Russians In Search Of Shambhala - Alternative View

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Russians In Search Of Shambhala - Alternative View
Russians In Search Of Shambhala - Alternative View

Video: Russians In Search Of Shambhala - Alternative View

Video: Russians In Search Of Shambhala - Alternative View

There is nothing original in the statement that our country is as eastern as it is western. The term “Eurasia” has already taken root in relation to the middle, special position of Russia, which even such an outrageous Russophobe as Zbigniew Brzezinski considers the “center” or heart of the world, on whose fate the destinies of all continents depend. He wrote about this in his book "The Grand Chessboard".

At first, the Russian people, without any government sanction, went to the East themselves (often at will), and officials only consolidated these peaceful "conquests", turning them from "de facto" to "de jure" (example: Ermak and Ivan the Terrible), But then the official authorities paid close attention to the Asian lands, considering them a natural sphere of their interests.

When the Russians reached Turkestan, Altai, Pamir and Tien Shan, the question arose of studying the lands lying to the south-east - that was Tibet, the land of secrets and mysteries, a great mountainous country. England, already owning India, also showed close attention to this region, trying to get its hands on it. Naturally, the Russian General Staff could not be indifferent to the expansion of a longtime political rival.

The Russian Empire persistently and consistently sends a number of expeditions to Tibet. It is not surprising that they are organized mainly by the military, often disguising themselves as travelers, ethnographers and geographers.

From time immemorial in Russia it was known that some mysterious country was located in Tibet. The East interpreted it purely mystically (this territory is generally not in the earthly, but in the spiritual dimension). The West was forced to be content with the spiritualistic information received through the Eastern missionaries of Buddhism, yoga and Lamaism, who penetrated Europe with lectures on Eastern philosophy. Russia, geographically already bordering on the legendary Shambhala, tried to physically explore this land.

I was forced to turn back

For eleven centuries, after the famous Chinese traveler Xuanzang, no explorer has set foot in Central Asia. And the Russians were generally among the first Europeans to penetrate the mysterious land of legends.

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Unlike other places on the globe, everything here seemed mysterious and extraterrestrial. In the middle of the 19th century, there were still no ideas about alien life, like modern ones. Nevertheless, according to their testimonies, in this untrodden high-mountainous region, as if indeed marked with the seal of closeness to God, people, according to their testimonies, felt as if in another world.

The first to go to the mountains of Central Asia is Pyotr Petrovich Semenov, who was awarded an honorary addition to his surname - Tyan-Shansky for his geographical merits. Following him, the zoologist and geographer N. A. Severtsov. The famous Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky, in his two travels in Mongolia and two Tibetan expeditions, penetrates deeper and deeper into the geographical area, inside which a mysterious country is hidden. Of course, one should not think that Przhevalsky was looking for Shambhala. Simply by his research, he indirectly helped to unravel its mystery, scrupulously studying the wild land.

This is followed by three expeditions by M. V. Pevtsov and A. V. Potanin, lesser known Russian travelers. They pushed their way further and further to the southeast, trying to find out how far this mountainous country stretches. A new high-rise ethnogeographic world was opening, unknown to civilized Europe.

In 1879-1880 N. M. Przhevalsky found his way to the forbidden city of Lhasa, the capital of the country of lamas, for western uninvited guests, but was forced to turn back. As soon as the fifth Special Expedition to Tibet was organized, he suddenly dies. The official version is from typhoid fever.

They are among us

Belief in Shambhala and in the imminent arrival of the “star brothers” for a righteous judgment on Earth is a persistent myth in the East. Is it just a myth? Is it only eastern? How to explain the cases of abduction of people and their return back by certain heavenly inhabitants in medieval Europe? For example, here is one of the descriptions taken from the book of the medieval French mystic Montfaucor de Vilar "Conversations on the Secret Sciences."

One day in Lyons, the following happened: the people saw three men and one woman disembark from a sky ship. The whole city gathered around them. People shouted excitedly: "These are the wizards sent by Grimaldi, Duke of Benevent, the enemy of Charlemagne, to destroy the harvest of the Franks!" In vain did four innocents try to prove that they were simple villagers and were taken away for a short time by amazing people who showed them unheard-of miracles and asked them to tell about everything they saw. De Vilar writes that these "amazing people" were the heavenly inhabitants, the so-called sylphs.

The ancient Indian "Vedas" contain information about air ships, woven from light, carried at great speed from one point in space to another. According to the esoteric tradition, it is believed that it speaks of the legacy of the disappeared Atlantis, where there were spacecraft, now unknown power plants and perfect mastery of psi-energy was practiced. Then these technologies appeared in the mysterious Shambhala.

This mystical abode is becoming more legendary and at the same time real. Evidence of the invisible, and sometimes obvious, presence of the adepts of the Highest Knowledge among the inhabitants of the Earth is multiplying. So, they saved H. P. Blavatsky three times, who was on the verge of death. They gave special signs of their presence to N. K. Roerich. Finally, they may have saved Yu. A. Gagarin, if you believe the clairvoyant Vanga.

