Secrets of history 2024, October

How Germany Compensated For The Damage After The World Wars - Alternative View

How Germany Compensated For The Damage After The World Wars - Alternative View

After the Great Patriotic War, according to economists, Germany compensated less than five percent of the damage caused to the economy of the Soviet Union. It would be interesting to see the figures of compensation results in other countries

The Frankenstein Riddle - Alternative View

The Frankenstein Riddle - Alternative View

Knights of the Frankenstein familyIn thirty-five kilometers from the German city of Frankfurt, surrounded by a dense dark forest, is the Frankenstein Castle. Built on one of the peaks of Mount Odenwald, the castle served as the ancestral home of the Frankenstein barons, who once owned the lands of Hesse

Slavic Roots Of Germany - Alternative View

Slavic Roots Of Germany - Alternative View

To begin with, a little history … In the Berlin region in the 7-12 centuries lived 2 Slavic families, in German transcription - Heveller (Gavolian) and Sprewanen (Spreeane). The Slavs of the Spree family - Sprewanen lived on both sides of the Spree River, at Barnim and Ostteltow. P

The Scientist Found Evidence Of The Falsity Of The Stanford Experiment - Alternative View

The Scientist Found Evidence Of The Falsity Of The Stanford Experiment - Alternative View

Researcher and writer Ben Blum came to the conclusion that the famous Stanford Experiment - hoax. If you are fond of psychology, then you must have heard about the Stanford Prison Experiment

These Fake Documents Have Changed The History Of The World - Alternative View

These Fake Documents Have Changed The History Of The World - Alternative View

Today everyone knows the value of information. Publication of documents by WickiLeaks hackers sparked an international reaction that still affects the whole world

Archimedes And The Mystery Of His Manuscript - Alternative View

Archimedes And The Mystery Of His Manuscript - Alternative View

Archimedes' law, Archimedes screw, "Give me a fulcrum and I will turn the Earth!", "Eureka!" And finally, "Don't touch my blueprints!" These words and expressions exhaust almost everything that we learn about the famous Syracuse in high school

When Elephants Are Executed - Alternative View

When Elephants Are Executed - Alternative View

But history has preserved quite a few cases when elephants had to EXECUTE.On June 28, 1970, a big commotion arose in the Yerevan Zoo. A crowd of visitors watched with curiosity as a group of workers tried to return the free-roaming elephant Vova to the enclosure

The Ancient Bronze Hand Never Ceases To Amaze Scientists: A Mysterious Find - Alternative View

The Ancient Bronze Hand Never Ceases To Amaze Scientists: A Mysterious Find - Alternative View

In October last year, Swiss archaeologists discovered a very interesting artifact: a bronze hand with a gold cuff around the wrist, and next to it is a fragment of a human rib and a thin dagger.Currently, the exhibits are in the storage of the Berne Archaeological Service, and the more experts work with them, the more they are perplexed

Unique Historical Finds Have Been Discovered In Chechnya - Alternative View

Unique Historical Finds Have Been Discovered In Chechnya - Alternative View

On October 30, workers of the Argun Historical, Architectural and Natural Museum-Reserve visited the ancient settlement of Vilakh (Yalkhora Society) of the Galanchozh District of the Chechen Republic.The expedition was attended by the senior researcher of the Argun Museum-Reserve Khizar Yakhyaev, the head of the ChRO of the Lam-Berd off-road club Umar Masaev, the correspondent of the art programs of the ChGTRK Grozny Chechen Republic Raisa Sadaeva, the operator Akhmed Abazov

Desert Archaeological Finds That Have Puzzled Scientists - Alternative View

Desert Archaeological Finds That Have Puzzled Scientists - Alternative View

Deserts are as unexplored areas as oceans. It seems to us that we can see everything from satellites, but the sands are moving all the time, and further than a few meters we do not see what is hiding under them. The dry desert air and the finest sand are ideal ways to hide an artifact for thousands and millions of years

The Riddle Of The "humanoid" Dinosaur Troodon - Alternative View

The Riddle Of The "humanoid" Dinosaur Troodon - Alternative View

In the 1970s, paleontologist Dale Russell unearthed the skull of an unusual dinosaur while excavating in Alberta, Canada

The Terrible Chimeras Of Cambodia - Alternative View

The Terrible Chimeras Of Cambodia - Alternative View

Every state committed to communist ideology considers it its duty to oppose itself to the capitalist West. An alternative system of values, a planned economy - and, of course, the destruction of everything capitalist on its territory. Democratic Kampuchea approached this too diligently, leaving aside all doubts and common sense

The Lost City Of Lovek - Alternative View

The Lost City Of Lovek - Alternative View

Cambodia is one of the most mysterious countries in Southeast Asia, in which many secrets have not yet been revealed. Since the ruins of Angkor Wat were officially found, researchers and travelers have found a lot of interesting things in Cambodia

"Who Lives Well In Russia", Or The Highest Paid Professions In The USSR - Alternative View

"Who Lives Well In Russia", Or The Highest Paid Professions In The USSR - Alternative View

