Al-Kegol In Russia - Alternative View

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Al-Kegol In Russia - Alternative View
Al-Kegol In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Al-Kegol In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Al-Kegol In Russia - Alternative View
Video: Day 1: Russian #russian #русский 2024, July

The very widespread opinion that drunkenness is a distinctive feature of the Russian people, that the Russians have been drinking at all times, has nothing to do with reality. This historical myth poses a considerable danger, since imposes on the Russian people an uncharacteristic propensity to drink alcohol.

Our great-grandfathers lived in harmony with Mother Nature and did not know alcohol as such. In addition, in those days in Russia there was no vodka or many other drinks harmful to health. Rusichi drank mead (fermented and refined honey), which only strengthened their health. And at the same time, only those who already had children were allowed to drink mead …

Drunken people are easier to manage

It is important to understand that alcohol is the leading drug today. Its use for the purpose of poisoning the population is reliably legalized. Moreover, it is enshrined in many traditions, rituals, songs, other “works of art”, etc.

Since ancient times, drunkenness has been a kind of bridle for the people. V. V. Pokhlyobkin cites a well-known aphorism in favor of alcohol policy, which is attributed to Catherine II: "A drunken nation is easier to govern." This thesis has been (and is) used continuously by a number of statesmen over the centuries. Let us recall at least Hitler, who believed that the Slavs needed only vodka and tobacco, and no treatment.

In recent years, the use of alcoholic products among young people has been especially widespread throughout the world. According to the WHO, in France, alcoholics make up 10-12% of the total population. The use of alcohol and its consequences is not a problem of individual individuals, but of society as a whole, and its severity increases as the production of alcoholic beverages increases.

Low prices for alcohol are a major contributor to the rise in alcohol consumption.

Promotional video:

For example, in most countries of the world a bottle of cognac cost 2-3 times more than, say, men's shoes. We could buy 3-5 bottles of vodka for the cost of men's shoes. Alcohol is considered a “delicacy” everywhere, and it takes a lot of money to buy it. In our country, since the beginning of the 90s, the cost of wine has become generally negligible in comparison with food. Before the reform, a bottle of vodka cost 6 rubles. 80 kopecks (this amount could buy almost 3 kg of butter). In 1994, a bottle of vodka was already cheaper than 1 kg of meat.

Note that the alcohol trade in Russia is now completely controlled by foreign capital. This can be seen from the example of beer, the raw material for which is almost entirely imported. The beer production is controlled by the countries of Scandinavia, Belgium, Denmark, Turkey, USA, Iceland, South Africa, Germany.

You need to know enemies by sight

Let's list the main "players" of the beer market, because we must know our enemies by sight:

And Russian TV channels broadcast powerful advertising for alcohol, especially in the evening. It would not hurt to think seriously about the meaning and significance of modern alcoholic propaganda.

What is intoxication

What is intoxication? Why does a drunk person want to sleep? Why does memory loss occur quite often the next morning? Why is it thirsty in the morning? Why is drunken conception unacceptable? Why are drunkards called "blue" or "bruised"? Why do those who drink alcohol experience redness of the nose, ears, neck? Why do alcohol drinkers have fun, euphoria?

How alcohol works

There is not a single organ in the human body that is not destroyed by alcohol. But the most dramatic changes, and in the very first place, occur in the human brain. It is there that this poison tends to accumulate. After taking a mug of beer, a glass of wine, 100 grams of vodka, the alcohol contained in them is absorbed into the bloodstream, goes to the brain with the bloodstream, and a person begins the process of intensive destruction of the cerebral cortex.

The destruction mechanism is very simple. In 1961, three American physicists Nicely, Maskawi and Pennington examined the human eye through a long-focus microscope they had made. They focused through the pupil on the smallest vessels of the retina, gave illumination from the side, and for the first time in the history of science physicists managed to look inside a human vessel and see how blood flows through the vessel.

What did the physicists see? They saw the walls of the vessel, saw leukocytes (white blood cells) and red blood cells (red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, and carbon dioxide in the opposite direction). Blood flowed through the vessels, everything was filmed. One day physicists put another client in front of a microscope, looked into his eye and gasped. In humans, blood clots were walking through the vessel: clots, gluing of erythrocytes. Moreover, in these glues they numbered 5, 10, 40, 400, up to 1000 pieces of erythrocytes. They figuratively called them grapes. Physicists were frightened, but the person sits and seems to be nothing. The second third is normal, and the fourth has blood clots again. We began to find out and found out: these two had been drinking the day before.

