Secrets of history 2024, October

British Researchers Discovered A Ship With 4 Tons Of Nazi Gold Off The Coast Of Iceland - Alternative View

British Researchers Discovered A Ship With 4 Tons Of Nazi Gold Off The Coast Of Iceland - Alternative View

Employees of the British company Advanced Marine Services (AMS) discovered a chest of gold on a German ship that sank at the beginning of World War II. The find was made off the coast of Iceland, according to Sunday newspaper The Sun

The Secret That They Tried To Hide? Cargo Ship SS Ourang Medan - Alternative View

The Secret That They Tried To Hide? Cargo Ship SS Ourang Medan - Alternative View

The history of the SS Ourang Medan cargo ship began in 1947, when two American ships heading for Malaysia received an SOS signal

The Golden Mirage Of The Templars - Alternative View

The Golden Mirage Of The Templars - Alternative View

The riches of the Templars - the poor knights of Christ - were legendary. But when the order fell into disgrace and the French king wanted to confiscate its wealth, he did not succeed. The question is: why?The Templar Knights had a reputation for being fabulously wealthy

Brands Of The Past - Alternative View

Brands Of The Past - Alternative View

Brand - a marketing term that symbolizes a complex of information about a company, product or service; popular, easily recognizable and legally protected symbols of any manufacturer or product Spirits "Krasnaya Moskva", sweets "M

The Pentagon's Presentation Of World War II Outraged The Russians - Alternative View

The Pentagon's Presentation Of World War II Outraged The Russians - Alternative View

Also, the Pentagon published a test of knowledge of the Second World War, in which it is necessary to indicate who announced the end of the war - Churchill or Tony Blair, and also answer which president is celebrating DR on May 8.The US Department of Defense has posted a small presentation and test on its website in honor of Victory Day, which is celebrated in the West on May 8 (they call it VE Day)

Organization ODESSA. How, After World War II, The Nazis Fled Europe By "rat Paths" - - Alternative View

Organization ODESSA. How, After World War II, The Nazis Fled Europe By "rat Paths" - - Alternative View

The defeat of the Third Reich in World War II presented Nazi war criminals with a choice. Some of them, led by the Fuhrer, chose to commit suicide. Most were forced to surrender and come to terms with the inevitable justice. But thousands, even tens of thousands of people responsible for the massacres of civilians during the war, tried to avoid trial, and, unfortunately, many of them succeeded

Adolf Hitler's Hiring Passport - Alternative View

Adolf Hitler's Hiring Passport - Alternative View

Not so long ago, an amazing find was made in the British archives. Here they found a fake passport in the name of Adolf Hitler! The history of the document turned out to be very interesting.During World War II, British intelligence set up a factory for the production of forged German documents

The Brave Dwarf Is The Prototype Of Tyrion Lannister - Alternative View

The Brave Dwarf Is The Prototype Of Tyrion Lannister - Alternative View

Of all the characters in Game of Thrones, of course, Tyrion Lanister is the most interesting to me. An unusual character, an interesting actor. Jokes and thoughtful scenes. With all this, you understand how much this person "sipped" in his life of bitterness, humiliation and despair

Year Instead Of Lѣta - Alternative View

Year Instead Of Lѣta - Alternative View

As everyone knows, the tsar-reformer Peter I cut through the "window to Europe" when all normal people walk through the door. He adopted and introduced everything Western. I made the men wear dresses with frills, ribbons, bows. He made him shave his beards (Rod's wealth), so that all the men were wives

Almasty Named Palestine - Alternative View

Almasty Named Palestine - Alternative View

If, before reaching the Narzan Valley camp site, located in the Malkins Gorge of Kabardino-Balkaria, you turn right, you will find yourself in the town of Musht. This is the tract of the same name, and a small river, and a tiny village. Gold was once mined here

Saltychikha Of Orleans: Murderer, Sadist And Slave-owner Madame Lalori - Alternative View

