Secrets of history 2024, October

Russians In Search Of Shambhala - Alternative View

Russians In Search Of Shambhala - Alternative View

There is nothing original in the statement that our country is as eastern as it is western. The term “Eurasia” has already taken root in relation to the middle, special position of Russia, which even such an outrageous Russophobe as Zbigniew Brzezinski considers the “center” or heart of the world, on whose fate the destinies of all continents depend. He wrot

The Black Hundred Utopia Of The Economist Sharapov: “Russia By 1951 - Without Jews - Alternative View

The Black Hundred Utopia Of The Economist Sharapov: “Russia By 1951 - Without Jews - Alternative View

In 1901, the far-right economist and landowner Sergei Sharapov wrote Utopia In Half a Century. In it, he describes the ideal Black Hundred Russia in 1951. In particular, one of the main themes in the story, like all Black Hundreds, was occupied by the "Jewish question"

The Holy Grail: Nazis In Search Of Superweapons - Alternative View

The Holy Grail: Nazis In Search Of Superweapons - Alternative View

According to the plan of the Nazis, the Grail was supposed to give the German army an unknown mystical power, which would ensure the victory of the Nazis in the war. The search for the sacred artifact was personally led by one of the main leaders of the Third Reich - Heinrich Himmler

Guan Yu - Great Man In The History Of China - Alternative View

Guan Yu - Great Man In The History Of China - Alternative View

Guan Yu (AD 160-220) was one of the most revered heroes of the Three Kingdoms era (AD 200-280) in Chinese history. He was known for his bravery and dedication. Together with Zhang Fei, he helped Liu Bei establish the Shu kingdom.His actions and moral qualities were described in the novel "Three Kingdoms", written in the XIV century

Why Is China Called The "Celestial Empire"? - Alternative View

Why Is China Called The "Celestial Empire"? - Alternative View

China is the most mysterious country in the east of the planet. Scientists endlessly argue about its age, the reasons for its rapid development, predicting world domination in the future. Difficulties are created by a lot: difficulties in understanding the language, confusion and unusual worldview, versatility of culture

Opium Wars - Alternative View

Opium Wars - Alternative View

In the 18th century, Britain finally turned India into a colony. In Southeast Asia, there is only one major entity left - the Qing Empire. China, rich and developed, was closed off from the world. And England decided to conquer him with Bengali opium

What Are Dragon Legends Based On? - Alternative View

What Are Dragon Legends Based On? - Alternative View

The other day, paleontologists had a big holiday; in the south-west of France, a huge thigh bone of a giant herbivorous dinosaur that lived 140 million years ago was discovered.The bone is 2 meters long and weighs about half a ton, one of its kind inspires awe and awe, it immediately seems HOW big was the dinosaur to which it belonged

Possessed By The Devil Or Victims Of The Mad Crowd: The True Story Of The Salem Witches - Alternative View

Possessed By The Devil Or Victims Of The Mad Crowd: The True Story Of The Salem Witches - Alternative View

At the end of the 17th century in the American town of Salem, more than 200 people were accused of witchcraft, many of whom were executed or subjected to the most severe torture. However, even 328 years later, no one can say for sure what caused those terrible events

Arkaim - The Secret Of The Ancient Aryans. How Much Does Reality Match The Legend? - Alternative View

Arkaim - The Secret Of The Ancient Aryans. How Much Does Reality Match The Legend? - Alternative View

Mysterious Arkaim - the cradle of Aryan cultureIs it true? To some extent, yes. But there was nothing mystical and supernatural in Arkaim. However, this does not in the least detract from its objective significance.- Salik.bizLet's start with the most interesting - the ancient observatory

Homeland Of Odin. Azov Or Asgard? - Alternative View

Homeland Of Odin. Azov Or Asgard? - Alternative View

The traveler and scientist Thor Heyerdahl made his last expedition to the city of Azov, located in the south of Russia. The famous Norwegian was looking for the legendary Asgard - the city of the Aesir gods in the Azov steppes. Odin's homeland

Russian Guard: The Dark Sides Of Service - Alternative View

Russian Guard: The Dark Sides Of Service - Alternative View

Why did the guardsmen support their Decembrist officers.In Russian history, the opinion is firmly entrenched that under Paul I, instead of real military training, there came a fashion for acrobatic shagistics. And the regiment allegedly guilty at the parade could be sent entirely to Siberia

Belovodye - The Ancient Ancestral Home Of The Aryans And Slavs. Part Two - Alternative View

Belovodye - The Ancient Ancestral Home Of The Aryans And Slavs. Part Two - Alternative View

Part One The Cult of the Ancestors Observing the Spiritual and Moral Commandments, the Slavic and Aryan peoples, without even knowing it, were Spiritually invulnerable! Moreover, this was not even influenced by the fact that the descendants did not know their entire previous history

Belovodye - The Ancient Ancestral Home Of The Aryans And Slavs. Part One - Alternative View

Belovodye - The Ancient Ancestral Home Of The Aryans And Slavs. Part One - Alternative View

Part two Coat of arms of Belovodye Despite the fact that the Great Russian People has a history of many thousands of years, many are convinced that it is only about a thousand years old