Every Soviet citizen had a different income. But the distribution of public money in the Soviet Union was fundamentally different from what we can observe today. Ordinary workers in factories and factories could have an order of magnitude higher wages than their immediate superiors

In Transnistria Found New Evidence Of The Ancient Technology Of Craniotomy - Alternative View

In Transnistria Found New Evidence Of The Ancient Technology Of Craniotomy - Alternative View

In a burial mound near the village of Glinoye, Slobodzeya District, archaeologists discovered human bone remains with traces of a surgical operation. The find is more than 4 thousand years old.An ancient tomb of a representative of the Ingul catacomb culture was discovered in the Slobodzeya region

The Mysterious Disappearance Of The Norfolk Regiment - Alternative View

The Mysterious Disappearance Of The Norfolk Regiment - Alternative View

Mysterious and mysterious events, at all times, for a long time attracted the attention of a person inquiring to riddles. The mysterious disappearance of the Norfolk Regiment during the First World War 1915-1918 was no exception.The circumstances of the disappearance of the soldiers can be explained only by moving in time, or falling into parallel worlds

The Most Inexplicable Criminal Mysteries Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

The Most Inexplicable Criminal Mysteries Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

According to statistics, most of the murders are solved without delay, with fresh traces. Most of the missing people are found dead or alive after a certain period of time. However, some murders and disappearances do not find their logical solution

A Mummy With A Christian Tattoo Was Found In Sudan - Alternative View

A Mummy With A Christian Tattoo Was Found In Sudan - Alternative View

During archaeological excavations in Sudan on the banks of the Nile River, a mummy of a woman was found who died presumably in the seventh century AD. Egyptologists from the main historical and archaeological museum of Britain decided to enlighten this mummy in a tomograph

On The Essence Of The CIA And The "Dulles Plan" - Alternative View

On The Essence Of The CIA And The "Dulles Plan" - Alternative View

When this [CIA] espionage organization was formed at the start of the Cold War, surprisingly little effort was made to hide the subversive nature of its program, hastily dubbed Operation X. The main task of the Central Intelligence Agency was: to raise and unite all anti-Soviet elements on a crusade against the Soviet state and other democratic countries of Eastern Europe

Vikings - Children Of Odin - Alternative View

Vikings - Children Of Odin - Alternative View

They were afraid. They were cursed. They were admired. Having absorbed the northern valor and devotion to the harsh northern gods with their mother's milk, they did not look for easy ways. In search of glory, they left their icy lands and went to sail the seas and conquer new territories

Funeral Rites Of Zoroastrians And Cremation Of Varanasi - Alternative View

Funeral Rites Of Zoroastrians And Cremation Of Varanasi - Alternative View

There are funeral rituals in the world that seem creepy to us. However, where they are carried out, no one considers such "manipulations" with corpses sacrilegious. On the contrary, it is precisely such ways of saying goodbye to the dead that seem to be the most correct in those places

Why Did Baba Yaga Actually Put Children In The Oven: Guardian Of The Border And The Ancient Patron Spirit - Alternative View

Why Did Baba Yaga Actually Put Children In The Oven: Guardian Of The Border And The Ancient Patron Spirit - Alternative View

These are, perhaps, one of the most interesting heroes of Slavic mythology, which, having passed into the category of fairy-tale characters, has changed a lot. The mythological Yaga has little in common with our childhood memories of the old woman who is always hurting at New Year's parties

Great Sacrifice: The Terrible Ritual Of Ancient Peru - Alternative View

Great Sacrifice: The Terrible Ritual Of Ancient Peru - Alternative View

Archaeologists find evidence of human sacrifice in all corners of the globe. But what they saw in the north of Peru in the vicinity of the ancient capital of the Chimu people, Chan-Chan, shocked even experienced researchers: the remains of 269 children with traces of cut wounds on the sternum and ribs

The Life Of Women In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

The Life Of Women In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

The debate about who the first man was, man or woman, has been going on for centuries. But so far no one has managed to reach the truth

The Story Of The Strange "Woman From Nowhere" - Alternative View

The Story Of The Strange "Woman From Nowhere" - Alternative View

On September 8, 1992, a traffic jam occurred on a busy street in Port Jaenem, California (USA) due to a woman standing in the road. The woman gestured strangely and made unusual dance moves, while not answering any questions.The arrived police took the woman to the police station, but even there they could not get any specific information from her

Profession - Work Wonders - Alternative View

Profession - Work Wonders - Alternative View

It is unlikely that Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, in the most wonderful dreams that often visited him, could have assumed that he would become one of the most revered saints in the distant and unfriendly cold northern country - Russia. In terms of the number of temples dedicated to him, he is second only to the Mother of God

Why Dolls In Russia Were Not Painted With Faces - Alternative View

Why Dolls In Russia Were Not Painted With Faces - Alternative View

In the old days in Russia, children played with rag dolls, which, as a rule, had no faces. Why? Was it really just that the craftswomen were too lazy to draw the doll's eyes, nose and mouth? No, there were completely different reasons for that

