On The Essence Of The CIA And The "Dulles Plan" - Alternative View

On The Essence Of The CIA And The "Dulles Plan" - Alternative View
On The Essence Of The CIA And The "Dulles Plan" - Alternative View

Video: On The Essence Of The CIA And The "Dulles Plan" - Alternative View

Video: On The Essence Of The CIA And The
Video: The Dulles plan: how the CIA "chief" crushed the USSR 2024, September

When this [CIA] espionage organization was formed at the start of the Cold War, surprisingly little effort was made to hide the subversive nature of its program, hastily dubbed Operation X. The main task of the Central Intelligence Agency was: to raise and unite all anti-Soviet elements on a crusade against the Soviet state and other democratic countries of Eastern Europe. This was directly indicated, for example, in connection with the allocation of millions of dollars to finance people living in the USSR, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania who could be involved in subversive activities against these states.

In one of the first reports on the true nature of Operation X, the American journalist Johannes Steele wrote that among the methods planned for this operation were "terror, espionage, sabotage, sabotage and, if necessary, murder."

The Nation's Business magazine summarized the content of the CIA program as follows:

Raik and his accomplices became more active in the spring of 1948, that is, at the time when John Foster Dulles announced the so-called Operation X plan of American imperialism, a project to organize an underground movement led by the United States in People's Democracies. According to John Foster Dulles, the essence of this plan was reported by the Western press, including the Swiss newspaper "Di Tat" in its April 26, 1949 issue. This article says:

We now see that Operation X was a harbinger of the Mutual Security Act of the notorious Truman Espionage Act of December 10, 1951, for which $ 100 million was allocated. We read in the White Paper of the Hungarian Government ("Documents on the Hostile Actions of the United States Government against the Hungarian People's Republic"):

From the Raik process:

On January 22, 1946, the White House issued an executive order from President Truman establishing the National Bureau of Information. The bureau, reorganized in February 1947 under the leadership of Marshall, then Secretary of State, employs 870 full-time officials. Colonel William Eddy was then appointed head of the organization, which is one of the branches of American intelligence. It should be noted that the bureau is part of the State Department system, and this automatically turns all employees of the American diplomatic service into counterintelligence agents.

In March 1948, US Senator Bridges presented to the Senate his notorious "Operation X" plan, which provided for the organization of sabotage, espionage and terrorist activities in the People's Democracies. The American magazine "United States News and World Report", in an article published some time later and entitled "Covert Tactics in the Cold War," wrote quite frankly about this tactic, if you can call it that.

"Methods of 'decisive action', including, if necessary, and assassinations … funding of underground organizations in the satellite states of Russia … the creation of rebel gangs" under American leadership "… the assassination of prominent communists will be encouraged in every possible way … American agents, parachuted, will coordinate anti-communist activities … ".

Around the same time, a United Press correspondent reported from Washington that government and congressional circles were considering a plan to "finance anti-communist movements in Eastern Europe." This funding plan was apparently applied to the Tito clique.

On May 6, 1948, the spy's brother and one of the main inspirers of American foreign policy, John Foster Dulles (he is a representative of the most prominent American business circles), made a public speech. In this speech, he laid out a broad plan for the selection, recruitment, financing and arming of spies, terrorists and counter-revolutionary conspirators in the people's democracies. Dulles did not speak by accident. He developed the ideas already expressed by Senator Bridges and later detailed in the influential American magazine United States News and World Report.

Without a doubt, the Dulles and Bridges initiative has long found practical use. The Americans only needed to establish an official organization that would carry out this plan.

Indeed, in the summer of 1949, a group of American reactionaries created a special "charitable" organization to "help refugees" from Eastern Europe.

This is reminiscent of the Noel Field Unitarian Church Committee, organized in Switzerland in 1943.

The association is chaired by former Assistant Secretary of State and former Ambassador to Japan Joseph Grue, banker Frank Altshul is treasurer, and retired diplomat Drew Poole is secretary. Among the most famous members of the association are Allen Dulles of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), General Eisenhower, Secretary of the Industrial Union Congress (CIO) Carey, Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the most reactionary American Federation of Labor (AFL) Green and Wall, former Assistant Secretary of State Berle, publishers Luce and Etheridge, president of the American Rolling Mill and Company Charles Taft, former Postmaster General Farley who was accused of bribery, former Attorney General Biddle and others.

Needless to say, this organization sets itself completely different goals than helping refugees, that we are talking about a new form of subversion of the enemies of people's democracy and the USSR, although these enemies resort to disguises that will no longer deceive anyone.

There is no doubt that this association helps only such "refugees" from Central Europe as, for example, Nagy Ferenc, who, having arrived in the United States, according to him, "poor", sold his memoirs there for 30 thousand dollars.

There is no doubt that the association helps the various groups and committees that grow on American soil like poisonous mushrooms: at least one for each country.

We are not surprised by the activities of these "diplomats".

Experience has already shown that, in addition to their official activities, British and American diplomats are very active in the USSR and the People's Democracies in which they are accredited, which in general terms boils down to the following:

I. Organization of anti-government conspiracies and support for these purposes anti-popular, reactionary (including fascist) elements, representatives of bourgeois parties, expelled from the political arena, and especially the right-wing socialists.

II. Espionage, for which all these reactionary elements, including former Nazi agents, are widely used.

III. Subversive, subversive and terrorist activities designed to hinder the economic development of the people's democracies, weaken their defenses, provoke discontent within the country, and hinder the implementation of democratic reforms.

IV. Attempts to induce military psychosis, fear of an allegedly imminent war, in order to create a tense atmosphere of uncertainty and anxiety.

Renault de Jouvenel

Thus, the "X" plan was the first, but, of course, not the last version of what is called the "Dulles plan" in journalism.