They are called mahatmas, white or star brothers. Since October 1880, letters from the Mahatmas excited the whole of Europe. (Strange, but in the same year Przewalski makes an unsuccessful attempt to penetrate into Lhasa). The messages were found (and are still being found) everywhere, they appear from nowhere.

Hitler believed in the Supreme Intelligence, mysteriously hiding on Earth and possessing powerful forces, who sent one after another expedition to Tibet from 1928 to 1945. It is believed that the famous Lobsang Rampa, the author of the treatise "The Third Eye", which tells about the secrets of the White Brotherhood, was one of the participants in those expeditions. K. E. Tsiolkovsky felt the presence of the Higher Forces and believed that they penetrate us through the brain. He himself twice witnessed this. Hermann Obert, a pioneer of German astronautics, believed that he also received his ideas from the Higher Forces. For him, these are "uranids" (from the Greek. "Uranos" - heaven), that is, the inhabitants of heaven. George Gurdjieff, in developing his amazing psychological concepts, had access, as he put it, to some "sources." There are many similar testimonies in the history of human culture, science, technology, invention,art. No wonder it is believed that the arts themselves were donated to people in ancient times by the Higher Powers (for example, the art of music was brought by the legendary Orpheus). Unknown forces allowed the Babylonian king Ethan, and then, supposedly, Alexander the Great to visit outside the Earth 2-2.5 thousand years before the flight of Yuri Gagarin.

According to esoteric tradition, the White Brotherhood directs scientific and technological progress on Earth. Mahatma Moria, the good genius of Blavatsky, gives a picture of a kind of planetary control over scientific developments on Earth. He writes: “Our friend V. chemist wants to engage in new research on rays - no one bothers him in this. Our friend K. is improving the radio using new light waves - no one is hindering him. Our sister P. is busy with the social problem of the neighboring country - she does not meet any condemnation. Our sister U. is interested in the crop and offers many improvements - no one interferes with her research. Sister O. loves medicinal plants and educational problems - no one bothers her. Brother K. invented the artificial machine tool, and he is also working to reorganize the community. Brother M.busy with historical research. Our shoemaker writes a wonderful philosophical treatise. This unity in diversity - the balance between individual freedom and collectivism - creates a utopia that we can only hope for."

legendary Shambhala, according to its adherents, created a kind of "Cities of Science", in which the greatest minds of the Earth work. The scientific communities of the lost Atlantis serve as an example of their organization. The Brotherhood retained and borrowed from there powerful technologies unknown to today's civilization. The higher brothers claim that in their abode there is ancient knowledge and significant libraries, located deep underground in inaccessible caves, in order to protect cultural treasures not only from robbers, but also from possible natural disasters. In the 19th century, the Mahatma Djual Kul, highly revered in the East, presented Madame Blavatsky with pen drawings of one ashram (sanctuary) of the Teachers of Southern Tibet, depicting the entrances to an underground museum, where human evolution on our planet is presented over millions of years. Mahatma added,that if Western scholars had seen the museum, it would have greatly discouraged and puzzled them.

During an expedition to Central Asia, an educated lama told N. K. Roerich that there are secret galleries in Lhasa near the Potala (a fortress, the residence of the Dalai Lama, towering over the city) and that under the main temple there is a cave with a lake, specially designed for great dedicated lamas. All these secret places are associated with Shambhala. On another occasion, Roerich was holding in his hands a book published by the Panchen Lama, which was dedicated to the prayers of Shambhala.

If we collect all the various sources of information concerning Shambhala, then a picture emerges showing the real existence of this abode of higher beings, for whom space and time are not an obstacle. They stopped disease and aging through unique knowledge and special ethics, which can be expressed in a short formula: "Love for everything in the Universe."

Below you will see how the belief that Central Asia served and can serve as a reliable refuge from the vicissitudes of human destinies and planetary cataclysms is confirmed by the geographical and other sciences.

Where the slain comes to life

Even N. A. Severtsov, a Russian traveler of the 19th century, encountered a phenomenon that has not yet been explained. On April 26, 1858, he was captured by three Kokands (residents of the Kokand Khanate in Central Asia), on the way to the Tien Shan.

Severtsov, wounded and sick, survived. Everything in this story surprises: to be knocked down by a checker, with a split skull, a partially cut off (?!) Head - and at the same time not only live, but also not feel pain! Moreover, Severtsov took part in the next expedition across the Tien Shan - already as part of a Russian military detachment. Indeed, the scientist seemed to be kept by some unknown force, which allowed him to quickly get to his feet after the injuries inflicted. Only the proximity of Shambhala with its mysterious properties can explain this far from ordinary incident, which was also documented by a scientist-geographer.