Physicists immediately performed a barbaric experiment. A sober man, whose vessels were all right, was given a mug of beer to drink. After 15 minutes, alcoholic gluing of erythrocytes appeared in the blood of the former sober person.

Physicists decided that they had made the greatest scientific discovery - they directly proved that alcohol coagulates blood (is a thrombus-forming agent) in human vessels, and not only in a test tube, as was known from experience. This experience, which was previously shown in school in grade 9 in biology lessons, is as follows. Water is poured into the test tube and a few drops of blood are dropped into it. Against the background of the lamp, the water turns bright orange. Immediately a few drops of vodka are dropped into this test tube and right before our eyes the blood coagulates into flakes. So, as it turned out, not only in the test tube, but also in the vessels, alcohol coagulates the blood.

Just in case, physicists turned to the medical encyclopedia and were surprised to find that medicine has been diagnosing alcohol for 300 years as a narcotic neurotropic and protoplasmic poison, that is, a poison that affects both the nervous system and all human organs; poison that destroys their structure at the cellular and molecular levels.

As you know, alcohol is a good solvent. As a solvent, it is widely used in industry in the manufacture of varnishes, polishes, in a number of chemical industries for the synthesis of paints, synthetic rubber, and others. It dissolves everything: grease, dirt, and paint … Therefore, alcohol is used in technology to degrease the surface. But after getting into the blood, alcohol also behaves like a solvent there!

What happens when alcohol (always containing alcohol) passes through the stomach and intestines into the bloodstream?

In the normal state, the outer surface of erythrocytes is covered, as it were, with a thin layer of lubricant, which is electrified when rubbed against the walls of blood vessels. Each of the erythrocytes carries a unipolar negative charge, and therefore they have the initial property of repelling each other. Liquid containing alcohol removes this protective layer and relieves electrical stress. As a result, the red blood cells, instead of repelling, begin to stick together.

At the same time, red blood cells acquire a new property: they begin to stick together, forming larger balls. The process takes place in the mode of snowballs, the size of which grows with the amount of drink. The diameter of capillaries in certain parts of the body (brain, retina) is sometimes so small that erythrocytes literally "squeeze" through them one by one, often pushing the walls of the capillaries apart. The smallest capillary diameter is 50 times thinner than a human hair, equal to 8 microns (0.008 mm), the smallest erythrocyte diameter is 7 microns (0.007 mm). Therefore, it is clear that a formation containing several red blood cells is not able to move through the capillaries. Moving along the branching arteries, and then along the arterioles of ever smaller caliber, it eventually reaches the arteriole, which has a diameter smaller than the diameter of the clot, and blocks it,completely stopping the blood flow in it, therefore, the blood supply to individual groups of neurons in the brain stops. The clots are irregular in shape and contain an average of 200-500 erythrocytes, their average size is 60 microns. There are individual clots containing thousands of red blood cells. Of course, blood clots of this size overlap arterioles of not the smallest caliber.

Due to the fact that oxygen stops flowing to the cells of the brain, hypoxia begins, that is, oxygen starvation (oxygen deficiency). It is hypoxia that is perceived by a person as a supposedly harmless state of intoxication. And this leads to "numbness", and then the death of parts of the brain. All this is subjectively perceived by those who have drunk alcohol as "freedom" from the outside world, similar to the euphoria of those released from prison after a long "release". In reality, just a part of the brain is artificially disconnected from the perception of often "unpleasant" information from the outside.

It is hypoxia that imitates freedom, the feeling of which arises in the psyche of drinking people under the influence of alcohol. It is for this feeling of freedom that everyone who drinks is drawn. But the feeling of freedom is not freedom, but the most dangerous illusion of the drinker. Having decided to "free" himself in this way from others and from problems, the drunk continues to be surrounded by people and circumstances, ceasing to be aware of his actions and thoughts.

Note that "sleep" resulting from severe intoxication is not a dream in the usual physiological sense. This is precisely the loss of consciousness due to neurochemical disorders caused by alcoholic hypoxia of the brain - an alcoholic coma. In other words, during oxygen starvation, the waking organism cannot breathe and, in order to facilitate breathing (so that the person does not die), a protective reaction of the body occurs - "sleep" in order to reduce the metabolic rate in it.