Biological Weapons From Antiquity To The Present Day - Alternative View

Biological Weapons From Antiquity To The Present Day - Alternative View

On March 26, 1975, the international convention on the prohibition of the development, stockpiling and use of biological weapons entered into force. This convention was the first in history to completely prohibit a whole class of certain weapons

How Biological Weapons Were Used In Antiquity - Alternative View

How Biological Weapons Were Used In Antiquity - Alternative View

Weapons of mass destruction are astounding in their proliferation and intimidating in their effectiveness. This also applies to biological weapons. That is why its use is prohibited by the provisions of the 1925 Geneva Convention. But before that, it was often used in conquest operations

Dwarfs And Jesters Of Peter The Great - Alternative View

Dwarfs And Jesters Of Peter The Great - Alternative View

What kind of decrees did Peter I issue! Then have a "look dashing and silly", so as not to confuse the authorities; then “do not look greedily at the ladies' charms, so as not to be impudent, otherwise, for example, do not pay the foresters“salaries”, because they have a“position of thieves”. The subje

Mysterious Little People Koropokkuru, Who Lived According To Legends In The North Of Japan - Alternative View

Mysterious Little People Koropokkuru, Who Lived According To Legends In The North Of Japan - Alternative View

On the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido, the legends of the local Ainu tell about the little people Koropokkuru, who lived here even before the appearance of man

The US Plan To Use Stalin's Death In Psychological Operations In Various Countries Of The World - Alternative View

The US Plan To Use Stalin's Death In Psychological Operations In Various Countries Of The World - Alternative View

ForewordWe bring to your attention a declassified draft of the plan of world imperialism represented by the US intelligence community to use the fact of Stalin's death in the class struggle against communism.- Salik.bizThe first thing I would like to note

About The Destruction Of The White Race In Europe - Alternative View

About The Destruction Of The White Race In Europe - Alternative View

Many have already guessed that the organized flow of refugees from Africa and the Middle East to the countries of the European Union is the result of the purposeful activity of certain forces, and not a coincidence of coincidence. But in fact, the processes, the dissolution of the white race, which are now taking place all over the world, is only the final stage of the genetic war against it, which is more than one thousand years old

Discovered The Skeletons Of Ancient Egyptians With Mysterious Cones On Their Heads - Alternative View

Discovered The Skeletons Of Ancient Egyptians With Mysterious Cones On Their Heads - Alternative View

Archaeologists actually came across artifacts that they did not believe in existence.In the drawings that have survived to this day, scientists have noticed that the heads of some ancient Egyptians are crowned with small cones. They appeared especially often on images made 3-4 thousand years ago

The Sacred City Of The Aryans - Alternative View

The Sacred City Of The Aryans - Alternative View

Arkaim - one of the most mysterious places in Russia. Disputes about him do not subside. Some consider Arkaim an ordinary steppe fortress, others - the oldest observatory, the third - the ancestral home of Indo-European civilization

Arkona - The Sacred City Of The Slavs - Alternative View

Arkona - The Sacred City Of The Slavs - Alternative View

The West Slavic Baltic tribes (Vendians), settled between the Elbe (Laba), Oder (Odra) and the Vistula, reached high development by the 9th-10th centuries AD, having built the sacred city of Arkona temples on the Rane (Rügen) island, which served for all Baltic Slavs the role of the Slavic Mecca and the Delphic Oracle

The Remains Of Zolotarev Were Exhumed - The Most Mysterious Member Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

The Remains Of Zolotarev Were Exhumed - The Most Mysterious Member Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

On April 12, 2018, in Yekaterinburg, a number of procedural actions were carried out aimed at solving one of the most mysterious cases of the Urals. We are talking about the death of all members of the tourist group in the winter of 1959 in the mountains of the Northern Urals

Travel Around The World And 10 Days In A Mental Hospital: The Story Of Nellie Bly - Alternative View

Travel Around The World And 10 Days In A Mental Hospital: The Story Of Nellie Bly - Alternative View

Journalist Nelly Bly went down in history as a woman who challenged the foundations of her time, and also decided to risk her own life to expose the vices of society. Here are the details of the life of one of the most daring women of the 19th century

The Truth About Killer Tomatoes - Alternative View

The Truth About Killer Tomatoes - Alternative View

The path of the tomato to the stomachs of Europeans was long and thorny. The hearts of these plants conquered immediately, firmly registered in greenhouses and on window sills

Representatives Of The Ancient Arctic Civilization Bred New Varieties Of Plants - Alternative View

Representatives Of The Ancient Arctic Civilization Bred New Varieties Of Plants - Alternative View

The Russian researcher of ethnography and culture of the peoples of the north-east of Siberia G. Tymnetagin, communicating with the last white prince of the Yukagirs, was able to detect signs of the existence in the distant past on the territory of Siberia of a highly developed civilization of white people

Secrets And Riddles Of Solovki - Alternative View

Secrets And Riddles Of Solovki - Alternative View

The Solovetsky Islands are rich in their history, which keeps many secrets. The six Solovetsky Islands make up a large archipelago located in the southern part of the White Sea at the entrance to Onega Bay.Geologists have established that these islands rest on a solid foundation of gneiss-granite bedrocks