The sight of a geographical place that hid the mysterious country of Tibetan lamas amazed Russian travelers of the 19th century. Traveler, researcher, officer of the General Staff of Russia V. I. Roborovsky wrote in his report on his trip to Tibet to the Russian Geographical Society: “For the first time I had to be in such a wild and terrible desert. The complete absence of any life, naked, black shale ridges … elongated by sharp jagged skeletons in the northeast direction. " What is this - the view of the Earth after an atomic war or a space cataclysm? But according to the paintings and texts of N. K. Roerich of the 30s of the XX century, we know Tibet differently: colorful, romantic, contrasting, a country of mountains with peaks, as it were, hovering above the ground because of the colored mists creeping below, with mysterious lights and life, and not at all a lifeless desert. Before Roerich, our other famous traveler, the explorer of Mongolia and Central Asia P. K. Kozlov. He seemed to him "some kind of magical fairyland."

What's the matter here? It is unlikely that professional researchers were wrong, in one case describing the region as fabulous, in the other - as a terrible desert. Doesn't the country of lamas appear sometimes this way, sometimes differently, depending on who is watching it?

It is known that during his famous travel in Central Asia in 1927 N. Roerich also walked first along a rocky or sandy desert, but then he discovered signs of life. And which! First, he saw the appearance of a UFO flying across the sky, then among the sands, the scent of roses suddenly came clearly. Roerich interpreted this as the proximity of Shambhala. Hallucinations are excluded, since, for example, a UFO was observed through binoculars, that is, it was perceived not only by the eyes, but also by optics, not subject to deception of the senses. “We know,” Roerich writes, “that some high lamas were in Shambhala and that on the way they noticed the usual geographic details. Moreover, we ourselves saw one of the three white pillars indicating the boundaries of Shambhala. Will such clarifications be given falsely ?! Consequently, it is an inhabited, but not accessible country for everyone - it would seemsuch a conclusion suggests itself …

The author of the book "New History of Mongolia" R. K. Boeden thinks it is easy to understand the skepticism of the intelligent reader, caused by the fact that the ancient brotherhood of scientists and philanthropists was not noticed by researchers. However, it should be remembered that no researcher will ever discover this closed brotherhood, if he himself is not in unity with his great minds and does not understand the disinterestedness of their activities.

This is what the esoteric tradition says. Perhaps that is why the country of lamas was revealed to travelers only selectively.

There were huge libraries

For curiosity and a desire to penetrate the secrets of an unknown country, uninvited guests often paid with health and life. It is interesting that the already mentioned Russian researcher, officer of the General Staff V. I. Roborovsky, finding himself south of the 35th parallel, suddenly and mysteriously fell ill: the disease was accompanied by unbearable headaches, frequent fainting, temporary paralysis of the limbs and tongue. All this resembles the impact of a psycho-energetic blow, which may be associated with the special energy of this area. Similarly, in our days, they describe the consequences of meetings of people with UFOs, which are directly connected with the existence of Shambhala.

The famous English seer and writer Arthur Machen wrote: "Around us there are mysteries of evil, as there are mysteries of good, and our life and all our actions take place, I think, in a world that we do not suspect, full of caves, shadows and inhabited darkness" … Lobsang Rampa describes how he descended under the guidance of three major Lamaist metaphysicians into the sanctuary of Lhasa, where they said the true secret of Tibet was located: “I saw three sarcophagi of black stone, decorated with engravings and curious inscriptions. They were not closed. When I looked inside, I caught my breath.

“Look, my son,” said the oldest of the monks. “They lived like gods in our country in those days when there were no mountains. They worked on our land when the seas washed these shores and when other stars sparkled in our sky. Look well, only the initiates have seen them."

In the sarcophagi, writes Lobsang Rampa, there were mummies of people of gigantic stature with unusual features for us. He also saw a map of the starry sky with a strange arrangement of stars on it. It was some kind of super-ancient map.

Is this possible in principle? It turned out that similar facts are known not only to initiates, but also to scientists. So, a certain prehistoric map of the starry sky, similar to the one described, with a really unusual arrangement of stars on it, was, as L. Povel and J. Bergier point out, recently found in one of the caves of the so-called Vogistan, at the foot of the Himalayas. It differed from modern ones in a significantly different arrangement of stars and, therefore, belongs to other times. Astronomers believe that it recorded the results of observations made about 30 thousand years ago. And we believe that modern civilization is no more than 10-12 thousand years old. Consequently, we do not have a true history of Homo sapiens.

Numerous ancient Central Asian book depositories are known today. For the first time, the library of ancient books was opened during his Mongol-Tibetan expedition by the already mentioned Russian researcher Kozlov, who became famous for his unique finds all over the world. At about 41 degrees north latitude and 101 degrees east longitude in Mongolia, his expedition discovered the ruins of the ancient city of Khara-Khoto (XIII century). During the excavations, a large library of 2000 books was found, more than 300 samples of ancient painting on silk, paper and canvas. Perhaps the most valuable find is the large set of printing clichés. This speaks of the highest level of culture of the civilization of the lost city.

The finds of Russian archaeologists and geographers, made in the XX century and the beginning of this, allow us to conclude that there was a high culture in the distant past. These archaeological discoveries do not make incredible descriptions like those given by the initiate Lobsang Rampa, as attested by H. P. Blavatsky and N. K. Roerich.

"Science and Religion", Author: Lev Melnikov