For large vessels (in the hand, in the leg), the gluing of erythrocytes at the initial stages of drinking alcohol does not pose a particular danger. Unless people who have been drinking alcohol for many years have a characteristic complexion and nose. A person has a lot of small vessels in the nose that branch out. When an alcoholic gluing of erythrocytes comes to the site of the branching of the vessel, it clogs it, the vessel swells, dies off and the nose subsequently acquires a blue-violet color because the vessel no longer works.

In everyone's head, the situation is exactly the same. The human brain is made up of 15 billion nerve cells (neurons). Each nerve cell (neuron, denoted by a triangle with a dot) ultimately feeds its own microcapillary with blood. This microcapillary is so thin that for the normal nutrition of this neuron, erythrocytes can only squeeze in one row.

But when the alcoholic gluing of erythrocytes comes to the base of the microcapillary, it clogs it, it takes 7 - 9 minutes and the next brain cell of a human neuron irrevocably and forever dies.

After each so-called "moderate" drinking, a new graveyard of dead nerve cells of neurons appears in a person's head. And when doctors - pathologists open the skull of any so-called moderately drinking person, they all see the same picture - a shrunken brain, a smaller brain in volume and the entire surface of the cerebral cortex in microscars, micromycers, structural lunges. These are all areas of the brain destroyed by alcohol.

The insidiousness of alcohol is further enhanced by the fact that the body of a young person has a significant, approximately 10-fold supply of capillaries. That is, at each moment only about 10% of all capillaries are functioning. Therefore, alcoholic disorders of the circulatory system and their consequences are not as pronounced in youth as in later years.

However, over time, the "supply" of capillaries is gradually depleted, and the consequences of alcohol poisoning become more and more tangible. With the current level of alcohol consumption, the "average" man in this respect "suddenly" faces a variety of ailments at the age of about 30 years. Most often - these are diseases of the stomach, liver, cardiovascular system. Neuroses, disorders in the genital area. However, diseases can be the most unexpected: after all, the effect of alcohol is universal, it affects all organs and systems of the human body. Some scientists believe that after 100 grams of vodka, at least 8 thousand actively working cells, mainly reproductive cells and brain cells, die forever.

Irreversible death of neurons as a result of thrombosis and microstrokes in the cerebral cortex leads to the loss of some information and to impaired short-term memory (FIRSTLY, BRAIN CELLS, which are responsible for memory, are lost, so those who have gone over the next morning do not remember anything). At the same time, the processes of processing current information become more difficult, which lead to the consolidation of the most significant part of it in the neural structures that provide long-term memory.

When doctors open up alcoholics who died from alcohol poisoning, they are surprised not at how the brain is destroyed, but at how a person could continue to live with such a brain.

Thus, we come to the important conclusion that there are NO HARMFUL DOSES OF ALCOHOL IN PRINCIPLE.

Alcohol is, as it were, invisible, but a very powerful weapon aimed at depriving a person of his mind. And if a whole nation is drinking, as our people were driven into this abyss of drunkenness, then this means depriving the mind of the whole nation and turning people from reasonable, creative, thinking, forward-focused people into just a two-legged working herd.

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov says in his lecture: “Every time a person smokes a cigarette, he destroys about 25% of his energy with the help of tobacco smoke. Moderate drinking of alcohol destroys about 50% of a person's energy. Other stronger drugs destroy more than 80% of the energy. When a person destroys more than 90% of his energy, he falls and cannot walk …"

Alcohol and offspring

The average life expectancy for women alcoholics is 10%, and for men alcoholics 15% less than non-drinkers. But these are only outward signs of alcohol harm.

In women, one of the characteristic consequences of alcoholism is the inability to breastfeed children. According to the observations of experts, this defect occurs in 30-40% of women who regularly consume alcohol. Alcoholic beverages also have a significant effect on fertility. First, alcoholism leads to early aging. A drinking woman in her 30s usually looks older, and an alcoholic turns into an old woman by the age of 40.

The negative influence of wine on offspring has been known since antiquity. Long before our days it was noted that people who drink more often have stillborn children and miscarriages. If the child was born alive, then often he lags behind in development and grows up mentally disabled.

