Secrets of history 2024, October

Emperor Constantine - Alternative View

Emperor Constantine - Alternative View

Constantine the Great (285 - 337). The Roman emperor since 306 consistently centralized the state apparatus, supported the Christian church, while also preserving pagan cults. In 324 - 330 years

On The Structure Of Power In Vedic Russia - Alternative View

On The Structure Of Power In Vedic Russia - Alternative View

Over the past centuries, more than one generation of falsifiers has “worked” on distorting the picture of our real past. Why did it take to hide our true history from us and invent false myths about "wild barbarians" who allegedly have neither their own written language, nor statehood, and who live in pits and trees before the arrival of Western "civilizers"? But

Take Us To You! Who Wanted To Become A Part Of Russia And Why It Failed - Alternative View

Take Us To You! Who Wanted To Become A Part Of Russia And Why It Failed - Alternative View

"Why do we need such a world if Russia is not there?" - this phrase of Vladimir Putin has caused a storm of emotions of a wide spectrum - from delight to hatred. Leaders of many countries once asked the same question

Al-Kegol In Russia - Alternative View

Al-Kegol In Russia - Alternative View

The very widespread opinion that drunkenness is a distinctive feature of the Russian people, that the Russians have been drinking at all times, has nothing to do with reality. This historical myth poses a considerable danger, since imposes on the Russian people an uncharacteristic propensity to drink alcohol

The History Of Absinthe: Why The Drink Was Called The "green Devil" And Was Banned - Alternative View

The History Of Absinthe: Why The Drink Was Called The "green Devil" And Was Banned - Alternative View

Are you familiar with the history of absinthe and the legends associated with this drink? It was once rumored that he was the cause of insanity. No other drink has caused as much fear, awe and charm as absinthe.At the end of August 1905, tragedy struck the small Swiss village of Communy

Why Did The Americans Bombed Hiroshima And Nagasaki - Alternative View

Why Did The Americans Bombed Hiroshima And Nagasaki - Alternative View

The only military use of nuclear weapons in the world was the bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At the same time, it should be noted that the unfortunate cities turned out to be in the role of a victim in many respects, thanks to the tragic circumstances

Shadows On The Bridge - Alternative View

Shadows On The Bridge - Alternative View

Robert Lewis, the co-pilot of the Enola Gay plane that had just dropped the atomic bomb, turned away with a shudder from what appeared to him. "My God, what have we done ?!" - he exclaimed in horror

Hiroshima After "Kid" - Alternative View

Hiroshima After "Kid" - Alternative View

More than 70 years have passed since the terrible events for Japan. Every year on August 6, in the Japanese city of Hiroshima and around the world, a tribute is paid to the victims of the atomic bombing

Hitler And The Mystery Of The Hiroshima Bomb - Alternative View

Hitler And The Mystery Of The Hiroshima Bomb - Alternative View

An SS general seeking to escape the collapse of the Third Reich, and 70 kg of uranium, possibly transferred by the Nazis to the Americans. These facts can turn the history of the atomic bomb

"I Survived The Explosion Of A Hydrogen Bomb" - Alternative View

"I Survived The Explosion Of A Hydrogen Bomb" - Alternative View

During the arrangement of the site for nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, on August 12, 1953, I had to survive the explosion of the world's first hydrogen bomb with a capacity of 400 kilotons, the explosion occurred suddenly

The Atomic Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki - Alternative View

The Atomic Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki - Alternative View

On August 6, 1945, the United States of America deployed its most powerful weapon of mass destruction to date. It was an atomic bomb equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT. Hiroshima city was completely destroyed, tens of thousands of civilians were killed

Today Marks 72 Years Since The United States Dropped The Atomic Bomb On Nagasaki - Alternative View

Today Marks 72 Years Since The United States Dropped The Atomic Bomb On Nagasaki - Alternative View