Slavic Witches - Alternative View

Slavic Witches - Alternative View

Description of the origin and meaning of the term "witch" in our time can be read on almost every fence. In most cases, it is argued that this word is called a woman who possesses some secret knowledge, the ability to magically influence the world around, and it comes from the Old Slavic "vdati" - "know" or "understand"

The Last Witch Of Switzerland - Alternative View

The Last Witch Of Switzerland - Alternative View

Most of the women killed in Europe during the medieval "witch hunt" today are perceived as faceless victims of religious obscurantism. The names of almost all these unfortunates, sacrificed to human stupidity, are hidden from us in the depths of past centuries; only a few of the most famous "accomplices of the devil" have been honored to go down in history

Familiars And The Story Of The Werewolf Witch Isabelle Goudy - Alternative View

Familiars And The Story Of The Werewolf Witch Isabelle Goudy - Alternative View

Familiars are supernatural beings whose job it is to help witches and sorcerers. When stories of witches were told throughout England in the 1500s and 1600s, everyone knew that every witch had a small helper animal.This animal was also used for spying or intimidating unwanted people

Hammer Of The Witches - Witch Hunt - Alternative View

Hammer Of The Witches - Witch Hunt - Alternative View

What infuriates Sprenger and Kramer most of all is the fact that most people do not fully realize how dangerous witchcraft is, how it has become a widespread evil.They decided to complain to Pope Innocent VIII himself about such a "bleak" situation in European countries

Knowledgeable Women - Witches - Alternative View

Knowledgeable Women - Witches - Alternative View

The first mention of the witch in the Old Testament we find in the Pentateuch, in the Book of Exodus. Wise Moses, dictating his Law to the Jews, says: "Do not leave the sorcerers (that is, the witch) alive."However, some theologians believe that the word "Chasaph" used here actually means only "poisoner

Why Were The Witches Burned At The Stake And How Is This Related To The Ancient Aryans? - Alternative View

Why Were The Witches Burned At The Stake And How Is This Related To The Ancient Aryans? - Alternative View

We have all heard about the merciless medieval Inquisition.About how many innocent beautiful girls were set on fire in order to cleanse their souls.- Salik.bizBut without knowing it, the inquisitors thus performed the ancient Aryan ritual of checking the purity of a person

How In The USSR In The 1960s The Authorities Were Preparing For A Meeting With Aliens - Alternative View

How In The USSR In The 1960s The Authorities Were Preparing For A Meeting With Aliens - Alternative View

In 1963, the ballet Distant Planet was staged in Leningrad. It told about the journey of earthlings to another planet and about its conquest. A little later, the official opinion of the censors about ballet appeared. It condemned the consumer attitude towards aliens

Before The Germans Did Not Meet Such Resistance: Why Did Hitler's Plan "Barbarossa" Fail - - Alternative View

Before The Germans Did Not Meet Such Resistance: Why Did Hitler's Plan "Barbarossa" Fail - - Alternative View

80 years ago, the military command of Hitlerite Germany began work on a plan for an attack on the Soviet Union, which was later codenamed "Barbarossa". Historians note that, despite the thoughtful organization of this operation, Hitler and his entourage did not take into account a number of factors

In England, They Announced A Hunt For "witch Bottles" - Alternative View

In England, They Announced A Hunt For "witch Bottles" - Alternative View

In the UK, a team of archaeologists and historians from the MOLA project and the University of Hertfordshire urged fellow citizens to "hand over" to them the so-called "witch's bottles" of the 17th century, found in old houses during repairs or renovations

In Kazan, Due To The Shallowing Of The River, They Found An Old Pavement - Alternative View

In Kazan, Due To The Shallowing Of The River, They Found An Old Pavement - Alternative View

As a result of a strong drop in the level of the Volga, the inhabitants of Kazan saw an old pavement running along the bottom of the Kazanka River. The townspeople find there artifacts from different eras, someone has already started "archaeological" research with metal detectors in their hands

The Curse Of The Pharaohs. How Did The Archaeologists Who Unearthed The Mummies Die - Alternative View

The Curse Of The Pharaohs. How Did The Archaeologists Who Unearthed The Mummies Die - Alternative View

The discovery of the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun became one of the most important discoveries in archeology, but subsequent events forced the world press to switch attention from science to mysticism.On November 4, 1922, archaeologist Howard Carter and his team discovered the pharaoh's tomb, which was practically untouched by robbers in the Egyptian Valley of the Kings

Original Examples Of Ancient Russian Architecture In The Vastness Of Karelia - Alternative View

Original Examples Of Ancient Russian Architecture In The Vastness Of Karelia - Alternative View

The first thing that comes to mind when Karelia is mentioned is a picturesque northern forest, rocky shores and, of course, wooden churches. People are poisoned here not only for recreation or hunting, but also in order to feed themselves with spiritual energy, because it is on its prayed ground that you can still find samples of ancient Russian architecture in their original form

Another Conspiracy Theory About Roswell, Now With Mannequins - Alternative View

Another Conspiracy Theory About Roswell, Now With Mannequins - Alternative View

Yesterday we published an article about the connection of plague-infected rats with an unidentified flying object that fell in Roswell. A new article highlights the theory that the strange bodies of the Roswell "aliens" may have been dummies