It is no coincidence that the laws of ancient Greece and Rome prohibited young people from drinking alcohol. It was forbidden for a drunken husband to approach his wife. A law was passed on the inadmissibility of the use of wine by newlyweds.

In Russia, it has also long been considered a bad sign to drink wine at your own wedding. The connection between the health of children and the condition of their parents has also been noticed in other countries.

What is the mechanism of influence of wine on the development of the fetus?

The health of newborns depends on the conditions for the formation of the germ cells of the parents, intrauterine development, the course of childbirth and, finally, the conditions of the postpartum period. At all these stages, the contact of the fetus and the newborn with alcohol is dangerous for its physical and mental consequences, and the risk of deformity and disease is the higher, the greater the degree of alcohol exposure to the living organism. Specific forms of damage are also determined by the stage of development at which alcohol intoxication occurs.

It was found that the effect of alcohol at the stage of intrauterine development leads to the underdevelopment of the fetus or its individual organs (deformities), increased mortality of newborns.

Alcohol entering a child's body with mother's milk causes nervous disorders (including mental disorders, mental retardation), diseases of the digestive system (mainly liver), cardiovascular system, etc.

There are many reported cases of alcohol poisoning in infants due to their mothers drinking wine and beer. Why are they doing this? In most cases, the mothers of the affected children answered this question: to have more milk. This "stimulation" of milk production ended very badly: the children developed convulsive seizures, and sometimes even developed real seizures of epilepsy.

At the end of the last century, the French doctor Demme, studying the offspring of families of alcoholics, found that almost 50% of their children died in early childhood, and of the remaining 10% suffered from epilepsy and dropsy of the head, 12% grew up idiots and only 10% were healthy.

A woman who drinks alcohol … This is a disaster in itself. No wonder the people say: "The husband drinks - half the house is on fire, the wife drinks - the whole house is on fire." But how does a mother feel, knowing that her child was born defective through her fault?

A woman should not drink a single gram of alcohol. There should be no exceptions! It's like a law! A woman preparing to become a mother cannot fail to know that at the beginning of its development the fetus does not yet have an independent blood circulation and that when taking any doses of alcohol, its concentration in the blood of the mother and the fetus is the same.

The origin of vodka

I. G. Pryzhov in his historical work noted that artificial (i.e. obtained by distillation) strong alcohol (al-kegol - the spirit of wine) was first discovered by an Arab physician and chemist ar-Razi (Razes), who was born in 860 …

The discovery of a method for obtaining an intoxicating wine base, which turned out to be a transparent, volatile, flammable liquid with a great ability to dissolve various substances and not freezing even in severe frosts, was a truly epochal discovery. After all, it was the extraction of the "spirit of wine" (in Latin "spiritus blame"). Hence the old Russian name Spiritus, or later alcohol. In French, alcohol is still called "exprideven" - "spirit of wine".

Having obtained the first vial of quintessence, the alchemists were amazed at its amazing properties. Having tested the effect of the liquid on themselves, the daring experimenters unanimously declared it a miraculous balm. We will return to the miraculous properties discovered in it by medieval aesculapians, as already mentioned, when considering the medical component of this phenomenon. In the meantime, note that in the XIII century vodka appears in Europe and until the XVI century is used as a medicine or essence and is sold in pharmacies. As an alcoholic "drink", this potion (green wine) became known in Russia only in the 16th century.

The myth of the eternal Russian drunkenness

For the first time vodka appeared in Russia only five centuries ago. It was brought by Genoese merchants in 1428. The Russians had nothing to do with the invention of vodka, this "honor" belongs to the Arabs who are not friends with alcohol today. Moreover, immediately after the Russians got acquainted with vodka, it was banned. Russian tsars, as a rule, pursued an anti-alcohol policy. At the time of the powerful rise of Russia in the 15th and 17th centuries, Russians were the most sober nation in the world. Even foreigners who visited Russia in those years noted that a sober lifestyle was a national trait of our ancestors.

Russians began to drink vodka only in the middle of the 16th century, when, at the behest of Ivan the Terrible, the first "Tsar's tavern" was opened in the First See. True, at first the strength of vodka was not at all the same as it is now, only 14 degrees.

Note also that until the end of the 19th century, vodka and other alcoholic beverages in Russia could only be bought in drinking houses, popularly nicknamed by the taverns. Due to this, only a very narrow stratum of the population drank, since it was only allowed to take it on the chest in the tavern itself. Thus, drunkenness became a habit of the Russian people in those years and there was no question.