On August 6 and 9, 1945, two tragedies took place, which became the last chord of the madness of the Second World War - atomic bombings of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Hitler's Atomic Weapons - Alternative View

Hitler's Atomic Weapons - Alternative View

Three weeks before the end of the war, the Fuhrer planned to carry out nuclear explosions in Paris and London, as well as to detain the Soviet troops with a “miracle weapon”.For a long time, the inhabitants of the German town of Ohrdruf have lived like on a volcano. “Ev

Tests Of The Impact Of Nuclear Weapons On People - Alternative View

Tests Of The Impact Of Nuclear Weapons On People - Alternative View

The military - adherents of the atomic terror strategy - must have been upset that World War II ended so quickly. After all, nowhere, except for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, large-scale tests were not carried out. In the case of the atomic third world army, not trained to operate in new conditions, could easily lose this war

Palomares - Atomic Bomb Disaster - Alternative View

Palomares - Atomic Bomb Disaster - Alternative View

Few remember today the events of January 1966, when the world was on the verge of nuclear disaster. In Neil Grant's book Conflicts of the 20th century. An Illustrated History ", published abroad in 1993, and here in 1995, the events near Palomares are mentioned in just one line:" On January 17, 1966, after an accident in the air of an American bomber, an unexploded hydrogen bomb fell into the Atlantic

Operation Torch: The History Of The Atomic Explosion Near Kharkov - Alternative View

Operation Torch: The History Of The Atomic Explosion Near Kharkov - Alternative View

What do atomic explosions have to do with the Kharkiv region? It seems that such a connection is a figment of the imagination of science fiction writers or the delusion of a paranoid. In reality, the nuclear threat has sunk into oblivion along with the Cold War, and during the period of confrontation between the socialist and Western blocs, no bombs fell on Kharkov and the surrounding area

How The USSR Tested The Atomic Bomb On Its Soldiers And Officers - Alternative View

How The USSR Tested The Atomic Bomb On Its Soldiers And Officers - Alternative View

At the Totsk test site, an atomic bomb was dropped on their soldiers65 years ago, on September 17, 1954, a TASS report was published in Pravda, which said: “In accordance with the plan of research and experimental work, in the last days in the Soviet Union a test of one of the types of atomic weapons was carried out. T

Nuclear Explosion In The Ivanovo Region - Alternative View

Nuclear Explosion In The Ivanovo Region - Alternative View

Once we discussed the topic of peaceful nuclear explosions, but here is a specific story for you on this topic.On September 19, 1971, an underground nuclear explosion was carried out on the banks of the Shachi River, 4 km from the village of Galkino, Kineshemsky District, Ivanovo Region

Flying Saucers - The Handiwork Of The Men In Black? - Alternative View

Flying Saucers - The Handiwork Of The Men In Black? - Alternative View

Much has been written about the various experiments carried out by Nazi Germany during the Second World War. In particular, they wrote a lot about attempts to create the latest weapons and technical experiments. But the most surprising thing is that the engineers of the Third Reich tried to "bypass" even the aliens

How Did The United States Save Hitler's Associates - Alternative View

How Did The United States Save Hitler's Associates - Alternative View

In the United States of America, the concept of "wet backs" is still common. It is most often applied to Mexicans and Puerto Ricans, illegal immigrants forced to plow for the good of Uncle Sam, not for a normal fee, but for handouts. True, such handouts in Mexico or Puerto Rico are called prosperity, but this does not change the essence of the matter: honest workers, innocent victims of harsh American laws - this is how “wet backs” are perceived by any normal person. For

85 Years Ago, Himmler Created The Ahnenerbe Society - Alternative View

85 Years Ago, Himmler Created The Ahnenerbe Society - Alternative View

On July 1, 1935, SS Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler founded the Ahnenerbe Research Society. Its employees made expeditions to different parts of the planet, trying to find artifacts of the ancient power of the Germanic race. Himmler wanted to replace Christianity in Germany with the Ahnenerbe concepts

