Egyptian Revenge Of The Curse Of The Pharaohs - Alternative View

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Egyptian Revenge Of The Curse Of The Pharaohs - Alternative View
Egyptian Revenge Of The Curse Of The Pharaohs - Alternative View

Video: Egyptian Revenge Of The Curse Of The Pharaohs - Alternative View

Video: Egyptian Revenge Of The Curse Of The Pharaohs - Alternative View
Video: National Geographic Documentary ^ Terrible Curse Of The Pharaohs ^ BBC Documentary 2015 2024, July

From the beginning of the 19th century, archaeologists and research enthusiasts began to come to Egypt from all over the world to study the priceless treasures of the ancient rulers. Those who, penetrating into the pyramids, stole valuable items and sold everything that could be taken out of the Egyptian tombs also came here.

In 1922, archaeological scientists from England Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon discovered the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. A large number of delightful treasures of ancient times were discovered in the tomb. But subsequent events seemed to testify to the influence of the myth behind the legendary "curse of the pharaohs."

Perhaps the archaeologists with their invasion really disturbed the dangerous dark forces that had been dormant for thousands of years near the mummy of the pharaoh, because a couple of months after the opening of the tomb, Lord Carnarvon fell ill with an illness. The cause of death was blamed on fever that struck the researcher after being bitten by a mosquito. Then they talked about a harmful fungus, but maybe the man was killed by the "curse of the pharaoh"?

George Gould, a friend of Carnarvon's, came to the funeral in Egypt and was also attacked with fever after visiting the tomb. The next victims of the "curse of the pharaohs" are Arthur Mace and the radiologist Archibald Reid.

In a short 6 years, 12 people from those present at the opening of the tomb left the world of the living. After 10 years, only 2 people from the group of archaeologists survived, to some extent destroying the ancient legend of the curse. The only one of all Howard Carter survived safely to 66 years old, did not fall under the influence of mystical spells.


In 1993, in Egypt, archaeologists disturbed the peace of a tomb more than 4500 years old. In this tomb, the mummies of Pharaoh Peteti and his wife rested. An ominous warning on the sarcophagi stated: the goddess Hathor would twice punish the one who defiled the resting place.

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Soon, the head of the study barely survived a heart beat. The house of another archaeologist was destroyed by an earthquake. Worse, the train carrying ancient rarities crashed off the rails.

In recent years, in the Turin Museum of Ancient Egypt, in addition to admirers of deep antiquity, doctors and experts in "paranormal activity" have become frequent guests. Near the sarcophagus of Pharaoh Kha, visitors feel attacks of severe headaches. People often faint and even have hysterics!

In January 2013, three girls simultaneously had to call an ambulance. After this incident, they talk about the curse of the pharaohs without laughing. Psychics explain that the priests created some kind of psychoenergetic clots, which act as a curse in the tombs of the pharaohs. These clots to this day protect the tombs from the barbarians and pursue those who disturbed the peace of the pharaoh.

Scientists, naturally, do not believe in the mysticism of curses and the hidden magical powers of spells. They put forward their own version of the explanation for what is happening: the action of harmful bacteria. In 1999, about 40 mummies were analyzed. A German microbiologist discovered that all mummies are dressed in the thinnest layer of mold.

Without a microscope, mold is not visible, and, in principle, bacteria are a harmless fungus. However, if the mold enters the respiratory tract of an immunocompromised person, it becomes deadly.

There is one big mystery in this theory: such bacteria are clearly not afraid of trains, but some force threw the train off the tracks. What happens in the ancient tombs of the first rulers of Egypt, domestic coincidence, or is the curse of the pharaohs working?