This habit began to be vigorously instilled first by the great Peter I, himself a great drinker (which, among other things, he learned in enlightened Europe), and then by Catherine the Great.

In addition, the widespread planting of taverns was carried out in the interests of replenishing the royal treasury. After all, each pub owner was taxed accordingly.

Already in those days, all the best minds in Russia realized what this policy was leading to and began to sound the alarm. Every now and then there were calls for the government to stop drinking alcohol. The Orthodox Church began to excommunicate drunkards from communion. Voluntary temperance societies sprang up everywhere. The apogee of this reaction was in 1858-59 the anti-alcohol riot, which took place in 32 provinces of Russia. The Russian people themselves (supposedly a primordial drinker) demanded that the government close the taverns.

All these efforts led to some restrictions on Russia's drinking policy under Tsar Alexander III, but then the alcohol consumption curve began to rise again and by 1914 reached the level of 4.7 liters per capita (compare with the current 14 liters). Note that the level of alcohol consumption in Europe and America in those years was twice as high as in Russia.

For a clearer picture, let us give the following fact: In the so-called "drinking" Russia, just 100 years ago, 95% of children under 18, 90% of women and 43% of men were absolute teetotalers (that is, they had never tasted alcohol in their entire lives). This fact alone can be nailed to the pillory of those who spread the myth about the genetic addiction of the Slavs to alcohol.

With the outbreak of the First World War, a "dry law" was declared in Russia, which lasted until 1925. But even after that, no excessive alcohol consumption was even close to being observed. In 1932 we barely made it to 1 liter per year per capita, in 1950 this figure increased to 1.85 liters. Those. under Stalin, the Russian people led a completely sober lifestyle.

In the following years, the level of alcohol consumption in our country began to rise slowly but surely. But even so, the Soviet Union remained one of the most sober states in the world. In those years, a Soviet person consumed 3 times less pure alcohol than an Englishman, 7 times less than an American and 10 times less than a Frenchman. However, no one has ever heard of the genetically drunken French or Americans. And we have heard about Russian drunks all over the world.

So where did the myth that Russians are a drinking nation come from?

Everything is very simple. It was invented by those who benefit from our people consuming alcohol as much as possible, i.e. alcohol market players. It was they who, until recently, almost every minute drove this myth into our consciousness with the help of various advertising.

Of course, not only businessmen were interested in this myth, but also the primordial enemies of the Russian people. They have long considered the alcoholization of Russia as one of the types of weapons directed against us.

This weapon has been actively used against the Russian people since the early 90s. All the locks for the soldering of Russia were opened. Streams of foreign liquor began to flow into the country. The Russian vodka mafias also succeeded, flooding the market with a cheap substitute. The worst thing is that the Church actively joined in this process, which, using the right of duty-free import of alcohol, began to actively use this right.

This is how the record 14 liters (according to unofficial data - more than 21) per capita were achieved and one of the first places in the world.

Thus, the myth about the eternal Russian drunkenness is a lie. The age of our drunkenness coincides with the age of democracy and liberalism in Russia. Conclusions suggest themselves.

Sober Russia

In the first, and only up to the present time, I. Pryzhov's detailed study on the history of drinking and drunkenness in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus from the end of the 1st millennium AD. e. and until the mid-1860s, inclusive, contains comprehensive summaries of information on the study of drunkenness in Russia.

In his work, I. G. Pryzhov reports that "… drunkenness in pre-Moscow Russia was not, there was no such thing as a vice that corrodes the national organism." It was not because, firstly, the Russians used only low-degree "drinks": mash, honey, kvass (strength 1-6%), the intoxication from which is not strong and lasts for a relatively short time. Since the 10th century, wine imported from Byzantium was also known in Russia, but due to its high cost it was available mainly to the city nobility and rich people, who, nevertheless, like ordinary people, mostly consumed local "drinking". It is known that wines do not exceed 11% in strength, and until the 12th century, wine in Russia "was used only diluted with water, just as it was drunk in Greece and Byzantium" (the Greeks diluted wine with water in a ratio of 1: 3 or 2: 5) …

Secondly, the alcoholic products used were, as a rule, home-made (that is, only the one who made it drank) and it was not accepted to get drunk: “It is unthinkable for a person who has emerged from a wild state to be at home or in a at home he drank drunken drink and so that, drinking alone, everyone drank ….