How Hitler Could Defeat The USSR - Alternative View

How Hitler Could Defeat The USSR - Alternative View

From the very beginning of the Second World War and the offensive on the USSR, all operations to seize the countries by Hitler's Germany took place very smoothly and quickly, so by 1941 almost all of Europe was under his rule, but the blitzkrieg on the USSR became fatal for the entire plan of Adolf and his generals … Today we will look at the main mistakes of Germany in the war with the USSR

In Peru, Under The Ancient Pyramids, Archaeologists Have Found Burials Of Whales - Alternative View

In Peru, Under The Ancient Pyramids, Archaeologists Have Found Burials Of Whales - Alternative View

Under the ritual platform, near the high pyramids of the Sun and the Moon, archaeologists have discovered unique burials of the Moche culture. The remains of whales, sharks and other marine life, which are more than a thousand years old, were found under the structures

Concentration Camp Stutthof - Alternative View

Concentration Camp Stutthof - Alternative View

Located 36 kilometers from Gdansk, the Stutthof concentration camp was founded in 1939 as a “camp for civilian prisoners” (“Zivilkriegsgefangenenlager”) and was intended for political prisoners of Poles.But in 1942 the name of the camp was changed and it became known as a concentration camp. 100 tho

Israeli Archaeologists Have Found A Looted Storage Of The Qumran Scrolls - Alternative View

Israeli Archaeologists Have Found A Looted Storage Of The Qumran Scrolls - Alternative View

For the first time since 1956, scientists have managed to discover the cave in which the Dead Sea Scrolls were once hidden: manuscripts written by a Jewish sect from the 3rd century BC to the 2nd century AD

Fuhrer Anglo-Saxon Assembly - Alternative View

Fuhrer Anglo-Saxon Assembly - Alternative View

Everything that happened in Germany between the two world wars took place under the control of Washington or London.Since the beginning of the so-called. “Glasnost” and “new thinking”, for almost the last quarter of a century, they have been trying to convince us that we lived in a totalitarian country ruled by a gang of criminals who are responsible for a host of grave crimes, including the outbreak of World War II. Some "h

Near The Greek Island Of Delos, Archaeologists Have Found The Remains Of Seven Ancient Ships - Alternative View

Near The Greek Island Of Delos, Archaeologists Have Found The Remains Of Seven Ancient Ships - Alternative View

At the bottom of the strait between the tiny Greek islands of Delos and Rinia in the Aegean Sea, archaeologists have discovered the remains of seven ancient merchant ships

A Mysterious Lead Sarcophagus, About 1,500 Years Old, Was Found In France - Alternative View

A Mysterious Lead Sarcophagus, About 1,500 Years Old, Was Found In France - Alternative View

The burial was found in the ancient necropolis of the French city of Autun, where they were previously buried, as a rule, in coffins made of wood and sandstone.During excavations in the ancient necropolis of the French city of Autun, the team of the National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (Inrap) discovered previously unknown burials, one of which contained a mysterious airtight lead sarcophagus

13,000-year-old Images Of Camels In Siberia Were The First In Asia - Alternative View

13,000-year-old Images Of Camels In Siberia Were The First In Asia - Alternative View

30 years ago in Siberia, scientists discovered mammoth tusks with drawings on them. The study of this find was constantly postponed, and now the hour has finally come when scientists have solved the riddle of this subject. It turned out that these prints, which are approximately 13,000 years old, are the earliest known drawings of camels ever found in Asia

Jesus In Kashmir: Life After The Crucifixion - Alternative View

Jesus In Kashmir: Life After The Crucifixion - Alternative View

On the last day of our Western Himalayan expedition in India (July 7, 2015) at the airport of Srinagar, the main city of Kashmir, I bought an interesting book [1]. It is dedicated to a problem that worries many people in the world.Lev Borkin, head of the Center for Himalayan Scientific Research of the St