Nazi Military Base In Antarctica - Alternative View

Nazi Military Base In Antarctica - Alternative View

In the early spring of 1945, Hitler approved a project to house the most valuable, secret, esoteric relics of the Third Reich. Among them was the oldest spear, now known as. According to legend, it was made from the mysterious in the III millennium BC

Reich In The New World - Alternative View

Reich In The New World - Alternative View

After the defeat of the Third Reich, there were reports that the Nazis had the most advanced scientific technology and inventions, ranging from miracle weapons to "flying saucers".One of the most important sensations concerned the stay of the Nazis in Antarctica - they say, under the many-meter thick ice, their secret bases are still preserved

The Lawyer Of The Dyatlov Foundation Told His Version Of The Death Of Tourists - Alternative View

The Lawyer Of The Dyatlov Foundation Told His Version Of The Death Of Tourists - Alternative View

In the past few weeks, active discussion of the tragedy that occurred in 1959 in the Ural Mountains has been renewed. A group of experienced tourists, led by Igor Dyatlov, died. For a long 60 years, the most incredible versions of their death were put forward - from the attack of escaped prisoners and revenge of the indigenous people to UFOs

Gone Up The Mountain: The Secret Of The Zayukovsky Necropolis - Alternative View

Gone Up The Mountain: The Secret Of The Zayukovsky Necropolis - Alternative View

On the outskirts of the village of Zayukovo there are three ancient burial grounds. People were buried here since the 6th century BC. Archaeologists are still struggling with the mystery of the necropolis, which existed for a thousand years

Blond Sikhirta - The Missing People Of The Arctic - Alternative View

Blond Sikhirta - The Missing People Of The Arctic - Alternative View

As you know, the Russians, developing the territories of the North, called the local population by the collective name CHUD. However, separately highlighting the WHITE-EYED WONDER, which was engaged in the mining of gold and silver in the mountains, and long time later the ancient mines in Siberia, where gold, silver and copper were mined, were popularly called the Chud mines

The Arctic Is The Cradle Of Giants - Alternative View

The Arctic Is The Cradle Of Giants - Alternative View

From William F. Warren's "Found Paradise at the North Pole" (1885):“From the latitude of California and its sequoia groves on Mariposa to the Hebrides there is a long way towards the Pole, but we should not come to too simple a conclusion when we raise the question: was the starting point of this giant plant even higher?

Arctic Ideas In The USSR. Brave And Merciless - Alternative View

Arctic Ideas In The USSR. Brave And Merciless - Alternative View

It is no secret that today's Russia is actively engaged in the "Arctic" topic. The military presence is strengthening, the nuclear icebreaker fleet is being exploited and expanded. The UN is negotiating to expand the boundaries of the continental shelf of the Russian Federation

Sanskrit Was Born In The Russian North - Alternative View

Sanskrit Was Born In The Russian North - Alternative View

Sanskrit is the oldest language on the planet. The Slavic language family is classically considered quite young. Moreover, the degree of coincidence between the words of Sanskrit and Russian is simply incredible. A group of linguistic scholars hypothesize that the northern Slavic dialects formed Sanskrit, and not the other way around

What Sensations Did The Lena Pillars Hide? That Is Why Soviet Scientists Hid The Truth About Siberia! - Alternative View

What Sensations Did The Lena Pillars Hide? That Is Why Soviet Scientists Hid The Truth About Siberia! - Alternative View

In 1982, an international congress of geologists was to be held in Moscow, for which our scientists were not ready. After some deliberation, Soviet scientists decided to surprise the guests with materials from the geological section of the Lena Terraces

Gouska Is The Most Mystical Place On Earth - Alternative View

Gouska Is The Most Mystical Place On Earth - Alternative View

Official sources say about this castle:But this is a dry reality, with a detailed study of this architectural structure, too many questions arise, namely:- Salik.bizWhy would anyone need to build a castle in the middle of the forest, far from roads and trade routes?

What Did Our Ancestors Eat? - Alternative View

What Did Our Ancestors Eat? - Alternative View

The area of distribution of cultivation of quite specific crops helps to determine the places of settlement of our ancestors. So, for example, it is well known that the Indo-European ancestors of the Slavs and the Rus originally cultivated rye and buckwheat. And

Sex In The Mythology Of Pagan Cults - Alternative View

Sex In The Mythology Of Pagan Cults - Alternative View

Polytheism is one of the oldest religious systems. As mankind developed, it was replaced by faith in one God, then by atheism and various philosophical teachings. Today's man is inclined to treat polytheism as a kind of children's fairy tales … But upon closer examination, the main figures in these fairy tales too often resemble pathological perverts and ruthless maniacs, and the fairy tales themselves should be rated 18+.T

Why Did Our Ancestors Make Holes In Each Other's Skull - Alternative View

Why Did Our Ancestors Make Holes In Each Other's Skull - Alternative View

Thousands of years ago, people learned to perform a surgical operation to open the skull, or trepanation. BBC Earth Columnist Explains The Possible Purpose Of This Chilling Treatment