Drunkenness, Pryzhov believes, has always been considered a vice in Russia, and the abuse of alcohol was condemned and made fun of.

One of the favorites in the Russian feast was a joke with crayfish, which was served to an intemperate guest in order to behave more inappropriately. A huge silver platter, on which was a hefty heap of red crayfish sprinkled with herbs, instantly attracted attention. As soon as a careless, drunk guest tried to turn out a claw or break a shell, the cancer began to actively move, frightening the guest. The rest of the guests laughed heartily at his cries. The secret of this rally is quite simple: shortly before serving, the crayfish were put into vodka, where they fell asleep, changing the color of the shell to red, as if it had already been cooked.

Russian proverbs and sayings

There was Ivan, and now there was Blockhead, and all the wine is to blame.

The path of the spring is not a road, but a drunken speech to a conversation.

The heroes drown in a puddle of vodka.

Drinking vodka is ruining yourself.

Vodka does not heal, but cripples.

Vodka without fire will burn the mind.

He fell in love with wine - he ruined the family.

Wine comes - shame goes away.

Where there is wine, there is bitterness.

Hunger and cold have trodden the way to the tavern.

Where drunkenness is, there is crime.

The pub was built - grief and trouble.

Whoever gets drunk with a mash, he washes with tears.

He who loves wine destroys his heart.

You can't get enough of a drunkard at seven.

Drink and walk - no good to see.

A drunkard among the people is like a weed in a vegetable garden.

A drunk with a sieve measures money, but if he sleeps, there is nothing to buy a sieve with.

The drunkard doesn’t go by himself.

The river begins with a stream, and drunkenness begins with a glass.

To be friends with vodka is to live health.

Cups and glasses will be brought to your purse.

The cups are faceted, and the hut is collapsed.

A drunken man has seven cages, but one wattle will sleep.

From a sober man, his fists chop wood, from a drunk man he does not take an ax.

Grabbed some wine - the fellow was gone.

Who solders us and why?

Many times and in many countries of the world, scientists raised the issue of recognizing alcohol and tobacco as drugs at the state level and extending the law on the protection of the population from drug addiction to them, but each time there were powerful forces that did not allow governments to make such a decision. This means that someone is interested in being produced and, most importantly, used (otherwise, why produce) Who is he? The answer is clear: the one who produces and sells alcohol and tobacco, who profits from them.

In our country, this is the state. And it has a group of people directly interested in this. First of all, these include the alcoholic mafia, which contains a powerful lobby that creates conditions for illegal income into its pocket, bypassing the state, of such amounts that give it the opportunity to bribe everyone who gets in its way. These are high-level government officials, these are all types of controllers and auditors, store directors, law enforcement officers of the media. The latter not only keep silent about these crimes, but, most importantly, skillfully and constantly hammer people into the consciousness that life without alcohol is unthinkable, that all big and small, bad and good events should be celebrated with abundant wine drinking, that is, they program the population's need for alcohol.

BI Iskakov, head of the Department of Statistics at the Plekhanov Economic Institute in Moscow, calculated (data for 1985) that 10-11 billion rubles annually enter the pockets of the alcoholic mafia. This money is the shadow capital that has broken through to power: As you can see, the amount is not small. It is worth fighting for it, soldering as many people as possible.

The second, no less powerful force, striving to make our people drunk, is the international financial campaigns, and first of all the American ones, which, as now documented, decided to destroy Russia and destroy the Russian people in order to turn our country into their colony. And for this, the soldering of the people, including representatives of the upper echelons of power, is an indispensable and main condition for the implementation of their diabolical plan. They, these campaigns, act in concert with our alcoholic mafia and it is possible that they lead it.

The third force pushing us into the abyss are traitors and unprincipled people who find themselves in the echelons of power at all levels. Like all mediocre leaders, they believe that drunken people are easier to manage. Secondly, not knowing how and not wanting to rule the country in the interests of the people, so that they are not recognized, they solder the people, which with drunken eyes will not be able to consider for a long time - who is they leading?

And, finally, the fourth force is the millions of drinkers who, with their delusional brains, cannot realize the full severity of the consequences of the influence of alcohol. And they themselves do not want to part with an alcoholic pacifier. That is why everyone on his "site" does everything so that the sale of alcohol does not stop.