The Tomb Of Queen Cleopatra Was Discovered By Archaeologists After Years Of Searching For - Alternative View

The Tomb Of Queen Cleopatra Was Discovered By Archaeologists After Years Of Searching For - Alternative View

The last of the Ptolemaic dynasty, Cleopatra VII, was the last queen of Ancient Egypt. Her life and death are shrouded in a train of legends and myths. No one can say for sure whether the great Cleopatra died from anything in particular, or where she was buried

To Whom Did Christ Come? What Was His Mission? - Alternative View

To Whom Did Christ Come? What Was His Mission? - Alternative View

Why did the Jews clearly divide people on Earth into Jews and goyim? If someone says that we, the goyim, are the same as the Jews, such a person can be immediately accused of anti-Semitism - because this contradicts the basic tenet of Judaism:Have you listened carefully to quotes from the Torah and Tanakh?

Tomb Of Talpiot: A Possible Burial Site Of Jesus Found - Alternative View

Tomb Of Talpiot: A Possible Burial Site Of Jesus Found - Alternative View

For many years, Christians around the world have been visiting Jerusalem to see the Church of the Holy Sepulcher with their own eyes. However, the creators of the documentary about the Talpiot tomb claim that the remains of Jesus Christ may be located in it

In Italy, The Ruins Of An Ancient Etruscan City Were Found Underground - - Alternative View

In Italy, The Ruins Of An Ancient Etruscan City Were Found Underground - - Alternative View

Those who were interested in the excavations of Rome, Ostia Antica and other ancient cities in modern Italy, have the opinion that this territory was under multi-meter layers of soil not because of their antiquity and the accumulation of allegedly cultural layers

The "Tablet From Nazareth" Turned Out To Have Nothing To Do With Christ - Alternative View

The "Tablet From Nazareth" Turned Out To Have Nothing To Do With Christ - Alternative View

The "Tablet from Nazareth" is a marble slab measuring thirty-seven by sixty centimeters, on which a Greek text is engraved prohibiting disturbing burial sites, in particular, removing the deceased from their graves.The origin of the tablet is unclear

The Shooting Of Students At The University Of Kent In The USA - Alternative View

The Shooting Of Students At The University Of Kent In The USA - Alternative View

A crowd of young men in front of a formation of soldiers ready for battle. A quivering maiden hand inserts a wildflower into the barrel of a rifle aimed at her. Calls are heard from the crowd to end the madness. Shot. The flower, torn apart by a bullet, scatters with a cloud of smoke

About The Delphic Oracle - Alternative View

About The Delphic Oracle - Alternative View

Oracle - in ancient times, one of the means by which a person tried to enter into direct communication with the deity. The sayings of the oracle were considered revelations of the deity; they were obtained by questioning in a certain place, through well-known intermediaries, most of the priests of this deity, who were also interpreters of the revelation received

Who Was The Prototype For Van Helsing? - Alternative View

Who Was The Prototype For Van Helsing? - Alternative View

The film about the famous Van Helsing, a fighter against vampires, must have been watched by everyone. And more than once. And not at all because of Hugh Jackman, who plays the main role in this film. We watched because of the dynamic interesting plot

Secrets Of Lake Paravani - Alternative View

Secrets Of Lake Paravani - Alternative View

According to the testimony of archaeologists, these secrets are at the bottom of the lake, where hydrologists accidentally discovered the most ancient stone structure, which has not been fixed anywhere or anyone

Siberia Is Preparing To Celebrate The Anniversary Of The World's Most Famous Meteorite - Alternative View

Siberia Is Preparing To Celebrate The Anniversary Of The World's Most Famous Meteorite - Alternative View

In July next year, the Tunguska meteorite will turn 100 years old. For a century now, the mystery of this phenomenon has been stirring the minds of scientists around the world. Local authorities decided to play on people's interest in everything unknown