The Ten Greatest Mysteries In World History - Alternative View

The Ten Greatest Mysteries In World History - Alternative View
The Ten Greatest Mysteries In World History - Alternative View

Video: The Ten Greatest Mysteries In World History - Alternative View

Video: The Ten Greatest Mysteries In World History - Alternative View
Video: 10 Unsolved Mysteries From Around The World 2024, September

Secrets and riddles attracted man, probably from the very moment of his appearance. Secrets inspired people to search, experiment, travel, awaken creativity. It was far from always possible to find the truth, and people constantly came up with all sorts of fantastic explanations for what was happening. In ancient times, gods, spirits, angels and demons were considered the causes of mysterious phenomena, and in our time they are attributed to the activities of aliens from space and from a parallel world, conspiracy theories are being developed and similar versions. It would seem that the development of science and technology should have put an end to secrets and riddles: many previously incomprehensible phenomena were studied, and for the rest, plausible versions were proposed. However, the number of puzzles continues.

1. On November 7, 1872, the two-masted brigantine "Maria Celeste" departed from New York for Genoa. Four weeks later, the ship was found in the Strait of Gibraltar, but there were no passengers or crew on it.


However, no signs of attack or struggle were found. The only boat was also missing from the ship, but all cargo remained intact.

2. Jack the Ripper - one of the most famous, but also the most mysterious criminals in the world. The London police first learned about him from a message sent in 1888. More than a hundred years have passed, but the identity of the cruel murderer of prostitutes has not yet been finally established.


3. The Shroud of Turin is one of the most famous religious "artifacts". This is a piece of cloth on which the human body is imprinted; believers believe that this is an image of Christ himself, and the fabric itself is his burial shroud. The image even has traces of wounds in those places where, according to the “Gospel”, nails were driven into the body of the “deity” during the execution.


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However, science has long established that the "shroud" is a medieval fake. And it was made precisely in those years when hundreds of different "relics" were spreading across Europe - numerous relics of "saints" (often they were dozens of skulls, arms and legs, allegedly belonging to the same "saint"), pieces of "the same The cross and even the nails with which Christ was allegedly nailed. It is known, in particular, that as "nails of Christ" one of the enterprising fraudsters who lived at that time, for a long time managed to sell ordinary nails found in the basement of an ancient fortress in England.

4. Pilot Amelia Earhart, who was flying the Lockheed Electra, suddenly disappeared with the plane while traveling around the world in 1937. Some time before, she flew over the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.


5. In 1943, the history of the famous Bermuda Triangle began. This year, in a mysterious place, a group of Avenger naval aircraft, which had 14 people on board, disappeared. After a while, aircraft began to disappear in the same place; groups aimed at finding the missing also disappeared.


For more than 70 years, a huge number of aircraft and ships have disappeared here. The mysterious triangle is located between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico.

6. Yeti, sasquatch. Bigfoot - these and some other names were dubbed by the inhabitants of different continents of mysterious humanoid creatures overgrown with long hair. In our country, the name "Bigfoot" is more popular.


7. In 1962, 36-year-old Marilyn Monroe, having taken a strong dose of barbiturates, committed suicide. This is what the official version, voiced by the investigators, says. However, many do not believe this version, offering more incredible versions of the incident.


8. The assassination of US President John F. Kennedy is considered one of the most tragic and at the same time mysterious events of the twentieth century. A huge number of mystical rumors are associated with this incident - for example, "supernatural" parallels are drawn between it and the murder of Abraham Lincoln in the previous century.


9. In 1975, Jimi Hoffa, the head of the truck drivers' union, the largest in the United States, went missing. He was last seen alive outside a restaurant. Until now, no remains have been found.


10. In 1976, actors Natalie Wood and Robert Wagner went missing. Before that, they sailed on a yacht. Five years later, Natalie's body was found at sea. Then the police decided that the actress had accidentally drowned. Recently, however, another investigation was carried out, after which it was officially reported that she "drowned under unexplained circumstances."