Writers, journalists and even some scientists, who involuntarily, and more often deliberately, cultivate drunkenness in their works and articles play a particularly detrimental role in keeping drunkenness going. Those who get us drunk, or contribute to this, have different motives, but the goal is the same: for the sake of profit, personal selfish goals, they are ready to drown our entire people in an alcoholic swamp.

But it is one thing to promote alcohol production or to keep silent about its harmful effects by increasing the production of alcohol, and drinking it is another. After all, no one forces you to drink by force. People drink when they want to. But what about "wanting"? How does the mafia make people thirsty?

A whole system has been developed here, which millions of people do not even suspect. The Mafia, having thoroughly studied the laws of supply and demand, as well as the properties of alcohol as a drug, insinuatingly and imperceptibly directs the desires of people along a path favorable to it. Mechanisms of artificial increase in demand are known, which in turn leads to an increase in supply. By increasing the production of alcoholic products, the mafia is seeking to increase the demand for them and consumption, actively influencing the consciousness of people through all the media, especially cinema and television. A psychological attitude is created, according to which every “self-respecting” person should drink in “appropriate conditions”. Otherwise - "not culturally", "not accepted", etc. And here voluntary mafia agents in all strata of society are actively connected with hackneyed phrases: "What,Will a glass of vodka or a glass of wine hurt you? Will he become an alcoholic? " “It’s not sociable”; "Don't you respect us?" - and so on, and so on. Ori this, as everyone is well aware, the struggle is "for the first glass." For the second - everyone will confirm this - no one is fighting anymore. Why? Because this is not required.

The second stage begins - how to get a person to drink more and more often. Here the propaganda of "moderate doses" and "cultural drinking" is used. Usually they say: “Nobody forces you to be a drunkard, but you can drink“in moderation”,“for fun”,“to get rid of stress”,“forget yourself for a while,”you can”; “Still, cultured people drink - you watch a movie, read books”; "Nobody recommends you to get drunk, but drink a glass with friends, two - it won't make you a drunkard," etc., etc. A person, having drunk a "moderate dose" once or twice, already willingly organizes feasts on his own assuring himself that the "moderate dose" drunk will not harm him, that he is in good control so as not to "drink too much."

Already 90 years ago, the issue of "moderate" doses was subjected in Russia to a comprehensive scientific study - at the first congress of the Union for the Fight against Drunkenness in 1910, Izh harm was covered in the literature quite fully. And those who in our time, fighting against sobriety, impose "moderate" and "cultural" doses on us, do so not out of ignorance.

The participants in the congress believed that all the social troubles of our time were grouped in the alcohol issue, and that in the correct understanding of the importance of propaganda of "moderate doses" lies the solution to the alcohol problem itself.

The congress expressed the point of view of the entire progressive Russian intelligentsia on the propaganda of "moderate" doses as dangerous and harmful for the people and the country, the need to fight for a complete revival, that is, for "dry law", was expressed.

However, our press and mass media have for many years kept silent about these decisions of the congress of the best and most cultured people of Russia, which are historic in their significance. And since the mid-50s, having completely fallen under the influence of the alcoholic mafia, they began to pursue a Russophobic line in LIFE, imposed, as can be judged from the secret information that was only recently, by Western countries, and primarily the United States.

Implementing the CIA's plans to destroy Russia and exterminate the Russian people, the mass media in the hands of the mafia began to energetically solder the population, again using the propaganda of "moderate" and "cultural" wine drinking. As a result, in a short time, the level of per capita alcohol consumption in Russia has dramatically increased and it has become the world leader in this indicator. By the beginning of the 90s, we came to alcoholic genocide: when hundreds of thousands more people die every year than are born. Despite the impending mortal danger of the complete destruction of the country and people and the transformation of us into a miserable colony of imperialist states, millions of Russians, including the intellectual part of them, which constitutes the brain of the nation, continue to drink "in moderation" and "culturally." At the same time, everyone repeats in a braided tongue: "When I want, then I will stop drinking."But the fact of the matter is that he can no longer "want" to quit drinking, since he is entirely in alcohol dependence, programmed for drunkenness. The country has come to a demographic collapse, the main reason for which is the purposefully created alcoholism of the people.