Saltychikha Of Orleans: Murderer, Sadist And Slave-owner Madame Lalori - Alternative View

In April 1834, a fire broke out in a three-story mansion at 1140 Royal Street in the French Quarter of New Orleans. The building was owned by the famous socialite Delphine LaLori. When the neighbors, extinguishing the fierce flame, burst inside, apart from the mistress of the house, they found something there that had been in their nightmares for the rest of their lives

Far Eastern Rus - Alternative View

Far Eastern Rus - Alternative View

During the last Great Glaciation of our planet, not only the strip of the Great Turan was inhabited by the Slavic-Rus, but also the entire gigantic space of Asia, including the Pacific coast of the Russian Far East and the coast of the Arctic Ocean

Remember Sadko? Its Pagan Origin Was Revealed - Alternative View

Remember Sadko? Its Pagan Origin Was Revealed - Alternative View

It is believed that in the entire Russian epic there are only two authentic epics that have preserved the ancient form of the narrative. One of them, and the most famous is the epic about Sadko. Until recently, it was considered an ancient Novgorod epic of about the 10th century

Why Did Not The Bet On Armored Trains Play During The Spanish Civil War - Alternative View

Why Did Not The Bet On Armored Trains Play During The Spanish Civil War - Alternative View

Armored trains were to become a formidable weapon of the Spanish militia in the Civil War. Dozens of them were made, sometimes converted vehicles and even tractors became them. However, the expected crushing victory did not come, and the armored trains turned out to be more a horror story than a real force

Ancient Artifacts Were Found In Khakassia - Alternative View

Ancient Artifacts Were Found In Khakassia - Alternative View

Figurines more than 4.5 thousand years old were discovered by archaeologists while examining the Itkol II burial ground in Khakassia

Primitive Realism. How Rock Art Became An Interactive Museum - Alternative View

Primitive Realism. How Rock Art Became An Interactive Museum - Alternative View

There is a place in Kuzbass where rock paintings made five or six thousand years ago have been preserved. They managed not only to be preserved, but also turned into one of the most modern interactive museums

The Mystery Of The Throne Of James Hampton And His Encrypted Notes - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Throne Of James Hampton And His Encrypted Notes - Alternative View

It seems to us all the time that all amazing mysteries certainly have a thousand-year history. This is a common misconception. Our contemporaries leave us the secrets over which the experts puzzle.- Salik.bizConscientious tenantIn 1950, Meyer Werthlib, the owner of a brick garage in a suburb of Washington, was approached by a certain James Hampton with a request to lease him the garage

Bromine In The Soviet Army: Who Was It Given - Alternative View

Bromine In The Soviet Army: Who Was It Given - Alternative View

The army was one of the most privileged and respected institutions in the USSR. Despite the strict order and iron discipline in the Soviet army, military service was overgrown with conjectures and tales that were passed from mouth to mouth - from old-timers of one call to the "salags" of another

Surveillance Service Of The KGB Of The USSR - Alternative View

Surveillance Service Of The KGB Of The USSR - Alternative View

Thanks to movies and the Internet, the scout today seems like a bodybuilder. But in real intelligence, the appearance of a "bull" with a set of all kinds of weapons and all the techniques of power martial arts resembles an elephant in a china shop

Surveillance Cameras - Another Invention Of The Nazis - Alternative View

Surveillance Cameras - Another Invention Of The Nazis - Alternative View

Peenemünde is a port in northern Germany, where the Peene river flows into the Baltic Sea. In October 1942, German engineers were sitting here at the command post and looking at a television screen, where a V-2 rocket was seen in close-up on the launch pad a couple of kilometers away

Anthropologists Are Beginning To Suspect That King Kong Is Most Likely Still Alive - Alternative View

Anthropologists Are Beginning To Suspect That King Kong Is Most Likely Still Alive - Alternative View

