Hitler's Atomic Weapons - Alternative View

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Hitler's Atomic Weapons - Alternative View
Hitler's Atomic Weapons - Alternative View

Video: Hitler's Atomic Weapons - Alternative View

Video: Hitler's Atomic Weapons - Alternative View
Video: Ellsberg: What if Hitler Had Dropped the Bomb? 2024, October

Three weeks before the end of the war, the Fuhrer planned to carry out nuclear explosions in Paris and London, as well as to detain the Soviet troops with a “miracle weapon”.

For a long time, the inhabitants of the German town of Ohrdruf have lived like on a volcano. “Everyone was scared. - explained in the city hall of Ohrdruf. "No one wants to live on a nuclear test site."

The fact is that the famous German historian Rainer Karlsch in the book "Hitler's Bomb" proves that on March 3, 1945, Nazi scientists under the supervision of the SS conducted a secret nuclear test near Ohrdruf. They detonated a bomb containing up to five kilograms of plutonium. The SS men used 700 Soviet prisoners of war taken from the nearest concentration camp as "guinea pigs". According to Karlsch, "all the Russians died in this."

Witnesses saw hundreds of bald corpses

“My mother told me that at the beginning of March 1945, something strange was happening in the city: she herself had a headache for two weeks in a row, and our neighbor suffered from nosebleeds,” explains Ohrdruf resident Elsa Kellner. - Nearby in the forest, residents saw fallen trees and were surprised because there was no hurricane in the area. Hearing about Karlsch's version, many, of course, were worried. We even began to hear voices to extract people who died in the late 1940s from their graves and conduct an examination - did they not die as a result of radiation sickness?

That Hitler tried to create nuclear weapons at the end of the war is not particularly news. The first centrifuge (a device for enriching uranium, from which the filling for atomic bombs is made) was built back in 1942 by Dr. Erich Bagge. But then things did not go - in 1943, the Norwegian plant for the production of "heavy water" (necessary for nuclear research) was damaged by partisans, a year later, three nuclear physicists were arrested on suspicion of "hiding Jewishness", and the Miracle Weapon project passed under the jurisdiction of Himmler.

“I have provided documents that clearly show that the Third Reich has advanced much further in the creation of the atomic bomb than previously thought,” said historian Rainer Karlsch in an interview. -A group of scientists eventually achieved the result Hitler wanted. Of course, this bomb did not have the destructive power of modern nuclear devices - it only had plutonium inside, and around it was ordinary explosives. The SS planned to delay the Soviet offensive on Berlin with a pair of similar charges. But the very first test of a home-made atomic bomb took place in the fall of 1944 on the island of Rügen, and in Thuringia there was already the second. I quoted in my book the words of a witness, excavator operator Heinz Wahmut, who saw the bald corpses of hundreds of people dumped into a ditch after the explosion. After 10 days he himself had nosebleeds and nausea.

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Scientists are divided on the sensational book. First, Uwe Keizer, a nuclear physicist at the Federal Institute of Physics in Braunschweig, "hot on the trail" studied soil samples in Ohrdruf. The analysis showed increased radioactivity, including the presence of hazardous elements such as cesium and cobalt. Therefore, the Physico-Technical Federal Administration of Germany sent a team of specialists to the alleged nuclear test site of Hitler. They brought with them soil samples from Chernobyl. After digging in the ground, physicists announced that, compared to Chernobyl, "the surface is absolutely normal" and they did not find any evidence of a nuclear test. However, the head of the brigade immediately added that this is not final data, it will take at least a year for a full study.

“Back in 1942, Germany was believed to have the best nuclear technology in the world,” says Rainer Karlsch. - Uranium was delivered from the mines of occupied France. The problem was that Hitler, like Stalin, at first did not believe in the possibility of an atomic bomb. The Fuhrer gave the order to increase the funding of the Miracle Weapon project only at the end of 1943, when it was too late - the scientists did not have enough time to enrich the required amount of uranium filling for the bomb. Disappointed by the setbacks at the front, Hitler began to generously donate money for projects to create new weapons. Therefore, at the end of the war, V-2 ballistic missiles and such a novelty as jet aircraft appeared.


Two nuclear devices were kept in the SS safe.

Dr. Karlsch is convinced that the Soviet intelligence was able to get its hands on the results of Nazi atomic development - this fact, in his opinion, explains the construction of a Soviet military base in Ohrdruf with laboratories and a high-security regime. This base existed until 1994. According to Rainer Karlsch, the Soviet agent infiltrated Professor Diebner's entourage, as a result of which the Kremlin immediately received information about the nuclear test in March 1945. After the surrender of Germany, the physicist Georgy Flerov, the special envoy of Academician Kurchatov, was urgently sent to Ohrdruf. In the archives of the GDR secret service "Stasi" Karlsch also found a protocol dated 1960 from the interrogation of the plumber Gerhard Ründhagel, who in the past worked in the "service brigade" of the SS scientist team. The plumber showedthat the scientists were in a good mood and did not hide from the servants - there are two "miracle bombs" in the SS safe that will help Germany win the war.

- Now all the witnesses who could tell something have died, - the British researcher, author of the book "The Third Reich in Science" James Luffner throws up his hands. - Professor Kurt Diebner, who led the research, died in 1964 of a heart attack, although his heart always worked perfectly, the rest of the physicists and rocket specialists were taken to the United States. There are only recordings of Goebbels's April speeches on radio in Berlin: he repeats that Germany is close to creating a "miracle weapon" that will destroy the "Bolshevik hordes." The world was lucky that soon after Hitler came to power, some of the famous scientists (most of them Jews) fled the country, and he put some others in concentration camps. Because if Albert Einstein had not left in 1933, then the Fuhrer would certainly have received an atomic bomb back in 1941. And then hell would happen.

Most experts in the field of nuclear physics believe that from the modern point of view, Hitler's scientists managed to create a "dirty bomb" rather than a full-fledged atomic one. The charge was capable of killing all people within a radius of 500 meters and significantly “contaminating” the nearby land with radiation, but it “did not reach” the power of the explosion in Hiroshima. However, the German leadership, according to Karlsch, even in mid-April 1945, just three weeks before the surrender, seriously continued to discuss options for a nuclear mini-war, including the explosions of "miracle bombs" in Paris and London with the help of kamikaze pilots, and also strikes against Soviet troops on the Eastern Front. But the SS physicists really have no time left - the "thousand-year Reich" collapsed two months after the probable test of the atomic bomb in Thuringia.

… Recently, the version of the nuclear tests of the Nazis was confirmed by the Italian journalist, former Corriere della Sera correspondent Luigi Romerza - in October 1944 he was sent by Mussolini (who then controlled northern Italy) as an observer of the tests of the "miracle weapon" on the island of Rugen. From the fortified bunker, Romerz saw “an explosion that looked like a flower”, after which he inspected the scene in a special protective suit - he saw “charred trees and dozens of dead animal carcasses”.

“Nuclear weapons would no longer have saved Hitler,” says James Luffner. - It would only prolong his life by a couple of days, because the explosions of "dirty bombs" would not prevent the Soviet troops from completing the assault on Berlin. Well, except that Victory Day would then be celebrated not on May 9, but on May 11. However, you will agree - what is the difference in principle?

Both supporters and opponents of the version of "Hitler's atomic bomb" agree on one thing: the Fuhrer could create a nuclear weapon. But, fortunately, he did not have time to apply it at the end of the war.