th century, archaeologists and research enthusiasts began to come to Egypt from all over the world to study the priceless treasures of the ancient rulers. Those who, penetrating into the pyramids, stole valuable items and sold everything that could be taken out of the Egyptian tombs also came here

Legends Of The Huldufolk People - Alternative View

Legends Of The Huldufolk People - Alternative View

Legends about the hidden people of Huldufoulk appeared in Iceland as early as the 9th century - during the time of the first settlers. They are mentioned in the oldest literary monument of the country - the Elder Edda. It would seem that only children believe in fairy tales

Shroud Of Turin - History - Alternative View

Shroud Of Turin - History - Alternative View

In the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in the Italian city of Turin, one of the most famous Christian relics has been kept for several centuries - the shroud, in which, according to legend, the body of Jesus was wrapped from the cross. On the left half of the piece of cloth, there is clearly an image of a man with his arms folded on his chest, on the right - the same body from the back