In 1935, German paleontologist Gustav von Königswald, who visited a Chinese traditional medicine store in Hong Kong, bought several giant ape teeth that were more than twice the size of a gorilla's teeth.The find has long been considered controversial and almost a fake, until in 1956 the entire jaw of such a hominid was found in the Chuifan Cave in China:- Salik.b

5,300 Years Ago, Bigfoot Ozzi Died. Now We Know What He Ate Before His Death - Alternative View

5,300 Years Ago, Bigfoot Ozzi Died. Now We Know What He Ate Before His Death - Alternative View

Some 5,300 years ago, Bigfoot routinely dined on wild meat and grains before meeting his end in the Italian Alps. His last meal was very fatty and optimal for climbing high mountains, scientists told Current Biology

On The Role Of The European Slave Trade In Consolidating The Backwardness Of African Peoples - Alternative View

On The Role Of The European Slave Trade In Consolidating The Backwardness Of African Peoples - Alternative View

To discuss the trade between Africans and Europeans that took place during the four centuries prior to colonial rule is in fact to discuss the slave trade. Although, strictly speaking, an African became a slave only when he got into a society where he worked as a slave

The Locked Head Or The Graves Of The Descendants Of The Biblical Nephilim And The Daughters Of Men - Alternative View

The Locked Head Or The Graves Of The Descendants Of The Biblical Nephilim And The Daughters Of Men - Alternative View

Every time I visit those places that have been places of pilgrimage from time immemorial, I have questions - who are they and why our ancestors built such strange gigantic graves for them?Why are there such burial places of giants in different regions of the republic?

Schindler's Witch: The Woman Who Saved Hundreds Of Lives - Alternative View

Schindler's Witch: The Woman Who Saved Hundreds Of Lives - Alternative View

This woman is 89 years old, she has no education, she lives in a clay hut in a poor village in the center of Africa, and in addition she has a bad reputation - she is a witch. How did it happen that her name became world famous, and a tree was planted in her honor in the Garden of the Righteous in Padua, Italy?

The Ten Greatest Mysteries In World History - Alternative View

The Ten Greatest Mysteries In World History - Alternative View

Secrets and riddles attracted man, probably from the very moment of his appearance. Secrets inspired people to search, experiment, travel, awaken creativity. It was far from always possible to find the truth, and people constantly came up with all sorts of fantastic explanations for what was happening

The Internal Background Of The Trotskyist-Zionist Coup In Russia - Alternative View

The Internal Background Of The Trotskyist-Zionist Coup In Russia - Alternative View

Probably not a single mentally adequate person would deny the fact that in the last century Russia suffered colossal human losses and twice abruptly stopped its economic growth. But what forces were behind these processes, who organized the real genocide of the Russian and other peoples, who continues to play off peoples against each other even now, trying to shift responsibility for their own crimes against humanity onto them?

Mavro Orbini - The Whole Truth About The Slavs - Alternative View

Mavro Orbini - The Whole Truth About The Slavs - Alternative View

“While some fought and won, others lost, but they wrote history” M. Orbini.Cover of the modern edition of the book by Mavro Orbini.Find out the truth- Salik.bizOf course, the book by Mavro Orbini "Slavic Kingdom" - deserves attention not only for the content, which is different from what they have been stuffing us for decades, but also for the list of sources used in it.For

The Mystery Of Antoine De Saint-Exupery: Where Did The Writer, Whose Main Passion Were Airplanes - Disappeared? Alternative View

The Mystery Of Antoine De Saint-Exupery: Where Did The Writer, Whose Main Passion Were Airplanes - Disappeared? Alternative View

Everyone knows Antoine de Saint-Exupery as the author of the legendary philosophical tale "The Little Prince". However, throughout his life, the writer's main love was airplanes. Exupery's death during a reconnaissance mission at the end of World War II has long been considered one of the greatest mysteries in aviation history

Why Did The Communists Choose The Red Five-pointed Star As Their Symbol - Alternative View

Why Did The Communists Choose The Red Five-pointed Star As Their Symbol - Alternative View

The communists tried in every possible way to alienate people from religious consciousness, which triumphed among the masses for many centuries. Despite this, the Bolsheviks understood the importance of symbols in promoting their ideas and establishing the dictatorship of the proletariat

Common Misconceptions And Questions About Medieval Weapons And Armor - Alternative View

Common Misconceptions And Questions About Medieval Weapons And Armor - Alternative View

The area of weapons and armor is surrounded by romantic legends, monstrous myths and widespread misconceptions. Their sources are often a lack of knowledge and experience of dealing with real things and their history. Most of these concepts are absurd and not based on anything.Per

Why Are There Two Eagle Heads On The Russian Coat Of Arms And Three Crowns? - Alternative View

Why Are There Two Eagle Heads On The Russian Coat Of Arms And Three Crowns? - Alternative View

In order to answer the question about crowns, let's remember how this eagle appeared on the coat of arms of the Russian Empire? Consider the most common version - the two-headed eagle became the legacy of the Byzantine Empire

500-year-old Ship With Gold In The Sands Of Namibia - Alternative View

500-year-old Ship With Gold In The Sands Of Namibia - Alternative View

In April 2008, workers at De Beers, a diamond mining company in southern Namibia, stumbled upon the wreckage of a 500-year-old ship in the desert off the coast. Portuguese ship "Bom Jesus" disappeared in 1533 on its way to India

Why Did Noah's Ark Have A Rudder? - Alternative View

Why Did Noah's Ark Have A Rudder? - Alternative View

On April 28, 2010, a team of researchers announced that the remains of Noah's Biblical Ark were found on Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey at an altitude of over 4,000 meters. In an interview, the members of the expedition said that they are 99

Emder Is The Capital Of The Ancient Principality Of Siberia - Alternative View

Emder Is The Capital Of The Ancient Principality Of Siberia - Alternative View

This is the capital of the ancient principality of Emder, lost in the taiga of the Khanty-Mansiysk district, 19 years ago, known exclusively for the heroic epic of those places. Inhabitants of the Urals, ancient Ugra - who are they? They are usually considered Khanty and Mansi, but is that so?

Traces Of The Golden Woman Are Lost In The Taiga - Alternative View

Traces Of The Golden Woman Are Lost In The Taiga - Alternative View

The ancients called this statue Yumala, Sorni Nay, Zlata Maya, the Golden Old Woman … Today she is better known as the Golden Woman. And as usually happens in such cases, some argue that this is nothing more than a legend passed down from generation to generation, while others stubbornly continue to believe in the existence of a precious statue safely hidden in a remote taiga, the exact location of which is kept in the strictest confidence by only a few people dedicated to it

Incredible Finds From Siberia That Science Cannot Explain - Alternative View

Incredible Finds From Siberia That Science Cannot Explain - Alternative View

The facts known to mankind about the Earth of the beginning of time are very scattered. The data about when and how the first people appeared, whether other intelligent beings lived on the planet before modern man is a mystery covered in darkness

Egyptian Executions: What It Is, And Which Of Them Have Found A Scientific Explanation - Alternative View

Egyptian Executions: What It Is, And Which Of Them Have Found A Scientific Explanation - Alternative View

One of the Scriptures describes 10 Egyptian executions, which fell on an ancient civilization one after another. Scientists managed to find scientific explanations for 7 of them. Their arguments were supported by historical facts and modern research

Was Carlson's Prototype The Nazi Criminal Hermann Goering? - Alternative View

Was Carlson's Prototype The Nazi Criminal Hermann Goering? - Alternative View

The story that the world-famous Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren wrote off her charming Carlson from the founder of the Luftwaffe Hermann Goering, which appeared several years ago on the RuNet, made a lot of noise at one time. But, as they say, there is no smoke without fire …1. I

Flooded Cities - Alternative View

Flooded Cities - Alternative View

The continents of planet Earth are just islands in the endless ocean. Once land conquered territory from the sea